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Everything posted by Downstate.4697

  1. How can I inspect fashion if this change is made? You are gate-keeping. I’m so disgusted right now.
  2. All core professions need a buff but doing so will buff an elite spec in some way. Most core specs are viable and are usually missing something to make it great.
  3. It will never happen. Anet can barely manage pve content.
  4. You are the best. My parents told me they wished you were their child instead of me.
  5. Everything that counters your views is unethical so why would I argue with you?
  6. Give ele 5k more health and 5s off all their heals and it’s a warrior
  7. It’s already on par with similar cantrips. Personally I’d remove the ammo, double the cleanse, remove might, and then have it also grant 1s of resistance per condition removed.
  8. I’d be okay with it if they changed some of the mechanics of 2v2 and 3v3. Not a fan of people running super tanks to run out the timer. I think a better solution is to increase damage after a certain amount of time. Maps could have an objective. Each map could have a node in the middle that spawns on timers or once certain conditions are met that provide buffs to your team if it’s won.
  9. I think I’d still run it if I wanted to play OG d/d with water air arcane.
  10. While nerfing sword might address how strong it feels, I think the problem is the healing that skills provide without investing into healing power.
  11. We should put all the guardians in special camps and force them to farm unranked for gold. This way we can keep them out of the population and also take the fruits of their labor.
  12. The algorithm tries to prevent the same profession being on each team, not mirroring. That being said, it’s counter productive to their design philosophy. a big issue is that the algorithm is all about finding averages within a certain time frame and then adding buffers the longer you wait to increase that range. Unless you have a lot of players with similar stats all playing different professions, you are going to get bad matches. Plat 2 players wait a long time in solo queue because no one matches their level. Removing duo queue could help with match equality, but all it will really do is force high ranked players to Smurf.
  13. Maybe increase revealed duration to 5s? The only time I really see stealth as a major issue is with deadeye. Maybe the solution is nerf stealth access in deadeye.
  14. I bet you also refuse to weapon swap too. The game doesn’t have to balance around your preferences. Also in what context are you complaining? Wvw roaming, zerging, PvP, Pve?
  15. That’s the nature of PvP now. I would argue that’s part of the reason ele feels bad to play.
  16. Just give it a 20s cooldown or give it a charge. That would give it a more unique identity at least
  17. The reasons I don’t like pistol is that you need to face the target to do anything. It basically means you can’t output any real damage if you are being hard focused. The best way to play pistol is probably to limit your enemies movement as much as possible, which tempest probably has the easiest time doing.
  18. Anet can’t deliver new content so they want repeatable content. GW2 PvP is already repeatable. It’s also a waste of manpower to try and police PvP, which accounts for like what? 1% of their player base?
  19. My point is there should be shorter respawns to prevent snowballing.
  20. Personally I think it’s less of a balance issue and more of a game mode issue. Getting kills gives too much value and enables matches to snowball. Mobility creep contributes to this and so does damage creep. On the other hand there are also tanky builds that can hold nodes. I think the happy medium is to look at downstate/death respawn timers in general. I personally believe the game needs to go back to holding nodes vs killing the enemy and giving your team a 4v5 for 30+ seconds. Hell they could even increase the duration it takes to cap a node to slow down the pace of the match.
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