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Everything posted by Dami.5046

  1. This X-pac had so much wasted opportunity on the back of a few strikes and a rushed story to get rid of the dragons. Bless ya cotton socks, mr confused you aim to please ❤️ have a nice day.
  2. I will add on my post, so mr confused can flex that i'm disappointed that they wrote out the kurzick/luxons and there was no new PvP zones ie, like AB/FA/JQ.
  3. I do wonder what direction this game is going or what they think their audience is , because on one boot they are pushing strikes and on the other, going around a city petting cats. It's all very odd. And there was no oni. Imagine oni popping up on *THAT* meta.
  4. The only toxic ones are the one who are selfish enough not to allow people who may for *reasons* not be able to do the strike( and then not being able to get the turtl)e have another thing they could do instead... I wasn't being toxic saying those people should be accommodated. But like I have said, my post wasn't about me. Anyway enjoy your next strike as i intend to enjoy mine, laters.
  5. Well it seems that way. However trolling aside i haven't said i'm not doing the strike., so wind your neck in.
  6. i am truly honoured. But let's put some perspective here. I just farmed my 43rd legendary - one of the new ones to be exact - didn't use a credit card farmed it. I do not expect things to be handed to me.
  7. So you never read all the threads on how grindly the skyscale is then?
  8. You are telling ME I am expecting things to be handed to me? Seriously? I think you are talking to the wrong kind of player.
  9. Not fussed about season 1 but a new cantha map and a new expansion!?! oh yeah.
  10. I think the people saying the strike is fine for the mount are the same ones that couldn't press F to gather a few mats for the skyscale and Anet caved and gave them different ways to get their stacks. It is unfair to promote a mount as a main feature only to find you won't be able to complete it. It is unfair to then diss said people by saying everything is fine when for some it isn't. why shouldn't there be multiply ways to get something? There was multiple ways to get things for the skyscale and that was ok?
  11. I made an axe today just because i'm interested what i will need to do to change it's look. But ouch really. And I just couldn't do it the way they want me to do it - 20 weeks? seriously for a weapon? needless to say it will be the only one i do. Annoying to make. However if you want to do Unicorn farts every time you move, Aurene's your girl.🦄
  12. I was a dervish main in GW and totally get you. In fact i love playing my reaper and now have two, a power and a condi. I don't like the other elite specs as much.
  13. It goes without saying that EoD has brought out the worst in some people. Dragons end meta and maw endlessly trolled by people. Two fingers at people nervous to do the strike. Fishing too, has people putting their boats. over fishing holes, or riding their skimmer back and forth to annoy, dragging mobs under your boat so you lose your stacks of fishing power if you aren't careful by swimming under you. But the maps are nice. Only thing.
  14. people are grieving the event. Done it a fair few times and were on track then some smart kitten comes with a tag, brings others, scales it up to stupid levels then just *disappears* 🧚‍♀️ Apologies if you think you are helping, but it really doesn't. Needless to say the scaling in EOD is crap, period.
  15. I never asked for bunny doo dah either nor did i ask for the class to be trolled(again). But here we are. When the devs follow the community and laugh with them, you know it's time to move on. back to my mesmer i go. 👋
  16. Bunny thumper so called because of how the character moved with the hammer, tried it once went back to trapping. Such a meme i can't even. Since we are moaning, can i have my pet swop back in pve? It is bloody annoying. regards a soul beast with a greatsword who wanted a rifle.
  17. I think people should just chill about the new weapons. I was all set, saw how ridiculously expensive they are and carried on making my gen1's. Hard to see how any weapon is worth 10k, when you can make at least five gen1's for that, and god bless the price of MC's since the new weapons only need 38 clovers. Silver lining and all.
  18. I have a solution for all your meta fails! Just blame me, i could be in the loo, on the bus or watching TV and it will still be my fault. I don't care. I get blamed for everything. Now how about people helping others like they do in Teq and comms actually explaining stuff instead of this e-peen that i have seen in other games, which is making itself known here, too. The toxicity has always been here, just well hidden and i should know. 🤷‍♂️
  19. I discovered that having the Jade bot as a 'drone' makes me feel sick and gives me headaches(again) to the point it took me an hour to do the drone thing in the labs and i still have Joon's estate to do yet. They always seem to forget some of their player base get motion sick.
  20. Can't help but compare this thread to the skyscales ones, when people moaned how grindy it was and such a chore to get stacks of map currency and many people were quite vocal about it - as opposed to this thread when it's now 'you shouldn't expect anything for free lol' or 'learn to play' The thing with the sky scale is that everyone could get it, everyone can gather, you could pay to skip the jumping puzzles. It just cost time in a lot of respects. Some people for their own reasons can't do strikes, end. So why not just do it here? For a modest fee say 100g, buy something off a merch to skip the strike, job done and yes i'll buy that cute gem store turtle skin. Because like the Skyscale it will be Anet looking to sell those shiny skins and they need people to have the turtle in the first place. And they will be the ones missing out, if people don't get one, ultimately.
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