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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. I know my suggestions are good when it makes people respond emotionally.

    @"MysteryMen.3791" said:Shiyo stop making such baseless suggestions. You completely delete every facet of thief making it a completely unplayable class. Did a thief farm you in ranked or something? This is a really REALLY bad suggestion in every way.

    I am a thief. The class is absurdly overpowered and dictates the entire meta.

    I'd prefer actual criticism and discussions, not "xd ur dumb and must be trolling because you have a DIFFERENT OPINION than me(this doesn't mean someone is trolling, btw) delete your account".

    The "your percentages are too high/not high enough" is fine, those are just random numbers. The point is those abilities need to be buffed/nerfed by some amount to make them weaker/stronger.

  2. @wevh.2903 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Grenader Holosmith has enough condi cleanse(actually condi converted to boons, much, much stronger) and can slot more if it's really overrun with conditions. It is not helpless vs conditions at all.
    + Cleansing sigil +

    This is more condition cleanse than most, if not all classes take In PvP, and you get it from your DPS/survival tree(alchemy) and your main elite tree.Do not complain about conditions as a holosmith.

    Berserker amulet is irrelevant because you have 36s CD aoe stealth, an invul, and a shield block. You are not a free kill. You also have some of, if not the highest burst in the entire game.Other classes could only DREAM of doing the amount of burst you do while using a zerker amulet - they also don't get the obscene amount of sustain and survivability your class gets for practically free while wearing one.

    Grenades do not have a very noticable graphic, they are basically invisible and incredibly hard to see in the midst of battle.

    It's very obvious you are a holosmith and engineer main.

    Alchemy trait is nerfed af sir , dunno why u link the pve version of the trait ^^

    You can click the PvP version. I know it's nerfed, it still exists. If you are dying to condis as a holosmith, it's a player issue and not a class issue. Holosmith is the strongest class in the game right now in PvP.

    @"iKagura.1903" said:anybody defending nade holo right now is delusional

    heat 100%+ -> shield 4 -> barrage

    it's braindead design and kitten dmg, again anybody who is defending this class design is utterly delusional

    Eng players have defended their class since Alpha. I remember having to fight against getting Turret Eng gutted, lol. Such a joke.

    Nades holo is not the strongest duelist sir also u r taking a 100s cd two condi removal trait to justify ur arguments xdd

    Eng players are basically the only people defending holosmith's current state. Pretty much the entire player base EXCEPT eng players think holosmith is busted beyond belief.

  3. Shadow arts adds a bit damage, actually. You get so much leech every time you blind/stealth. It also doesn't help that, while it's not a lot of damage, crit strikes and deadly arts give almost no damage in PvP for power builds. My changes give a lot of damage in deadly arts and crit strikes for PvP so you can trade sustain for damage as they intended.

    Thief still has daredevil for lots of evades and utilities like shadowstep/bandits defense and shortbow 3.

    Stealth is completely and utterly broken right now. It was meant to be used short-term which is why you can stealth mid combat in GW2. You are absolutely not meant to run around the map perma stealthed, which you can currently do. This NEEDS to be hard changed.

    Removing damage out of trickery is more for PvE. Just didn't feel right being in that tree. This probably ends up being a global PvE buff which thief needs.

    The attack speed was meant to synergize with the other traits in acro for sword, and to be unique.

  4. Not really, I don't even play sword. Right now thief gets all it's damage from it's utility(trickery) and healing/stealth(shadow arts) trait lines in PvP so I removed all the damage from them and put them in their pure damage trait lines.

    Perma stealth is an issue, evade spam is an issue, condi thief is an issue. Acro is a useless trait line so it got some more use for PvP AND PvE. Counters to counters is bad design so I removed the reveal removal from shadow meld.

    I buffed their damage in PvE for every single weapon with trait lines AND weapon buffs on sword and dagger(backstab). Pistol whip is a DPS loss over auto-attacking so yes, it needs a gigantic buff.

    Overall I don't see how these changes aren't good for the health of the class in every game mode and would open up more options. You'd even be able to play glassy base thief in PvP and do actual damage. Daredevil would be the much tankier option having mug for free, too!

  5. @wevh.2903 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Grenader Holosmith has enough condi cleanse(actually condi converted to boons, much, much stronger) and can slot more if it's really overrun with conditions. It is not helpless vs conditions at all.
    + Cleansing sigil +

    This is more condition cleanse than most, if not all classes take In PvP, and you get it from your DPS/survival tree(alchemy) and your main elite tree.Do not complain about conditions as a holosmith.

    Berserker amulet is irrelevant because you have 36s CD aoe stealth, an invul, and a shield block. You are not a free kill. You also have some of, if not the highest burst in the entire game.Other classes could only DREAM of doing the amount of burst you do while using a zerker amulet - they also don't get the obscene amount of sustain and survivability your class gets for practically free while wearing one.

    Grenades do not have a very noticable graphic, they are basically invisible and incredibly hard to see in the midst of battle.

    It's very obvious you are a holosmith and engineer main.

    Alchemy trait is nerfed af sir , dunno why u link the pve version of the trait ^^

    You can click the PvP version. I know it's nerfed, it still exists. If you are dying to condis as a holosmith, it's a player issue and not a class issue. Holosmith is the strongest class in the game right now in PvP.

    @"iKagura.1903" said:anybody defending nade holo right now is delusional

    heat 100%+ -> shield 4 -> barrage

    it's braindead design and kitten dmg, again anybody who is defending this class design is utterly delusional

    Eng players have defended their class since Alpha. I remember having to fight against getting Turret Eng gutted, lol. Such a joke.

  6. No changes to condi thief condi damage because I assume it's going to get removed from the game in the upcoming patch(hopefully).

    Global changes

    • Stealth no longer stacks duration.

    Weapon Changes

    • Infiltrators Strike: Increased swiftness duration to 10 seconds
    • Infiltrators Return: added 30 second cooldown. Now removes 3 conditions and breaks stun.
    • Flanking Strike: No longer evades, now 10% faster and deals 10% more damage
    • Larcenous Strike: Damage bonus when no boons increased to 30% damage. Base damage increased by 10%
    • Pistol whip: Evade removed, damage increased by 30% in PvE only.
    • Slice, slash, crippling strike: Damage increased by 10%
    • Tactical strike: Damage increased by 5%
    • Choking gas: No longer dazes, initiative cost reduced to 4.
    • Debilitating Arc: Reduced initiative cost to 2, removes 2 conditions, heals you for 100 and no longer evades.
    • Dust strike: Now pulses blind every second for 3 seconds. Initiative cost increased to 5, damage reduced by 30%.
    • Vault: No longer an evade in PvP and WvW.
    • Death Blossom: No longer an evade in PvP and WvW. No longer applies bleeding, instead transfers up to 3 conditions onto nearby enemies. Power damage increased by 30% in PvE only.
    • Backstab: Damage increased by 5%
    • Malcious Backstab: Damage bonus per malice reduced to 1% in PvP and WvW only.

    Trait Changes

    Shadow Arts

    • Meld with shadows: No longer increases stealth duration in PvP and WvW.
    • Leeching Venoms: damaged reduced by 90% in PvP and WvW, still heals for the same amount despite this change.
    • Shadow siphoning: damaged reduced by 90% in PvP and WvW, still heals for the same amount despite this change.
    • Cloaked in shadow: damaged reduced by 90% in PvP and WvW, still heals for the same amount despite this change.Utility Changes
    • Skelk Venom: damaged reduced by 90% in PvP and WvW, still heals for the same amount despite this change.

    Deadly Arts

    • Serpent's Touch: No longer apply poison when in downed state.
    • Mug: Removed. Replaced with Duality
    • Duality: Dual skills deal 10% more damage
    • Panic Strike: Removed. Replaced with Duplex.
    • Duplex: Dual skills cost 1 less initiative
    • Improvisation: Removed. Replaced by Lead Attacks.
    • Lead Attacks: Increases damage by 1% and condition damage by 1% per initiative spent. Stacks up to 15 times.

    Critical Strikes

    • Keen-Observer removed. Replaced with Assassin's Training.
    • Assassin's Training: Your mastery in the art of assassination increases your critical strike chance by 5% at all times.
    • Sundering Shade: Reworked. Now causes your next stealth attack to deal 25% additional critical damage after using a dual attack. After using a stealth attack your next dual attack deals 25% additional critical damage. 10% in PvP and WvW.
    • Twin fangs: Removed health requirement for the bonus critical hit damage.
    • Invigorating Precision: Reduced to 2.5% without fury and 5% with fury in PvP and WvW only.
    • Ferocious strikes: Changed to deal 5% more increased critical damage.
    • Hidden Killer: Added 10% bonus damage to your next 2 attacks after exiting stealth. Counts for stealth attacks.


    • Lead attacks removed. Changed to Contemplate.
    • Contemplate: Using initiative grants you 1% increased boon duration, stacking up to 10 times and +120 concentration at all times.
    • Quick pockets: Now shares your boons with nearby allies when swapping weapons.


    • Expeditious Dodger removed. Replaced with Sword Play.
    • Sword Play: Gain 10 power and 10 ferocity every time you attack. Stacks up to 10 times.
    • Vigorous Recovery: Removed. Replaced with Dueling.
    • Dueling: Successfully landing a hit with any attack reduces the initiative cost of your next dual skill by 1. Stacks up to 5 times.
    • Guarded Initiation: Removed. Replaced with Turn the Tides.
    • Turn the Tides: Being hit by damaging condition(Poison, Burn, Confuse, Torment, Bleed) grants you 3 seconds of vigor and 1 initiative. 3 second cooldown.
    • Don't Stop: removed. Replaced with fencer.
    • Fencer: Increases your attack speed with sword attacks and dual sword attacks by 25%. Stacks with quickness.


    • Swipe now heals for 2.5k if it successfully lands
    • Havoc Specialist: Now grants 10% bonus damage at all times, and 2% per missing endurance bar.
    • Bounding Dodger: Now uses the 15% damage increase in all game modes.
    • Lotus Training: Now uses the 15% condition damage increase in all game modes.


    • Withdraw: No longer an evade. Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds in WvW and PvP only.
    • Shadowstep: No longer breaks stun or removes conditions. Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds.
    • Caltrops: No longer bleeds. Applies 5 seconds of weakness , 5 seconds of blind and breaks stun. Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds.
    • Shadows Refuge: No longer pulses stealth, instead instantly applies 4 seconds of stealth and pulses 33% damage and condition damage reduction as well as regeneration instead. Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds.
    • Assassin's Signet: Reduced active power from 540 to 100 in PvP and WvW only.
    • Bandit's Defense: Duration increased to 3 seconds.
    • Dagger Storm: No longer an evade, now a projectile reflect only again.
    • Shadow Meld: No longer removes revealed.
  7. Telling someone druid is the best healer is a trap. The class is completely non-functional outside of raids. If they ONLY care about raids, then yes, but make sure you tell them how underwhelming the class is in any other form of content before they go hard into druid.

    Firebrand, tempest, and scourge are all playable in every game mode as a support/healer.

    Tempest is not great in fractals or raids compared to Firebrand but is very strong in PvP.Scourge is not very good in PvP but still relatively playable.Firebrand is not that great in PvP compared to tempest but still playable. It's the best fractal healer.Druid is not a healer outside of raids.

  8. @Stallic.2397 said:I've seen someone post elsewhere, but Holo has the damage of a roamer and the sustain of a bruiser. That's why it's problematic and such a carry spec. Can't explain it any better

    Yes, this is the EXACT issue. Jack of all trades, master of all cannot be in a RPG, especially not a PvP one.

  9. No reason to. You can do everything solo, and even in groups you're just fighting alongside each other, not actually interacting or using teamwork. This game had potential to make teamwork a thing but they abandoned combo fields as a concept and now you just stack on top of 1 person while mashing your DPS rotation.

    It's also just navigating a UI to join groups so you don't even need to make friends or create groups of players to do stuff since you'll ALWAYS be able to quickly find a group to join.

  10. Condi thief is insanely overpowered still and dictates the entire meta atm. Everything played is immune to condi thief, it's why top thieves are playing d/p now which is good against everything with no "You literally cannot damage this" counters such as inspiration signet mirage, condi rev, scourge(not that its played but its immune to you as condi thief) etc.

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