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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. dont you think ppl would improve once they get motivated to do a lil bit challenging content? I for one was a pew pewer in open world before i learned about the raid legendary armor and its cool animations and I improved myself by joining raid training squads and geared myself properly and crafted 2 complete legendary armor sets... Before I try to understand others, I analyze myself and I believe a cool motivation for a content would definitely get ppl interested in the content and they improve themself and try the next level and try to enjoy all of anet has to offer their players in guild wars 2 and not just bound by the monotonous "jump all in stack together press1 until it dies"... didn't my comment align coherently with what I'm talking about?
  2. some form of good gear is needed atleast for the lanes... else ull be the only one dpsing the champs and if all others have a bear bow build and they will stay alive and all.. pewpewing from a distance, kiting and dodging and everything... , the champs would easily reach the portals and the aether cannon would reach 100% soon and u all will fail the event.. as the evnt progresses, u get more champs spawn in lane.. ive seen 3 champs spawning one after the other in lane if they all are clumped, we can cleave thru them all at the same time.. but if they spawn with a delay, or one is ccd and other is left alone, it maintainsa distance between the cleave radius... it'd be really bad
  3. You totally missed the point buddy... Infusion as motivation for involving player participation is the discussion... I was suggesting to include a chance for infusion drop for marionette to retain players like the auric and chak meta did for the HoT... And auric and chak are doing well so far... And it's only natural it happens for marionette.... Where did you lose track of the thread?
  4. I think HoT showed you something else than it did with the others 😂. Even after releasing lws3,lws4, PoF a complete expansion which has more farmable maps and profitable means to spend time on content like palawadan and now icebrood saga with its eternal ice volatile magic trophy farming and drizzlewood material farming, and old trusty silverwaste riba farming, the HoT meta with chance of infusion drops are still crowded and busy most of the times... If you don't believe me, try joining a lfg squad among 10 of those after a minute of meta timing in event timer... And still if HoT shows you something else, then idk it must have preferential treatment with just you alone 🥴
  5. Fun also comes after you received that rare drop that is coveted by most... Don't you agree that's fun? Won't it give you happiness? Or are you a different human being? 😁. Would you still feel fun after mindlessly pressing dps rotation buttons on stupid monsters or golem? And do that every day without a goal? If you have a goal and you can reach it even if you are doing some monotonous chore, you'd get happiness/fun in this context... Golem dps rotation dps goals if reached, you'd find it fun... After grinding auric, chak meta if you get the rare drops you'd find it to be fun. That's why I suggested a common goal that would attract most tyrians and linked it with this new event that might help players improve and get to the next level as well
  6. I can't agree with you that raid is an ignored content... Nonononono... It's rewarding only once per week so ppl just complete it the first day of the week and do something else rewarding... And ppl who are interested join training runs and more and more ppl are crafting legy raid armors these days... It's so apparent when you notice ppl in lobbies and in guild chat or map chat, ppl are motivated in a right way to pursue these goals... And the one thing that I noticed that retains players in a specific content are infusions... Never have I once noticed the lfg to be empty or less than 8 squad lfg entries for auric and chak meta... Chak is somewhat difficult but not too much difficult and yet the content didn't die... And yet you think it's not the case for this marionette event if infusions were introduced? Idk u totally underestimate ppl ... They go crazy over infusions... The only downside I fear is ppl might become toxic and lash out on their fellow squadmates if infusions are involved and someone died in marionette platform.... Hope it doesn't come to that... Since the event can be completed quickly on a well organized group, even if it fails, ppl would not hesitate to try again atleast 3 times to finish it successfully.... Why do ppl do anything in an mmo? If not Grind for infusions and rare items?
  7. Noted 😋. My suggestion set char model quality lowest char model limit lowest to reduce these headache .... It won't completely fix the infusion troubles... But it reduces it to somewhat acceptable levels
  8. This would motivate the players to improve themselves. The infusion is from taimi's game story step... Just have a drop chance per day per character so ppl would do it religiously like chak and auric and the content will never die ever .....
  9. I actually would like a hologram infusion(the one from taimi's game story step) drop chance exclusive for private squad instance to motivate ppl to improve themselves... So it would never become an abandoned content after 2 months... And u know a public free for all marionette instance with nerfed bosses, nerfed mechanics and totally paper warden enemies and champs for ppl who like to take it easy... Now that won't be a bad idea would it?
  10. If this post is being read by anet Devs, pls include option to view legendary item lore for automatically added legendary items or option to view the lore anytime we want... Pliz
  11. Think it's the 3rd or 2nd lane... The warden is similar to the mama fight in 98 fractal first boss... Lot of adjacent overlapping red aoe and the warden itself does a full 360degree spin attack and jump stomp attack
  12. usually support team would reach out to us pretty quick.. think u shd post a ticket if not done already.. and pls do share what options anet has for you regarding compensation in the forums...
  13. maybe ppl would come out with a strategy to improve success of these events.. like how TTT is organized.. example of one such wild strategy that came to my mind: ppl in lane 1 and lane 2 shd be more experienced players and once the portal for lane 3 opens up and all ppl from lane3 entered the portal, 5 ppl from lane 1 who now have their debuff timer expired can enter lane3 portal just after the last person from lane3 has entered the portal and increase the success rate so there would be 3 ppl on each platform and all the while the remaining 5 ppl in lane1 who are experienced can hold off the hordes of monsters in lane 1 and since the success rate is improved for lane3 platforms, they all can return quick and go back to their lanes and even out the pressure.. and repeat it for lane 4 with ppl from lane 2... this is just an example.. it could have multiple flaws... but the point is.. ppl can come up with nice strategy to overcome this event
  14. did u confirm with crafting a legy item after patch and it displayed the popup with that on the other hand, your existing legy item didnt show any popup? is that how you made sure or tested it? (or) you just checked with your already existing(pre patch crafted) legendary item (didnt make any new ones after patch) and it didnt show popup and u thought that is the only way of testing things? I still believe the popup is locked out behind some itsy bitsy internal error or something... Is it a bad thing to ask confirmation from devs regarding that? since they agreed to be a lil bit more transparent with the players this time... and i'm not blaming them for anything or something like that... I just dont want to miss out the opportunity of unlocking those popup myself on my legendary items...
  15. then it must be a bug.... need confirmation from devs.... i havent encountered such bugs when i did the event nor did I hear other ppl say it. are u sure they didnt die in the platform and use waypoints and claim it didnt assign them the platform? weirdddd next time this happens, make sure to screenshot it including the minimap.. so we can confirm there are indeed more than 2 in a single platform and less than 2 in another platform at the same time
  16. wait... a full sqaud of 50 with 10 in every subgroup... u meant to say a platform might not assign 2 ppl on it and sometimes it might assign 0 ppl and send the remaining 2 from subgroup to other platforms making it 3 , 3 , 2 , 2 , 0 (or) 3 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 1 ?
  17. If u post this, ppl will try to derail the thread.. they'll claim 250 li is too much to ask from normal pve players.... but in reality, determined players with few exotic proper gear and the willingness to participate and not afk, will definitely succeed in this event
  18. organized groups => organized in terms of knowing the basic mechanics and familiar with raids and have proper builds and willing to participate fairly for the rewards and not afk (to put it mildly, min 50li+ requirement or some acceptable asc/exotic gear ping requirement to make sure ppl who are serious about getting the kill are allowed in the squad) so griefers, afkers wont be in the mix to sabotage the encounter the way I see it, even with a few survival open world build, bear bow pew pew , we wont fail if ppl has the clear intention to participate pay attention and give it their best... Its their will.. that's all it matters that determines the success of the encounter even then if organized groups fail, it could be maybe one time and they wont fail a second time... FYI: I did it twice with organized groups and 4 times with random all welcome group and I got 2 kills from organized and one kill from random all welcome group... still think its hard for ppl to clear the encounter? a random all welcome group failed 3 times but killed it the fourth time.. it's because they are willing to give their best and they synchronized with the squad... i hope ppl improve gradually with events like this ...
  19. Its Sad to hear other ppl say it... Hope @Catmander Neko.5643 can confirm this I'm gonna wait until anet confirms it I'll use my other characters to login... the ones that has the legy items can rest for a bit. I still hope the popup is possible for already crafted legendary items and armory not unlocked and items not added to armory yet on a sidenote, it feels funny to read what you said in your post tho... "It doesn't matter what the release log says." 🤣😂 and "I am telling you" .... as if u rule over all things anet and ure their boss 🤣🤓 I'm not saying this to critique you or something.. its just funny
  20. organized groups always clear it easily.. ppl in this thread debate about the content being too hard for casual groups.... but anet included a few failsafe features to improve the chances of success.. like if u die in lane, u have 3 nearby waypoints to your lane to get back into the fight... and if ure downed during platform phase, ur allies from other platform can rally you and buff you with defensive and offensive buffs even if u run a bear bow build, after ure buffed with boons, u can easily and quickly defeat those wardens in platforms
  21. the way I see it, this marionette event is somewhat in line with the wintersday freezie dungeon.... freezie dungeon enemies have way much health than the adds in marionette and mechanics wise they are somewhat similar, avoid damaging fields and telegraphed attacks that needs dodging and only thing that is extra in this event is a more controlled form of silverwastes vinewrath lane like approach that depends on every individual's performance. if everyone is actively participating rather than gawking at others from a corner, it is an easy event with some nice rewards.. its just that some ppl doesnt wish to put in effort or participate actively in events and wish to reap the rewards at the last second. its this kind of behavior that puts stress on otehr players to push in extra effort to carry them and make the event a success else everyone's time would be wasted if the event fails... i dont blame them... some take the game way too casual and just be there when it happens rather than be the one to make it happen. maybe anet is trying a systematic approach to get players in line with its goal to make ppl engage in every bit of game mode content in gw2 possible... some ppl might try to go to next level by gearing properly and measure their performance and try and improve to get rewards from content like these... while some might leave the content or join the public instance and grind it as much as possible... I believe public instance is way easier than private squad. never tried it but noticed someone mention it somewhere...
  22. is there a forum achievement for necroing old threads? If there is one, pls give that achievement to me too... 😁 🥴
  23. Now.. I'm not complaining about the lore not showing up... I'm actually grateful for all the work they did for making legendary armory possible. that being said, I feel worried that a nice addition and an highlighted feature/aspect of the legendary armory from the official anet blog post is not available for the end users... The devs and the designers and lore writers would've put so much effort and work and thoughts into those stuff all to let us enjoy the content.. and in the end it should not be ignored and thrown away because of a little tiny miniscule unidentified bug.. I wish to enjoy each and every bit of dev's wok, artists work in this game to its maximum as possible and don't let it go to waste. It's those simple stuff like the descriptions in fine and masterwork gear that brings us smile when u read it and stuff like these would definitely be a + in an mmo
  24. are u sure? I just verified the release notes and it says it says when an item entered the armory... and anet asks us to login to our characters to enter the items into the armory.. and its not yet added to the armory.. i checked it by logging onto diff character and my light raid legy armor didn't show up and the legy armory unlocked popup haven't poped up either... so its basically login to char that has the legy item to unlock armory and add item to armory.. and when item added to armory, the popup should be displayed... refer this
  25. the chance of failing the platform events are overcome by the special action keys.. if u kill your wardens quicckly.. u have to watch your allies in other platforms and if they get downed, u have to use the inspire special action key to rally them and give them massive defensive and offensive buffs so they can kill the enemy... u cant expect every platform to fail.. and every other successful platform can rally the downed player in the about to fail platform and improve the chances of success.. since the event is instancced to 50 ppl, the lag will be less to none and it wont be like the leyline anomaly event as u describe it to be but one exception is.. if the allies in other platform dies before u kill your warden, then u cant help the other platform... thats one chance of failure
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