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Everything posted by notebene.3190

  1. Yes that’s what I meant, the Amnytas meta achievement. I have on left to do, per the list, but was wondering if maybe a hidden one might count that I haven’t discovered yet in place of the one I have remaining (which I linked). Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Must you complete Honorary Astral Ward for the Amnytas Mastery achievement, or is there perhaps a hidden mastery that can pop up and be used in it's stead?
  3. This confused me as well. When you replay it, and go to the southern tower entrance, you have 3 things to pick. I kept trying the two purple “for achievements” options. You need to pick the green one on top that doesn’t say anything about achievements. That lets you start the very beginning of that part of the story and select the other person to follow.
  4. I can't figure out how to start, or even if they are part of a chain, these two things: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Protect_the_Injured_Rift_Hunters https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_possessed_gargantuan_grub Any help would be appreciated. Update: Nevermind. Maguuma. Would help if I could read. In my defense, it's not called "Protect Rata Novus and Maguuma". 😊 Update 2: Oh wait, it does. I should probably uninstall. 😞
  5. Where do you craft/buy these? I know I will need them at some point, but don't know where they are.
  6. Except that was my point: If everything on the list is of the same quality, then when I reroll, I'd be getting something, in theory, that would require super l33t d00dz kek pew game play. Then it wouldn't matter how many times I rerolled, and what options I picked vs the options you picked. Honestly, I don't mind doing puzzly mini dungeons, but when they are broken for other reasons, and you are competing with other people to find unbroken zones to try to complete something, it's not a healthy option, and I'd like to reroll that to anything, really. Jumping puzzle? Sure. Go clear 4 events in a PoF zone? Whatever. Just not hours of zone surfing.
  7. If they considered what might roll up for me (that you, for some reason, object to) as not being 'actual gameplay', why would anything like that be in the list? Wouldn't what I be rerolling for things that were considered 'actual gameplay' by them, but something I felt I could achieve? 🤔
  8. They need to add a no cost, infinite reroll of incomplete daily and weekly steps. Or the ability to check daily/weeklies and ask for new ones.
  9. I love the rewards. We need an option to reroll Dailies and Weeklies (continuously, at no cost, or 1 copper) for any incomplete slots. That would make it perfect.
  10. Well that’s weird because I was getting experience for kills, doing that very activity on the 3rd exp map (forget the name), but not counts. I’d think the contribution to get xp would be the same mechanism they’d use for that 10 count, but guess not. I found some ambient creatures nearby and finished it that way. Had some good memories doing the ambient creature daily back in the day. 😊
  11. Seems like you have to land the killing blow to count. I'm using Quality Tuning Crystals, if it matters.
  12. Seems I have that 'buff' on the character who originally started the quest line. For some reason it says "will be sufficiently infused at 15 stacks", so I guess I did 5? I switched to another character, they saved lots of people, but they did 'not' have the buff (apparently, not account wide), so apparently counted for nothing. Logged back in on the character who has the buff, still says something about 15. Going to head to FE see if I can't get some counts in. I tried Claw of Jormag, but I got one of those bugged ones where you get to kill him immediately in phase 2, so no mass rezzing! 😝
  13. I don’t remember who said this upstream, or if it was another thread, but I like the “reroll” idea, and would like to add a twist. The reroll would only reroll what you haven’t done (daily or weekly, each has own button). So you could complete a few, reroll the remainder until you get something you like. It sounds like everyone is getting their own list anyways, right? It’s not structured like it was before where your dailies would line up with someone that was your level an had the same expansions? So why not let us reroll incomplete items?
  14. Does it mean the activity person in Lions Arch? Whatever the “activity of the day” is? Stands close to the WP by the asura gates, south of the bank in the promenade?
  15. I didn’t get it on the first map. I’m going to start looking at all the places in the last map tomorrow (per the wiki). I heard if you aren’t lucky, like me, you should get it on the last nest if you haven’t gotten it before then. No I don’t believe they respawn, as I went back to each I had done before when walking through the wiki list and the ones I had done weren’t there a day later (crossing a daily reset).
  16. Enjoying myself so far, but haven't gotten very far. I think I did Act 1 story, have a 'part 4' to start? Missing 4 pins for map completion, maybe some mastery points? Sadly haven't tried the meta yet. Dailies: My biggest complaint is more options. I'd like to have PvE and WvW selected, but then have 3-4 PvE options to choose from and 3-4 WvW options to choose from to get 'the other three' (not counting the freebie login). Having said that, I made lemonade, and I'm having quite a bit of fun in WvW trying to get 10 kills for the week and doing dolly escorts, etc. Things I haven't really done in a long time, at least not actively. Before it was Vet killer, 2 camps (sometimes have to fight other players), and the other usual suspects. I think the mechanics for the new dailies are fine, would just like to see more choices for each category. New Map Lighting: Yeah, I'm weird. My skin looks funny. I'm too orange. I look awesome in old world Tyria and most other places (except places like Orr with the brooding 'The Cure' lighting). Not sure what is up with the lighting. Voice Sound: All over the place. It's like a Nolan film, like Interstellar. Can't hear anyone talking. Voices should be blaring in that center channel in 5.1 surround. I find I have to swing my camera around to find a sweet spot to hear anyone. I spend most of the time reading the dialog. Would love to hear Felicia's voice again. That's all I have so far! One positive spin on one everyone is talking about, and 2 from left field! 😊
  17. Thanks folks! Didn't think of looking at the cost, but that makes sense. I have the first in each now. Thinking I'll get the updraft generator in 'Research' then push 'Flight' through level 4. That would take care of all the 2-3 cost levels, and seemingly give me some more mobility. Still struggling with the new device and understanding what it's pointing me to. Do you follow the tunnel rain to the point? Does it blip something for me on the map I'm missing? Not really understanding which way to go. 0/100 progress. 😬
  18. Just starting out (though admittedly now confused as to how to proceed with 'mother of stars' and find rifts), but there's at least a few events around the starting area I can seem to do over and over for experience, but I was starting to wonder what the best path was through those first two masteries? Does it make sense to ping pong (one for you, one for you), or push one up to a certain level then the other to a certain level, then back to the other for a few more, etc (seem to recall PoF was that way with the mounts). I have the first one in 'Research' and was working on the first one in 'Flight', but wasn't sure if it made sense to ping pong like that or maybe focus on one or the other for the first 3 levels or what?
  19. It's astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes its toll
  20. I know we don’t like Mike anymore? 🤔
  21. I can’t entirely disagree with that logic, but it seems awfully convenient it works out that way for their design. Or, they could just say, “And every character gets the relic they have now! For free!”, and while some Debbies would say, “Oh thanks for giving me a free thing I already had”, I for one would be grateful. Without it, I’d assume the next expansion might be, “Ok, you find yourself naked on a beach. No bank, no guild, no gear, no memory. Go!” 😳
  22. I get the concern with Legendary relics, and I hope they solve that 'somehow'. But of greater concern, isn't 'everyone' effectively losing their relics too? I don't have legendary runes, but I have the 'relic' component baked into all the runes on all my alts. When this goes live, they are graciously (?) going to give my entire account (?) 'one' relic box to choose a relic for 'one' of my characters. All of my alts then lose the 'relic' (effectively) that they have now, and have to go craft a new one? Shouldn't every character just be given the 'relic' that they currently have, and then use the new system to craft 'different' relics, should they choose to do so?
  23. One per player? Not per character? So all my characters except one on day one have lost their tier 6 special? 😕
  24. Yeah that seems fun. As long as it's not reversable full zone landscape changes, like Kessex. I never liked that. But having big invasions that last a period of time and the sky goes red in the area, etc, but it reverts back at the end, that would be a lot of fun.
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