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Everything posted by ArchonWing.9480

  1. 1 year is nothing in the grand scheme of things to learn everything about WvW. But I guess if they've never been forced to find stuff like this about it and have everything done for them they may never learn. Regardless I would still try to show them the way, but not do it for them; they can learn from their mistakes or if not, whatever. Yea siege is cheap, but I've noticed how poor (in terms of gold) a lot of players are despite playing a lot. They must not sell their mats or just spend it on useless kitten.
  2. Oh, yea no point in suicide pacts with people that don't know what they're doing. As long as you're hitting something and aren't getting picked off, you're probably fine. It's just that people follow a tag, hesitate, and then melt to 60 aoes or just get isolated. If you're willing to push in 50% of the time, honestly sounds good to me. Would want you on our side easily. The complaints are more towards people that are either that, or just too far away to be of use to anyone. And to be fair, people need to sometimes signal that they're going instead of assuming people are psychic.
  3. It's also safer to push in many cases because you are harder to single out in a crowd. If you try to hang behind, enemies can come from behind or just flank to pick you off. A lot of mediocre players claim they're being focused, but what's really happening is they stick out like a sore thumb and who else will the enemy target? Of course when one means push, they don't necessarily mean stack on everybody. But it also doesn't mean staying at 2500 range where you can't contribute anything. On the other hand, it's also nice to signal to people that you're actually committing. Sometimes people blow all their leaps and wonder why others can't catch up. Finally, if you should push, you cannot stop. It's ideal to push past the enemy, so you get through all the aoes or stuff. The worst thing you can do is get indecisive and stop in the middle. This will either force you to go backwards (and the enemy W keys you), or you just get instantly blown up and then go make a crappy thread on the forums. Even if things go wrong, you must commit. A 20% chance of survival is better than a 0% chance. You can run away on the other side.
  4. Well even in those cases I don't think you have to straight up leave. Slowly backing off with CCs or cover fire is usually a good idea and at the very least you can let them die and just dps the enemy while they finish your ally as they wasted all their cooldowns and are also open to damage. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! Unless they are the dummies that yolo in and die. Then, yea that's a waste of time. Sometimes people like to charge in without notice and flame everyone for not following them. I just give them a grave marker in those cases in commemoration of their stupidity.
  5. I actually use different colored dyes on different builds to tell them apart. Granted I forget about it most of the time. But yea people spent all this gold/money and all this stuff. They need better access to them.
  6. You guys are going to be the death of me. Ok, never mind, I should use past tense. 😆
  7. Average players will do whatever is convenient for the writer.
  8. The devs said so in the past that there's a massive gap in dps between the average and hardcore players (10x): https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/difficulty That was a few years ago, but that really hasn't changed and it can also be easily determined with Arcdps and the like. A lot of the times in a large squad, you may see a few people dealing 80% of the damage As for the TP, I'm pretty sure you could track what gets sold and how the prices change though never paid much attention to that. I do sell at the worse price if the prices are around the same or if it's a low value item. Like I really don't care about the extra 2c per mithril. Like even for mystic coins, the prices are pretty close even though yes, I would do the sell price. But how much would you really lose for selling them instantly? It's not like most people have a ton lying around. Plus for very expensive items those buy prices are incredibly made up and don't really sell at those prices often. Also for us long time players that have finished gearing in ascended+, gold has very limited use outside of maybe ascended food and random gem store skins. So a few hundred gold either way means nothing. Like yes, there's a big differnce between someone with 100 gold and 1000 gold maybe, but much less so with someone and 1000 gold and 10000 gold. Game has no gear treadmill, why stress over play money?
  9. That is what should happen. And you are right in the sense that if people were indeed so familiar with the fractals that they memorized basically everything to the point they're speedrunning, there should be no issue. If everyone had your approach, there should indeed be no gatekeeping and yes, it would be their problem and you should not waste your time with them. But that doesn't always happen. Some people show up in t3/t4 and don't do the above because they didn't play the lower fractals enough,. either because they skipped them entirely or did not learn anything. Everyone learns at a different pace, and it is very common for people to overestimate what they can do and go up too early. In addition, higher level fractals also have agony resist requirements; it is almost unplayable if you don't have enough, though I am not sure if that's a big issue. But sometimes we've had people join with no agony resist on t3/t4, and have to request that they fix that up. (usually they forget, but sometimes they actually don't know what's going on) There are also mechanics that you may have seen in t1 that can't just be tanked through. On higher levels they may do fatal damage if ignored, and on CMs will be a wipe. Granted, there is very little gatekeeping in t4; it's mostly for CMs. T3s are a weird spot, because they often contain players are permastuck there. Unfortunately, when things have a high rate of failure, they tend to blame other people. That of course, is no fault of yours, but rather with them so most advise to get out of t3 asap. This is not to say there is no elitism. There are plenty of unpleasant people. I once read a thread making fun of t1 people for not doing enough dps to deal with a badly designed fractal, and was like what. However, I would not want to play with those people anyways, so they can gatekeep me all they want. I hesitate to call it elitism though because many are not very good and just blame other players for their mistakes. But I will say Gw2 has many less players of that type. I believe there is no reason to do high fractals except a couple for the legendary backpiece, and for the most part everyone can enjoy farming t2 fractals anyways. Or not at all, if you don't like them. tl;dr Sometimes you will do everything right and people will still be mad at you. That's not your problem, as long as you are sure you did as well as you could. Note: Then again, these days I almost exclusively play with friends and guildmates for these types of content. That's generally the best way to avoid mean people-- well, mostly. 🤣
  10. These players might not know any better. Commanders tell them not to throw their own siege and sometimes they don't have mastery. Of course, it may not have occurred to them that in these cases where they are alone, some siege may be better than no siege if the thing is lost. They also may be too poor to have siege/provisioner. Some people are really that disorganized. So in these cases it's probably better to come over and tell them they could build/use this siege and throw some blueprints; then leave them to use it in on their own. And if they refuse to learn, then just ignore them from now on. They have to face some consequences. But again that being said, it also affects you too, so that can only go so far. Quite a few things about WvW are very unintuitive, like most people have to be told to stop wasting supply on a trebbed wall and build a shield gen instead, while in other situations one may as well just deplete the supply if there's no intent to hold the tower. But yes, enough with the no context pings. I usually ask for elaboration and if they get pissy over that, I just file them under the bad scout list and ignore them. Curiously enough, this beta I've been seeing people manually type out [location] with the brackets. I'm not sure if they're memeing. Hey at least they're getting on the cannons and mortar. I often see people build useless crap like paper arrow carts or even worse just shooting at the enemy and doing 0 damage because either their build is bad or they're shooting into projectile hate. Then they just die either from aoes or getting pulled so they make a crappy thread on the forums and spam emojis on the replies giving advice because that's the most damage they'll ever do to anyone. Also people seem to love gate catas. 🙃 Ah, yes, occasionally annoying them with a CC is better than actually destroying the siege with a superior gate treb ==== BTW, I want to add: 25. If you are down on a thief/ele/mesmer and are not in enemy AOEs or being focused, please for the love of God do not teleport/mist away when someone is actively ressing you. I have no idea why people are so good at dodging allied res'd. If they dodged enemeies like that, they wouldn't down as much. I will just leave you on the floor and you can res yourself, since you don't want people ress'ing you. 26. Related to above, if you are getting overwhelmed and about to die when someone stealths you, stop autoattacking kitten! Now obviously if you can finish off an enemy and rally , go for it, but a lot of times spamming 1 when downed doesn't do much and you will just die. Nothing annoys me more than stealth saving people at 5% and then they run back in with predictable results.
  11. The game seems to always have people out in the world, even in "dead" maps. Though yes, Gyala is w/e. The cities are for people to afk in, though I suppose having multiple hubs spreads people out a bit and Lion's Arch just isn't what it once was. But that's what festivals are for. Lion's Arch also suffers from load times and is just not as convenient as other places. Maybe we could benefit from a global chat of sort per server or something, like what Armistice Bastion does with WvW team chat. Chat is usually most lively during festivals where almost everyone is together. That being said. there tends to be a lot of conversations in the cities, so not really sure if we need to do anything.
  12. Especially since that's the whole point of the tiers. They're supposed to learn in tier 1 and 2. If they're either skipping it or not learning from them, then of course things will go badly in t3. They should not be blaming other people. One should not step into tier 3/4 not knowing what they're doing; that's just looking for a carry and they need to go back to tier 2 or even 1. Also another thing is that people can help teach the content, but it's much harder for them to teach people how to play their characters. And that is also something that people should be doing even before going to learn an encounter. So when one goes through t1/t2, they should not just be memorizing mechanics but also what their character skills do, and how to control their character. And people can learn these things outside of fractals too, like in open world. And there aren't really many things that make you do anything t3 and above anyways. T2 fractals still give a decent amount of gold and may even be more time efficient if one doesn't want to deal with the stress.
  13. Remember a long time ago we had those character virtues options? It would have been kinda funny if you made your character more aggressive, then it would cause NPCs to not talk as much around you. Or have other dialogue appear. Of course we are far past that point as there didn't seem to be much interest in the RP stats. Redoing existing stuff is too much work. But you know, maybe in further expansions...
  14. Well it would seem many don't like having to pick a certain category that locks them for a week. In practice, this comes down to running across one of the dailies being undesirable. For WvW, I would say the weekly 10 defenses is often disliked due to how very slow and inconsistent it is compared to other choices, as well as being entirely dependent on enemy actions. I think it would help to add 1 additional "wildcard" choice in both weeklies and dailies that could be from any game mode and could be rerolled 2 times. People might even try another game mode, instead of playing it safe with the filters to guarantee only familiar content. Also understand that people play the game differently, so just because it works for some people, does not mean it works for everyone. Of course, I guess the issue is the OCD people would feel "forced" to do the extra daily/weekly. I don't really think that should really be a factor, but perhaps they could make it so the very last one including the extra (6/4 daily, 9/6 weekly) gives reduced or no extra astral acclaim. That's too arbitrary though.
  15. Welcome to my server. (well not for beta week atm), but it has chased out so many people that were only trying to help.
  16. That's great and all. Letting the wall fall so you can kill them inside is a legit tactic. However, what Dawdler is probably seeing is people uselessly pew pewing from the walls which get pulled off and killed or reflected. Most of these do not contribute anything to a defense Actual defenders will usually be further back on some treb or shield gen or something, dropping aoes from the top of the wall and then backing off, or be picking the enemy tail when the wall fails. Rarely is the wall a good spot to camp besides prepping a siege disabler and so if I see someone only camping the wall, I generally assume they are useless and if they're on the enemy team, free kills. There are always exception like a really well built ele or ranger but in most cases they are just contributing to folks like Xenesisil's next legendary Also the defend event is so unreliable it is not worth farming in most cases vs other weeklies anyways unless one is camping SMC, but again that doesn't utilize much wall hugging. I would argue though that only fighting in structures limits how much one can grow as a player. Learning to fight outside will help with that and lead to more success defending or otherwise in the long run.
  17. Personally, I rarely try to derive that sort of intent. It becomes an exercise in fortune telling, and thus I only go by what I see. I have always thought making expectations based on what people should do has never been an effective method. The key note here was that these birthdays were always per character, and even at the time there was always a distinction between character bound and account bound. By the 2nd birthday, it became very clear that the count was separate per character, and thus the oldest character would always get more gifts than newer characters and therefore there was always going to be an advantage to keep the oldest character around. At this point, there was no reason to expect these rewards would be based on account. Any assumptions would just be based on wishful thinking. Whether or not the actual gifts had value was irrelevant. There was always going to be the possibility that if one deletes their oldest character, then there will certainly be an exclusive gift in the future that they will have delayed access to. At the same time, there was also no way they would lock something invaluable behind like 10 years. However, if there was any chance that one would have FOMO, deleting an old character is definitely not a good choice. Nevertheless, even with that information in mind, there was always going to be some negative to deleting the oldest character, however minor it was.
  18. Not really. Remember we're talking about legendary acquisition here. All that matters is you get to and upkeep level 6 participation, which amounts to taking an objective every 10 minutes or so. Thus, you can be highly inefficient and still get max tickets for your time. Of course joining a group makes it easier to get to level 6, but once you are at level 6, it really doesn't matter There is very little optimal playing can do to speed it up being this floor, besides tagging up. Even when it comes to rewards, most of the value comes from Reward Tracks and Skirmish Track rewards. Champ bags and heavy loot bags are not really worth that much, even if nice to have. In a raid though, playing inefficiently may result in the raid taking many more hours than expected, and thus more time wasted. In some cases it may not even result in a clear. A good group on the other hand will clear things many times faster than a bad one.
  19. I was talking about barrier to entry. It doesn't matter what other people require in WvW, because you can play anyways, while you generally need a group to do raids and they can boot you and prevent you from playing the game at all. Thus, investing in proper pve gear for raiding is an essentially mandatory part of even getting in the door. Especially if we're considering max farming efficiency as the OP did.
  20. It wasn't exactly trash. Birthday boosters were pretty strong, especially back then, and still are decent. And they were per character. It was perfectly reasonable just to keep a character for the booster if you were building multiple characters, and if you deleted any, then you did. It wasn't much, but it was going to add up over time. Nowadays I don't even play without a birthday booster. Also leveling was much harder back then, so deleting a established character was an even worse idea then it is now unless one truly hated playing it and didn't invest anything. Either way it's not much in the long run. And even if I knew the future and wanted to delete a character, the existence of easy access to a second-tier food in 9 years isn't going to change my mind. I'd take those 9 birthday boosters though. I suppose if I really knew the future I would have made alts quicker for more boosters but you don't see me crying over that.
  21. All this over a feast? I never even use that thing and it's just wasting space in my bank. That being said, it's not the commander or anyone else's responsibility to make sure players have food. Not to mention Cele stats aren't that great for many people in instanced content anyways. It costs 50-60 silver to make an ascended feast, assuming you buy everything and don't grow anything. Assuming you drop 3 types of ascended food (already rather overkill), you'd spend less than 2 gold per run. Most content worth running gives you much more than 2 gold. Even doing WV dailies already covers for it. And of course, these feasts are better than the birthday one. I think it would be reasonable to expect players that have really been around for 10 years and wish to optimize in this manner to have Chef ready and have like, 5 gold available, , or if one is in a guild, to simply compensate some as needed. But somehow I suppose there has been poor time management and planning going out if you're deleting established characters. tl;dr Don't be stingy with your play money. You can't take it with you. Though I suppose it's never occurred me to delete a character with investment in it. I have deleted non-80 characters, but at the least a 80 toon can be parked anywhere.
  22. I mean, doesn't that already happen in the current iteration? The few times I hear anyone talking about PvP as recent news is win trading and match manipulation and even that's old. So it's not like there's any prestige either way.
  23. And I know of people that were forced to take a long break and had to act a little nicer for a bit. It was a bit funny to see regardless. Just got to keep at it with tickets. Granted the right click probably is ineffective. I mean I am aware that they're not doing a good job at removing these people. But I can assure you that most people aren't equipped to engage in a verbal slap fight with them that won't make it worse for themselves, particularly if they are outnumbered. Not to mention not all bullies are the same and require different approaches. Yes, I know your average team chat troll is just some MOBA reject and all you have to do is imply some body part is not nearly as big as they claim to pop their balloon but it's kind of a fine art lol.
  24. Can't tell how serious this is, but just in case I really don't recommend this for most people. Most people are not capable of that level of composure and often will land themselves in a spot to get reported themselves, plus it kittens up chat and most people don't want to see that nonsense. That is, it is easiest to perform when one is detached from these issues but that is not the case if they were involved to begin with. It is simply much less effort to report + convince others to do the same in regards to bad behavior.
  25. That's pretty bad.. What server was it? You should definitely get to wherever your guild is; I assume you already selected them for WvW guild. Also maybe you did already, but yea, you also want to report and block them because it is likely they are doing this to other people too. If enough people do it, eventually something happens. Recently we had some moron come back on an alt whining how they got banned; you can really tell what kind of person these types are. That being said I do think they are too lenient as often people like that are not kept away long enough though I suppose it takes a while to get of alts too.
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