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Everything posted by Skotlex.7580

  1. Try joining the map a few minutes before meta start, it's the only way to confirm if there's an actual bug going on.
  2. I suppose I will pitch in as well. I'll be brief, as many of these suggestions have been given before: Stop making weapon skill sets be hybrid in nature. Eg: rework dagger skills to become power based; sceptre+focus, condition; staff can remain the hybrid utility weapon.Have at least two attunements deal comparable damage. Currently, optical dps is camping fire, but if you need a skill from another element, then you are locked out from the previous one for 10 seconds and dps greatly suffers. Rework traits that only take effect while attuned to a specific element. For instance, make stone heart work while either attuned to earth, or while under the effect of protection. Another example: have healing ripple trigger on every element swap (but tuning to water is stronger than the other elements).
  3. from what I read, the pirate fractal fails often because people try to burst down the boss, and then get overwhelmed by adds. Because the add spawns happen at set boss health intervals, the group should focus on deleting adds to succeed (and if they are good, they just pull the adds towards the boss for better cleaving efficiency). This goes back to knowing mechanics and not ignoring them.
  4. Unfortunately too much power creep has made almost all older content obsolete. Dungeons used to be hard, now they are mostly facetanked when it comes up as a daily. On the other hand, PvE difficulty is tied to mechanics. And the mechanics in question can either 1. Be learned and thus, the content is no longer challenging, or 2. Aren't followed and no matter how good one is, it's futile to try (ever attempted an aetherpath with a group of pugs who couldn't even communicate, much less figure out the mechanics? I have, it wasn't pleasant). The only way to promote challenge that won't be overcome easily, is by relying on random factors so that one must adapt rather than replay the same strategy each time (and when Anet tried this with the new fractal instabilities, the forum outrage was pretty extensive).
  5. Some bugs are harder than others to fix. It may very well be monster knockbacks, though I am certain I've seen those npcs float on the ground from the very beginning of the escort phase. That sort of big bug doesn't happen anywhere else as far as I know, so..... wish they could fix before the meta event rush is over. :/
  6. With the state of ranger currently, I believe what the class needs is not a buff nor a debuff, but a massive overhaul. Frankly, the pet did so much more damage than the ranger did for most of the game's life, until soulbeast managed to reap those juicy damage boosts for themselves, and that's how we got to the current situation. A rework would aim and reducing the massive damage boosts the pet gets down to level with the rest of traits from other classes, and also boost ranger weapon skill coefficients to compensate. or at least, that's how I would approach balancing of the class.
  7. I feel like it does send me to nearby areas more frequently than before. Before the update, I pretty much had to warp for every kit; currently, that seems to be the need every 2 or 3 kits. Still, it sends one too far away too frequently. If it were up to me, I'd set rates as follow: 20% to get a treasure in the same area you just got one from (but a different location, of course). 60% to get a treasure on an adjacent location, and the last 20% tosses you far away on the map. If there's a restriction in place (such as the one mentioned above: you can't loot somebody else's chest if you just opened one in the same location), that could probably prevent most exploits.
  8. I don't think Anet would go this way, it's 1. Too expensive, and 2. Shared Inventory slots don't work this way. What they might do, is sell each slot separately for 2k gems, and a bundle back discounted to 5k gems. Even if it cost 2k per slot, I would get them. However, I wouldn't bother if one has to pay 1k per character.
  9. I've mentioned before that crafting would be greatly improved if the filters and collapsed groups where remembered between play sessions. That alone would simplify a lot my crafting needs at least. I've also thought that reducing the number of categories would be good for the lfg, but then each lfg will need to list the map it takes place in (it could be a dropdown menu which is automatically filled with the current map). I would condense categories to hot, ls3, pof, ls4. There are other things that could be improved, such as the dungeon shops, I would condense all those menus into two: weapons, armors, and then have tabs for each dungeon when browsing wares. But.... I've been waiting six years to be able to hide nameplates of my pets / party / squad members, so I am not holding out my breath for any ui updates. At this point, I consider the ui as I do dungeons: abandoned content. :D
  10. This doesn't always happens, which is probably why its harder to fix. So far, it seems to trigger when the first event (destroy turrets and some elites) fails on the southernmost lane. I'd recommend players give priority to the south lane events to confirm if indeed this helps.
  11. I have used a controller with GW2 ever since I started 5 years ago, from Linux even, and I am still fine. :P Since every gamer believes that keyboard + mouse is superior to any controller, there shouldn't be any issues... as long as you don't use the controller settings to set up macros.
  12. Why? What makes you think the majority of players want this kind of gameplay? I'd be happy if most events wouldn't feel dumbed down once there's a large party going. I do think open world events are at the right level of challenge, however, nearly no event is safe from becoming trivial when faced with a zerg. Thus, rather than ask for harder content, I'd ask for better event scaling. :)
  13. Due to mounts, there needs be an increased sight range or overworld enemies will just be for decoration. The problem lies in being stuck "forever" in combat because enemies keep coming from far away. I can think of two possible solutions to this issue: spread out enemies more in maps, if the space between packs of enemies is greater than 1200, then it becomes much easier to mount back up as it'll be harder to drag in more unwanted enemies. Split sight ranges, so mobs will sight you while in a Mount at 1200 range, but if you are on foot, that range is reduced to 900.Any other ideas? Anet can't just blanket reduce aggro ranges due to mounts, so some other solution is needed.
  14. Actually, I am talking of the meta as such, and the daily reward box from which you can get an amalgamated stone, that one does require killing the crazy doppelganger. :/
  15. I am pretty sure they could reword the events so it still makes sense. For instance:Change:"Augury Rock is again sealed, but wild magical energy was released. Augury Rock is closed."into:"Wild magical energy has been released. Augury Rock is open. " It's not too strange to think that the wild energy released doesn't has to be tied to sealing off the place.
  16. And... pray tell me how much time passes between defeating Josso and the closing down of Augury Rock? That's where the 20 minutes I am referring to are.
  17. Currently the big reward is given after defeating the doppelganger, but to get there one has to wait 20 minutes until Augury rock closes (countdown after defeating josso). For a meta event that now is on a timer, such a long wait will drive players away, in 20 minutes they could complete any other meta. Suggestion: keep Augury rock open for 20 minutes, but have the magic dispelling event trigger after opening the place (either immediately or one minute afterwards). That's all. If this delay continues people will get discouraged and just do other metas. :/
  18. To keep the momentum, obviously. :D anyway, I can imagine that the bonus week is here to motivate players to the pof metas, and get them used to doing them (specially serpent's ire).
  19. It seems the design for legendary trinkets is to have a special effect based on how many are equipped (which is better than having individual effects overlapping).Now, some may not like the current aqua bubbles effect, but chances are in the future we'll get fire or lightning effects. For instance, I can imagine the following progression:1 trinket equipped: light orbs2 trinkets: water orbs3 trinkets: earth shards4 trinkets: fire orbs5 trinkets: lightning orbs They could also use darkness orbs instead of earth. Eventually I hope these effects can be added to the wardrobe to allow the freedom to unlock and choose.
  20. Double click the treasure kit to disable the special action. I support this change, as it's highly likely that if I am using treasure hunting kits, I will be in the desert highland meta running against the clock to get as many chests as possible, which means avoiding enemies and events as well.
  21. it should be noted that dungeons are "legacy" content, no longer updated nor improved. People don't run them for farming anymore (you can still find people through the lfg, even though it may take up to 10~15 minutes for a full party on primetime, depending on path). As noted above, fractals is the bread and butter for daily 5-man instanced content. 5 years ago there wasn't anything else to do for level 80s, dungeons were the only "endgame" activity, nowadays I'd say there are three: fractals, raids (10 man content) and open world metas (check /wiki timer for the schedule).
  22. When Postprocessing is set to 'High' the sun appears as a square in some areas. Ah, that bug. Yes, it's something pretty minor, so I can live with that until a fixed driver is released. :D
  23. When Postprocessing is set to 'High' the sun appears as a square in some areas. Ah, that bug. Yes, it's something pretty minor, so I can live with that until a fixed driver is released. :D
  24. I couldn't find this information in the previous pages, so I ask.... what exactly is this nvidia bug about?
  25. Wish Anet could either fix the "locked on ground" client glitch when mounts haven't loaded yet, or figure out a way to have your own mount take top priority (same as loading your character model) in the model loading queue whenever one mounts. I'd think the former might be easier to implement, while the latter gives the better gaming experience.
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