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mercury ranique.2170

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Everything posted by mercury ranique.2170

  1. I am an elder gamer (still in my 40's though). profanity filters and language filters are not done for minors, but for their parents. It doesn't fit in their values and what they feel comfortable to get their kids in contact with. In my opinion the profanity filter on the forum does not exist to uphold a pegi 13 rating, but cause it keeps things civilised. We are all people from around the world, from different countries, cultures and ages. Having the decenty to abide to some rules, help to keep the game nice for everyone. The pegi 13 rating has nothing to do with that in my opinion. Two examples: 1: I'm form the netherlands and my wife is Scottish. When she speaks in english she swears alot, just as her mom did, and her scottish family does. This doesnt mean she does the same in dutch. She knows that it is a difference culture, but the load of these words are even different between those two countries. 2: I was reprimanded once to use a word that describes the feces of a male cow. To me this is a very normal word. But what I did not know was that it is percieved much more violent and epxressive by people from other cultures. So in sort, keep it civilised makes it happy for everyone. An important note as well is that guilds are allowed to govern themself. If your guild(s) allow it, feel free to express yourself in any way you want. Do not hold back and be yourself, as you are with friends and not with strangers. abide to the rules fo the guild management, but thats it.
  2. yes they are trying, but no, what you are witnissing is not solid proof of botting. As a player we can never know for sure. To be botting you either need to be using outside tools (which does not seem to be the case here). Support has means of checking this. For checking if you legally or illegally idle farming, they have a pretty simple test. The rule is you have to be present at the keyboard. So a GM investigating a report will simply ask the player. If they are responsive they are present at the keyboard and there is no foul play. When they do not respond, they will recieve proper actions (first offender is them being moved away with a message to not do this againt, later on the banhammer will be used). You can actually help support by pm-ing a player before reporting them. Ask them something like "Hey, are you a bot?" if they are replying, you know there is no need to report (keep in mind that a GM will have a special coloured PM and while a player is obligated to reply to a GM, they are not obligated to reply to you. Another thing to understand is that there are people botting. Most often this is not for personal gain, but because they are part of a larger organisation envolved in gold selling. They are not the owner of the account and use two methods to gain access: 1: They use hacked accounts 2: they use accounts created with stolen creditcards. Once an account get banned they will simply hack another one or use another stolen credit card. Often re-using same or simular names. Are you sure they are the same accounts 😉 GW2 is a game. It may look realistic, but what you experience on your screen is a representation. For both bots and for the studio, it is more then this interface and they look at what happens behind the interface.
  3. understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side and the truth. Yes you are correct that part of the community tends to overfocus on DPS, making them blind for all else that moves. But also understand why and how dps-meters play an important role in some specific content in the game. So both are corect. Just understand there should be a healthy balance between using DPS-meters and making them the only viable source of information bout how succesfull a build, a group of players or an individual is. When the people you play with lack this balance, while you have it, look for other people to play with. If you find a hard time finding those people, it is more likely you who lacks the balance.
  4. I have two accounts so I can play on EU and NA servers. I really disliked getting started with the second account due to the amount of account wide unlocks I got used to. To name a few: Autoloot mounts and gliding The list is longer, but it gives you an idea of what you'll be missing. If you want to re-learn he game, start a new character (and if needed get a new slot)
  5. Long time ago, when there was just GW1, there was an excellent guide online for farming gold. The main message was to set clear goals and focus on them. In my experience, when obtaining complicated things like legendary's thats just what matters. - You need every resource you got gor them. -doing them all at once is very demotivating. -so split it up and set in between goals. Do not try and do everything at once. So at first I'd be getting mats. I would even buy them with gold. Once I got the mats, I would focus on obtaining gold.
  6. Trading Post - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Nope!. This is to prevent the trading post to be used as storage and polluting it with unreasonable offers.
  7. I think a good amount of options exist depending on your situation. 1: You never got any reply re: You should investigate the ticket on the supportite and check the contact details. 2: You got an initial automatic reply, but thats it. re: Update the ticket with a request for an update. 3: You've gotten a reply, but it doesn't resolve the issue for you. re: Reply and explain why you do not find the solution suitable. If needed you can always ask them to escalate it to a higher level. Keep in mind that no means no. If they do not do what you want them to do and they have motivated multiple times, thats it. Draw your conclusions, but understand their answer will not change
  8. One of the core principles in GW2 is that you do not need to have roles like tank, dps or healer. You bring your own support and survivability. This allows for more spontaneous cooperation. For a long time there hasn't been dedicated healers. Only for certain high end content (t4 fractals and raids) you'll need traditional roles and specific builds. Outside of these content I would advice against running such builds. To allow for this, they introduced buildswapping, making it easier to swal builds. Keep in mind though the the amount of slots is limited and you'll need the gemstore to buy more slots.
  9. It is against the rules to advertise exploits and cheats. By reporting cheaters and botters in a public folder you also tell stuff like: Good places to bot Good tactics to bot Good methods to cheat and exploit. The bad guys can read this too and we do not want to give them any ideas right? You can always report something fishy by opening a support ticket.
  10. A few remarks. Partners. I do believe quality should go above quantity here. So I hope that they will add partners based on quality rules and who are willing to do so. If decent candidate partners report to become partner and if they qualify it should never be an issue and I have no doubt it wont. The amount of spanish speaking people is not a reason why there could be attention or would be a lack of attention. Potential revenue could and should be the reason. If not enough content creators want to be a partner, isn't it a sign that the game is not doing well in those countries? Obviously they should investigate why, but when it is a cultural thing where the game and the format fits the culture less, then it is a lost cause. Specially when the revenue is not needed to be a healthy company.
  11. there are two arguments here: 1: part of the first rule of conduct reads as follow: (Source: NCSOFT West ) From this perspective, by all means, when you have an experience fitting the rule of conduct, do report them. They are in violation of the rule of conduct which are part of the terms of service. It might not mean that action is taken, but it will be added to their file. Do not let this behaviour be unpunished as it means it will exist longer in game. 2: It is a minor thing and by reporting it, you keep an GM away from other reports meaning that you essentially waste their time. Now, it is likely in the middle between these two and I would advice to read them both and decide which one appeals more to you
  12. I agree we need less of these boxes. They are patronising. You clicked wrong. You made a mistake. Do not expect others to learn from your mistakes, but do it yourself. I have a 10-year old child and I try to raise him in such a way that he is independent and can handle the world on his own.
  13. If you go back to the GW2 manifest, before launch, you'll see this is on design. The game is designed in such a way that you can play solo and in a group (both organised and just some people that happen to cross your path). Part of this is that the trinity (healer/dps and tank) has been abbanded. You need to bring your own support/heal, tank and dps and GW2 accomodates for this. This went well, but GW2 got succesfull and draw players frm different games that demanded raids. This demand was so high they delivered and with that they also delivered some elite specialisations that brings specific roles. Although not limited to that game mode, they are not designed for regular open world en these roles only exist for that purpose.
  14. are you using DX11 or any add on? these can interfere with these can't of settings, so I would suggest turning these off.
  15. I remeber DOA when they added mallyx. It took several weeks before the first group defeated him. After that methods where refined and more tricks where found, resulting in a very decent success rate. Just cause it is for 1% now, doesn't mean it should stay for 1%. I have no doubt that more and more clears will happen now the road is paved.
  16. so much debate over semantics. Can we please stay focussed on the OP's questions? afaik, there has never been stated a real reason and it might have happened by accident. GW1 was one of the earlier MMO's on the market and helped shape the market. One of the big selling points was that you do not need to have a high end gaming PC to give it a try. I played GW1 on an old work laptop with intel integrated GPU and it was a nice experience. If you now buy a 500 dollar laptop, you can play GW2 very decently. That is the reason why GW2 leans more on the CPU then the GPU compared to other games. It is also why high end PC's matter less then with games that rely more on GPU. As for the reason why it is intense in terms of single core performance. This requires a bit of basic understanding of computing. John von Neumann was the inventor of the most used computer architecture and. Basically he described the way data input and output is handled by a memory and a CPU. A lot has changed since then, but you still need an input device, an output device memory and central processing. This is the flow of data. action leads to reaction. So when you enter a command in GW2 (input) is must be handled as a single entity by your computer, not matter how complex it is. Otherwise it would not know what input goes with what output and the flow is wrong. In other words. Any program can only run on a single core. There are exceptions to this rule as it is not always clear what makes a program (e.g. the tradepost runs on chromium, which is basically a modified webbrowser within the game and can run on a different core). They recently released DX11 support (beta) In a blogpost they also mentioned this is a start of optimising things more. But keep in mind that they will always have to deal with the basic priciples of the computer architecture. So shifting the focus from CPU to GPU will only happen if they are willing to rule out some lower end systems As the business model of GW2 is based on new sales, I doubt this will happen.
  17. Wiki actually says: If you are not playing a lot of PvP and/or WvW. In both formats, players are offered some of the same rewards as are available for PvE players. This is done through reward tracks. The concept is simple. You select your reward track and for playing (and more importantly for winning) you get rewards. Most of them are minor rewards, but each track ends with a bigger reward. Still the advice above for PvE might be more your thing ig you never knew about these reward tracks 😉 (and before a WvW or PvP player come in, you should try these formats, they are fun as well!!)
  18. You have been blocked for security purposes. They will not discuss any details with you in public. So your best bet is to inquire by opening a supportticket. If you can't do it throught the website due to the blocking issue, please sent an email to support@arena.net Include as much details as possible (name, adress, country, accountname, one or a few character names, etc. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR PASSWORD!!!!)
  19. The issue is that your mobile ISP doesn't offer you a personal IP-adress. Instead you'll be connecting with a multitude of people over the same public IP. Any information about you that reaches Arenanet can either be spoofed or be too general. That is why you need to put in your third party authentication anytime to connect
  20. There is a difference between Kaineng center and Kaineng city. Kaineng center was a "town". This was the technical term for an intance where you could meet other people in GW1 that was of a bigger size (compared to e.g. outpost). This was just a small part of Kaineng city, which was and is one of the largest city's around. Most of the city drowned and is not inhabited. The part of "New kaineng City" that is uninhabitted by civilized worlds, is called old kaineng, as it is part of the old city and in ruins.
  21. so much wrong information, just cause someone doesnt want to pay for a game. Core game is not a tutorial. It is a bit outdated, but still a very good game and I believe many players still spend most time in core. Just cause it is free to play, doesn't mean it is now lesser then it was before. Most free to play limitations exist to prevent them being used by hackers/cheaters/goldsellers. In most games you have to: Buy each and every expansion to play all game modes on a compettitive level Pay a monthly fee to have access to the service. For one of the more famous competitors this is about 230 USD per year. With GW2 if you are an active player, you'll need to. Pay 30 USD once every few years to have all features, content and maps unlocked for you, including living world releases when they release. If you do not have such resources, it is also ok to not pay it and still being able to play most of the game. The developers need to make a living. Yes it is a business, but it is an ok busines that does not rip you off. Don't want everything for free!
  22. 2fa is a good additional security measure, but nothing is 100% secure. And do you know how to tell the difference between a hacker and a normal player? Specially where hackers try to impersonate a normal player? You filled out the form and I have no doubt that they will come back to you. using the known gmail trick to add something to the first part of the mail adress in order to track leaks, is no issue at all and very common business
  23. Shortly after the release of PoF they made HoT a free part of PoF. You paid for the privelege to play HoT from when you bought it and still pay for the privelege to play HoT without purchasing PoF. It is a very common practice in many branches to offer package deals where the older content comes for free.
  24. Any story that you do not experience first hand requires some bit of immersion. To me playing a different character is like re-reading a book. The story is the same, but some details are different. I might sit in a different chair, read at different times of the day and in a different speed. But most of it is the same as the story and the book is the same.
  25. As a general opinion on the matter. I do not think resources should go to this. I actually like that not all dragons are finished off in the same way. Where Primordus/jormag seemed rushed, I actually like Zhaitan the way it is. Keep in mind that it is the first one to be finished off and it should be a learning progress. As your "orginally planned" argument. What isn't in the game isn't canon. It isn't in the game for very good reasons. It was dismissed at one point. We do not know the reasons. I remember this from Utopia (cancelled GW1 campaign). Still from time to time people ask for it to be done nowadays. But it was dismissed with a reason. What was good was re-used and what was bad was left out forever. Obvious a much larger scale, but for this smaller element, the same goes. All that is left is a failed element that never made it to the game.
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