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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. You cannot get 150 AR without infusing your rings which requires doing the fractals, unless you spend thousands of gold on insane infusions. Infusions also cost gold.

    Also having ascended gear takes a while(lots of gold, dailies, farming, etc) so by then you at least have some basic understanding of the game, generally. Unlike literally installing the game, using your 80 boost, then pressing LFG and trying to join someone's raid in your soldier exotics with no idea what you're doing.

  2. "Why not"? because that's literally why everyone gate keeps everything? Because a fresh boosted char can apply to a group in their soldier power vit stam exotics and you'll never know? I don't know how else to explain it.

    There's nothing stopping you from helping your friends go through the lesser tiers and gear up. You can still play with them, you're just choosing NOT to.

    You can't just skip to the final boss in a game, you have to slowly work through the game and learn how to play it before you fight the final boss. Boosting then applying for raids is essentially entering a cheat code and trying to fight the final boss in a game naked with no idea how the game works.

    There's such a thing as TOO accessible, and raids and strike missions 100% are. Notice how t4 fractals aren't heavily gate kept by the player base? The game does it for them, that's EXACTLY what raids and fractlals need.

  3. @Moradorin.6217 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:The second you press a skill, you should unstealth. Not at the end of your skill, at the START.Yes I agree, but as Xene said, this is typically an issue attributed to thief. I would not say this really an issue with mesmer at present. Mesmer has never had good stealth access. If this was an actual thing it would be around in wvw and its not.

    If anything you faced off against one of the many cheats/hacks around that are apparently common in pvp now.

    Can we see a post feb 2020 example?

    This was a post feb 2020 match I just played today in platinum. The guy was perma stealthed and would IMMEDIATELY 1 shot me from stealth with 20645 hp. I won the game so I highly doubt he was hacking.

  4. @Fueki.4753 said:It's just my experience, but Warriors and Mesmers are, at least in PvP, the least seen ones.For instanced PvE, it's Thieves.

    Sadly there's zero reason to play a class that doesn't even do the most DPS while having 11k hp and zero utility in instanced PvE.

    Mesmer 1 shot spec or inspiration mirage are fine in PvP(one shot is overpowered and needs to go away forever). Warrior is weak, though.

  5. No, thief cannot do 20645 damage from stealth instantly. it's not mathematically possible, and if it is , yes, nerf that too. But perma stealth in general is an issue, not just a mesmer one, as well as hiding animations in stealth.

    The second you press a skill, you should unstealth. Not at the end of your skill, at the START.

  6. One shot perma stealth gsword mesmer is still a gigantic issue that is being ignored by the community for some reason. I just got out of a game where the mesmer could one shot me from stealth IMMEDIATELY the second he hit me for 20645 HP and 2029 armor. These were platinum games and not low tier stuff so it's not just a silly complaint. There was no stopping this as the second he unstealthed and hit you, you were dead. No reaction, porting, dodging, or anything could save you as the damage is instant and unavoidable as it comes from stealth.

  7. If you want to buff mesmer in any capacity you absolutely NEED to delete 1 shot perma stealth mesmer. I just got out of a game where the mesmer was perma stealthed and INSTANTLY killing me on thief with 20645 HP from stealth. This was in a platinum level game, not low tier clown fiestas. There was no avoiding it - no dodging, no predicting it, the dude would burst you from stealth and you were INSTANTLY dead the second he hit you unless you were lucky and randomly dodging someone else. This is 20645 HP and 2029 armor - pretty absurd if you ask me.

    Imo, please make chrono an actual "support" and completely revamp wells to follow you around like facets with actives or something. Chrono could be really cool and fun but in it's current form it's either a bunker sitting with wells or just...useless.

  8. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:However, due to the games player base, strike missions have
    at their intended design of "introduction to raiding" and no amount of mental gymnastics by raiders can prove this wrong.This is poor logic.Are fractals a failure because they hard bake in an experience check via AR?

    Just because Strikes are on farm and the farmers expect certain things from their groups does not say anything about the actual content or the way the majority of the population is using it.And from my experience (200+ strikes running Open Pugs) and looking at the numbers in Arc a very wide range of skill levels are represented by the players are joining my groups.

    Your statement is no different than calling the most successful map in the game a failure because LFGs expect a player to be experienced enough know what RIBA means.

    Fractals are exactly how raids and strike missions should function. You have easier difficulty lower tier versions of the exact same content you have to do before stepping into the higher. Needing ascended and 150 AR to even do T4's proves you are ready and people don't have to LI/KP lock T4', the game auto does it for you.

    The fact you can literally buy the game, boost an 80, then join someone's raid is why there is so much gate keeping in raids. The game needs it's own gate keeping function like fractals to keep completely new players out. A brand new boosted 80 player should NOT be able to freely join any raid or strike mission.

    Basically, raids and strike missions need a progressive tier system AND an in game hard gear check you need to first bypass in order to even be able to do the content. Also, add an inspect function so you can see peoples gear and builds or something.

  9. "Damage, tank, mobilitt philosophies need to be revisiting."

    You mean classes like ranger and holo doing all 3 on S rank isn't unbalanced?

    Glad someone else is complaining about rangers immob spam TBH. Delete entangle skills.

  10. @"Rhiannon.1726" said:Many experienced raiders do a lot to bring new players to raids. There are dedicated guilds for raid trainings and training discords.Other guilds (like Snow Crows) put a lot of work into creating the best builds (includinig guides how to play them).An EU raid training guild (RTI) made lots of raidinig PoV videos:https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/gbx4ae/my_guild_prepared_a_massive_list_of_raiding_pov/.

    When I started raiding, there were no guides, no experienced leaders and hardly anyone had ascended equipment. It took us weeks to get Vale Guardian down. Nowadays in a wing 1 training VG should be dead and Gorseval as well. A wing 4 training often ends with bosses 1-3 killed.

    What else do people want? You can get everything very fast. You just have to join a guild or discord server.

    If that is still too much: open lfg, join a strike (Grothmar, Kodan, Fraenir) without requirements, ca. 5 min later you have your kill.

    PS: Sorry if my text sounds a bit harsh. I'm just annoyed that some people call everyone who raids toxic in general, while many raiders put a lot of work into helping newbies to get started.

    Those training guilds are literally why the raiding player base is so small and constantly shrinking, by the way. Stop bringing it up.


  11. Anyone who tells you "Just make your own group xD!" doesn't understand that you can't magically make 9 other competent players appear out of nowhere. All the competent players will join the """good""" groups and you'll be stuck with scraps because they get to play in their own part of the playground while you're stuck on the broken down part that smells.

    The solution is to make strike missions queueable only content with no premade function outside of duo/trio.

    However, due to the games player base, strike missions have COMPLETELY FAILED at their intended design of "introduction to raiding" and no amount of mental gymnastics by raiders can prove this wrong.

  12. Deadeye:This spec is essentially useless in every game mode but raids, but it's not even top DPS in raids while providing zero utility and being incredibly squishy.Deadeye is pretty trash open world unless you're p/p but you'd be better off just play daredevil.Deadeye has no use in fractals, it's all about burst and d/d has no burst while rifle is unusable due to how much movement fractals require

    Daredevil:This spec has to sit at 0 endurance for optimal DPS, while providing zero support(again) and being even squishier than deadeye. Still doesn't do top DPS despite zero utility and incredibly squishy.Daredevil is good open world, but still squishy with a severe lack of sustain.Daredevil is playable in fractals as it has high burst, but it brings no utility(again) and is incredibly squishy. There's no reason to play this over soulbeast(insane group utility) or dh(lots of group utility) just to name a few builds

    Weapons:D/D, rifle, and staff are the only really usable weapons in PvE. P/P does ok open world but is very subpar group dps as you always have 25 might so the self might from unload isn't useful.

    Why are so few weapons useful? Why can't sword be buffed, at all? If you doubled swords auto DPS AND pistol whips damage the weapon wouldn't even be top tier, it'd just be USABLE.

    Please consider adjusting some of thiefs weapons in PvE with simple flat % buffs(especially sword) so add more variety to this class, at the very least. I'm not sure why the class with the least group utility isn't doing the most damage in all PvE(which is usually what thief/rogue/assassin classes do in RPGs...) but could you consider slightly buffing the already strong PvE weapons by perhaps 5%?

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  13. How about PvE? D/D staff or rifle(meme weapon) are the only ways for us to deal damage. D/D is completely defenseless, rifle makes you unable to move and Staff is the only option that doesn't make you completely helpless and defenseless as an 11k hp class.

    Can pistol whip and sword autos be buffed so S/P can be used in PvE again? S/P thief was a good solo option and didn't give up ALL your defenses for damage so you could actually play the game without being perma downed on thief, but now it's damage is pathetic.

  14. S/D damage is COMPLETELY pathetic. It's far, far, far, too low. It's like a wet noodle weapon. If infilitrators strike is a problem then give it a 30 second cooldown but having a wet noodle weapon is really unfun.

    Also, double sword auto's in PvE since it's bad in PvE too. You can also double pistol whips damage in PvE while you're at it.

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