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Everything posted by notebene.3190

  1. I do not have "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" selected, and have never used that. My 'Ground Targeting' dropdown is set to 'Normal', and I have "Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range" selected. Those 3 are my normal operating mode. Edit: I'm going to my Engi into a Dragonstorm at the top of the hour, I'll see if my grenade kit malfunctions like my Elementalist seems to. Update: Okay, it only happens in combat. What seems to be happening is possibly related to the "Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range". What that is supposed to do is to not let the target happen beyond the maximum range of the ability. As I move my mouse out in combat, zoomed out pretty extreme in 'boss camera mode' that they turn on, it stays at max range. Eventually, I'll move my mouse out 'really' far, and it all breaks down and it casts on my head. Bummer. This is relatively new. 😕
  2. Sometimes when I cast a spell or ability that has a ground target, rather than it being out where my mouse is, it's just underneath me. I have to really move the mouse around vigorously to get it to 'take' and show where it's supposed to before casting. Sometimes I miss it, and end up casting things on my head, like an 'Ice Spike', which isn't helpful (though some would argue a staff Elementalist isn't exactly helpful, but I disagree and digress). I don't have anything, that I know of, set to sometimes cast things on myself? I did start using BlishHUD for the first time around the time SotO came out. I don't have any modules installed that would seem to disrupt anything like that? I can't duplicate it just standing around a town and out of combat. It just seems to happen randomly (though sadly kinda frequently) while in combat. Quite a bit in convergences. Might have something to do with the load and number of people? I haven't paid enough attention to decide if it seems to happen only in the newer areas vs older areas or not. Just wanted to put a feeler out in case anyone else experienced anything like that, maybe get some suggestions. Thanks.
  3. Time is something. I'm still intrigued to see where it goes and if they can keep to it. I think I might like a mini-expansion every year-ish with quarterly-ish updates, and end up with 3 of them, rather than waiting 3 years for a bigger update that is less than the sum of the other parts. I feel like I've been playing all out since this all started compared to how I used to play. Granted, some of that is wanting to work towards the legendary armor. In the before times, I'd play hard for a little bit, then I'd go back to my daily boss rotation, piddle around dreaming up things to do, and mostly playing other games. My friends who do not play this game have to ping me really hard to get my attention these days. 😊
  4. I didn't think it was off topic? They were talking about there ecto woahs, and I related to it, but expressed that I had the reverse problem, with plenty of ectos, because I saved so many when the price was so low, but now that the price is high, and a good time to sell, I can't sell, because I need them all for the new armor. Didn't mean to derail the thread, hope I didn't. 😕 Edit: Also noticed my 'kitten' made that look a whole lot worse. It was just the 'D' word! 😊
  5. Ectos was easy for me only because I lived through 23s ectos and when they fell to 13s (and I affectionately started referring to them as rektoplasm), I just couldn't bare selling them, so I started stockpiling them, hoping the price would go up. And now they are like 26s! But now I can't sell them because I need to use them. By the time I'm all done and ready to sell them again, everyone else will be too, and they'll be 13s again. kitten you Alanis Morissette! 🤬
  6. But then we need to have a conversation with the escape person, because sometimes it closes one window and sometimes it closes all the windows. 😊
  7. Topic adjacent: We really need a compendium book to store all teleportation devices, scrolls, including but not limited to magical hub locations, old lions arch, etc. They could literally repurpose a copy of the LFG interface with categories and locations. Filter in ones you have. Heck, even would serve as an advertisement to buy more teleportation (“Look at these other places I can’t go yet”). Free the … shared space!
  8. How about someone makes it or buys it. Takes it to the rift and uses it. Everyone that got credit for that rift is counted up. The cost of the rift is divided by that number of people. The person that bought/used the thingy gets an ACH auto withdrawal from everyone's bank to split the cost evenly. Everyone gets awesome loot as if they used the key. Or...get rid of the keys and give everyone the same thing and let everyone open things without keys. I don't think it's Nature, it's the United Something of Nurture.
  9. I did it after daily reset and didn't get the chest either. Really wanted to start stocking up on clots. Is it possible when they fixed it they put it in the "every 24 hours" lane, like a rich node, vs the "resets at daily" lane? Update: DEU. I forgot I started a stack in a way-way down bag next to the choice chests from Archie pe Legos and Amytas chests to save them up. I wasn't seeing I was getting them because they were stacking in a way down bag. I have 6. Nevermind.
  10. I’ve done 3 or 4 and enjoy them. I always go help out on the outer circle during that phase, but it sure seems like you get a lot more loot if you stay in the middle during that phase and tag as much as you can. Hopefully someone will do some testing and reporting slim those lines.
  11. Learned this in another thread, and I'm in the same boat, did all my weeklies on Monday. Not too worried about it. I was just buying the more expensive gold bags at the end of vault1 anyways. I like the shift towards the weeklies, helps out the weekend warriors.
  12. Woops, unless you did your weeklies on Monday like me. Oh well, I was mostly just buying gold bags at the end of the first vault, I'll live. 😊 If that is the change they made, I like that. The idea of the weeklies is to help people that can't play every day to have a good shot at rewards. If you can get your weeklies done over the weekend and a few dailies, you get a good chunk of AA.
  13. I’ve been working as hard as I can towards my legendary armor. I’m going to do light. Of the known ingredients, I’ve worked for two pieces so far. I hope the new content is such that I’m able to play it with my favorite character and not be unwelcome. Other than a few trinkets, the only other legendary I ever got was Bifrost. Been playing for 11 years, but some things were never in the “that’s for me” bucket until now. Crossing my fingers. 😊
  14. Look at the days remaining on the 'Special' tab. The belief is the shop will refresh then. Roughly on a 3 month cycle, I think.
  15. Just noticed it today, assuming it was a bug introduced with the Mad King patch. Used to be able to use the envelope to port in, then turn around, then mount up on a skimmer and ride out on the water and around the corner off to where ever. Now, there is a weird, small space around the entrance where you can't mount, and it instantly throws you off a mount when you cross it. It's on the east side.
  16. There’s a few things like this that could use this treatment. Another suggestion from the past was a library to hold all the books we’ve gotten over the years.
  17. The Relic of Mix-n-Match Clothing The Relic of Lost Idle Animations
  18. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Priory_Historian_Elisa#vendor7 1. Why? 2. Please make it work like a music playlist, because people that designed music playlists somewhere between fire and the wheel realized people didn't want to hear Up Town Funk in their 50 song play list 10 times in a row, and would rather hear 'all' the songs once, then reshuffled, then every song once in that new order, repeat. I need a set of recipes for a set of armor, which I thought would take me 6 days to get, and now could, possibly, take 1,000 years-to-never.
  19. I don't, just Windows 11. So nothing in common there. I BlishHud and a few addons (event table, currencyviewer, graphical emote, item search, gathering tool finder). Fairly new to blish, maybe 3-4 weeks. The inviso-loot started just in the past week. I thought it was maybe tied to the huge amounts of people showing up at Maw, as that is the only place I saw it, but then seeing it follow me on another character to FE 10 minutes later, that was new.
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