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Everything posted by Downstate.4697

  1. For me the mechanic of stealth is fine. Having access to it via smoke fields is a bit of a problem. Maybe reducing the duration could help
  2. The best thing anet can do without investing in any resources is remove duo queue and prevent games from snowballing. They can prevent snowballing by reducing the time it takes for a downed person to return to playing. Between bleeding out and the death timer, it’s a good 30-45s of 4v5.
  3. I think OP is approaching balance wrong. If perfect balance is achieved and you don’t need to do anything for 2 years, you will be bored within 3 months. People forget that meta shifts is also content and sometimes not having perfect balance is better
  4. Lower cooldowns on spectral utilities could help. If damage is higher, give them more ways to gain life force .
  5. It’s for pve. The balance we got was done 2 weeks ago
  6. Or they could make bleeds relevant so it has some practical use
  7. Someone googles why their class is bad, finds a topic from a year ago and decides that is where they need to complain.
  8. Did you know if you hold alt while switching to earth it skips the cooldown of that attunement?
  9. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAIlVwiYbsRmJm2WZvUA-D6IeG9qACYC4hTAAA this is how I’d run it personally
  10. May as well run scepter focus at that point.
  11. So you are complaining that people aren’t getting 100 to 0’d by chrono?
  12. From what I’ve seen the build is still very good. Did you run the build after the patch or immediately come here?
  13. You all are just mad soulbeast takes real skill to pull off. You all ever heard of condition damage? Or dodge? It doesn’t matter that I travelled across the map in stealth, OWP’d your kitten and was already in the mid fight by the time you died. You should of predicted that when you saw me on the other side of the map.
  14. WvW roaming takes less effort and most montages are someone dunking on 70 year olds trying to get 100% map completion.
  15. Ele players just need to cook harder
  16. Maybe. Doesn’t change the fact that mobility creep and damage creep has trivialized conquest to the point where roles aren’t viable outside of support and dps roamer.
  17. Hey buddy, I don’t tell you how to live your life. Why you gotta tell me?
  18. Ideal PvP for me is core guild wars 2. Low health professions had access to more boons to compensate and dedicated healers were not needed because everyone had a heal. Not really sure what ideal PvP looks like these days. I think part of the problem is the impact kills have on a game mode that involves holding nodes. Downstate and bleeding out durations have far too big of an impact on snowballing and map control which leads to a game state where pumping out damage will always be the best option. Too bad anet could care less
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