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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. Then go play your stupid little private server and stop being a pedantic troll.
  2. This back and forth reminds me of my little brother and me when we were younger."Nu-uh! You started it!""No, you!""You" And then out came the re-barb and the claws. Then we'd get bored of fighting and play Incredible Journey because neither of us would've won that fight. It seems to be the case here, too. Of course, I don't advocate violence. <3 ("ya'll bettah get the kitten-kaboodle (very strong swear word here, please.) along, ya hear!": My grandma in the early '90s)
  3. It fooled me at first, not gonna lie. My husband's response of: "You mean the expansion they announced months ago that's probably close to being released?" didn't really help, lmao.
  4. I also noticed that all of the links redirect to the same page. Disappointment.
  5. Thanks for advertising other games, it's wonderful. /s
  6. This isn't 4-Chan, you can't bump your way back up. If it worked that way, there would be a lot of threads "Sage"d to hell and back. (although irony of ironies, others can bump it, rofl)
  7. Don't be sorry for being kind! Some people are so adverse to change that they can get... kitteny. If you have a passion and you have a way, by all means, keep pursuing what you love. Also, don't let the actions of a few discourage you from doing something for the many out that there that would probably appreciate it. I agree 100% with Bealis, it sounds like a solid plan.
  8. I might be remembering wrong, but doesn't the OP have a job and now has disposable income? Not all of us have the luxury of money to blow. Also, some of your ideas are just echos of ideas that were very emphatically turned down.
  9. Are you talking about Undertale's Flowey? If so, now I can't unsee it, lol.
  10. I don't care about WoW, I don't care about fancy trailers; I want to see what I'm getting into. I have lost count how many times I've been disappointed having discovered the game I downloaded was nothing like the trailers, I saw it as a form of false advertisement, to be honest. Give me quality content over fancy trailers that don't speak about the game at all.
  11. I hope this works. If not, here's the link to my Guardian. https://i.imgur.com/64ZAjfN.jpg
  12. Okay, bye. I hope you find something that makes you happy.
  13. Someone posts something, and the next person commenting tells us a thing they like or admire about the person. For an added twist, who do they remind you of in Guild Wars 2? Skip me and go ahead and post so we can lift each other up during these dark times.
  14. What gets my goat is that they're carrying on about a travesty in-game when the real travesties are happening every day...I don't understand: If you're going to oppose a problem, great, but don't cherry-pick your data, that just leads to all sorts of terrible things. Some of the world's worst tragedies were conceived from ill-gotten or ill-received data. If you're going to get indignant, do so the right way and protest all instances of this happening, both in real life and in-game. Be peaceful, don't be a jerk, and you'll find that you can achieve things much more quickly.
  15. What do a average pc gamer look like? Was going to ask the same thing..They look sexy! <3 As for being cool or not, I stopped caring about "appearances"(i.e.: whether things were cool or trendy.) half-way through middle school because I was too lazy to care.
  16. Having beaten the chapter, Smodur just rubbed me the wrong way the whole the way through; I knew he was going to do something stupid...
  17. Her voice actress sounds like Felicia Day. It might just be me, though. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? XD
  18. You know, I was gonna not say anything, but eh. First of all, it's rude to assume that people have money for that kind of monetization; I'm barely getting by with what I earn, and $870 a month for rent isn't cheap. People that argue that it's for the good of the game are flat out being biased. They want it for themselves, they want to brag, and they want it now. Second of all: It's already been discussed how the whole pay to play model would be detrimental to future players. Lastly, if you wanna play a sub-game, go play WoW or a rip-off thereof. So sick and tired of this topic: I don't have money to give.
  19. Thank you for your valuable comments :)If I understood accurate, server is not important for Pve. Does it mean that I can play with you and other players from other servers?Actually I also wonder status of servers. It is not important to play in a random server? I must check something else to choose my server? Is there any criteria? Yep, PvE is a mega-server, the only time servers matter are in World vs. World. As for server status, I'm not sure, but I'm sure someone will be able to help you with that. Have fun, see you in Tyria!
  20. Don't be afraid to ask for help! There are plenty of mentors (they have apples above their heads) that will teach you the ins and outs of every class. Also, don't hesitate to jump into fights as there is no kill stealing. (You probably knew that, though.) Situational awareness is super important, too, but that's been covered with the camera angle thing and while it's not necessary, playing with the sound on is helpful; I sometimes hear an attack before I see it. I hope this helps. Feel free to add me if you have questions. (I'll try my best to answer them.)
  21. EH, this post was kinda awful. Sorry about that. Remove if need be.
  22. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Also, we all know how "fixing" things in MMOs go: fix one thing, a model, a level, a class, whatever, and you break a lot more than you fix. Add to that, you can't please everyone. The idea of monetizing is not a good thing for the future of this game.
  23. No, don't say that about my adorable houseplant! I would seriously be sad if something were to happen to him. He was so calm through everything and he deserves that vacation.
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