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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 22 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    One of the fun aspects of the revenant are the conversations you have with your active legends, tho.


    If the legend is an unconscious beast, then this is not possible and it would also take away some opportunity for some fun lore bits about Cantha.


    Not saying it is ruled out, but I personally think that it would be better to have a legend you can actually have a conversation with.


    Most of the current legend lines have dissapointed me and barely tell any lore, so having a centipede screech into my ear wouldn't be so different from having Glint roaring. We also don't know if it is unconscious, Leviathan Mind enemies were a thing.


    I'd also rather not want some random lore tidbits like: Oh, see those Tengu? I united them! That peace fell apart quickly. Everything I've done was in vain!

    Or someone asking me if I've learned about the limitations of my strength.


    It would be more interesting to me to have some new race instead of just another canthan human who's endgame was dying to the first one, Shiro. Shiro himself could already fill the role of the one telling the interesting lorebits with new voicelines. He did ask about Cantha and the Empire, after all. I mostly see Togo ending up as some ghost npc still walking around Tahnnakai Temple.


    At least the icon seems to resemble a crawly thing more than a human ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Is this one actually conscious?


    I didn't encounter it personally in gw1, but It strikes me as just a mindless beast.


    I don't think a legend needs consciousness for the Mists to create an echo. It just needs to leave an impression.

    After all, the Jade Maw certainly did leave one.


    And checking the icon most likely to be the revenant one does seem to have mandibles, or at least something similiar in my eye.

    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Andovar Edoras.2143 said:

    They simply need to offer better rewards and people will swarm to it. Bad reward = no motivation.

    Not even a unique legendary armour with custom transformation effects and huge QoL that was in development for ages was enough to bring a majority into 10 man instanced content. It was merely enough to bring some people in that abruptly quit raiding after getting their reward, no longitivity.

    Rewards don‘t turn content into fun content, the content itself must be fun from the start.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Oh, it was enough to entice players into that content (as can be seen by gw2efficiency statistics of LIs, with visible cutoffs at 150 and 750 LI range - the amount for first and all 3 sets). The problem is that it was a significant number as far as raid community was concerned, but still not big enough to keep raids afloat. Oh, and, also, as soon as those people got what they wanted, they immediately stopped raiding.

    It was never a good solution longterm anyway.


    Yeah, i edited my post adding „most“ to players, mistake on my side about what i wanted to actually say.

    But yeah, the LI cutoffs just make me interpret it as those players not raiding out of fun.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:


    Problem: I detest raids on every conceivable level.  They've destroyed or damaged the community of every MMO I've ever played, and I'm very tired of seeing them.  Therefor, no matter how enticing you make them, I will not take part.

    Not even a exclusive legendary armour with stat swapping QoL and transforming skins that took ages to create was enough to entice most players into that type of content.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    There is a thread dedicated to fishing. Why not use that one?

    Because fishing is only a part of this post, an example of an activity that changes the general flow of how the game is played. Similiar to racing.


    While I don‘t agree with OP‘s strawman argument about „only pressing 1“, I share the sentiment that most of the GW2 content has a samey feel to it. I‘d even go further and say side content like fractals and raids is also more of the same.


  7. 10 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    I think they did mention alliances then.


    Yeah, MZ did mention them during the reveal. He just called it World Restructuring.



    In a interview shortly after that, he also mentioned that swiss for PvP had to be done first, before they could continue working on Alliances, as work on the swiss system would be part of World Restructuring.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I'll just share this anecdotal twitter thread from Linsey Murdock, from the time when she left to work for Riot (most likely on their new MMORPG)(click on it for the full thread) :



    It is mostly positive, with a positive outlook on the future of Arenanet. I'm not sure if this is what OP is looking for, as it is already months old and only anecdotal. Who knows how other/current team members feel.


  9. I'm happy they do stuff like this.

    Small details like this make the world feel more immersive when building a completely new fantasy world. Stuff like this isn't new to Anet: Krytan, Charr markings with meaning, dwarven runes etc. show me that they care about their worldbuilding.


    • Like 4
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    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Some do indeed (although in this case it's more about achievements, since the loot is even worse than the original Marionette had). Others simply prefer a personal challenge, not a challenge that is primarily based on difficulty of herding cats. Or, to be more precise, a challenging content that takes practically all the control over success out of your hands.


    People that are in it for challenge like to think that they had a significant impact on success or fail of the fight. In Marionette encounter, they usually feel that only when they fail. It's not a very empowering feeling, quite the opposite.


    That's why I'm in favour of a implementations of jump pads or teleports between the platforms. Then your personal skill has more impact. It seems, however, that some of the "difficulty"-crowd are even against that, as it would make the fight less difficult (those are the ones my original comment is about Zephire.8049).


    The public version is fine imo, but the squad one is "difficult" for the wrong reasons, as you correctly stated.

    So the dissonance between the people that want to keep the marionette as is for "difficulty" reasons and the people that would rather have a better balanced encounter with more personal responsibility, but can't have it due to the first group, is hilarious.


    Give in to the first crowd, as in keeping the marionette the way it is, and I doubt the content will survive long term, give in to the second one and the first one will start to cry about content getting nerfed because of the "casuals".


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