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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. u sure it shows when we craft legendary after legy armory has been released? can u confirm with the displayed popup? or is I mentioned like u said in patchnotes or blog? I really wish anet shows the popup atleast once for all my legy items πŸ₯Ί @Catmander Neko.5643 please make the legendary item lore popup available atleast once for those who have legendary items unlocked in legendary armory.. pretty please πŸ₯Ί
  2. hope they dont leave rightaway... once they look at the rewards and the exclusive skins, they might atleast try to do their best I guess... why would anet give free exclusive weapon skins for just a minimal grindy event(first kill one skin, 10 kills next skin)? their intent is good.. i appreciate it.. hope this event brings more ppl to try it out and get interested in game mechanics
  3. Think anet intends to train players for some next level content... and get them ready for raid level coordination...its all good... atleast the mystic coins and the exclusive weapon skin reward swill push them to the next level... the way the game is designed from core tyria where u can casually kill mobs and a lil bit hard mode on HoT and PoF.. now this might get players to next level.. hope it does
  4. then I wont login to those characters with legendaries.... I'll wait until they fixit... those characters will get some rest 😁
  5. can someone confirm if the lore only shows up if you craft the legendary by following collections and do precursors and then legendary? and the popup isnt visible for those who bought the legendary from TP or via mail?
  6. Its sad to hear all the bad news.. pls post some good news guys 😁
  7. do they have lore for backpack items adinfinitum and accessories aurora, vision as well? and a cool lore for legy armor set 😍 i will wait until they fix it.. i wont login😁
  8. u sure it didnt show popup? I wont login with my characters until they make quick fix... I love that popup... I was hoping to see those popups fo my legy weapons and armors... the release note says... when an item is added t oarmory, ure sposed to seee those lore... and they ask us to login to every character that has a legy item... please confirm if that is working properly... I love that popup box 😁
  9. If you have a ping higher than 100 or 180, some instanced content are a lil bit vexing to do examples: the soul orbs in dhuum encounter green mechanic passes through you If you try to collect orbs while running towards the color orbs in keep construct encounter, u wont get those orbs but you can avoid it by standing close to the keep construct and avoid running towards orbs and wait for the ping to sync with the orbs and other players' movement to determine if the orbs are eligible for you to collect the blue healing orbs in fractals and fractal cms fly through you when you run and jump to avoid agony orbs from touching you and try to collect blue orbs.. so vexing but the positive side is... sometimes the agony orbs don't hurt you even if u run thru them.. weird and sometimes if you run in HoT area towards the pocket raptors and mount up on skyscale and fly high above ground before those raptors could touch you or bite you, u get damage from their bite after a second or two even if u cruise at high speed with nitro boost on your roller beetle, if u are cruising thru sand sharks or hydra monsters, u get damaged after a second.. this i'm not certain if its because of high ping but idk... in pvp, u knew the enemy is about to use an attack spell and u activate your block, still 3 or more insta cast skills from enemy hit you and damage you and sometimes your meele attack doesn't connect at all even if you reached them close even if the competitive game modes require nice ping, that shouldnt be the case for raids and fractals... it's not a world ending crisis.. but its still vexing to see those issues, it makes a hard to play content even harder for some ppl while others don't have those issues have anyone or some experienced these issues? or am I the only one?
  10. Now you might like to get the thing without doing the thing thats supposed to give you the thing after successfully doing the thing... but aren't u a lil bit interested in doing the thing you have to, to get the thing you want? Anet wish you try out the thing u have to do to get that thing u want... maybe I wish anet improves the possibility for everyone to do that thing you have to, to get that thing πŸ˜‹
  11. cmon.. it's not that bad... sure I dont have the third one myself.. but looking at others have that nucleus and electrons atomic structure doesnt look that bad.. maybe its obstructing view and looks somewhat odd and not pleasant... but its not what u claim to be... and we still have hopes for that 4th stacking buff effect from the upcoming free legendary amulet that can make the effect look pleasant and different.. dont destroy the hopes of countless ppl 😁
  12. might be alil bit different and refreshing if we see our skyscale launching fireballs at zhaitan and griffon throwing its sharp wings at kralkatorrick.. they tried it somewhat similar with aurene and kralk fight.... idk why they didnt continue the idea.. maybe they do have the idea in reserve for EOD perhaps?
  13. depends I guess.. based on how its been implemented... if u imagine current underwater combat.. with ppl crowded near the boss trying to press all dps rotation buttons like a mindless robot as they do in raid golems, it wont be fun at all...
  14. maybe the mystic coin price the way it is now is needed than what we wanted..(like how commissioner gordon says about batman.. hero we needed rather than we wanted) to make crafting legy's a lil bit grindy and time consuming for most majority of players who are interested in crafting them after the release of legy armory... if its made easy then ppl will lose interest in game sooner than later.... but ppl with abundant wealth will inturn craft all legendaries possible so quick and lose interest in game much sooner but they are not the majority... so no issues there... but they will blow their trumpets loudly before they go away.. πŸ˜›
  15. Imagine Shark mounts with their own elite spec unlocking skills for them to combat underwater bosses(sharks:berserkers) eg: Nereid Skimmer mounts not getting dismounted while doing barrelroll to heal ally shark mounts/ally players(skimmers:healers) Armor fish to take up the tank role.. not to be confused with the armor fish ranger pets Some nice mount for mage skills underwater and if anyone start to debate why player skills arent sufficient to do underwater combat... maybe think of these as new masteries that inorder to fight in currently thawing jade sea, we need these special mounts to do combat... some lame excuse or a valid well thought out excuse to make the underwater mount combat acceptable πŸ˜‹ and to mix it up... 2 skills in underwater while mounted will be mount specific attack and 2 skills are the mounter/player specific.. example: a mounted player with a lance weapon mounted on a shark could do a "bite" skill specific to shark mount and do an "accelerated jab" skill specific to player weapon. and 2 skill for mount and 2 skill for player and the middle 3rd skill is a combined form of attack involving player and the mount, something like "fang over fang" skill like how kiba and akamaru does in naruto Shark skills: Skill1: Bite->Raking jaws->Take a chunk(auto attack chain) Skill2: Ramming Head(impact damage varies based on swim velocity max dmg can be set in range of 900 to 1500) Skill3: Slice and Dice(player cuts the enemy with a weapon and the shark tries to shred the target with its sharp jaws) This skill can vary based on equipped player weapon.. it could vary for a sword and a lance Skill4: "High Velocity Jab" swimming from 1500 range, increasing velocity of the mount, the player jabs the target with the lance(skill based on weapons) Skill5: "Lance Cannon" while swimming at high speed toward the target, the mount makes a sudden halt and the player throws the lance and jumps off the mount but still holding the reins on the mount and kicking the lance hilt to increase the speed and impact of the lance projectile imagining these stuff is fun.. but idk how something like this would be implemented as a combat though... attackers shd move and swim towards the target occasionally instead of mindless button presses as they do with golem rotations.... and tanking roles should be thought similarly but tanks shd not move as they aggro the boss... and maybe.. tanks shd play some mecchanics to maintain aggro on them like boss shd have specific aggro points on them.. like eyes, hands, head tail,.... and the tanks should occasionally attack such points on the boss to retain aggro on them and once the point is dealt enough number of attacks rather than dps value, the boss maintains aggro on the tank for specific amount of time and the tank shd move the boss to differen tspot if necessary of keep him on certain spot... like.. lead the boss to a certain well made underwater traps to enable breakbar availability or some other mechanics... I believe the devs can build something better than this idea and get something unique rather than same old extra elite spec for player and giving one more weapon for players...
  16. Other character choices I would think more in line are... Sylvari druid priory Charr scrapper vigil Asura holosmith priory Humans suit well in anything with no inconsistency
  17. I believe, only norn havrouns are capable of accessing the mists ..... All other norns are basically hunters... They have strong connection with spirits of the wild and they treat their companion pets as family.... Norn is more in sync with rangers soulbeasts not sure about druid part... Norn would be more suited in vigil than priory or whispers order... And moreover norn would most preferably try to create their own legends and not to tap in old other legends... Norn are proud and most likely to be distinct than mimic or use other legends for their needs
  18. If gold is an issue, why go for legendary??? Use ascended daggers.... And u use sigils on weps not runes
  19. just 2 months? u do know they are going to release legendary armory and lot of content creators also released videos about it.. like wooden potatoes and few others... and yet u crafted more runes than necessary? one guy crafted 2 legy armor set of same weight even after legendary armory announcement and here u are with runes... I guess they wont compensate completely maybe half of what u spent? maybe... and idk if ppl are intentionally doing it or idk... 😡
  20. Case1: Raid legy Armor of light weight + one more raid legy Armor of light weight = only one skin in armory and is eligible for compensation... Now that I think about it.... Even if the OP knowingly crafted a PvP legy Armor of same weight, the end result is the same as in case1 Case2: Raid legy light + PvP legy light = only one skin in armory So this must be eligible for compensation... OP is right to ask for a compensation... The one thing that diverted the attention in wrong way is his claim about anet deleting a legy item which it doesn't.... but apart from that nothing's wrong in his claim To add to that.... Compensations for these situations should never be a full compensation at all... There should be some deterioration... Like only half of materials should be compensated coz who knows what's the material cost when they decided to craft legy and the fact that they did enjoy the convenience for quite a while... But materials that are not sellable example clovers, ascended shards of glory, legendary insights , obsidian shards can be fully compensated
  21. think u seem to be confused.. even if i craft 2 legy greatsword, i'd know i can use 2 legendary for one charcter.. 2 2handed weapon is required for weapon swap if by your notion, if in case twilight doesnt have a skin.... i'd expect anet to let me stat swap on the next weapon slot of weapon swap...(that might not be a best build but few sigils work on weapons swap those might help on few classes) coz i understand the limitations even before armory and after they announced armory, it was clear.. but ppl making extra armor of same weight... idk.. its on them...
  22. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Berserker's_Intricate_Gossamer_Insignia use this insignia with ecto, antho of heroes and the armor piece to get zojja's armo piece
  23. previously U can only stat swap with those two characters which has the legendary armor.. now after legy armory.. imagine all your light weight characters can stat swap .. so in reality anet didnt delete your legendary.. instead it gave u extra legendary armors for lightweight... don't u agree? anet did announce its gonna release the armory... and still crafting extra legy armor of the same weight ... couldve been a mistake on your part... u shd've swapped the raid legy armor to those characters that needed stat swap... but u aimed for total convenience.. idk... at this point, u guys can ask for some cool animations for pvp legendary armors.. that might satisfy u lot a lil bit... I guess anet can donate a single upcoming outfit skin for these ppl
  24. since everyone's making their assumptions... πŸ˜….. lemme make my wild assumption... the mesmer's holding a Rifle... lol... πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ It's just a drawing of the rifle... it doesn't matter how it looks eg: u could image the rifle to be either sunspear matchlock variant or something new 🀭
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