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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. I'm in my mid 30's if I get up too quickly I get dizzy and darn near pass out. The commute from my desk to the kitchen is a hazard. I was rushing back to accept a pvp queue and sat on my incredibly delicate 'chicken tenders' 🐔 because they happen to be hanging lower than usual. These are the chronicles of a middle aged gamer.
  2. The players who are below Plat but have to go up against a Plat3 duo. I play my alt the same as how I would play my main. Working a full time job allows me to have disposable income that way. I've thought about getting a 3rd alt to bring to EU but kinda forgot about it. I play the game Anet set in front of us just like everyone else, albeit I don't do shady matchmanip shenanigans. There are still bad algorithms in the match making elo that allows players to abuse the system, especially after hours... but I digress. I just want Anet to update the elo algorithm. It hasn't been touched in years. Edit: I will say though, I've had a lot of close and fun games when matchmaking does it's job. I'm just referring to that 1%.
  3. This probably actually happened Lol. In other words, 2 full seasons worth of PvP 😄
  4. I feel there's a level of disconnection that borderlines autism when you give these type of replies. And I don't mean that as an insult, unless you really aren't on the spectrum. 1) Players don't like the feeling of being cheated, especially knowing Anet can do something about it. 2) Leaderboards are quite literally the only measurement we have for a "skill" amongst random players. 3) Other players, screwing over other players, for their own personal gain on a leaderboard that "no one should care about"... yeah, this isn't an issue at all. What were we thinking? 4) We shouldn't be promoting oppression here. You've been preaching this nonsense since 2023 on that account.
  5. Lol you don't even know what you want! Are you my ex?
  6. Did you reply to yourself because you, ironically, hold the comment for most confused face reactions in this thread, so you decided to double down? 😂
  7. They never intended to participate in the tournament. They just wanted the participation trophy. IIR they can leave and still get rewards as long as the entire team doesn't disband (correct me if I'm wrong). If you want to take tournaments 1% more serious and want to avoid afk's, then you're gonna have to find a group of friends to do ATs with or join a guild.
  8. I want to know why "Guildteam" is part of the matchmaking algorithm. There's an option to be part of a "guild team" amongst your guild and when added, you have a 50% chance to be placed against (or with) other guild team player(s) that are also queueing for a game.
  9. It's extremely unreasonable. You're telling everyone to only play 3 or 4 professions out of the 9 this game has.
  10. I remember your previous posts now. You're the guy that thinks all the high skill ceiling/floor/walls/4th dimension classes should be meta 100% of the time and refuses to acknowledge the "easy to play" specs in the game. When ever we talk about QoL issues with a class such as Thief, you always come back to that same underlying argument of yours. "other classes are ez. dis class is hard. Teef should win cause hard." I think most of the people in the thread steered the conversation to, just QoL changes, but not a direct nerf to thief. DH trapper runes wasn't even meta in higher tier games but their stealth got removed completely anyways. Because other players hated playing against it. I feel changes to thief/DE or giving players better reveal options, are inevitable.
  11. Does it matter? You're in a match made by Anet's ELO system. At the end of the day, they were the ones who decide who loses rating. Everyone else plays the system they were given to them. You can call yourself a unicorn to other players all you like but what does that matter?
  12. A Core meme Guard burst build, let me guess, the Guard was also using Mace/Shield too I bet? Man. How can we possibly counter this extremely slow core spec that only has 1 port utility outside of swords...? If only there was a way. You got owned by Guardian's Focus and swears there's no counter play to it. At this point, i'll have to say that anything is viable when you're rating is Gold1.
  13. Bruh, we all have issues killing a ranger... thief included. This doesn't exactly help the cause especially when Rangers are meta atm.
  14. Appreciate the backing. People see the word "alt" on my other account name and immediately assumes I'm "throwing matches"... If I was doing anything shady in regards to playing that top 50 mini-game every season, I wouldn't have named my character, "Saiyans Alt" lol! That said, I'm thinking of spamming ranked games now that Champion Brawler is our first color title. I only have 3k Ranked games to win.
  15. Translation: "Hello everyone, I am very satisfied with the future update, I thank ArenaNet"
  16. I want the color to be either a HOT Fuchsia because I'm extra af, or Blood Red to match my enemy's periods.
  17. Not a hot take at all. Let's remove the three or four Titans in the current meta and pretend they didn't exist for a moment: Rifle Mes Supp/Mace Untamed/Vindi/Staff Spellbreaker Every other class, Mesmer/Guard/Thief/Engi/Necro/Ele and their respective specs are honestly "not bad" in retrospect. You're not going to see a post about how "OP" any one of these classes are (except for DE I hope it gets sent to the quantum realm along side Kang the Conqueror). As some one who has mained condi guard up until Willbender's release, it would make more sense to keep low duration burns while increasing the condi damage per burn stack instead. The average timeframe for a condition to be removed is around 2 or 3 seconds unless you continually stack burn alongside other conditions. In the past, long duration burns for Guard simply didn't work and when it did, Anet nerfed Permeating Wrath's burn durations alongside Zeal's Burn on Hit spirit weapon trait. Anet just doesn't want burn Guard to be meta. Me who has moved past condi guard builds, I personally don't want guard or any other condi class to be meta... perhaps Necro and Specter should be the only working condi specs but that's just just 2 cents.
  18. This is why we things can't have nice.
  19. A balance update is around the corner and I really hope Pistols gets some buffs, or QoL improvements. The QoL side of things: I don't mind the requirement of needing to about-face the target in order to activate P2 and P4 (if you're not facing the target then it just goes on cd) except, the damage isn't really there to warrant this skill factor. Damage: Currently, a single Trueshot on LB does more damage than a single fire of P4 + P2 put together... the overall damage of Longbow is ridiculously higher than Pistol/Pistol and that's troublesome. 2x usage of P4 can potentially dish out 8k damage which is impressive but a single 3k (if that) on P2 is laughable. The damage just isn't there for mainhand pistol. I like the mechanic of P3 but it has the same issues as all of our other symbols does... no one is going to sit in it for the damage to work unless they're an NPC. Ever since Honor's symbol healing and Symbol radius nerfs... Guard symbolic builds basically died. Anyways... I think Pistols has unique mechanics to be picked over other 1-hander weapons, they just need some number adjustments overall.
  20. That's a lot of words for, "we're in a Power meta".
  21. I'm curious about the extent of how bad "bad luck" can get you. People grieve and quit after the first mid wipe, people never join games, etc.... sure, low Gold1 or Gold2 because Placement matches were trash. BUT you should still not land lower than G1 even when performing the bare mechanical map plays, right? Perhaps a person thinks they're better than a thief when they're just a core warrior, using 2 out of 3 skill trees, just running around decapping a node and avoiding players. Silver 1 after placements right? They start asking questions, realize they didn't even use traits, finds a meta'ish build, hits silver 3 or Gold1 during the season... But Bronze 1-2 during MID season = literally turning your screen every 3 seconds and hitting 2 abilities. They play in first person mode. They stare at minimap for 10 seconds to see where to go, but then get sidetrack about a NCSoft game notification on their Apple tablet that has Play Doh in the charging port, while their mom is asking what kind of happy meal they'd like from McDonalds at 11:45PM. They go afk for 6 minutes before realizing they're in a map. This continues for 50 games straight. Bronze 1 - 2 are bots, or 4yo's that somehow get farmed by bot throwaway accounts.
  22. You just added a downed perk from Call of Duty lmao. Bro, your suggestions for Pistols are absolutely WILD. (pvp talk) The pistols in terms of design, are some of the most unique weapons we have. It honestly just needs some number changes to make them feel more rewarding. For PvP/WvW, Pistol#5 is only used as a knockback because that is all it is useful for; in 1v1 roaming situations, as well as blob fights. No competent Guard player would ever charge Pistol#5 over... uh, literally anything else that's available unless they're memeing. P5 has to be rewarding. Give it Blind + Immobilize instead of a knockback that passes through people while doing a condition damage that'll be immediately cleansed. A quick P5 can be used for a fast knockback if kiting, but a charged P5 AND detonated correctly, can be used as an engagement when roaming or during an actual rotation. It becomes a utility offhand that can be used with all 1-hander weapons.
  23. At this point I have to ask exactly what class you play and what build it is... I can list multiple classes that can 1v1 WB consistently and I'm talking about the 1v1 roamer WB spec.
  24. I'm convinced that if DE was deleted tomorrow, everything would be better. The meta would settle and all 9 classes would be "meta" on metabattle. The pvp population would suddenly return. GW2 would enter Esports again, surpassing the Superbowl in viewership. CMC gets promoted to CEO because he convinced the devs to delete DE. Every quarter, he flies overseas to have brunch with Kim Taek Jin. GW3 gets announced with a release date of June 2025.
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