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Everything posted by wanya.1697

  1. looks like someone is really desparate for his ultimate dominator title 🤣
  2. what about Symbol of Faith on mace ? its castime is even longer and makes it very clunky to use and by the time its cast you already went by it half the way
  3. power creep is the main problem also the game is way too fast and complicated with its dozens of build options even with slowed down videos I cant see what happened and even when I see what happened that does not help at all when it ingame happens in a blink dragon ball arena and wintersday pvp are probably the most barable and enjoyable for me knowadays pre HoT condi rework patch at least you only had condis as mild anoyance besides confusion knowadays its imposible to deal with condi and direkt dmg builds at the same time if only all condis where just none dmging soft cc's or status effects eg poison only reducing healing instead of also dealing dmg
  4. wonder if they will keep up with the merging of expansions into one pack for same price thing though when they release a new expansion like will we get EoD PoF and HoT for 30$ when the next expack gets released
  5. mace 2 on guardian could use a rework its pretty clunky to use ( too long cast time) and the regen is bit meh
  6. can't see real mapname in guild / friendlist or squad tooltip I am on Stonefall and can play with my guildmates but the map names shown are in totally different matches says they are in seven pines borderland map which is not even part of our match up at least let it tell which color if you cant get the names right
  7. at least scrappers can still place there wells could have been worse nerf like necro core elite which at some point was following too and now is a useless drop field in wvw only at your position with the much smaller radius as scourge elite field
  8. really nice changes but can we get a f2p only queue option pls ? elite specs are too strong to compete with and learning core builds only first will help new players to get into pvp much easier oh yeah and pls remove entangle imob alone is already bad enough but not being able to cleanse it cause of entangle sucks
  9. you can look at this youtube channel for one hand gaming https://www.youtube.com/c/BBBaconBoy in general its keyboard turning and placing keybinds easy to hit
  10. you can get the queue popup back via this methode
  11. you could try to rename the bin folder so you get a new version maybe try to deactivate overlays (one you might not think about is from microsoft xbox gaming or so)
  12. maybe thick party health bar option works guild tag should work disable all npc names could work too
  13. personally I am only sad about the mount skins that 99.9% are store only besides the only one in WvW for 200 gold to unlock otherwise I dont mind the armor weapon skins on the bltc as there are many great option in game too
  14. yeah same for me but megai put extra magic work into d912pxy camera turn smoothness
  15. îf you guys have arcdps remove that with some patches you need to wait for its update
  16. yeah well last link was kinda broken deso was linked with wsr which would have been fine if not for the around I think 120 transfers to wsr on short notice of players registered on gw2mists.com alone so yeah the relink algorithm can only do that much but prediction of masstransfers is not in its parameters obviously
  17. the hidden math behind skill-specific coefficient which is not shown in ingame tooltips is really a bad designit would make things so much easier to understand when that would be goneif tooltip says you hit for 300 then you should only hit for 300 if target has no vulnerability or protection and you did not get lucky and crit
  18. "Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat."what happens when pet dies while in combat? normally one would swap bet before that happenscan we go into beastmode with dead pet and receive its buffs and resurrect it via leaving beastmode?
  19. If you get application not responding error in task manager for gw2.exe check if you have Effect LOD marked if it's unticked game will stall in bigger fights without throwing any error message
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