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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Discounted (only available for 24 hours)(March Sales) (perma link to list of March sales)8 March: Black Lion Expedition Contract: 1000 Gems 800 Gems (20% off)Black Lion Hunters Contract: 1200 Gems 960 Gems (20% off)Returning(items that came back to gem shop today) Butterfly Wings Backpack - 500 GemsGlittering Wings Backpack - 500 GemsReplica Job-o-Tron Backpack - 500 GemsCovert Charr Backpack Set - 300 Gems (continuing from yesterday's sale)Plush Quaggan Backpack Cover - 300 Gems (continuing from yesterday's sale)Ending Soon — New(recently started counting day counting down)(nothing currently) Ending Soon — Continued(countdown started earlier) Team Effort Edition #14It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | @hugo.4705 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)Update: AP hopes expects to return this coming weekend.
  2. Discounted (only available for 24 hours)(March Sales) (perma link to list of March sales) 7 March: (Cute Plushies Edition): 300 gems 195 gems (35% off): Covert Charr Backpack Set; Plush Ram Backpack Set; Plush Quaggan Backpack Cover; Warrior Quaggan Backpack SetReturning(items that came back to gem shop today)(none) Ending Soon — New(recently started counting day counting down)(nothing currently) Ending Soon — Continued(countdown started earlier) Team Effort Edition #13It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | @hugo.4705 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)Update: hopes to return this coming weekend.
  3. Discounted (only available for 24 hours)(March Sales) (perma link to list of March sales) March 6 (instrumental edition): 800 Gems 400 Gems (50% off): Flute, Marriner's Horn, Musical Bass Guitar, Musical Frame Drum, Musical Harp, Musical LuteReturning(items that came back to gem shop today)(none) Ending Soon — New(recently started counting day counting down)(nothing currently) Ending Soon — Continued(countdown started earlier) Team Effort Edition #12It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)Update: hopes to return this coming weekend.
  4. It was 146 devs, if not more.Probably more, because that number considers only employees, and ignores contractors like Lena Raine, that had their contracts cancelled.Again, according to the State of Washington, the official number of employees that were laid off was exactly 143. That's the objective number we can use to compare against the number of employees we can estimate they had last month (upwards of 400 from various accounts). If you want to consider individuals with a cancelled business contract, then we'd also have to consider all such individuals before & after, and not simply add them to the total from before. It's entirely possible that ANet is paying some of the laid off people as contractors, to help with the transition. (Not that uncommon, even when the reason for the layoffs was to shred 30-50% of the budget quickly, as it was here.) Otherwise, we're comparing Apples to Red Apples. It's entirely possible that other employees also left for other reasons (for cause, decided to use the opportunity to move, etc). Except again, we have an actual, official number submitted to comply with legal requirements. And that number is exactly 143.
  5. It was odd, yeah. I tried to include everything I found about it in my summary post... and I didn't see it either.
  6. There's one additional requirement:After you complete the Complete the Warclaw Companion meta-achievement, you have to purchase one more item from the Warclaw vendor, which costs 8 gold. As @Turkeyspit.3965 unfortunately discovered (and posted about), that vendor is only available on the Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds; they can't be found in EotM, Obsidian Sanctum, nor LA (or if they are there, they are well hidden). tl;dr remain in BL/EB to visit the Warclaw vendor after you complete the collection
  7. (Updated)New Items Armistice Bastion Pass (1000 gems)Armistice Bastion Pass (2 weeks) - 150 GemsNew to Black Lion Chest Defiant Glass Weapon Set (introduced at 1 BL Weapon Ticket each)War Torn ChestGuaranteed: Battle-Hardened KitUncommon Drops: Etherbound Backpack Combo Glider (new), Exalted Shoulders (returning), Cavalier weapon set Rare drops: Dreamthistle weapon set, Watchknight & Unbound GlyphsBL Statuettes: new armor set section, Fallen Balthazar Package, Envoy Scythe Staff Skin, and Hounds of Balthazar Mail Carrier, Black Wings Glider Combo, White Wings Glider Combo, Dragon Emblem Balloon, Pact Airship Balloon, Ram Balloon, and Red Lantern.Discounted (only available for 24 hours)(March Sales) (perma link to list of March sales) Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools 2700 gems 2160 gems (20% off)Returning(items that came back to gem shop today) Phoenix Kite Glider - 400 GemsEnding Soon — New(recently started counting day counting down) Less than 3 days: Fire Quiver Backpack, Scruffy Backpack, Plush Ram Backpack Set, Warrior Quaggan Backpack SetLess than 7 days remaining: Club Chair @400 Gems, Earthshaker Mining Tool @1000 GemsEnding Soon — Continued(countdown started earlier)(nothing currently) Team Effort Edition #11It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)Update: it looks like it might be another week before things are sorted out. Grrr.
  8. Discounted (only available for 24 hours)(March Sales) (perma link to list of March sales) Silver-Fed Salvage-o-matic 500 Gems 375 Gems (25% off)Returning(nothing added today) Ending Soon (newly counting down)(nothing added today) Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #10It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)Update: it looks like it might be another week before things are sorted out. Grrr.
  9. It's really expensive & risky to start a new game, even a sequel of a franchise. It's much more cost effective to keep evolving an existing game for as long as the market will handle it... and so far, the market is fine with GW2. It's easy to say "yay GW3;" it's quite another thing to put together the financing and pricing to make it profitable, never mind whether the fans actually like it.
  10. Obviously, Princess weapons are those used by the Princess Cruise Lines. The Scepter is a Captain's TelescopeThe Sword & Greatsword are respectively a Butter Knife and a Beef Carving KnifeThe Shield is a Roulette Wheel (only usable in International Waters, of course).The Staff is a Straw for sipping Umbrella Drinks (or I suppose, why not make it the Umbrella for the cocktails?)The Hammer is a Shuffleboard CueThe Warhorn is a Public Address System Speaker (or Microphone)I suppose the rest can be left up to the imagination of the design team that produced the Orchestral and Improvised Weapon sets.
  11. You seem to forgetting that there are upwards of 250 people working directly on GW2 now, versus 0 people working directly on GW1.
  12. Discounted (only available for 24 hours)(March Sales: GodFit Edition) (perma link to list of March sales) Balthazar's Regalia Outfit: 700 Gems 525 Gems (25% off)Dwayna's Regalia Outfit: 700 Gems 525 Gems (25% off)Grenth's Regalia Outfit: 700 Gems 525 Gems (25% off)Lyssa's Regalia (Outfit): 700 Gems 525 Gems (25% off)Returning Crystal Arbiter Glider - 500 GemsLargos Fin Backpack Glider Combo - 700 GemsMoth Wings Glider Combo - 700 GemsWhite Mantle Glider - 400 GemsEnding Soon (newly counting down)(nothing added today) Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #9It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)Update: it looks like it might be another week before things are sorted out. Grrr.
  13. Discounted (only available for 24 hours) Path of Fire Preparation Pack: 3500 Gems 2800 Gems (20% off) (March sales continues) Returning Bubble Glider - 500 GemsFloral Glider - 400 GemsShining Blade Backpack Glider Combo - 700 GemsEnding Soon (newly counting down)(nothing added today) Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #8It takes a village to provide the same level of service that @Astral Projections.7320 can do alone, with contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)
  14. I'll use this post to keep a list of the March Madness sales, for those who want to keep track (as well as the usual daily post).The wiki is tracking the same information in this article.8 March: Black Lion Expedition Contract: 1000 Gems 800 Gems (20% off) & Black Lion Hunters Contract: 1200 Gems 960 Gems (20% off)
  15. Discounted (only available for 24 hours) Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo: 700 gems 560 gems (20% Off) (expires in under 24 hours)Vine-Touched Destroyer Glider Combo 700 gems 560 gems (20% Off) (expires in under 24 hours)Returning(nothing added today) Ending Soon (newly counting down)(nothing added today) Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #7Contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)
  16. There are some wonky triggers in the cave and it's unfortunately possible to accidentally miss them. There's a few spots that the NPCs seem to have to cross just so, or their dialogue doesn't initiate. In this case, it sounds as if Braham missed a check point inside the tunnels before the chak pit, and that's why his dialogue isn't triggering. It might be possible to return to the start and slowly walk Braham back through. These issues have been there since HoT launched pretty much, so they aren't "halting progress" so much as just making it horribly annoying to move forward. After encountering the bug a couple of times (relatively few, considering how often I repeated that section), I found it easier just to restart if Braham wasn't cooperating... and avoid trying to speed through the instance too quickly (as is my usual habit). I'm 99.99% sure that will work for you, even thought it's frustrating to restart. If your goal is to make sure ANet fixes it, then please be sure to use the in-game /bug reporting tool when you first notice the issue, because that gives the QA team additional diagnostic info they need. Try to be as specific as possible in describing what you did prior to noticing the issue... and what you've done to try to work around it. And finally, consider not snapping at other players who are just trying to help. edit: minor corrections to clarify
  17. Returning Awakened Zealot Outfit - 700 GemsOutlaw Outfit - 700 GemsWhite Mantle Outfit - 700 GemsEnding Soon (newly counting down)(nothing new) Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #6Contributions this week from @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 | and especially @Raknar.4735@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop! (whenever it is can't be too soon!)
  18. Returning Bandit Sniper's Outfit - 700 GemsCrystal Arbiter Outfit - 700 GemsSentinel Outfit - 700 GemsEnding Soon (newly counting down)(nothing) Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #5Contributions this week from @Raknar.4735 | @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop!
  19. Returning Exemplar Attire Outfit - 700 GemsJungle Explorer Outfit - 700 GemsSpring Promenade Outfit - 700 GemsEnding Soon (newly counting down) Flying Boar GliderEnding Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #4Contributions this week from @Raknar.4735 | @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop!
  20. Ending Soon (newly counting down)Adding: Distant Lands discounts are expiring by 8 am ANet time on Tuesday. Ending Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #3Contributions this week from @Raknar.4735 | @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop!
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