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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Potions will be added. They decided to roll out the first four types when it was ready, rather than trying to convert all gazillion infinite-use tonics and delay the feature.
  2. Yes, it is always easier to be patient if one knows the reason for the delay. That's why it continues to surprise me that ANet's automated response doesn't set our expectations by letting us know there's a long backup. Even if it were the generic, "we apologize for the delays and wish we could tell you how much time you'll have to wait." I'm also disappointed that Mike O'Brien hasn't made a public statement, backing up his support team, apologizing for the delay, and letting us know how hard they are working on making things better. It shouldn't be left to players to explain to players. :(
  3. Do you have ArcDPS installed? Be sure to update it after every patch (especially any that have skill changes, big or small). You can also try copying the known-good version exe and .dat files over the one that is causing your trouble. Running a repair on the version that is having the problem might also help, as well as clearing out the cache and the .tmp files (caution on the last, because that also resets some of your preferences and there's no other way to save them). Finally, before doing any of that, start a support ticket to ensure a personalized response. ANet support is still suffering from backlog, so the sooner you open, the sooner they can help. (If you resolve the issue on your own, great; you can just tell them and they'll close the ticket.) PS please use the spoiler tag to hide the error message. Most of it isn't helpful for troubleshooting and it makes it tricky for people to read the thread.(thanks!)
  4. See also this similar thread:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53214/no-response-to-ticket-yet
  5. It was a series of unfortunate accidents, coupled with a (coincidental) high turnover. The problem is that once there's a backlog, it's really timeconsuming to address it; it cannot be done well by just throwing money, because you need to hire good staff, train them, and then work on both the backlog and the newer front log. I don't excuse ANet for not being better prepared. I just understand that it takes 3-6 months minimum to recover from this sort of thing. It's horrid for us in the meantime. And I wish they would take some time to set our expectations about how long tickets might take, how long this backlog is likely to remain. The good news is that apparently they have hired a lot of new people, many of whom are far into training. And the backlog is decreasing. tl;dr there is a backlog, it's not as bad as it used to be. And yeah, it's frustrating, whether the reasons for it are reasonable or not.
  6. There is a backlog, that was up to over 4 weeks until recently. They are slowly whittling it down.
  7. Upcoming Sales (source) August 29—50% Off Unbreakable Gathering Tools (limit one per customer)August 30—50% Off Travel ToysAugust 31—30% Off Bank Tab Expansions; 50% Off Aviator’s Memory Box, Water Fight Balloon Bucket, and Bobblehead LaboratorySeptember 1—35% Off Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic and Copper-Fed Salvage-o-MaticSeptember 2—35% Off Firefly Mining Flute, Swarm Logging Flute, and Butterfly Harvesting FluteSeptember 3—30% Off Home Instance Node Pack
  8. It was an example, for the Six's sake!This wasn't "just an example;" it was the root of the argument. This urban legend was used to illustrate the claim that ANet sometimes changes their mind after saying that they did not have plans to implement a specific, major initiative. As it turns out, not only was this one inaccurate, but so were the other examples offered. In this particular case, ANet has explained their reasoning: it's not a good use of their resources, which are also used for Living World & Expansions, and because a new playable race would increase ongoing costs. Until that calculus changes, there's no reason for ANet to reconsider.
  9. Except this is the jargon that ANet uses: they formally distinguish WvW from PvP. Further, relevant to this thread, Legendary weapons include a component from PvE (gift of exploration), one from WvW (gift of battle), and one from PvP (gift of glory). (Also relevant to the thread: why does ANet insist on active WvW participation for 'battle' but allow us to buy glory with shards from the TP, which, on top of that, are super cheap.)
  10. Regular price is one for 350 gems and 5 for 1400.Today, just a single makeover kit is discounted. As stated in the BLTC, "you can buy 1 more at this price."i.e. there's no typo, no misspelling; it's just something ANet sometimes does, providing a "first one is cheap" offer The discounted kit can be gifted.
  11. No. I just did them all again today. Twice through. No problems, except for one chest that I forgot I ran out of time to get last time around (so I had to do 21 instead of 20 today).
  12. I wanted to single out this part of your comment above because I think it's a topic worth discussing, although I don't think it's germane to the phrasing in the original post here. That is, it's not directly related to whether Legendary Weapons should depend on a Gift of Battle (or Gift of Exploration) nor what sort of effort required to obtain either. If I might rephrase to highlight the new idea:
  13. Tip for purchasing either the Bag Slot Expansion (discounted per above) or Bank Tab (not discounted, but total was recently increased): Don't buy using the BLTC interface. Instead, for Bag Slots, open the character who will get the new slot and for Tabs, open the bank. Click on the little 'lock' icon (bottom left or bottom right respectively) that will allow you to make the purchase. This prevents you from accidentally buying more than you can use or (for bag slots) ending up applying to the wrong character. While ANet Support can help if you make a mistake, it's easier (and faster) to prevent the issue entirely.
  14. 40% discountBag Slot Expansion 240 gems (usually 400) Sale Ending Soon (under 24 hours)Character Slot Expansion 520 gems (usually 800) The current gold-to-gems exchange rate (as I type) is ~150g per 400 gems and typically it's been 105-115g the last two years, so those discounts translate as follows Bag Slot: today = ~90 gold versus last month = ~110g, i.e. a good deal despite the high rate todayCharacter Slot: today = ~192g versus last month = 220g, also still a good deal.
  15. At the time I am typing this, 93 people voted for the status quo.50 people voted for a change.
  16. Here are the reasons I never delete characters: The birthday rewards add up over time. For example, as I type, the 6th year present includes an option to unlock a 400g dye, 5th year: 260g, 4th: 400g, 3rd: 130g.Character slots are one of the most efficient sources of increased account storage. At a cost of 180g (today) to 220g (most of the last 2 years), that amounts to around 5g per inventory slot, compared to 5.5g for new bank tabs or 6g for new bag slots.Spare characters can be parked in various locations to help defray those costs, e.g. parking at a rich iron node adds ~70g/year, a flax farm adds ~130-150g/year.Without build templates/loadouts, it's convenient for running different builds, such as Power Chrono on one, Condi Mirage on another.Good tools for managing the inventory you spread out include GW2 Efficiency & GW2 Timer.There are decent reasons to limit the number of characters, too. Fewer slots on the account forces one to be efficient at inventory management.It costs less to gear up fewer toons.Keeping track of which characters have which builds can be distracting for some people.
  17. They never said there will never be expansions; the possibility was always left open. They never said anything about mounts. They never said raids wouldn't be in the games; they always left open the possibility. Oh please, if you have been here at the start you would know these kind of stuff. Clearly you haven't been around that long. However, they DID said ''no expansions will ever come to GW2'' because of the Living World, you can even look it up at the older forum.They said their plan was to use the Living World to update the game world. They didn't say that expansions weren't going to happen, just it wasn't the plan. Part of that same plan was funding the game entirely through the gem shop (no expansions, no other revenue source). That income wasn't as high or as steady as they expected, so they changed to a different funding model. Again, in contrast, new races doesn't bring in steady new revenue, it increases the cost of maintaining the game. ANet very rarely comments at all on future plans unless (a) they are imminent, (b) they need to set out expectations and/or get feedback, or © they can rule them out. In this case, they have ruled out new races happening in the near-, mid-, and long-term.
  18. They never said there will never be expansions; the possibility was always left open. They never said anything about mounts. They never said raids wouldn't be in the games; they always left open the possibility. In contrast, on more than one occasion (including this year), they have said that races aren't a priority for the studio, they aren't being considered at all at this time. So sure, we never really know everything that's on the table, everything that's coming soon. But in this case, we know that this request isn't happening this year or next year. And that isn't likely to change even after that, because the reasons it's not being actively considered aren't likely to change: adding a new playable race uses a lot of the same resources already tasked with Living Story (among other things) and it increases the cost of designing new skins, especially outfits and armors. It's not impossible for ANet to change their mind, it's just incredibly unlikely that it's going to happen before a GW3 (which also isn't on the table).
  19. Despite spike in exchange rates, this is still a good deal for those buying with gold.Today, toon slot costs 192 gold (520 gems at 148g/400G), whereas at usual rate (110g/400G), it costs 220 gold. (Current rate is 148g per 400 gems, a 38% boost since last month, 13% since Thursday. Most of the last two years, it's hovered between 105-115g per 400 gems.)
  20. My option would be: "I'd rather see a suggestion for how to deal with the reasons ANet has for requiring these items to build a legendary weapon." Farmers want faster/easier farms, AP hunters want to see more and more AP, and of course, PvE-only players want to see a PvE-only option for everything. That doesn't mean that the current system is flawed and needs fixing. Plus, it's simply not as hard to get a Gift of Battle as people claim. It can be done in a month or so, using reward pots from WvW dailies, which require investing 5 maybe 10 minutes each day.
  21. Any pattern that you're seeing as to when it occurs?I've had it happen about 5 times in the last week and not all the week before, & I don't think I was doing anything differently.
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