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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Yes, its weird thats its not already an option to be honest :astonished:
  2. From a new player its make no sence. Of sweet this skill block! Use the skill, attavk still go threw, welp I guess the skill does not really block its lame. Unblockable its just a unfun and a layer of complexity thats is too much. Make certain huge skill unblockable fine but not a buff isssh that trigger unblockable on any skill.
  3. Quick question do you have a golemancer rune on your aqua breather aswell? Yep! I even double check before posting, just in case.
  4. Can we stop those doom day tread already? Wheres are people good vibe an excitement? Were getting a new expac its time for celebration, not worry and death tread! Im happy we got a new expac, even more that is cantha! Cant wait to see what we gonna get in the 4th expac after cantha!
  5. Hey if they want to make a 4th expension after this one, I will probably buy the collector edition, and surely the 5th one too, so thats that.
  6. A boat load of fresh blood, thats the best in my opinion. More player = more money for anet = more investement for gw2. Its a win win for everybody!
  7. The golem does not spawn underwater, but he is clearly design to be able. If the player go underwater after the golem spawn on the ground, the said golem will follow without any trouble or glitch. He even have a full set of skill and underwater animation. Also the golem use to drop from the sky when he was spawn. Dont know if its a bug that hes doesnt anymore, but its was cool and would like to see this animation return. Its was way more immersive and badass. I know its not a popular rune, but as an engineer golemancer, I needed to make those bug known. Please anet fix it! I beg of you! Still tho thank for the wonderfull change you made to this rune. Having a perma golem is a dream come true!
  8. I do agree, one of the thing that did make me start guild wars 2 was the sensation of playing with in a painting!
  9. In this order: -1. Player housing (huge and well rounded. Not too grindy and easly accesible.) -2. A Golemancer elite specialisation, focus on support and maybe condi damage, using a staff, for the engineer. (I know, I know, but a small Asura can dream.) -3. Big and beautifull open world map. (With a lot of attention to detail, a lot of jumping puzzle, some secret hidden away. If possible good side quest)
  10. Im 100% for this, the solid ocean fractal is the best/worst example of this. I consider this more a bug than anything else, so yeah can we have a fix for this, I think its about time
  11. Always and will awlays support any thread about news dungeons. So yeah news dungeon like vanilla please!
  12. That's what makes it appealing to many players, including myself. I'll never get those annoying flashy legendary trinkets, because they are present all the time and can't even be deactivated. I totally love the Otter's Blessing for being so subtle. So please don't change anything! <3 I agree with you. Flash war 2 is already welp... too flashy XD I love new skin and effect which are less in youre face. Dont change it please!
  13. Some people asked, some didn't. I personally believe the vocal minority won out. You have dozens of other maps without map wide meta events. Let the “vocal minority” have the few maps that have them. Who's taking any thing away??????? Not me. I am sure it's going to be a permanent part of the game. Just don't need to see anymore.Dont need to fight gang both style are leggit and fun in their own way. But I agree for the next one a more relax map would be welcome. Dont get me wrong I enjoy a meta map, but a more exploration focus map would be welcome, no zerk, no world boss, no giga event with 50 people. Just some relax exploration. And than after we can have another meta focus map I dont mind.
  14. Humans could turn into bears in the first game though! It was part of the Norn skills you could get. Just like how Asura had a similar line of skills. The shapeshifting isn't a racial thing it's a blessing from a spirit, I suppose warband support would have to be renamed to be more generic but other than that I could see it working. Lorewise, it makes no sense for;Races other than charr to have Warbands (With exception of norn due to the personal story option where you end up being an honourary Warband member...)Races other than human to receive gifts from the human gods.Races other than asura to have access to personal golems (While, yes, all races can pilot a golem mech suit, not all races will have ready access to one, unlike the asura who build their own as part of their culture and schooling)Races other than sylvari to be able to produce plantlife and mordrem minions (Fern Hounds) at will and summon druid spirits or growing roots into the ground...Arguably, races other than norn having access to transformations (Yes, it was a thing for humans in GW1 and there are some hearts in GW2 where a Havroun can allow someone to become an animal but it's often mentioned in game that its a uniquely norn thing to be able to transform, especially given that their lives revolve heavily around praying and paying respects to the spirits and even going into the mists to help defend them) - Especially for charr whom are atheistic to the fullest as well as asura who'd sooner run experiments on the spirits than respect them (There may also be something to be said about sylvari potentially being immune to transformation by the nature of being dragon minions, just like how they can't be turned by other dragons - I.e. They can't become Risen/Destroyers/Frostborn/Branded) And then, even if we ignore all this and somehow write in the ability for all these things to be feasible across all races... All it surmounts to, is a generic mastery line with fancy race themed effects. Since if it's not specifically designed around a race and locked to them, it's not really a "Racial" mastery. Not to mention the adverse effects it could have on balancing too, such as trying to balance PvP/WvW around everyone having access to Snow Leopard form and thus stealth (Y'all wanna deal with Reapers/Rev's popping out of stealth and murdering your face?)I care about lore at a certain exctend, but tgis is a game and I care way more about fun and gameplay. Lore should never prevent fun new mechanic. But that said yes please yes I want to pilot my golem as a main engineer asura :(
  15. Fair enought... I regret my complaint after what you said...
  16. So... including the prologue, yes they did? Kind of, the prologue would have been a great expansion opening. But they did drop the ball after. But Im a fair person I give credit were credit is due, prologue was excellent. If only they would have keep the momentum...
  17. Sadly they abandoned the branching paths of classic guild wars 2 I was sure we got a choice, but in the end I was just disappointed instead of chocked by the event that follow (no spoiler)
  18. I hope this is not what they were talking about... Didnt unlock yet but at firat glance look underwhelming if it is...
  19. Hey welcome abort if you still need help or just chatting feal free to message me!
  20. The more they try to balance pvp the less fun pve become... The change trait and skill to be less OP in pvp yet they become unusable in pve like skull 5 of holo...
  21. Good and fun map to explore, with lot of hidden stuff Golemancer spec, with a staff, focis on support for the engineer. Houssing, I love guild decoration, but its too big and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too costy. So something more manageable for solo or duo player please. New type of mastery, I dont want more mount I want something different. Maybe a double jump or a grappling hook like in titanfall. New race, the tengu Real first person mode (oky this one is almost impossible but I would love this :3) More golem... MORE GOLEM O.O
  22. Its a dungeon, not everybody go in try hard mode in dungeon. XD
  23. This game does not need more gemstore item... If we could obtain glidder and mount skin in game (not via credit card or gold convert), I would not mind, but this is not the realiy.
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