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Salt Mode.3780

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Everything posted by Salt Mode.3780

  1. That in the actual? A DE is complaining about Mesmers being able to stealth for longer periods...and issues with "escape"...?
  2. Look for the sake of argument lets just all agree that anet are incompetent and cannot balance their professions/espec. Whoever worked on them are long gone and now have new staff members who dont know how the profession/espec work and probably got bullied to the breaking point to implement these changes.
  3. Based on catalyst and the recent balance changes including the balance patches over the years do you think its realistic for them to implement weapon swap for Ele...?
  4. That was in early to mid HoT days, chrono got nerfed hard end of HoT days for the upcoming PoF, and ever since has not made it back to meta.
  5. Again ill state the difference between mirage dodge vs normal dodge. Normal dodge will not get hindered by movement/mobility like chill/slow, the distance is still made. MC trades that distance for being able to dodge while CC, if you are stunned/dazed/feared/etc you cannot perform any offensive actions unless you break out of it. At the same time it is susceptible to chill/slow and NO distance. I dont expect for mirage to ever get the 2nd dodge back however this does not justify that they dont return the stuff that was nerfed prior to when we had both our dodges. iWarlock is complete dog, the only use it had prior to nerf was that it generates 2 clones.
  6. I mean if that was the case remove any damage warclaw does on the initial pounce and just allow it to insta kill downs. Like i said blobs are going to do blob stuff regardless of warclaw or not, just smaller groups have NO chance to fight larger blobs.
  7. This is why core days was soo much better and easier to balance because boons were scarce, not like now where boons can uptime over 1 min and being reapplied as soon as they are stripped. Anyone know what combo field is???
  8. I mean this isn't a buff or nerf vindicator threat, it is a mirage having 2 dodge thread. Vindicator is an example of one dodge as an indication that mirage most likely will never have it's 2 dodge back, but in comparison Vindicator dodge is much more effective because the class was made with one dodge in mind rather then having 2 dodge in mind then taking one away.
  9. I mean regardless large groups can just nail you down with AOEs this was never an issue for large group to finish off downs. However on the other side of things this allowed smaller groups to defend and secure kills on blobs which slowly lowered the enemy numbers for them to finally finish them off. So I dont understand this mindset of blob v blob when it was always about smaller groups fighting larger groups. Warclaw being able to finish off downstate mostly benefitted smaller groups rather then large blobs. Esp in this meta where revive is rampant.
  10. I mean I never understood why they removed the feature of warclaw to killed downed people. I dont recall anyone ever complaining about that. In fact it was one of the best features for small groups to fight blobs.
  11. They should just allow warclaw to insta down like it was back then. This way there is downstate but allowed roamers/small group to have a chance to fight bigger blobs.
  12. I mean I still fought really good DE's and S/D thieves. I guess good thieves learn to adept while bad ones continue to complain on changes. As a Mesmer main only thing we gotta say is git gud. Cant really feel much sympathy for other classes considering how shafted Mesmers got throughout the years. But hey at least you have 2 dodges still.
  13. Can we buff Blurred Frenzy so i can do more then 2.5k on full zerk max crit?
  14. Simple answer is no. Reason for this is ele already has 20 skills per set skills 5 per 4 element, allowing them to swap weapons will give them a total of 40 skills to swap, i cannot begin to explain how strong this is in competitive play. Oh and how hard it is to balance.
  15. Back in the days when warclaw had insta down was the best way for roamers to deal with blobs. They taking away that function is them saying that they want blobs to persist.
  16. If you devs were sincere with your apology you will not release the patch tomorrow. Seems like lesson not learned. This wasn't the first patch that has received an uproar yet you guys go through with it regardless. Stop with trying to give your playbase hope, that ship has sailed 2-3 expansion ago. Its easier to delay a balance patch then write up a long winded essay with even more backlash just saying.
  17. Actually in a PvE scenario is where you want all the boons to dps down a boss...I dont understand what you mean by turning WvW into PvE with no boons... Boons is perfectly fine but not when its 1min+ long and not enough strips esp after spellbreaker wind nerf. The reason why Core days were so much better then this hot garbage is because you actually needed to know what fields to combo blast with. Nowadays one button and you can get those boons with ease. Remember you needed staff ele/staff guard to upkeep swiftness, or 2 staff guards/blast fire field for 25 might stacks? Ofc not because clearly this post was clearly made by a player who played when HoT or POF dropped.
  18. The reason why Mirage seems clunky is because the spec was made with 2 dodge in mind. Removing dodge hurts Mesmers more then any other classes only because our resource is tied to it as well as Mirage main source of dps because if IH is tied to dodge. So what ends up happening is you dodge for dps or dodge to evade damage. Often not you are lacking that extra damage to finish people off because well one dodge only. The fact that Deceptive evasion is in most of our builds in competitive play. Mesmer dps has declined over the years due to damage nerfs lets not forget the biggest damage nerf on Blurred Frenzy. Our phantasms gutted and our weapon skills itself dont do much damage. GS 2 got a nerf with a damage decrease and a extra projectile slap onto it to make it seem like you will do more damage. Difference between Mesmer vs all the other classes is our weapon skills really dont do all that much damage, most of our damage is shattering which again dodging is tied to our resource. The only saving grace for Mirage is honestly GS ambush because it double downs on giving you might and stacking vulnerability on the enemy allowing you to double your damage. Also as far as Condi mirage goes, I can see why it can be strong in sPVP only because of how many things removed from that mode, but in WvW where sigil of cleansing clears 3 condis its a joke, in sPVP you are forced to engage a condi mirage due to a point node type of game mode where as WvW as a roamer you can simply ignore the condi mirage and they have no real way to catch up to you or do enough "burst" to kill you. Even if mirage had 2nd dodge back in WvW condi mirage is still a joke simply because they removed burn from staff which was the bulk of dps for condi mirage.
  19. The problem is, even if you buff vigor it doesnt really reduce the time it takes to get the one dodge back. Dodge food + vigor is a fixed 8 sec CD on the dodge, it doesnt affect it whatsoever I dont know if this was intentional when they removed a dodge.
  20. What...? Scourge Minionmancers became very meta for a very long time to a point where it continued to get nerfed. The only reason why Core seemed like it got stronger is because both reaper and scourge got significant nerfs to its core mechanics like scourge with sand shades and reaper well they nerfed necro's ability to gain stab. Regardless of buffing core it did not help either scourge or reaper perform better. So no, buffing core does not mean it will trickle down to making the e-specs perform better. Also the nerfs on Mirage aside from the one dodge nerf most of it was nerfs to core. I've said it many times, revert the nerfs that was done when mirage had 2 dodges, aka revert all the nerfs done to core.
  21. Sorry to say they will never postpone a patch no matter how terrible it is. Even some of the major patches had backlash and they still continue to go through it. This won't be their first and most certainly won't be their last.
  22. You are also forgetting that one Core Mesmer misses it's burst there is a long wind up time before it can do anything, in which case anyone with half a brain can capitalize on that and kill you. I don't expect Mirage to ever get it's 2nd dodge back but revert all the nerfs you did to mirage when it did have the 2nd dodge.
  23. People keep forgetting that mirage dodge is hindered by movement disables like chill. You don't get the immediate distance with a normal dodge.
  24. You do realize how removing bleeds from F2 impacts competitive play right? You do realize how condi cleanse prioritize right? I'm sorry ofc not because all you look is how great it is in PvE perspective. Sorry to say not everyone enjoys fighting NPCS, takes more skills fighting actual players and requires more brainpower then fighting scripted monsters.
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