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Everything posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. I think EoD really needs:1) To add another weapon to all Elite Specs.2) Add Tengu.3) Make a Racial Specialization Trait Line so racial skills can be on par with prof. skills.4) Revamp Revenant to use Racial Skills and provide a non-legend stance.5) Make personality more meaningful in the game.6) Create a Guild vs Guild game style.7) Reintroduce LW 1
  2. If every class had the same health and armor, than that would change the theme and balance of the classes, wouldn't it? How would that change the theme? A class is tankly or glass though its gear combo build more then any thing else. By letting all classes have the same hp / armor you would get away from class just simply getting free hp / armor over other classes that done there by letting them build more glassly. In an odd way the high tankly classes though the current hp / def system are more able to go glassly then the lower hp / def making them more likely to build tankly. These class didn't start with nor will end with GW2. All of these are traditional archetypes throughout the fantasy lore. Warrior/Fighters or Paladins always had Heavy Plate or Chainmail, Thieves or Rangers / Rouges wore medium/ Leather Armor, and Scholars/Mages wore robes/ Light Armor. One doesn't just and change a whole 100 years of story telling and mythical lore for nothing without expecting a major shift in continuity. Even in games that allow changes, its explained and put in a slightly different box. You both are absolutely right that it's a very old concept, indeed thematically tied to the classic archetypes you described.But gameplaywise there's imo some real big flaws on how ANet has implemented an arbitrary system tied to both AR and HP! Sure, you'd obviously expect more Armor Rating / Defence on a full plated body armor worn by a frontline archetype (like a warrior) than a mesmer in the backline wearing nothing more than a nightgown. But Health, well, I don't see any thematical or even logical reasoning behind the system that is in place now (i.e. it's not like something far more logical like: if you wear Heavy Amor, you move slower: I'm happy that's not in the game, btw. It would hurt the game a lot!).I mean take the Guardian, by new people often seen as a Paladin archetype. Yes you would expect them to have sturdy armor, but no, I would never expect them to have the lowest base health pool out there ... Or a Necromancer ... it's in the name even: death should be it's specialty, and it is the furthest away from it with the largest health pool out there! There's only gameplay reasons why they have set differences in Health Pools, which leads to lesser choice once you've chosen your class, and the stigmas that come with it in the community. So, I'm a real advocate of removing those base health pool differences. (Again, combined with an extensive balance pass!).Armor Rating is a different story. Yea, you could set those to one and the same AR for all classes, I don't think it would actually hurt the game that much (probably even improve it), but like mentioned above, this one is thematically far more tied to these classic archetypes. It's somewhat comparable to the whole idea of wielding a shield, but not getting extra defence from it. It just feels a bit weird.Think of it as training and efficiency. If you're a mage in heavy armor, not only are you not trained to Fight in that armor, you don't have the prowess need to cast your sophisticated spells. Warriors don't fight in non heavy armor because it makes no sense not to. Plus, the class with more close combat experience seems to be hardiy and durable. Thieves don't get touched.
  3. If every class had the same health and armor, than that would change the theme and balance of the classes, wouldn't it? How would that change the theme? A class is tankly or glass though its gear combo build more then any thing else. By letting all classes have the same hp / armor you would get away from class just simply getting free hp / armor over other classes that done there by letting them build more glassly. In an odd way the high tankly classes though the current hp / def system are more able to go glassly then the lower hp / def making them more likely to build tankly.These class didn't start with nor will end with GW2. All of these are traditional archetypes throughout the fantasy lore. Warrior/Fighters or Paladins always had Heavy Plate or Chainmail, Thieves or Rangers / Rouges wore medium/ Leather Armor, and Scholars/Mages wore robes/ Light Armor. One doesn't just and change a whole 100 years of story telling and mythical lore for nothing without expecting a major shift in continuity. Even in games that allow changes, its explained and put in a slightly different box.
  4. I hope we stick with 9 classes. I think all the class themes can be touched on by the Elite Specializations. Right now, what ever class you can think of from any fantasy story, you can tie into one of the 9 classes, which is what I like the most.
  5. If every class had the same health and armor, than that would change the theme and balance of the classes, wouldn't it?
  6. Everything isn't about advantages or bonuses. Somethings are just about satisfaction. Plenty of players would just be satisfied to play a Tengu.
  7. Nothing in the game has a skeleton. It is not how game modeling works. It has a form and in that form there is nothing. You do see some skeletons in game production, used to design motion but it is not needed in the actual game. It is the outside of the body what matters. That means Tengu can't be based on the Charr model and Largos not on the Humanoid model. They would still require a redesign of all armor in the game. I think a lot of us knew what was meant. I think it was funny that you cam for his neck... ??
  8. Yes it will cost time and money, neither of those Anet will be able to earn back.People against a new race would rather see time and money go to something else they might enjoy. It doesn't matter what people who are against it think. Once it's done it's done, and they can move on to discuss the next debate. People were against a new class, mounts, and new zones, and build templates. Those things came and went. A new Race could come out too and people will forget they complained.
  9. This is half the problem with a lot of suggestions on here. People like to vastly underestimate how difficult things are. Everything is easy or doable if you just dismiss or handwave all the hard bits and downsides about them. I could do it right, if they hired me and gave me a team I could direct.
  10. I see people complaining about Tengu's armor, story, and voice lines. I think all of these are easy to work out. Yes it's going to take time and money, but it's not impossible. I say, just do the darn thing. If they can create mounts in this game, they can create a race. No one is asking for perfection, but with game like this, they can always make improvements with each future game update.
  11. The best and most wanted ideas for the next Elites are: **Warrior/ Staff > Dual Pistols > Focus > main hand Shield.**Guardian/ War Horn > Offhand Sword > offhand Scepter > main hand Focus**Revenant/ Great Sword > Scepter > Focus > Dual Pistols > Main hand Axe**Ranger/ Hammer > Rifle > Shield > Focus > offhand Sword > Scepter > Dual Pistols **Engineer/ Offhand Dagger > Mace > Focus > Staff > Great Sword**Thief/ Torch > Offhand Sword > Dual Mace > Focus > Great Sword > Dual Axes**Elementalist/ Long Bow > Great Sword > Offhand Scepter > Main hand Focus > **Mesmer/ Short Bow > War Horn > Main hand Pistol > Dual Daggers **Necromancer/ Shield > Hammer > offhand Axe > Rifle > Main hand Sword
  12. I think they could use Staff for that with Javelin/spear weapon skin.
  13. I always saw The Beast being a Mesmer. Not for me, picked guardian cause of the blue magic. Pink doesn’t really fit. If it was red or purple it would make more sense. Plus I picked it cause you can used torches on it and there are candelabra torches, plus they can also use focus and there is a mirror focus. Mesmers can use Tourchs and Focus, but have pick magic. Mesmers also can wear light armor like Beast does.
  14. This is already in the game. It's a hidden trait line that come from when you pick the profession and it determines your skills, weapons, and specializations
  15. I would agree with that line up.It would balance out some problems with guardian, elementalist buildcraft and mesmers would be a bit more squishy.High health engineer could be problematic though. So how about High: Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior.Medium: Elementalist, Elem., Guardian.Low: Mesmer, Thief, Revenant.?
  16. Have you ever thought about creating characters from other media or lore into GW2? If you did, what class would they be and what build would they have? I myself have thought about making He-Man, Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and the Shape Shifter from LOTR. I'm trying to come up with a loadout. ?
  17. I disagree. I think it should be: High: Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior. Medium: Mesmer, Engineer, Revenant. Low: Elementalist, Thief, Guardian.Guardian has on going regeneration where as Revenant doesn't. Ele has access to a healing attunement where Mesmer doesn't have ample healing options. I think Rangers should be mored hardy compared to Engineer. I even think they should change the profession choosing screen to reflect this so you would have armor classes going from heavy to light and hip going from high to low. Warrior, Revenant, Guardian Ranger, Engineer, Thief Necro, Mesmer, Elem.I think this really reflects the difference between classes.
  18. Before you say "go look for past post"... I did. I notice that there a trend with professions alternating between armored types and health levels. Warriors are the most protective and durable and elementalist are the least protective and least durable. But with the medium armored classes, there seems to be only moderate durability and the least durable Thief. I know that Ranger has a pet and Engineer no real justification to have more health, but could either of them change to be the high health bearer?
  19. Every profession had an Elona themed elite spec except Rev. Really? I didn't notice. Some were a bit more obvious about it than others, but yeah, they all had fluff tying them to Elona or the desert in general except for the Renegade.I guess I don't see how Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Elementalist, or Guardian fit the "Elona Theme". I can see how Necro, Warrior, and Mesmer were, but that a few compared to most. Even with HOT, I feel only a few felt work well in the Jungle. I think if they could do it over, they would probably put more thought into they flavors of the elites to match the expansion locations. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.
  20. Every profession had an Elona themed elite spec except Rev. Really? I didn't notice.
  21. When I think of Warriors using Staff as a Melee weapon I think of this: @ 5:28New World does a great job implementing Spears, but we don't actually have to have Spears, since GW2 is known for making weapons do what they want them to do ?.
  22. When I think of Warriors using Staff as a Melee weapon I think of this: @ 5:28New World does a great job implementing Spears, but we don't actually have to have Spears, since GW2 is known for making weapons do what they want them to do ?.
  23. Once upon a time these forums were filled with posts that said there would never be mounts and to stop flogging a dead horse asking for them... I guess you were not around then... Except mounts didn't requires Anet to rework all their available armor skins to implement ... a new race like Tengu most likely does. Considering how LITTLE value adding a new race to the game actually has ... it's very likely you won't see it being playable. So what are you gonna say if they add it to the game? I'm just curious. I probably won't be around if they do ... a company that adds such low value content to a game over something more meaningful doesn't deserve my patronage or anyone else's. I feel ya! Every man's trash is another man's treasure. I think this would be worth it to so many people. Sorry that you'd leave if they add it.
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