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Everything posted by notebene.3190

  1. That's many moneys more. 😏 Yeah, will probably have to do that at the end of the day. I've been doing blues and selling greens to keep in money, but I should just do it all for awhile.
  2. I need many lucks. Lucks will be my bottle neck. 😟
  3. I know, I just really still like to do it, but just have a hard time having to compete against people to get it, which seems a bit odd since we're presumably working together to do it. So I try once, maybe twice, then just go get a blue and help with the 9 opening waves outside the gate. I still enjoy kicking/pulling the triggers, cc'ing the big lizard well away from the gate, etc. I've only ever done that there, and I think my situational awareness would get destroyed not being in the armor. πŸ™‚
  4. Right! Which I love to do! But if, say, I see Jimmy Jammy there, day after day, doing challenge, winning an armor, and then 5 min later, Jimmy is standing in front of the gate ... sans yellow armor ... and presumably he already has is 1AP (which Jimmy got on the first day of 'day after day'), why would Jimmy Jammy have participated in the challenge, if Jimmy isn't going to use the yellow armor? Do challenges have a chance to drop invisible slippers? πŸ€”
  5. Other than the one time 1 point achievement at each location, why would you participate unless you want to use the yellow armor at one of the four locations?
  6. While this lasts, my problem besides number of available options (and if they want to cap out how many you can do for AA in a day, that's fine), is being forced into categories for a day/week. "You are this thing, and that is all you are." I like the old system where you can pick whatever you want from any category without forcing to pick and therefore limit what you can do in a day (and now, a week). The way the categories work, they take options 'away' when you pick a combo. I like doing WvW and PvE. Let me pick from 'all 8 in each category' to put 3 things together. If you want to still limit us to 40 AA per day from 4, so be it.
  7. Anyone know if they lowered the threshold on this? Is it something they can set on a map-by-map basis, or is the level set in one place for all zones across the world? I was waiting for FE, before anyone started showing up, and my mini was hidden, and I couldn't figure out why. I asked if there was like a company picnic happening somewhere else, but no one had any thoughts on that. πŸ€”
  8. With the new dual daily/vault hybrid list in the right, I think it would be neat if we could follow our favorite LFG categories and throw it in a third list you could toggle to.
  9. What if… You could see all available instances and player counts, and pick one to join, as if it had an advertising tag? Before joining an instance, you could change your chat channel to another instance, ask in map what’s going on in the IP? Apologies if this is dumb and/or has been asked. Also apologies for the use of an ellipses.
  10. They have existing animations they took out of the game they could put in the store and literally make us buy them back, and I would be fine with that.
  11. "Remastering" makes me equally as nervous. I remember when they "remastered" the Sunspear Outfit, idle animations, running. There's always an added, "and it'll give us a chance to fix these other things." It will be what it will be. Would be a shame for me, enjoying the new cadence.
  12. A singularity, of sorts, has already occurred, and anything on the other side of it is not as interesting.
  13. On a related note, why is it I can quickly drop off, say, some fire to light a fire thing, but then like 1,000 yards away, when I bring some scrap back to a guy, he's like: Guy: Thanks for the scrap! Me: It's not problem. [click] Guy: No really, the entire map appreciates it! Me: Really, don't mention it.[click] Guy: I can't begin to tell you what this means... Me: Seriously, there is a creature gnawing at my ankle now. If you let me go, I'll bring you a 2nd scrap.[click] Guy: But you don't understand how appreciative we all are! 😐
  14. Waiting for Wendy’s to do it. That holiday frosty tastes like toothpaste. 😑
  15. This would invariably go bad for me, but if you get what you are looking for, congratulations, and I wish everyone the best in the future with the game. πŸ™‚
  16. I think they need to get rid of the categories (PvE, PvP, etc) altogether. I think they should add things like this that people dream up, seems fun for people that like to do that. Caps for Daily / Weekly AA. Right now for Daily we have 5 for 'login', 40 for up to 4 things you can do, and the chest for doing 4 total. Weekly is 8 x 50, plus the chest (if you do 6 of the 8). Okay, that's the cap. Then just have a pool of stuff to do. This raid idea? Add to the pool. Hug 40 NPCs throughout Tyria? Add to the pool. Make the pool (incoming hyperbole) 500 for dailies and 3,000 for weeklies. You can do 'all' of them. But, you will only get up to 40 AA for 4 things for dailies, and 400 (8x50) for 8 of the weeklies (though you only need do 3 and 6, respectively for the big chest). Yes, it's not going to be 500 and 3,000. They want it lower so people can focus together on some things, but the larger point is they way they "limit" things based on your perceived type is insane. Yes, they had categories before, but they didn't mean anything. I could go do a few WvW things and a few PvE things in a given day. I just needed to do 4 things (or whatever it was). I wasn't forced into a limited pool of things. That's where the whole thing breaks down and we end up fighting with each other about what should be on the list, because of they way they went full on Starbelly Sneetches on us. They need to kill the categories, set a cap on available daily/weekly AA earned, but give us a bigger pool of things to do, and then a suggestion like this will be like "yeah, that sounds cool" for everyone.
  17. I don't know if I get a label, but I played since before release through to the beginning of HoT, when I took about a 13 month break and came back in the middle of S3 and haven't look back since. I have one legendary weapon, and am working on my first set of legendary gear (and have started collecting materials for a 2nd and 3rd weight). Enjoying myself since August. Don't have a point, just wanted to participate.
  18. While this is probably about the little pop-ups like "hey, you have this ability you can use for a bit!" and "you can't pick up any more zojja icecream scoops!", I'd like to amend this with a related pop-up: the "this is totally informational and in no way a cheap defensive tactic used by the NPC you are currently fighting" pop-ups. "Zojja healed someone, and now dares you to try to use a ground target ability to heal your allies!" "A Kryptis General died, and is now trolling you by making you cast that ground target group heal on yourself, rather than your allies!" "A turret something something, and you know that ground target ability you were about to use? Hope you'd like to cast it right on yourself!" It's something that takes up like a quarter of the screen, slightly above the middle of the screen and towards the top, and prevents the use of ground targeting abilities, snapping the target to yourself. I don't mind the messages, I just think they should be click-through.
  19. Oh I gotta pick private! Got it, will try that, thx! Update: Worked.
  20. It's not working. I did Brisbane twice and Metrica once and it's only showing I've done 1/10 activities. I wasn't going to do it, then got excited when I saw this, now it's not so exciting again.
  21. As a general rule, I've never been a fan of solutions like they gave. A guy puts not-so-nice things in his shoe 'one time' and walks on a plane, now everyone has to take their shoes off. In the NBA, someone gets a cut, and it's treated far differently from getting a cut in any other professional sport. I'm sure there are parents out there who have declared, "There will be not touching of anyone else, ever again!" I know they don't want to develop anything, but it seems like they could just make a quick interface when you interact with something, to pop up and let you select what it is you'd like to interact with. Let it be toggled on and off by the player base, and allow a hot key to be assigned to that toggle, should some players need to flip it on and off on the fly. As everything you interact with must have some 'type' to it (bad guy, good guy, thing (thing subtype: food, ?, ??), you could add a setting for how granular you want it to be. I've always wanted something like this for: 1) When someone drops 37 banners all the the same spot. (F, Hero, F, Spirit, F, etc) 2) Fun boxes and old-timey-airplane box. (I would like to open the chest please) 3) I want to hit F and pick the guy that will take me to Dragonstorm (and not have to cycle through 40 friendly targets using my elected shortcut of Ctrl-Tab to cycle through 'friendlies') "Dang, went buy it...Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Tab...) <- added an ellipses in there to drive that person that hates ellipses crazy. 4) Other... <- !
  22. Thanks everyone! I figured out why it's so bad in SotO and more specifically the new convergences. It's the status pop ups they like to put in the middle of the screen about 1/3 of the way down from the top. Things like "Tower event starting soon" or "Zoja healed someone" or "Black Friday sale at Best Buy!". Those land right where my mouse is trying to move me around or targeting something in the distance, and I end up healing myself. Bummer.
  23. This is interesting, thanks! That would make a lot of sense that maybe it started happening when I started using Blish. It could be that my mouse is roaming to the top over some elements like fishing buddy or something, even though they are 'hidden' in combat. At the very least, it's something new to focus on and be aware of when I'm testing.
  24. So maybe not just me, and maybe some sort of bug they introduced? Was thinking about writing something up, but not really sure how to explain what is happening to me. I'll do some more testing.
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