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Everything posted by Dreamreaver.4908

  1. So many things to thumb up in this thread, my hands are starting to cramp...
  2. 35 Energy is too high for anything outside of elite skills. I thought we've already been through this... Justified if the skill pulses though, which would make it a devastating self-chaining CC. But I highly doubt it. And also, because if it doesn't pulse, that cuts out about 16+ stacks of Torment out of the rotation alone.
  3. Love the trait and wouldn't change it, except for one thing. I feel it could use a radius increase just so it can hit things more reliably. At least against any moving target.
  4. I would like scepter to not sound like you're hitting things with a pretzel.
  5. Dagger buffs in PvE (Since this is the necro section and all :) )
  6. Same. I literally choose the three easiest/ fastest options, and then I'm off to fractals. I'm all for adding more options though to be for those who find dailies thrilling, but please don't complicate what's already there, as I have a laziness quota to maintain. :p For some of us, quite literally, "Ain't nobody got time for dat."
  7. Eh... I don't feel they really go "buff this thing, but because if this, nerf something else to compensate". Unless it'd result in something broken on paper of course. Rather, I feel as if they look at everything, and so it seems like things are falling into place that way. There's been a lot of complaints about burst with little tells for quite a while (Glint, Shiro). I could see them working on that in a problematic way while also feeling condition builds, completely unrelated, are uneerrepresented or underperforming; and so they'd end up nerfing one thing and buffing another.
  8. Truuue. Well, again. As long as it does nothing more than allow you to choose other utility skills while excluding actual trait choices, sure!
  9. Anything but a 4th trait line! x.x Because I know I'd totally just use said line for my original profession and would create an unstoppable force with no trade-offs.
  10. basically he was a monster when it came down to condi, he would become more powerful the more condis put on him and then either throw them back or simply heal off of them. There was so much more to his kit and with the current way the game is played in pvp and wvw he would be a monster; Able to wade into sandshades and all the condition damage builds out there and hard counter them. His one counter are power builds, or were power builds and he had alot of synergies with other legends which as of now he does not have. They neutered him because they thought he was too power-creeped, and now we have PoF. Frankly even reverting him wouldn't be enough as he would need more done to his skills to make them worth using but it would be a step in the right direction. They didn't say it was because he was too strong. I played with that version of Mallyx and I want him back too, but it was because allies would pull or cleanse condi from the revenant and keep weakening them, creating tension in groups because the revenant couldn't sustain their intended playstyle. Plus, this would be much harder to do now with Demonic Defiance nerfed as it is. Revenants would need more uptime on resistance if we wanted the old Mallyx back, or we'd be forced into concentration builds. They could rework him so that condition damage just didn't effect him at all within the stance; This or they could make it that once a condition is dumped on the rev it changes into a special benefit and is no longer effected by cleanses? There has to be a way to allow the playstyle, might be hard to figure out but im sure there is a work-around to make it a playstyle in the current game.That's a bit too passive, I feel. At the very least, condition damage and/ or effect mitigation should be on something that requires energy upkeep. Otherwise you could AFK in Mallyx and not die to things that do condition damage and no power damage behind it. It'd be game breaking. I however do feel like Mallyx base resistance values in both Pain Absorption and Demonic Defiance could use even just 1 extra second of base resistance. And Replenishing Despair needs to not be awful, and/ or provide specific additional healing when you're inflicted by Torment specifically. I mean, Mallyx is supposed to be the Torment master after all.
  11. Oh I could definitely get behind that. In its current iteration, for it to be the main condition legend, you tend to get dominated by conditions. One boon strip and you're already pretty much dead. :( That or you're always out of energy trying not to be and so can't do anything anyways until your legend swap recharges.
  12. How did Mallyx function back in the beta days? Unfortunately, the wiki only goes back so far when it comes to skills and descriptions.
  13. I'd be fine with the "secondary profession" concept extending to utility skills only. If traits were included as well, it'd be a balancing nightmare.
  14. 10% to all stats in PvE.15% to all stats in PvP and WvW. Would it otherwise be too strong in PvE or something? I like big NUMBERS, and I cannot lie! Definitely wouldn't object to an unsplit.
  15. See, this is why you should be able to just step on them.
  16. Raids are easy to you because you and nine other people all know the mechanics. ... That's it.
  17. I heard there's hundreds of Achievement Points locked away in iit, so if I could play it, I would.
  18. Been thinking about this for a while, though lately, my recent attempt to make a character look like cute, lil' ol' Lady Camilla ended in failure, as it turns out, she has a skin tone that's not selectable in the Total Makeover Kit. Her complexion has a darker yellow to it that I've wanted to be able to choose since it matches the Champagne hair color perfectly! (Also can't 100% match her character height either, but that's whatever). I feel it'd also be a good fit for more Asian-themed characters. ... Or Canthan-themed. Now, we also have a very dark skin, Dark 5, that's nearly monochromatic. It'd be nice to also have a super white skin! Like for making vampires, close to Light 13, but also colorless. Unfortunately, infusions that change skin color seem to remove all contrast from a character's face and features, so I don't really get behind those much. And since every now and then we get releases that add hair color and eye color to the Total Makeover Kit, could there be new skin color options too? Just a suggestion.
  19. I'm a bit curious how that account name passed, but if you're around, I'll look for you.
  20. A "custom dye" would be tier 2 enough for me. I have a horrible habit of getting hooked on weapons in which simply no color available quite matches. So, something like a gem store exclusive dye that functions like dial settings like the total makeover kit except for just making a preset dye would work wonders for my fashion-specific OCD.
  21. As much as I love the Inquest, I feel like we need a break from them as they seem to be involved in everything. Subject Alpha alone seems like too shallow of a villain and necessitates a "big bad".
  22. GW2 has far less skills and combinations to consider per class than GW1, and yet it feels like it's balanced way worse to me. ... Maybe I just have nostalgia glasses on.
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