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Everything posted by notebene.3190

  1. I was wondering how this works as well, looking at the wiki. If I wanted to make 3 weight sets, or 18 pieces, I would need 18 characters to do map completion across all 3 maps? I have 12 that could do it, in theory, and was actually working on (very slowly mind you) my 'new 9' (of which I have 3 done; thus proceeding to 12; 5 is right out!), but holy smokes.
  2. I think I probably will get enough pinches now, but in my case, I was really trying to get the Amnytas meta achievement done for the emote, and when all was said and done, I was down to needing like 1,250 pinches all at once to finish! 😲 I was not getting them very fast just trying to do regular events, but the structure of the meta every 2 hours and the number of people doing it, provided a lot of pinches more consistently for the time I was putting in - both in raw pinches and selecting pinches from the hero bag once or twice. I had already completed the Astral Ward set, so my more immediate need was pinches and not pouches. I finished today, so I'm going to go back to just saving the Hero's Choice Chests until I need one or the other.
  3. For what it's worth, from someone who has done two strikes (not repeatedly, two different strikes, one time each), I will say the one you have to do for this is pretty easy. The one for the turtle was a lot harder, and maybe I brought a poor character, and maybe more than half of our team was just like me, so we were all struggling, I don't know. Two mornings ago, I took a different character, Power Dragonhunter, who I use to do Maw (yeah, I like old world bosses, they are still fun for me), and thought I knew it well enough to try. There were no training missions, so I just joined a normal one and crossed my fingers no one said, "Hey you, can you do the something something with twisting something alacrity something sub something heal whatever?", and I'd be like "uhhhhh". Thankfully, no one said anything to me, and I had watched Mukluk do it a bunch, and paid attention to all the things I was supposed to do and not do, used my active shield when the knives came (figured that was something I could do) and do my burst rotations when it seemed safe to do so. Went just like the streams/videos I watched, and no one even came close to getting hurt that I could tell. I'm fairly survivable so hard to tell, but no one went down for sure. Could be I was 'terrible' and when I thanked everyone for the strike, no one said anything, and maybe that means I was bad (or it was early, and possibly I was playing with people on the other side of the planet and maybe they didn't understand me). Either way, I got it done easy peasy. I'm tempted to try it again, see what the next group is like to determine if I was completely carried or contributed at all. It was fun enough. Thinking about learning the second one so I can say I did both. Too chicken to join one of Muks for fear of being really bad. 😊
  4. No Kryptis Till Brooklyn Every time. That's what pops in my head when that cycles. 😏
  5. I got so caught up in the PvE areas I forgot about WvW tracks. Also ,the way the dailies shifted, I don't do as much WvW anymore, as I can't pick and choose my WvW dailies (so I went all in on PvE dailies). Hopefully they change that down the road. In the mean time, I guess I can just dream up my own daily goals for WvW to give me something to shoot for while I work on the WvW track. Great idea, thanks!
  6. Another option is to save the daily meta boxes until you need one or the other. They stack.
  7. Thanks for the input. I just realized I still get quite a bit doing the meta again, even though I don't get the daily box. I got like 23-26(?) for completing the meta, and then the usually small handouts for each event leading up to it, but there are a lot of those boxes. I'm going to go looking for some turrets! Two essences to go.
  8. Do people just do the meta once a day for them? I don't see very many folks doing or calling out events anymore. I'm working on Honorary Astral Ward and all I have left are 3 of the essences for 3 of the sub achievements. It's a little slow going and was wondering how other people are approaching needing dust.
  9. And I think I might have been on a non-SotO when it happened to me. Something to keep an eye out for.
  10. Reading the wiki, it says I will eventually combine things in the mystic forge to progress. My achievement says I have the Echo of the Past and Echo of the Obscure, but I only 'physically' have the 'Echo of the Past' in my inventory. How am I going to combine something that wasn't physically given to me in the mystic forge? Update: I didn't read it carefully enough, it needs an "Essence of the Obscure" for making the item in the mystic forge, not an 'Echo of the Obscure', which is the name of the thing in the achievement.
  11. I did all this stuff, sorry. I've had my 3 plots forever, grown lots of different seeds you can buy from the guy that stands there. 😊 I've grown lots of different things over the year(s?), but this is the first time I grew something, and stood in the middle of one plot in Divinity's Reach, harvested the first plant, and then immediately been confronted with a 'Plant' F overriding the next 'Harvest F'. That's it. I removed Asparagus and planted something else and then next day, I could stand in the middle like normal and F F F F to harvest all the plants in my immediate vicinity without being confronted with an 'uproot' or 'replant' style F. Something, it would seem, about the asparagus roots give them priority for 'uproot' and 'plant' with F over 'harvest'. This is the first plant I've ever seen that has made that happen. That's all I was saying. Otherwise, I know how to plant just fine. I just came across an annoying plant that doesn't let me harvest by hitting F F F F and moving on. 😊
  12. On a weird note, I did the Balthazar temple in Devastation yesterday and got credit for the "Complete the Gang War of Echovald" weekly achievement done. 🤔
  13. I wish the motivations were solely for tracking the rifts, and consuming it if you elect to get more rewards. I’m not a huge fan of it being required and consumed to complete the rift. Not asking for it to be changed, it would be difficult, as the election to consume it is on the boss summon mechanic. Just wish it didn’t work that way.
  14. Update. It's something about Asparagus! I planted Kale and I was able to harvest them like normal: Move to plot 1, F F F F, move to plot 2, F F F F, move to plot 3, F F F F. No fuss. Wonder what's up with Asparagus where they didn't have a harvest F priority set over the uproot F?
  15. That's the nagging thing in the back of my head: If we don't need to keep them, why are there 18 recipes? Why weren't there just 6 recipes that unlock 18 skins?
  16. I fell for a few of those, but under the guise of thinking about it in terms of wanting to make sure I got at least what I used to get for the first month, then pay more attention to other things. Using this as a baseline, I made sure I got things like mystic coins (just as much as I got in 28 days before), laurels, transmutations, few other things. Went light on tomes, or maybe none, as I have plenty, and I use them for the weekly key run. Obviously no luck or other things that were throw away to me before, and one of the reasons the new vault shines. But then I got a Vision Crystal. Because...I used to pick that option in the chest of loyalty. I wasn't working on legendaries. Didn't need 20 'more' laurels beyond what I was already getting. Seemed like making sure I had ascended mats was a good thing. So without really thinking about it, I bought it. In hindsight, not really smart, but now that the dust has settled and there's lots of "why this is good / why this is bad" videos, I learned my lesson and won't pick them again. But yeah, they got me, I guess. 🤓
  17. I didn't see anything in the wiki, but is there a limit to how many T3 essences you can collect from a T3 rift in a day? Or, are they subjected to diminishing returns? I ask because I got nothing from the last 2 T3 rifts I participated in.
  18. I made the first piece of 6, and banked it. I have 2 purified Kryptis Essences lined up for two more pieces, working on collecting essences for the remaining 3. I noticed when I got my light chest piece, it unlocked the medium and heavy for the achievement. I'm wondering if we will need to hold onto each of the pieces we're making for crafting the legendary version? I'm guessing yes, only because why then have 18 pieces to craft rather than 6 'non-descript' pieces that don't specify a weight type? I suppose we don't know for sure, but wanted to check. Bank space is getting tight again, probably need to do another hoarder audit soon.
  19. I just have the volatile magic glyph, same as yesterday. This is the first time I planted asparagus, so was thinking maybe there was something wrong with it. No feast or anything, just asparagus. It's behaving wrong, it seems to me the gather F used to take priority over the plant F when you would stand in the middle of the plot. It didn't do that last night shortly after reset. I think I'll try replanting them all as something else today, see if that changes how it behaves, and report back tonight.
  20. I'm having a really good time, working on the map metas to a point I usually don't, doing a lot of rifts, working on a lot of side achievements. Had the most social play I've had in a long time, looking for help with group events, calling out events. Found a relic for my main I really like. Working on thinking about what might be best for my other characters in that regard. It's been a long week and a half! Lot of fun!
  21. Seems off to me. I had to walk up to each one and get really close to it to harvest it. If I was closer to one I already harvested, it would complain about needing seeds to plant something different. I seem to recall that the harvesting always took precedent over planting? Like I could go to each plot and click F F F F, then move to the next one F F F F then the last one F F F F, and be on my way. Tonight I got really tripped up by weirdness. I have asparagus planted, if that matters. Is it maybe asparagus is broken and it's harvesting doesn't take precedence over planting? 🤔 If not, then bug. 😊
  22. Crab Stare™ not as fun as Crab Toss 😏
  23. Yes that’s what I meant, the Amnytas meta achievement. I have on left to do, per the list, but was wondering if maybe a hidden one might count that I haven’t discovered yet in place of the one I have remaining (which I linked). Sorry for the confusion.
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