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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Death blossom needs to be revamped entirely. D/D is the only weapon set that isn't used for it's dual skill while every other weapon set is used PURELY for it's dual skill. D/D isn't overperforming in PvE(It's actually meh to play because ST only is dumb) and is useless in PvP. Would be nice for D/D to be playable in PvP and more fun in PvE.

  2. @mistsim.2748 said:Really need and want that Druid buff. The spec is entirely useless in pvp and wvw.

    I feel condis are generally fine. Necros are also fine. Guards are fine.

    Holos and Malyx revs need shaving. I don't want them dead, but their kits are way too good relative to everything else in the game.

    Pls leave rangers alone.

    Generally, I want Anet to stop listening to people who want all builds to be good at 1v1's. Bunker, +1'er, duelist, support. These are the roles for conquest, balance around them.It's useless in PvE too, it's only played in raids. They butchered and gutted this spec for 4 years, much like most specs in the game, for no reason. Really want a new skill design team.

  3. Damage is waaay too low on 90% of builds and they're only nerfing damage every patch it seems so we're eventually going to get 0 kill games every high end ranked match.

    Anything that gives passive DR to anything or any passive HP restoration/regen via traits even if it's a proc need to be removed from PvP entirely. The only HoT healing in this game should be from regeneration, utilities, or weapon skills. The only burst healing in this game should only be from your heal skill, utilities, and weapon skills. Finally, the only form of DR in this game should come from weapon skills/utilities, protection, toughness, and resistance.

  4. There are many, many issues with this map.1) Secondary objective isn't worth doing2) "No port" spots all over the place. Too easy to play stuff like deadeye/ sic em'soulbeast/longbow DH here as you can't be punished by melee porting onto you because they can't3) "No valid path" spam, any type of teleport does not function in nearly all places on this map. Blink, shadowbow 5, shadowstep, etc.

    This map is far from finished and barely functions. Please remove it from ranked until you can finish it.

  5. Once you get to mid gold3 you start getting top20 players against you 75% of the time. It's honestly unfun and silly going from playing people I can 1vs2 to top20 immediately. Meanwhile I get teammates that just feed all game...

    There's too few medium skilled players so the entire matchmaking system doesn't function.

    @Khalisto.5780 said:I sarted this season 1180 and something won my first 3 matches and in the 4th one i was playing against anya and mur that att were top 1 and 2. I think things are even worse in NA, you start facing this top 50 duoa when you are about 1350, so you have to dodge this duos and the lower duos also dodging the highest ones if you play solo like me.

    Yeah this is EXACTLY what happens. It's awful

  6. @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Not really an unpopular opinion. There is a lot wrong with this season. At a mechanical perspective, it isn't accurate to anything they said it was going to be.

    Masteries are being watered down in their importance to the game as a whole.

    The short episodes clearly being half of a full with the two part maps.

    Strike missions and the prophet shard system being repetitive and unengaging grind.

    What "Expansion level content" even means, with no clear definition from Anet. So it means nothing.

    I'm not going to bother giving examples of how to fix these anymore, because Anet knows how to learn and fix. They just refuse to go back and undo what is broken.

    @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Not really an unpopular opinion. There is a lot wrong with this season. At a mechanical perspective, it isn't accurate to anything they said it was going to be.

    Masteries are being watered down in their importance to the game as a whole.

    The short episodes clearly being half of a full with the two part maps.

    Strike missions and the prophet shard system being repetitive and unengaging grind.

    What "Expansion level content" even means, with no clear definition from Anet. So it means nothing.

    I'm not going to bother giving examples of how to fix these anymore, because Anet knows how to learn and fix. They just refuse to go back and undo what is broken.

    Masteries haven't been a relevant grind or actual content since early HoT. They listened to people who wanted to log into a game and have everything already within 5 minutes so we don't have sidegrade char progression via masteries anymore. The system should honestly just be deleted as I don't even notice it's existence since it takes like a day, at most, to get all masteries for an entire content update done..

  7. Jeff is still playing the game and not banned, despite being banned from a major tournament for HACKING. He has been hacking for YEARS.

    There is a player who rage idle's(As in, sits in spawn and doesn't play) in 33% of their matches moving every 20 seconds for years and has never been banned.

  8. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @Jilora.9524 said:Your exp isn't everyone's. Did you change computers- isp -move -from eu on na server etc. If every teq was as you say why aren't 200 people complaining?

    This shows you haven't been near Teq or Drakkar. Chat is full of lag drama

    Or it could be Im on NA and your on EU. Or I don't get lag at them and you do. I have no idea why I get no lag in WvW either but hey must be the servers.

    There has been noticeable lag in NA on PoF maps for sure. There are already threads about it in the Bugs forum. This thread is the first complaint I've seen regarding lag during Teq. Curious if the OP is in EU or NA?


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