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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. so basically u wont gear other 15 characters? let alone play them in meta, raid, fracs, multirole and stuff? i as k this coz u mentioned 3 MAINS.... I never find it fun to leave other characters idle... I always switch between my 9 characters each unique class atleast 2 builds(templates).. though my elementalist and thief are mostly idle these past 2 months or so other characters atleast show up in meta atleast once a week
  2. just curious... do ppl generally mention their characters as alts? or alternate accounts as alts? I couldve asked it in map chat or guildies.. but idk forums might give me the right info
  3. I'm somewhat happy and relieved in a weird way that they made a drab looking legy generation... That way I need not worry about crafting them. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚. Only ppl who have more mystic coins and keen on getting every skin in wardrobe would go for it... Even though I feel disappointed in legy set, I bought EOD coz I believe anet can over achieve in other areas... Especially graphics, visuals, maps, voice lines and replayability in events and stuff... Mesmer skills look stylish and cool like Gilgamesh from fate stay night unlimited bladeworks. Wish they make rangers look way cooler than mesmers... Anet pls don't give mediocre looking effects and ugly glove skins for rangers or any ugly skins for that matter. I love siege turtles concept content... But somehow feel that ppl will have a hard time deciding who gets to drive or who gets to fire weapons... And getting ppl on weapon systems is easy with guilds but ppl who are new and shy and doesn't have in-game friends might not get the full experience of siege turtles I guess...
  4. I was about to give u a like... But u made sure not to get likes from anyone by mentioning u like to have PK system. Pls go kill everyone in PvP and PvP free-for-all area to your heart's content.. or wait for a failed drakkar and try to kill as many as possible in 10 secs... But pls keep your dominance ego to those specific areas it's not appreciated in pve generally
  5. Wow this video looks cool.... Never watched this b4. Never knew something like this exists. Was that shiro tagachi and nika?
  6. If over crowding is your issue, u can use lava lounge pass... Not even a single fly goes there.
  7. Maybe anet is rushing into this aurene collection... I can't imagine a nice unique collection achievement for every legy weapon in this new aurene set... Aurene doesn't have much lore to handle all 16 weapons... Maybe anet decided to focus less on lores and collections for legy weapons going forward. If time is their only restriction for the reason to rush into this, I'd really expect them to delay the legy weapons and release one unique legy weapon every month after expansion releases The fact that they give us token to get a precursor directly without enjoying the experience of doing unique collections lore to get the precursor... Makes me think that anet has like reduced it's interest in legendary weapons altogether as it gets reduced to just a skin in legy armory. I really hope their rest of the focus is on things that really do matter and retain and increase player influx
  8. Exordium says "HELLO?"🀨. No weapon in history of tyria or in black lion have been close or even considered to be in league with legendary weapons like Exordium, binding of IPOs and a few other. And ppl who don't know, pls go check out how Exordium behaves for different class diff skills... Exordium is way ahead of it's time... The designer has an extraordinary mind to think about such a weapon... And kudos to anet for making the (Exordium)designer's thoughts into reality... I mean virtuality 😁.
  9. I was worried that I would have alot on my plate if the 3rd gen all look super awesome and I'll have a hard time deciding which legendary to craft... But now anet made it easy for me πŸ₯΄. I would stick to crafting gen 1 and 2 for the rest of the weapon types that I don't have. And the lws spotlight achi might give a precursor to craft a single legy from aurene legy collection I'll pick one from that... I some how feel relieved that the new legendary sets are mediocre. 😌. But, if those aurene legy set has some out of the box effects as Exordium does, then I'll have a hard time deciding which one to craft.
  10. idk.. the fighting space for the last boss was so less and lot of aoe dmg. I easily smashed thru caudecus with soulbeast, reaper, condi firebrand, deadeye and holosmith but for some weird reason, my condi mirage had a hard time dealing with the situation... got downed 3-4 times and canach had to rezz me and the boss often cc's the ally npcs... couldnt kite the boss in that crammed space and he often attacks me rather than my clones.... maybe its bcoz of the fact im not efficient with my axe mirage that I copied from snowcrows idk... did any other mesmer player felt it a lil bit annoying? the boss fight? think I shdve switched to power chrono and stayed at a distance. I havent started the story with my ele... im sure elementalist players would have a hard time dealing with that boss fight apart from the fight, canach sure was funny .. I love whenever canch is involved in a story... and i expected rytlock to be there too and how he would react to the charr jokes caudecus poses in his super ego circular room puzzle
  11. I sometimes ask my guildies and they crowd up for strikes and drms. its just ppl are more distracted by the infusion meta and dailies and fractals and cms and raids. not enough time to even think about strikes and drms.. but if one brings up the topic in guild chat, ppl join eagerly... ccoz they get bored of doing the cchores dailies and chores infusion metas
  12. yeah.. hes right! but that was a really lengthy post... wow. πŸ˜† Implementing such a thing and fixing bugs and maintaining proper release cycles would be too much hassle and at that point, we might as well call this a fishing simulator rather than an mmo πŸ₯΄ P.S. Seems the fishermen in GW2 really love the confused and crying emoji πŸ₯΄. maybe anet shd reward them in-game loot if they do confused emoji in forums.. coz they love the confused emoji more than their willingness to play mmorpg.. 🀭 . gotcha redhanded
  13. I made the same comment... but got bombarded with 😡 confused emoji... πŸ₯΄.. wait till they fill this comment with confused reaction emojis as well 🀭
  14. none of the comments mention which salvage kit improves chances of symbols and charms... will silver fed improve chances at symbols and charms since the description mentions "25% chance of rarer materials"? or will runecrafter improve symbols, charms drop rate while salvaging coz of the description "100% chance of salvaging upgrades"? are symbols and charms are referred and included in the description "rarer materials"? or theyre just part of drop from a loot table while salvaging runes, sigils independen of the % chance of rarer mats mentioned in description? will opting for runecrafter ie sure way 100% salvaging upgrades best to take advantage of the 20% of rarer mats from salvaging them? or... risk not salvaging upgrades by silverfed's 80% and rely on the 25% rarer drop when it does salvage upgrades with its 80% ?
  15. so the % mentioned in the description relates to how successfully it can salvage runes and sigils to lucent motes? or how successful it can get symbols and charms from runes and sigils?
  16. wait.. would runecrafter salvage matic give out runes and sigils from gears? would it work like black lion salvage kit?
  17. eeeeeekkkkkk! true! most of the times. yes.. most ppl in forums are hypocrites... they just want to jump the mob mentality train and eat whatever the mob media feeds them.... and try to feed others the same... same goes for choya.. some ppl hype choya for whatever reason I couldn't understand it.. as a last note, I like to mention... though the vanilla quaggy is ugly, the arctic quaggan is cute when we look at it normally from 3-5 feet distance.. but dont try to look at them closer coz anet mightve took budget steps in designing the models to improve fps or to reduce time to quickly release the living world season to satisfy the mobs in forums
  18. anet improved on the old quaggan... and made a cute version of the ugly blue quaggy.... Orca like quaggans are the cutest form... the platypus looking tail flapping quaggies are uglyyyyy . Orca Quag roczzzzzπŸ₯΄. but in general, tbh some of the quaggan script needs to be improved.. they seem kinda awkward to hear sometimes but some scripts are nice and funny and make us think they're cute.. quaggans even if they are supposed to be granny quaggans should have some cuteness to their voice if they claim to be the cutest race in tyria... some female quaggans sound like male i think...
  19. If fishing is such an important feature and a good way t o retain and improve player influx, anet wouldve already done it... The game's been going for how long? 7 years? Maybe anet considered fishing is not relevant for the way GW2 is going towards right now and its in the best inerests of anet and majority of playerbase, that feature is not implemented... Maybe if they consider it's relevant to the canthan theme, they might include it.. but ask yourself.. how many and for how long will ppl do fishing in an action packed mmo that expects you to participate for events success and rewards you handsomely for event completion And think about the development time, bug fixing on fishing and reward system and economy adjustment if ppl QQ about "fishing rewards are so less compared t oRaid rewards, pls increase rewards" in forums... eeeeekhhhhh! one worst possible outcome: if anet includes infusions or rare rewards and skins and extra gemstore items and features for fishing and ppl actually got attracted to fishing someway or other(reason could be anything)(even if fishing feature became so much profitable for anet thru gemstore and player influx and such), everyone would abandon all maps and jump into afk fishing... game would meet its doom we might as well rename the genre from "MMO" to "AFK gaming"
  20. Options: [Reuse/Recycle] Why not go to sandswept isles and do fishing? Atleast the locals won't go hungry. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£. for ppl who wish to use the game's existing features rather than make it pointless to spend dev resources on something trivial. [Relax] And those who like to consider fishing as a way of relaxing and not associated with loot or anything, pliz go stand in a corner or a cliff in caledon forest and IMAGINE you're holding fishing rod , fishing and just stare at the screen and drool at the landscape 🀭. for more added effect unlock the fishing rod skin and use it on weapon and draw the weapon occasionally if it goes to stow mode after idle time πŸ˜†. [Reward] And those who want to be rewarded for standing still and gawk at the screen, pls go do dragonstom and afk there .. u get some gold at the end πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜‚. I like these fishermen... we need these fishermen to be part of playerbase πŸ˜‹
  21. Final fantasy advertisement agent spotted .... Maybe? Recently I notice a large number of final fantasy advertisements in various forums similar to this comment... Could be one of those for all I know
  22. I heard someone in-game say that we are going to get animated emoji feature in ingame chat box. Is it true? Or I have been trolled? I would love some animated emoji in chat 🀩
  23. every boss in the game is far powerful than the commander... commander can easily use waypoints if dead and continue the fight.. but those bosses neither use waypoints nor any revival orbs .. X) and not to mention downstates.. imagine ryland going downstate and few ice giants come to rezz/revive him... and if ppl try to stomp finish, they would just indefinitely pull a john cena "U can't see me" body slam on the area until their stacks of stability gets used up and getting kicked like a ball πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  24. got an interesting turn of events for gw2.... wait for it.... copied the line from "Bolt" the disney movie where the pigeons give ideas to bolt about the next level of movies. Ridonculous right? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ and about warcraft, after arthas became the deathknight, I dropped the game never went for whatever that came after.
  25. Bangar Ruinbringer? (commanders level of influence) or... Ryland Steelcatcher?(commander's level of power)
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