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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. Weaver spins only on water attunement sword2 skill heal spring... Is there a hidden meaning behind ur statement? I'm curious now X)
  2. For those who like to experience PvP fun and not get forced to grow senses-dead thick skin..... My suggestion, switch to offline status b4 every PvP match
  3. Please post the queensdale academy wand set for sale... now that we have the queensdale academy outfit, wand is the only thing missing
  4. Is this a meme thread? Is necro really bad?
  5. Shroud3, "you're all weaklings", spectarmor, spectwalk, wellofpower, trailanguish FIFY
  6. The most annoying thing about mobs in some new maps hot, PoF and except EOD.. the mobs apply 20 secs cripple or vulnerability and u can't use waypoints unless the build has a cleanse...
  7. Think the op encountered the PoF map enemies... The veteran awakened candid the Anubis/anubite enemy can lock u down from underground and followup with another long knockdown and continue eating the healthbar away. And the forged cannon enemy can spam fear especially if multiple and the vanguard enemy who uses surfboard can knockdown too... But he mentioned he's playing tank .. if that's a firebrand, tome3 skill4 is a stunbreak and more aegis... Can't think any other tank
  8. If there's a zenos in GW2, commander can trick the WoL to fight him and can emerge victorious.... Like how he tricked ryland and brahm to fight each other
  9. No, I checked it a few times... Even when I haven't used the normal burst, the berserker mode burst has some kind of cooldown even if I have 100% adrenaline... Happens more often on arcdivider and less often on decapitate.. the cooldown is not a lengthy one... It's more like 1 ~ 1.5 secs
  10. Sometimes after I enter berserk mode and even with full adrenaline and active berserk mode, i notice some form of cooldown on berserk decapitate and arcdivider and I have to either wait or use fillers... Is it a bug? Or am I missing something? This part might not be relevant to the topic but when I get downed during berserk and rezzed or rallied, i see 2 buttons near the berserk buttons instead of one. Same happens if I mount and unmount during berserk
  11. Maybe convert them to research notes and unlock jade based recipes, use for crafting jade power core level10... Some ascended Armor and weapons need to be stat swapped to craftable asc versions b4 converting to research notes...
  12. tq for that guide.. i also found that reward calculator url GW2 rewards from GW1 but it looks a bit different from the last time i saw it.. maybe they changed it
  13. how much hours of content shd we do in gw1 to unlock all the cool ranger pets black moa, black widow and white raven? also how much for all item unlocks from gw1 to gw2? also i forgot the weblink where we see all the unlocks.. or is it not available anymore?
  14. understood tq. so.. the trait leader of pack that shares the soulbeast stances with allies.. do those behave the same way or do they stack up?
  15. Recently started a cm fractal party on 100cm... One condi daredevil, one alacrity specter , condimechanist and few other classes. At initial 5-10 secs, the condi daredevil complained "I can't play with u guys, he stole my venom" and he left the party and the specter apologized . Idk why he apologized... What does the daredevil mean when he said, "he stole my venom"? I precasted sylvari Sylvan hound for condi dps and the spectre might've precasted thieves guild and dd also might've precasted traps or thiefguild idk exactly... Do allied npcs get venom buffs or it priorities party members first?
  16. Should I use 16 +5 might infusions to get 42k? ... I did watch a berserker 42k benchmark video and slowed down the video playback to notice his first 2-3 seconds burst reaching 42k in his dps meter but my first 2-3 secs doesn't go beyond 32k.... Or it's unachievable on 250~300 ping? Does fully optimized gear let us reach 42k? Also does stability boon affect the result as well?
  17. +1 vote to SEA server Would definitely like to play GW2 with less ping rather than getting annoyed by 300 ping gameplay(pressing skills atleast 3 times to trigger it, collecting dhuum orbs like a snail, blue orbs passing thru in fractals, picking up chak meta ley energy only to realise Ure empty handed after the animation,....)
  18. Class: druid.... Content: claw of jormag, seitung meta renyak boss, boneskinner, soowon, fire elemental, drakkar, chak gerent(though allies might be dead b4 u can do anything but hope healscourge f3 or druid search rescue might sate ur hunger) If u want to feel and relish the idea of Ure saving ur allies, u can try using glyph of stars, search and rescue, glyph of unity(i guess) Or play healscourge and use shade near downed allies+ f3 .... Other mmos have a skill named "rescue" to pull your allies out of harm's way... Healscourge f3 and Ranger druid search and rescue would give you a wholesome feeling.. Also notable mention: scrapper function gyro
  19. Power weaver uses sword dagger... Switch to offhand air dagger 5 ... Good cc ... Full attuned air gives sword2 cc and gapcloser then dagger5 bigger cc
  20. Yday, i had to fight my spellbreaker doppelganger in Elon riverlands... I did notice the enemy using full counter often and evading attacks but it didn't survive much longer as the players ganged up on the enemy with tons of CC and DMG . I believe even if the ai of enemy boss is made challenging to deal with, the players will mow down in a minute if not seconds... Smart enemy can only be challenging for a 1v1 solo instance content.... Story content i guess
  21. I remember changing download source... There's a command line argument we can set in the shortcut target parameters.... Once u change source and finish downloading the update, u can remove the parameter.., forgot the exact usage.. but think I came across that from the forums or support pages
  22. Will world boss portal device work? If waypoints and world boss portals won't work, then it's kinda stupid to play on such server coz , world boss meta events happen across maps u can't be everywhere ontime without waypoints.... Unless u have some sort of solution u want implemented especially for this Also... Keep in mind, we still don't have portal devices for PoF maps... And if u play fractals, players expect u to gg most of the times for skips and resetting cooldowns else they get annoyed
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