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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. The longest title is 9 years right? Lets combine 'True Dragon + 9 years + no-lifer Genius' transfused into one multicolored title called: "Hahaha WvW Peepos We Have One Too!"
  2. I want this post on the back of a gw2 T-shirt lol.
  3. Cata/war/scourge/virtuoso/(maybe)druid/ These are the classes you should let fullcap while you roam elsewhere. Mostly because you're eons more mobile. Heck, even if they're no where near you, it's almost always better to just decap. The number of times a player fullcaps while mid gets wiped by a single +1, is countless. If some one screams in mapchat telling you to full cap... these are the same people who foam at the mouth the very moment they see a Chieftan PvE creature and gracefully manages to get it stolen. Then say, "bUt tHeY'rE wOrTh 25 PoInTs" while they stare at their dead partner at home lol.
  4. This'll be a short and sweet discussion (maybe idk.. probably not actually..). The changes makes sense if you're leaving an F2 team oriented cleanse (not choosing Absolute Resolve) for another utility cleanse (Flash Combo), if you prefer a cleanse + kite/chase + damage utility. You gain damage that's "good enough" on Flash Combo, you still get a cleanse and a very surprising 2595'ish heal on Repose along with it. I just didn't put two-n-two together... was wondering why they made Flash Combo's Repose a cleanse lol. It makes sense what Anet is trying to do. The biggest decision is whether or not Willbenders can afford to lose a second stunbreak when taking Flash Combo. Technically, you can do without, if you reserve F3 and a SYG/Contemplate/Judges... which ever one you want to slot on your bar. I feel a lot of Willbenders will realize they'll need to be very reserving with FC when it comes to engagements (or not engaging with it, rather). FC could be used for engagements but it can also double as a kiting node-trolling tool, cleanse/heal tool, and "I have nothing else so i'll do damage with it" tool. ...I like Glacial Blow, I just don't like hammer.... I've talked to a few guardians and we all have different opinions on what Hammer should do better in. The biggest issue with hammer (for me) is that it just doesn't chase well at all. Most other Guards wants H3 and H5 to be quicker because it makes Hammer as a whole, a sluggish weapon. I half agree. I would personally want H3 to be on a much much lower cd, say 9 Seconds instead of 15 seconds. I often find myself swapping to hammer and unable to do anything because they're out of melee range and my H3 gets blocked (they removed unblockable from H3 so it feels awkward to use now). I'm quite curious on everyone else's take is. Flash Combo could be slept on, or people feel it's being stepped on. But I'm having fun with it rn.
  5. I think that's a bit overly-dramatic-- many pvp players wanted a long-term title and we got exactly that. Three of them, actually. Long-Term Commitment title (hold a character for 9 years) Ultimate Paragon title (1500 rated games won) True Dragon (Reach Rank 469 in PvP) I instantly got all of these when the patch released and I'm still proud to have them. Mostly because I feel like Anet is acknowledging players like me in the game. I find that to be a step forward in regards to PvP exclusive rewards and long term rewards. What I want now is a colored PvP title similar to what WvW has lol. WvW gets all the glitter :(!
  6. (in regards to solo sPvP shenanigans, not AT or mAT) Why is no one talking about how not-so-mobile warrior is? 1v2ing a side-node class isn't the only way to "counter" them. Maybe I'm showing my class bias here but as a WB, I almost never focus a War because of how much of a waste of time that is... with or without staff. I can literally just rotate to a different node, kill who ever is fastest to kill... maybe even get a second kill, then I would 'maybe' THINK about focusing a warrior but only if it's worth doing. DE/Mesmer/Scrapper/?Herald?/WB, are generally the better dps roamers in the game that's able to run circles around War. I think what makes this current meta toxic is we have an over abundance of side-noders like Druid, Ele, and now Chrono Supp being an option. Don't get me wrong.... when it comes to AT/MAT, Druid stacked with War stacked with flavor of the month Chrono support sounds pretty toxic af.......
  7. To be fair supp chrono feels strong in AT and i'm certain it will replace supp Guard core/fb, but let's take a moment to express how much I hate DE's. I hate DE. Thank you all for your moment.
  8. In WvW I for sure see this being a thing but in sPvP Conquest, it is 100% a waste of time. I can think of 5 other things to do in replacement of waiting for a pistol#5 charge, but I feel you're talking about WvW situations.
  9. And that's the exact issue we're having with Charge#2 and #3, they're just so forgettable 😂 The last time I used Charge#2 or #3 was during the weapons beta... Simply spam Pistol#5 for a quick knockback and follow up with a Rushing Justice or P#4 burst. There just isn't any reason to charge up past #1 in sPvP unless you're on a meme inefficient condi build.
  10. There is no tech in the game to measure a player's personal skill level. The devs realized this year's ago and instead of spending resources in trying to solve an unfixable puzzle, they instead opted into expanding what other games already used (Overwatch is a popular comparison). They spent quite a bit of resources on the the PIP UI system and Glicko pseudo algorithm we currently have. (it could still use improvements btw. >GUILD TEAM< in the pseudo code needs to be removed because it can be abused. I feel this was meant for a specific feature in the old 5v5 Rank system queueing that got scrapped but the pseudo code stayed) TL;DR In this day and age it may be possible to have an efficient individual skill measurement system that's on par with games like CSGO, but that requires a whole new game engine with its own new tech. This 12yo game will never have anything close to that.
  11. I agree. I posted in another thread that it makes more sense to add a couple stacks of Stability when porting with Flash Combo and Repose also giving stability when coming back, would be awesome. Give another underutilized Physical skill like Heel Crack, healing + stunbreak + cleansing. They did improve Flash Combo but I don't need a cleansing option for that... I don't even take Contemplation of Purify because I don't need a cleanse on my bar. I much rather have a form of stunbreak or personal Stability utility that doubles as a port.
  12. That was something i've always thought about. Like, if they have cheats to alter the game code and float in the air like Peter Pan, or port hack across the map while in stealth, wouldn't they also have the ability to get which ever player rating on their side of the team and/or also placing an AFK bot on the other? There's already legit methods to get your friends (or bots) on the opposite team without 3rd party cheats so... at the end of the day, why does it matter at all? God of PvP is such a worthless title that not not even #1 NA uses it in sPvP. My point is, there's going to be a guarantee method of getting top 5 in Conquest and being the #1 MAT team in the monthly for NA and EU. Anet can ban accounts but those players also can't get any long-term titles, which is something I would like to have more of personally. The #1 issue with long term PvP Titles is when I've talked to some friends, they feel that the 1200+ Ranked PvP wins is an insane feat. To the point that they no longer want to play GW2. They like working towards a goal and that's an impossible goal for the majority of PvP players. There should be a middle ground for PvP players who do like working towards an sPvP Achievement goal while also catering to PvP players who've no-lifed soloQ over and over. I feel the new upcoming pvp title is a good start.
  13. I duo very very seldomly (that a word?) in RankedQ. I can fall asleep and get top 250 but I don't say that to gloat. I've just been playing this game for a long time on the same WB build so I'm generally on auto-pilot a lot of times when I play.... that said, when i'm losing multiple games I just hop on my alt account (Char name literally says Saiyans Alt lmao) because I don't like losing 10 games in a row, going down to G2. Duo is mostly extremely important when it's after hours. Because everyone seems to be lower rating, so you absolutely need that 1 other carry class on your team. Duo during peak hours doesn't do a whole lot unless you're... doing something you're not supposed to be doing. There's a reason why top5 players NA/EU stream on alt accounts. It's a minigame within the top100 when it comes to trying to get rating, and that's fine... because it's impossible for Anet to fix that aspect of GW2's sPvP. That said, it doesn't effect Gold players 99% of the time. A lot of players can soloQ in top 250, it just depends on what kind of carry class you're on. Top 250 is mostly made up up 1-shot specs.
  14. I have the whole, "it doesn't effect me, so idc" mentality to the top 5 Conquest titles and MAT rewards. If a person has disposable income and wants to pay nerds for rewards that they'll otherwise would never ever earn, then go for it. I've thought of paying a PvE player to get PvE exclusive rewards because I know I'll never PvE in this game, ever. PvE in MMO's has never been fun for me, personally. But dang, some armor skins look nice tho. I... don't think I want to give end-game rewards to players who spend thousand of hours grinding out tournaments. That would mean I could get a gizmo, eventually. I'm not sure if I want to be rewarded in that way. I would rather get a "no-lifer" reward like, You've Won 10,000 ranked games on Guardian. Here's your no-lifer reward title! Whether gamers in this game feels thats awkward or cringe, that's just fun for me. Because that's 1 single thing I can jingle in front of the top 5 players on NA or on EU... an account that's old.
  15. Every single person in every rating says, "I couldn't carry hard enough" but only a couple of players within a given match, if that, are allowed to actually say that. Very few people are that efficient in this game's PvP. Those players can retain top 100 consistently even as a soloQ player. They're no-life/casual gamers. Everyone else makes mistakes because there's ALWAYS mistakes to be made. A thief that stays at home and 2v2's for the entirety of the match, can't say they did well. A heal Tempest and a Warrior 2v1ing a person on or off node at far, while a DE is also chasing some one at home without decapping nodes, can't say they did well. There's sooooo many opportunities for players to be inefficient in this chess-like gamemode and the majority of players simply don't know what they're doing wrong. They don't know why they deal 0 damage on their non-meta build. They don't realize their individual class roles within the game because this game isn't like Overwatch--- it doesn't tell players their roles. Your game was extremely close and it seems like you did well overall. But sometimes it's not about being top kills or less deaths on your team. I would rather have several deaths if it means that I'm also shutting out that single 1-shot ranger, or mesmer, or necro. Because I am denying them the possibility of wiping out my teamates. OR I die horrifically, but managed to get 3 other players down to 50% (which happens often as a WB) so my other teamates wipe mid. This would be considered a win. 1 death for 3 kills for my team. That's why end-game stats in this game really doesn't matter because the game can't efficiently measure individual skill level. We can only "assume" we did OK based off of the stats of the game.
  16. Hello Willbender brothers, I didn't want to make a new thread since this one already existed and I still wanted to talk about Pistols on Guard. This video is mostly a damage showcase of Pistol WB... the match was 1-sided and not sweaty in any sense of the word. It's a low ELO match. I never even needed to kite or position myself appropriately. Also, I realize that I don't like video editing lol. So there's no music in the video. Just in-game sound. But you can certainly see how much damage Pistol#2 and Pistol#4 does on a power amulet. What players don't realize is that Valks amulet can actually do a hefty amount of bursts. Not higher than Marauders + Scholar runes + Brawlers. Definitely not higher burst damage than any Zerker amulet variant but what you get instead is more CC with Nightmare runes and more opportunities to survive a 1-shot mesmer/de/soulbeast. A couple games ago I had a mesmer deal 20k damage to me instantly and I still survived-- winning that particular team fight. I like to think of this particular build as a team-oriented bruiser as oppose to a 1v1 duelist, even IF it can win some 1v1's. But it's not the best WB build for 1v1ing. It's otherwise meant to pressure other bruiser classes because it still has a lot of damage potential.
  17. Level 3 charge should just be a big blue ball of pure ki energy that gets larger and larger the longer my Norn yells.
  18. Condi guard, core/dh/wb, breaks down completely in higher elo's. I've played 30'ish games in 1500+ elo bracket (NA) and can't imagine condi guard doing anything against these kind of players. Every class seems to be self-efficient while also carrying their own personal cleanses and this is without a support on their team. It's why streamers say we're in a power meta. This is the build i've been rocking for a long while. The main reason I go Valks is because I got tired of getting 1-shotted on Zerker amulet.. even when I go War runes for extra health lol.... A 1-shot mesmer destroyed my 15,600 health. Then there's DE thieves... pistols are starting to feel like a necessity for me. Pistol#2 can hit anywhere from 3.2k to 4k vs a heavy. Pistol#4 can hit 4k damage on a heavy. (On average, 4 out of 5 hits will crit) I'm thinking on posting a video on how the build is played.... perhaps later >.<
  19. Weaver was the reason players were using auto-hotkey in gw2. It saves miliseconds as oppose to activating these keys manually and consistently throughout the game.... generally it doesn't matter IMO because weaver burst can be done by a legit player with a couple buttons on a gaming mouse.
  20. Staff autos does so much damage that the whole enemy team feels it lol. (if you know, you know)
  21. Eh, maybe in low elo games. Difficult making condi pistols work in Plat ratings. Everyone and their grandmothers have condi cleanses.
  22. Now throw Torch#4 I wanna see which one is heavier.
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