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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away. Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.
  2. So... pretty much every game ever. Other games end, they don't run on life support. You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online). You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running... There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges that Orly? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95725/do-you-feel-like-arenanet-is-actively-developing-gw2-or-just-doing-the-bare-minimum/p1 Yes, really You might want to read the linked thread more thoroughly - ie read the poll, read everyone's answers. I've read every post in that thread and "everyone" does not acknowledge that Anet are doing the bare minimum. It's also posted on Reddit, where people are more honest 'cause they won't be banned there.
  3. So... pretty much every game ever. Other games end, they don't run on life support. You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online). You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running... There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges thatOrly? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95725/do-you-feel-like-arenanet-is-actively-developing-gw2-or-just-doing-the-bare-minimum/p1
  4. So... pretty much every game ever. Other games end, they don't run on life support. You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online). You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...
  5. So... pretty much every game ever. Other games end, they don't run on life support.
  6. This. I'd rather they put more effort into real new content, no matter how much they claim that there's no overlap.
  7. No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.
  8. If you weren't aware, there's a unisex item on the GW2 Bangarang shop. On top of that, most of the clothes are fitted by someone with a fairly androgynous build. This is a great preview for someone like me, who crossdresses occassionally. GW2 has always been social justice-friendly, and this just proves they've still got it! If you're interested, you can shop here: https://wildbangarang.com/collections/guild-wars-2
  9. Lay-offs happened. Then people left. Then MO left. Who’s even here from the original team anymore?
  10. Schizophrenia is extreme paranoia. What you're thinking of is multiple personality disorder.
  11. HAHA, that was hilarious. "You are not true norn..." (mobile style bad writing + barfing dragon)
  12. They finished their story with LW4. Now it's just retconned/filler trash. Kind of like how WoW ended with Legion and is now just introducing us to worlds that don't really matter as much in scale when you compare them to Sargeras and the Burning Legion.
  13. How are we celebrating the new Lunar Year when we've been in The Year of the Ascension for over 3 years now? Is PvP suddenly ignored by lore? Is no one bothered by this contradiction to the story?
  14. Not trying to be rude, but you could’ve asked in-game instead of making a whole forum thread about it.
  15. You must be new. They have promised “expansion level content” since the release of GW2, and while we got expansions, we arguably never got expansion level content in between them. The expansions were not expansion level content? What's your definition of expansion level content then lol? Or you mean in between expansions? In that case why would we be entitled to expansion level content in between expansions? I too like many others am hoping for expansion 3 which may come out in the future yet and for now I'm fine with just be smaller updates. I may take breaks and come back here and there as more content is rolled out and I suspect probably expansion 3 as well. That said, I will shut up since this isn't really a thread for that kinda discussion which have been beaten to death in other threads hahaThey promised expansion level content for free. So yes, in between expansions. But I said that in the post. Don't know why you didn't read it.
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