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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. I'm literally doing what I tell astral and other shd do to give the game mode a fighting chance an not to take it away and kill and bury it... tell that to the ppl who are still doing the game mode even after they got eveything from the game mode and what it offers.. evvery bit of armor, every bit of skin and tp portal, everything and they still do it.. I'd say yore confusing your emotions with how other new players would feel about the game mode pls dont assume and conclude everyone hate this game mode and thus its only fair to make the raid armor available by some other means and thus kill off new influx of players... Thank you... I like the game mode and want it to survive...If it survives, it'll definitely get new content... new players and old veterans would swarm the game mode... I feel happy when lfg gets filled up soon when i go for my weekly clears(even though i feel jealous that someone get to join the group before me but I somehow get other groups and finish my clears anyway).... I feel happy when new players join training runs when "Crossroads Inn" ,"RTI" and my guild organize training raid runs and it gets filled up by new raiders... I dont know what to reply to this except I wish u find some kind of fun in the mode.... your despise maybe because of some toxic raiders, or some time restrictions, or some physical/mental challenge that we don't know about.. but I hope you get some form of fun out of this game mode atleast during your journey towards the armor set.... I agree some ppl may not find the ccontent to suit them... could be n number of reasons... all I ask is dontt try to cut out the fighting chance the game mode has by attracting/seducing new players to atleast TRY THE CONTENT(atleast they get 10 kills in every boss in w1-4)... Astral didn't get 3 sets, he did the content to just get the first set(might've got the first set and by curiosity I did check him out to make sure his claims are valid or by genuine means he did despise the mode) and left the mode due to n number of unknown reasons.. which by one he explained previously how he felt so bored by doing the content... and ppl having 1 and 3 sets is different from ppl tring to get their 2nd and 3rd set after getting their 1st set.. ppl who do only raids wont get much gold income and they would have a longer time to gather t6 mats and othe rgold sink to finish their successive raid sets.. and some ppl wouldve already got their differing weights of legy armor from other modes like wvw and pvp so they have li but they dont pursue the raid set coz they felt that it could be waste of resources(even b4 legy armory, most cost conscious ppl would just transfer the armor pieces using bank and shared inv slots) Idk if I made u(or the others) feel that my words relayed such opinion... That's not my intent... I EMPHASIZE in all my comments please DO NOT negatively impact new raiders or take away the fighting chance this game mode has to keep itself alive(attract new raiders with shiny armor and give them the taste of the game mode). If you feel bad about the game mode and despise it, why would you guys be so hell bent on taking it away from new raiders? If u despise it, get what you want from the game mode, be ccontend with it and leave.. but dont plant bad seeds in new raiders minds or kill the mode by taking away the attracting property(which most find it attractive and thus the OP ccreated this thread and even u guys find it attractive so as to make it available by other means) so developers who designed raids did it secretly to bring loss to anet and ncsoft and specifically to make the players unhappy and leave the game... and all other mmo out there that has raid content have a secret sect of developers who do it continuously to bring loss to the game company and to kill the enjoyment of their playerbase? There could be some ppl who hate the gamemode and ther could be some just convince themselves that they hate the game mode... there could be some who pretend in forums they hate the game mode... all i ask is dont let it get in the way of players who potentially might like the game mode... please step aside... if u are serious on improving the game mode... please do it in a constructive way and dont focus all attention on killing it...
  2. some ppl dont enjoy raid mechanics and the joy of looking at your own dps numbers rising above other ppl in the squad, keeping all your squad mates alive and taking that as a challenge and gettting fun and exhilarating experience out of it... but instead find fun by mindnumbingly following a golem for 30 mins and putting out a very huge menacingly looking fire in 10 secs or less... Some example of fun: you looking at a player who runs towards the fountain with 30% hp inflicted with poison (during matthias gabrael encounter) and your presence of mind kicks in and u do a condi cleanse on him by CA skill "seed of life" and then getting him up to shape by spamming "cosmic ray" 3 times when he suddenly gets Unstable Blood Magic and he might go downstate/die after purging it in the edges and running back... that player would be so grateful to you and you'll get that exhilarating experience from the situation.... if you dont agree with me on this experience as fun, then idk what kinda of fun you prefer? maybe some ppl find chopping the trees 10 times more funtastic funnnnn
  3. get attracted, get to make a decision to step into, get to try out, get motivated.... allll depends on the first look or first impression.... and the armor is the first motivating factor for a new player to get into raids and some other little stuff like hearing about it from friends about how fun the game mode is... how nice graphics and cool looking raids are... weekly gold, asc drops, blah bah blah. imagine the first thing a new player about to hear is all the negative pessimistic and scary stuff from a guy like you, the new player would never try it out they never get t odecide for themselves if the mode is fun or not and raid mode wont get the fighting chance it deserves. and to addd to it, on top of that, u can get the exact same shiny armor from some other source say.. wvw... how would this game mode get a single tiny chance of ppl even trying it out? Now, "realizing they like the game mode" it comes only after trying it out... not comes at the first glance when they haven't even tried the game mode even once.... and any challenging game mode needs a strong motivating factor to prep them to enjoy the true game mode fun I cant guarantee that a new player's first ever try in raid mode would be fun not for everyone and their state of mind at that time. only after getting their first kill and savouring that experience of giving your best and realizing your efforts into fruition becomes fun... similar to setting yourself a goal to sprint a 400m dash within x secs and taking some necessary steps interms of diet, healthy lifestyle, exercise, maintaining good stamina, improving to higher endurance levels and realizing your dream of reaching the goal and possibly grabbing that reward from that local competition o be held that is around the corner. note: please don't derail/deviate the 400m dash example with legy armor from tis game... this example is to explain the experience of realizing your efforts come to fruition. and when u tried out the game mode and left it coz of some weird reasons doesn't mean other would leave the mode too... I like this game mode.. what if there are more ppl like me who are potential new raiders and ppl like u kitten.U.ME that game mode is not good and drive off new players like me? I think u seriously have a problem u shd look into it. Tell that to the new raiders who signup for the raid trainings..... tell that to the players who immediately fill up Fullclear groups in lfg.... tell that to the players who completed more than one set of legendary armor.... tell that to the players who do raids even after they cleared the wings for the current week... tell that to the players who ask anet for more new raid content.... tell that to the raiders in forums who are trying their best to keep the game mode alive by spending their time giving explanations to ppl who try to kill the game mode in these forums and trying their best to avoid the worst possible outcome... dont confuse your feelings towards the gamemode with how others are feeling about the game mode... dislike as u mention here could be in two forms.... boring, hate 1) and boring is an endresult of ppl driving others away from game mode thus anet refusing to release new content for that particular game mode due to less population(certainly not a deadd population.. and definitely has potential to get alive and attract even more new and veteran players) 2) now hate could be in anyform... because of one's inability to participate in that gamemode due to time restrictions, flexibility in how we approach the mode(can go afk at anytime or pause the game for our need and continue where we left off like pausing samarog's brutalize attack and go get an iceccream and come back and resume gameplay), other priorities IRL, not willing to cross few hurdles to get ready for the content, physical injuries or other mental disability that we never heard of that could be making a player frustrated to enter/get eligible for the game mode 2) hate could also be because of toxic garbagey raiders who indirectly/unknowingly create bad impression on raids with their words and demotivating new raiders while trying to exert their dominance with garbagey god like pride 2) and for some ppl they just hate raids unconditionally without any reason and the root cause of those dislike towards raids is not the game mode but a few ppl in the game mode and few ppl outside the game mode.. and if u disagree with me, pls consider this: to make sure the opinions of the majority are valid, you shd either give me the actual ratio of "ppl who have atleast 10 kills in each boss atleast in w1-w4 and still left the game mode" to "ppl who have more than 10 kills in each boss atleast in w1-w4 and still playing the game mode" im not including the players who left the game mode and game or left it after getting 2000 li coz they mightve got bored due to no new content(coz it was an end result of some some hell bent ppl shouting at the top of their voice to scare new raiders away from game mode)
  4. When I posted my comments here in this thread, I recollected all I had gone thru during the journey to aquire my first set of legy Armor. When I first stepped into raiding, I felt uncomfortable too when most lfg gated by kp,li... But I didn't whine about it... I know full well I need to respect other's time and energy. If as a new player I join a 50li group or even a 10 li group, without knowing the encounter, without knowing my class, build, do 1k dps in fights, I'd be placing a huge stress on the squad and also increase the chance of failure and squad wipes. Li and Kp are not to scare ppl away, but to filter ppl to ensure success... You might argue that a player might be good even without meeting those kp,li req... But is it advisable to trust every lfg joinee and risk time and energy of 9 other players? From 0li to 10li, u do these content with guild, friends, training groups.... Then u meet the outside world... Else if u feel like ure entitled to join a 200+ li group when u first started raiding, ure not respecting others , their time, effort, energy and ure just selfish. During those 6 years of supposedly not so sunshiney, not so rainbowey, were there not guilds, training groups and friends? Before I started raiding I never knew such a term even exists. One day I noticed some guy running around with raid armor and it was so cool... I asked my friends about it and then they shared some info about raids... They themselves were new to the game and maybe a year more familiar with gw2 than I was back then. That motivated me towards this journey and I still like it and I hope more would get attracted to it like I did. Imagine if my friends scared me away from the game mode when the idea was still budding in my mind... The worst possible outcome , I'd be joining the other ppl who fight vigorously and find ways to scare off more ppl away from the gamemode... It's a miracle that I tried out raids and stick to it instead of getting demotivated by hurdles and other ppl with agendas against raids. This current li kp system is inevitable unless anet takes a diff approach like matchmaking or... Selecting the team comp based on some interactive instance... The interactive instance could be something like this: 1) ppl queue in raids specifying their role(s) in the lfg tool which is somewhat similar to the PvP queue tool. 2) the lfg system puts every single player in their own isolated instance and prepares a task for them to complete based on the role they selected in the tool. 3) a healer would get a green ally dummy which gets damaged periodically or by some swinging axe or flying missiles... Healer shd dodge those mechanics and at the same time heal the dummy(coz dummy won't dodge) healer is qualified for a raid encounter if the dummy stays alive at the end of the instance and managed to dodge x number of damaging mechanics. A dps player queued in the tool would get an enemy dummy which moves and has breakbar and some damaging mechanics which a player shd dodge and move to certain dynamic spot periodically to get heals at the same time dps the dummy to 0hp. Player qualified if dummy is killed within certain amount of time. .... ... Finally the damage from the boss encounter and the total hp of the boss within the specified time should be met by the healing power and total dps of squad mathematically and its set as minimum req before starting encounter... Or something like that. This is just at the top of my head... This idea could have certain flaws that I haven't thought about... But if anet can make such filtering criteria for ppl who queue for raids, kp, li gates will reduce to minimal.... But kp, li filters are the only thing we got right now which works in most cases... Instead of outright trying to kill raids pls find a way around it and keep it alive is all I can emphasize in this thread... If ppl who like to support raids fail to make their voice heard in threads like these (21 pages) , ppl who are hell bent in killing this game mode will easily convince anet to take decisions to kill and bury the mode quickly. If you want to try your best to change the li kp system of filtering raid players, please for the love of God try a diff approach, create a new thread specific to that and try convincing anet to implement a new system in place that does a better job or atleast near close good job of filtering along with custom squads for raids. Don't try to blame it on the content and try to kill it.
  5. There aren't any issues in raids... But there are some hurdles to overcome while entering raid gamespace for the first time. Those hurdles maybe in the form of improving aspects of gameplay like : 1) Transitioning from skill clicking to hotkeys. 2) Improved reaction times. 3) Crafting or collecting improved stats gear exotic/ascended. 4) Improving dps for the class/build. 5) Doing training runs and get familiar with raid encounters. 6) Time investment for training, improving playstyle,dps,.... 7) [optional in most cases] resource investment for crafting gears, food, util, craft levels. How does a new player who never heard about raids get attracted to the content? When he notices someone with a cool animating raid armor in lobby or in an open world meta event, he/she would be motivated to get that for themselves and hoping that motivation is enough to strengthen their resolve to overcome the hurdles I listed above. At the same time pessimistic ppl will try their best to drive away ppl who plan on working toward that goal .. and sometimes toxic garbage ppl will try their best to drive away new raiders from the game mode. I've mentioned most of the hurdles a new raider has to overcome and those are not issues... Those are the things that get a player from current level to next and introduce a whole new world of enjoyment. Now to your point of who is killing raids: It's ppl like you who shout your heart out and scare off new raiders from entering the game mode and try their best to kill off all motivating factors towards the game mode. Why do you guys go out of your way to kill the gamemode? Or do you find some kind of satisfaction when your loud noise in forums force anet to take such decisions to kill the gamemode? Why not use your energy and time to guide and motivate new players into raids rather than scaring them away trying to play forum warrior? Edited: To keep a game mode alive, u need two things and one is more important than the other. 1) attract new players to the game mode either by nice shiny rewards like the only animated cool looking legy Armor or force them to try out the mode and get a taste of that specific game mode 2) retain existing players who populate the mode by either introducing new content or more new shiny rewards(or gold) for the existing old content compared to the rewards u get from doing some mind numbing shiny baubles farm. Once the new player gets a taste of the content, get enticed in getting that shiny Armor or seduced by the gold income of doing such content, they stay in the game mode and keep it alive. Give the game mode the fighting chance by not scaring away ppl .. let them taste the mode and let them look at all the available benefits of doing that mode ... If u cut off that fighting chance, and fail to give a taste to new raiders, no new content will be released for the mode and no attractive rewards will be introduced for the mode either and it'll just die slowly... Current fighting chance is the shiny legy Armor pls don't take it away. There would be unintended consequences reflecting in various parts of the game.
  6. This is very true ... Raid game mode is really hanging by a thread . The thread's name is "unique animating legendary Armor" and new raid players have this only thread to climb and reach the game mode, populate it and keep it alive... If anet makes an alternate approach to get that Armor, it's like cutting that last thin thread out of existence... New players would never consider a chance to try the game mode... Ppl who are against raiding pls grin and bear with it until u make your quick and easy low cost first set and leave after if u wish to... But don't try to kill the game mode with all your might.
  7. Reality: Anet introduces Legendary armor to seduce ppl to participate in raids so the average player goes to the next level of improving themselves in terms of reaction speed in fast paced game(gw2 is a fast paced game), improving damage rotations by understanding their builds and classes, paying attention to the surroundings and attack animations of bosses, the platform u stand on while fighting ,etc.... ppl tried to start raiding without getting any exposure in-terms of training guilds or friendly groups and got yelled at, ridiculed by or kicked by raiders who want perfect clears and dont want to waste time by risking wipes and explaining mechs to newplayers some ppl took that as a hint and joined training guilds and improved themselves and continued raiding Some ppl got threatened and left. and even some got threatened and in-turn scared even more new ppl by instilling fear among new players that raiding is hard and toxic so new players got diverted away from raiding... anet viewed the drop in numbers of raiders.. anet stopped releasing new raid content... raid became stagnant with old content and frequent raiders and raid trainers got bored and left the game mode.. now less training groups so less number of new players are introduced to raids now since less influx of raiders, lazy ppl want the reward item from that content stating that the content is dead anyways and why cater to the niche group of players and dead game mode and lock that reward for others Future (if anet introduces easily obtainable attractive rewards like legendary pve armor without any challenging or demanding content) : noone would bother improving their class or builds or playstyle since everything they want is easily obtainable by chopping 10 trees or auto attacking a boss 10 times or taking a mesmer portal to a hard jp since theres no challenging content, snowcraows, metabattle and other sites wont exist anymore no training groups for any content will exist since every attractive stuff in game is readily and easily avaialble and at a point when a few handful of ppl do try to do some old content like chak gerent or auric basin, TTT wurm or any content with lil bit of challenge, will fail miserably coz ppl wont have efficient healing builds, tanking builds or dps builds even if the builds do exist, ppl wouldnt know or get motivated to perform at their best and the following content and similar content or similar or content with a lil bit of higher level difficulty will fail miserably: Drakkar: no healers constant damage lot of dead bodies (or) timer getting expired Octovine: not enough dps, not enough coordination in terms of either kiting away or killing frogs, multiple reasons for failure, etc... Death Branded shatterer: Not enough dps, no healers, everyone dead Chak gerent: no healers, less dps so chak reaching the cannon and meta failing, lazy reaction times and too many dead bodies on chak donut goo Leyline anomaly: this will definitely fail with low dps I'm 100% sure.. the only reason this ley line anomaly is succedding these days is because hig hdps players are participating in this event.. try taking a late anomaly see if u guys can kill it with low dps soldier stats gear or junky who knows what stats gear ... ... ... a lot of boss will fail, dragon storm will get extended by another hour for killing and clearing the instance due to low dps and noone would care then ppl start complain threads about old bosses being hard and need a nerf anet nerfs the bosses because the 99% of players are considered majority and they shd satisfy the majority to keep their "lights on" as someone mentioned in this thread somewhere now that bosses are nerfed... ppl would complain why do we have so many skill buttons, pls remove them theres no ned for those... we just want one button the auto attack and a heal button if necessary.... anet removes all otehr skills and elite specializations and different builds and balance and uniqueness from the class professions and make everything the same with only 2 skills one attack and one heal skill new ppl from other mmo games try gw2 and would ridicule and ask whether this is a game or afk one clicker and would never play the game and game dies miserably now.. how do we avoid this bad outcome: players who lost interest and left coz their first encounter at raids gave them a bad experience... are they at fault? are players who scared others and caused a less influx of players in raid game mode at fault? are raiders who thought themselves to be such gods and important person and ridiculed new players at fault? anet as a game company, not giving one more chance to raid game mode by releasing new content at fault? even if anet released strike missions with reduced difficulty to get new players into raids somehow.... is that decision by anet at fault? can't blame any of the above.... these are expected outcomes... what we can do is.. take action on our part to increase influx of players into the game mode rather than scaring them away and introducing alternative ways to avoid the game mode altogether... pls treat every game mode in gw2 as an integral part of the game and its community altogether.. if u cut out one part or block the blood supply to that part, then it becomes crippled or deformed.. even if I feel pvp to be toxic and avoid it now, I do wish to get better at pvp myself and engage in that game mode... ngl, every game mode in this game is still enticing me to want to play those game modes what anet can do is... introduce new ways to curb toxicity at the bud and more ways to encourage new players to try out all game modes... which they are doing it even now in various ways btw. Im not criticizing they didn't, we shd improve bit by bit even if thats so little and as a community, instead of arguing and debating our hearts out to kill the game mode, pls take steps personally .. if youre an expert in raiding, start an lfg train new ppl use discord or whatever... if ure not an expert, dont ridicule or assert dominance on new players and give them a bad experience on the game mode...and if ure a nor mal playerand new to raids, pls dont scare away others from the game mode but rather encourage them to try it out and move away if not intend to joining the mode in anyway... new ppl are not stepping into raids not because they dont want to but in reality, they do want to try out everything only thing thatys blocking them are the fear instilled by other about the game mode and not sure where t o start from level0 they ned someone to introduce them to training or friendly groups or something.. every player is curious enough to try out everything the game has to offer.. if not why in the name of skritt would they even move from queensdale to kessex hills? why not smush the same centaur dead bodies over and over again and be contend with it?
  8. pls dont confuse the idea of doing x tasks to get y stuff and idk what to respond to fake marathon / marathon-alike / identical trophy.. except that in this context, gw2 opens up 3 opportunities to get legy armors. pvp,wvw,pve. and ppl who consider raids are toxic and are so stringent in requirements and skills to get a legendary armor, pls go join a friendly group or do wvw thats more relavant to open world level of ease and no toxicity .. u dont have to talk to anyone at all... and if u consider pve armor to be cool looking, pls do something on your part to participate, contribute and populate that game mode. even in marathon thers a first second and third place and participation trophies or certificates in gw2, anet gives li for everyone participate in a raid kill and not just the one with top dps or top heals or top boon share and li are awarded every week unlike marathon race.. so your so called adults can join raids and dont have to even come first.. just contribute enough to the team to make it a success and get what they WANT and be happy
  9. Okay.. I don't wish to deviate further from OP's post... I quote the OP here based on his post, it seems either he didnt stat swap to optimal builds before trying to contribute to the encounter. he just tried the first lfg and gave up (or) making a big deal out of one commander telling him to switch roles and forgot other lfg listings. he didnt wish to join training raid groups before jumping into lfgs he did less to contribute in a team encounter where everyone is expected to do atleast n amount to make it a success so commie asked him whether he can perform good at diff role and the person already doing the druid role can switch to some other dps role at this point, all we can do is suggest the OP to either join a raid training group/guild to get comfortable and confidence and take it from there... refer: https://snowcrows.com/community/raid-training or to look at the optimal build for raids https://snowcrows.com/builds/ranger/soulbeast/power-soulbeast and stat swap the gears if necessary and proceed further and motivate him to look for more lfg rather than stopping at the very first one he encounters rather than further demoralizing and making "raiding" sound scary for the OP, please encourage him in someway to pursue that goal
  10. so the so called adults in your context don't wish to run in marathons and yet they WANT a "marathon trophy"?
  11. Either u understood the point I'm trying to convey or you pretend that u don't... Idk... Ppl shd do x things to get y stuff is all I conveyed in that post. Idk what to reply to your idea of getting stuff... Why didn't anet made everything in-game available for purchase with gems? But then again u know the answer what's the point of developing an mmo with varying content? The whole idea of mmo is to motivate ppl to do all the content an mmo has to offer. U can't get "marathon winner trophy" by doing horse riding
  12. I deserve champions rest permanent pass that area is so cool . Why shd only gods of PvP enjoy that place? I need an alternate way like 20 worldboss kills shd make that available to me. Same goes for the cool looking goddess of arena wreath and title. And all rewards and title that u get from linking gw1 account shd be available by grinding openworld... Also I should somehow be able to grind the 9 yr birthday rewards even if I'm 2 yrs in gw2 I deserve those birthday rewards why shd only the 9yr loyal players have it .
  13. Minions, pets, clones, minis should also be included in player models category. When I hide the name tags for players, the golems, shadow fiends, shamble horrors and other creatures are still visible at present these pets, Minions are under NPC category which is so annoying as I want NPC names to be visible at all times and player and their Minions to disappear and not cloud the vision
  14. This kinda makes sense... Like there could be 20 legendary themes and anyone who wish to craft a hammer precursor for their class can do it and finally they have a choice whether to dip their precursor in aurene magic or to dip it in jade research laboratory or 20 more locations to get a unique legendary look for their weapon... Imagine the knight of thorns side story but here knight of thorns weapon is just one set and the second set would be knight of jade's, etc... But then again it might put a huge stress on those completionists they might try to craft all weapons for all themes... But if one wants a useful legendary that's not ugly looking, anet could've followed the same principle of making unique weapons and lore associated with each weapon and not lore towards the themes. And let ppl get bl skins and apply cool skins on top of useful but ugly looking legendary weapons. Most of bl skins have draw and stow effects. The only thing it lacks now is the foot falls effect. Somehow the lore attached to the theme sounds kinda lazy or less appealing. Imagine dipping all different 16 weapons on aurene magic and u get the same lore . Same lore for 16 weapons.
  15. I never once crafted a single ascended gear... Got all of them as drops and still do which are eating up bank space and char inv space(talking about Armor chest) I did spend few coins for stat swapping gears... So I don't feel that much attached to my asc gears... And salvaging them gives me fractal matrices which can be sold or used for other stuff like fractal god title... Once I unlocked 2 diff weight legy Armor set, I gradually salvaged them 18 asc Armor piece at a time for each character every day and within a week, I sorted out most of the inv space and bank space cleared around 18 x 6 asc Armor piece and 9 x 9 trinket pieces. The only hope I have while salvaging asc items is that anet introduce some recipe to make use of these "balls of dark energy" if possible to mystic coins or clovers. Also the asc Armor pieces which I haven't used ie still in the form of asc chests , are still in the bank so I can use it for diff build for the medium weight I haven't unlocked legy Armor yet. And also if anet has other ideas like selling those chests to vendors in exchange for mystic coins and clovers, I'd make use of them
  16. Think most ppl just afk at the gate pre-event. Anet wants everyone to participate... Even though it's a casual game , why are ppl lazy and just stand there staring at the gate instead of running bombs? If ppl complain about boss being tough and mechanic heavy for casual gameplay it's somewhat relatable but standing like a rock in prevents doing nothing and calling it casual gameplay would result in delays and casual players deserve those delays. And sad thing is, ppl who are actively participating in those events are punished for it. Eg : 1) dragonstorm public instance delays and failure to do breakbar during boss fights. 2) Tahida Covington gate bomb runs. 3) Shatterer preevent. 4) Megadestroyer preevents.
  17. When they uttered the word "co-op" mount in firstlook, the first thing that came to my mind was "Gypsy Danger" from Pacific rim. So a possible adversary that we might fight in cantha might not be just castle gates or walls but more like army of enemy siege turtles and some jade tech manned gundam suits... I kinda imagine driving might not be just limited to walk forward and turn .. the enemy turtles would also be pointing the laser cannons at our turtles and air to land missiles being fired at us we have to dodge and barrelroll and tuck inside turtle shell to activate defensive mode and stuff like that else turtle drivers would hate to be just drivers... Everyone likes to just fire deathray at enemies if driving isn't a lil bit stylish and challenging I guess.
  18. Was watching a video of "The Epic of Alexander" raid boss fight in ffxiv and it had the same issue... All spells of the players fighting there combined and made a visual vomit . Maybe all the mmo games these days have this issue. It's not specific to gw2. And to be fair, ley anomaly is a shiny bright entity and all his attacks are flashy and this outcome is inevitable.... But having said that, ffxiv even if being a major player in game industry and make wonderful graphics , couldn't manage the visual vomit in an instanced raid with only few players. If ffxiv would've made the ley anomaly fight it would've been disastrous and unplayable in openworld or instanced.
  19. do ppl like to be barefooted while fishing in skiffs? the topic of fishing didn't excite me much and I considered it to be more of a Role Play thing.. but it seems that a majority of ppl loved fishing so anet made fishing in gw2 possible... do fishermen in tyria sought out this feature for relaxing RP stuff? or for some rare reward drops while afking? or some other reasons? So would ppl get that to next level by doing it barefooted? I'm just curious so I created this poll for a specific reason(possibly hoard some invisible boots from TP since they have very less supply🤣😂)
  20. wow! it seems most of gw2 players have more than atleast 2 accounts... I find 9 professions for a single account somewhat a handful to deal with.. and I think I got the answers I needed from this thread... ty.. and sry if this in anyway derailed the topic in question / post title...
  21. he rage quit... cant expect a response... 🤣😂 get buried like one of those curiosity threads
  22. Zojja is a golemancer and more like engineer and would never like to have her ears pierced... the model in the video shows that asura had both ears pierced. wish zojja would make a comeback but not looking like this.
  23. mistlock sanctuary is spacious and also crafting stations and banks are easily accessible even though they are separated by space.. since u have the "hypernova launch" u can access whatever u want in 1 sec or less... mistlock sanctuary is unique and cool with invisible jumpy trampoline and nice soothing music
  24. so the Guildwars 1 wiki says "the Assassin Vizu crippled Shiro and allowed the two champions to deliver the killing blow" but vizu looks different. and Nika looks more similar to the one portrayed in the factions video. and Is Mai in anyway the same as Mai Trin? coz they somewhat look the same(the hair is tied to a bun at the top) and also since mai trin can be seen flying to cantha in an airship along with an asura and aurene hovering around the airship. also I heard the Wild Eyed Miller say that Marjory Delaqua and Mai Trin are sisters.... and in EOD first look they mentioned marjory has some cool detective stuff in EOD.... maybe this is true?
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