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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Join one of the organized groups. There are EU and NA guilds that schedule this.(Also: it's not any more difficult than Chak Gherent, it's just that not as many people know what they are supposed to do or when.) I think the main reason that more folks haven't learned how to do it is that the rewards are anemic for the effort. And it's always going to compete with other, better-known events with rewards that are generally believe to be superior. In other words, it's not the difficulty, it's that there's a perception that it's not worth the time. tl;dr it's not broken, it's just still new to most peopleUse LFG (and/or Reddit, Discord) to find an organized effort.
  2. Add as much detail as you can about how you acquired the account, when you played, what characters you had, or whatever you can do to help them validate your ownership.
  3. Generally speaking, foes that don't yield loot or XP sometimes don't count for achievements of any sort (weapon mastery, 1000 foe kills, etc.). These are typically foes included for scaling up events or to slow down completion, which is done to give more players a chance to contribute (or return from doing related pre-events). Whatever ANet has done to make them "non loot bearing" appears to frequently affect achievements. However, the vast majority of Krait do count: all the ones in NE Caledon, the ones in the Aquatic Fractal, the ones throughout Kryta and Southern Shiverpeaks (including those in/around Blood Witch events).
  4. There's a presumption that some of us know better than ANet what is or what isn't important to the health of the game. Since they have run a successful game studio for 10 years producing popular MMOs, I think I'll give them the benefit of the doubt over any of us to know what works and what doesn't. To convince them that their policies need changing, it's going to take more than repeating the same things, especially if it's nothing more than, "I don't like what other people are doing, make them stop."
  5. What was posted was: In other words: attention can wander, as long as it doesn't wander for long.
  6. But there is good evidence (and even quotes from ANet) that support that specific active farms do impact the economy. The most easily demonstrated (and the one that ANet themselves have commented upon): AB multi-loot. That dropped ecto prices by an enormous amount. Another major example, also easy-enough-to-demonstrate is the combination of unidentified gear plus Istan (multi-loot, but even non-multi); ANet has been less forthcoming about this one, but they recently nerfed the ecto drop rate for the first time in the game's history in response.
  7. What's more efficient? Outright banning the practice, or having to waste man-hours testing their behaviour manually?That's easy: spending a few staff hours testing behavior. Because if it really mattered to the game, they would change the policy and the policing methods. It does have an impact on players and Arena Net has shown time and time again that it doesn't matter that much to them if it has an impact on players as long as it's not overly impacting their bottom line. Just repeating that it has an important impact doesn't mean that it does. The biggest impact is psychological: some people get really irked that people earn gold in the game while watching TV at the same time. But Istani active farming and Silverwastes affect the economy far more. (That's simply to establish based on how prices changed when AB multiloot became a thing, when it was announced that it was nerfed, and when it was actually nerfed — the economy changed in easily measurable ways. In contrast, people have always farmed inattentively; it hasn't had an impact on anything close to that scale.) But that has nothing whatsoever to do with inattentive farming: there is nothing against the rules, no matter how interpreted, that prohibits inattentive farming. In fact, ANet explicitly allows it. tl;dr some people don't like inattentive farming, but that doesn't make it bad for the game.update: fixed major typo (thanks @SlippyCheeze.5483 )
  8. If you think someone is engaged in AFK farming, report them (either via the in-game /report tool, using 'botting' from the pull down or via a support ticket). And then let ANet figure out whether it's an issue. It's up to them, not us, to determine whether there's an issue detrimental to the game. Absent farming: not allowed.Inattentive farming: allowedIt is usually impossible for players to determine which of the above is going on. The testing involves: does the player respond to official whispers and/or if a Game Master moves their character, do they notice (and if so, how do they respond)?
  9. That's what I call an exaggeration. You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?
  10. I don't think it's meaningful to ask us, as players, what we'd prefer since, of course, we want less. From a player perspective, there should not be any suppression in the game. From an efficient "game management" perspective, there should be a ton — as much as possible to reduce the need to require staff to follow up. There is no perfect balance. Without seeing the suppression numbers that ANet has (how many messages are suppressed? how many people get suppressed ever? how often? ...) and without the prevention numbers (how many spambots do we have now? how many reports did we used to have? ...), it's hard to know whether the current limits are effective, overkill, or even too little. All that said, I'd like ANet to update the overall mechanics so that there was better flexibility. If you're in a 10-person squad or 5-person party, why not be able to send food to everyone? If you're friends with someone for 6 months, why have any limits?I'm sure there are development reasons why we don't have such features, a cost-benefit analysis that makes it too costly. But, of course, that doesn't stop me wishing it were so.
  11. The veterans were shown to respawn independent of anyone opening the chests.
  12. ANet is aware of the issue and working on a fix.(quote posted below) The tl;dr seems to be: they intended to change the underlying mechanics last week, but not the actual behavior. A bug caused there to be more suppression than ANet wanted.
  13. Maybe you could add a note to the page reminding folks of that. Near as I can tell, a lot more people visit the curated tracker page than will notice your comment above. PS thanks for taking the time to let us know you're making progress. PPS and wow, well done on starting to automate the system. I know it can be incredibly challenging to have a customer-facing progress report that doesn't over (or under) state progress for issue tracking. Good work by whoever did the leg work on that. I'm looking forward to making good use of the tool going forward.
  14. ANet's stated that they are (and have been) hiring new people. It takes more time than you'd think to find the right folks, train them so they are familiar with the complexities of the game (and the fickleness of its fans), and get them to a level where new staff can actually help us.
  15. You're wrong. I checked with my marker list (I also have a methodical approach to repeating the achievement, working up from the bottom), and the four that I have "unchecked" are still allegedly open when I visit them. I last visited them before the end of my current achievement cycle, and I've never had a mob-dropped key, so it's one chest a day for me. Agreed that the theory alone won't explain all the evidence. For example, I finished series 2 over a week ago and the chests haven't reset yet. (I didn't visit any chests until I had 10 keys; I collected 8 from dailies and two from random drops.) So sure, @Hybarf Tics.2048 is probably correct that there are multiple cooldowns involved, not all of which expire on reset and some of which won't start until the Master Diver achievement is completed. However, not everyone waiting past that time is able to open any of the chests. And, even if that hypothesis was correct, it's unintuitive and confusing. There are no other collections, chests, achievements that were intended to work like that.
  16. The "know issue tracker" is misnamed — it's never any more than a list of bugs of interest, curated by the QA team. There are many bugs that never make the list, it's sometimes not updated before some highly-visible bugs are fixed, and it has (in the past) gone weeks & weeks without updates. In short: it's useful to know when a bug is on the list; it's not very meaningful when it isn't. We can also call something a "known bug" when any from ANet comments about it, using language such as "hmmn, that's not how it's supposed to work" etc.
  17. @Hybarf Tics.2048 if you have time, please also report via /bug (in-game) or a support ticket. I'm sure this thread will get looked at, but those two methods give them additional details (especially /bug).
  18. That's a description of a problem with the collision-attributes of static objects (e.g. walls or gates). The mesmer pull is incidental. Let's see if I was a Dev would I rather,A:) Dive into the collision systemIt's not the collision system; it's a few particular walls or gates. Identify the locations from where you think a pull should not be possible, use /bug or a support ticket to let ANet know. It will get fixed. Besides which, it's already been nerfed substantially since launch, it can't be spammed, it has a long ramp up, and it can be countered by stability and by choosing positions that aren't vulnerable to pull (except, perhaps, from a few that are bugged). In other words, it seems more likely that devs would rather fix bugs (that might cause other issues) than to revamp a skill (that lots of people do like).
  19. That's a description of a problem with the collision-attributes of static objects (e.g. walls or gates). The mesmer pull is incidental.
  20. They are too easy with people running good builds and/or kiting them into the oil. They are too hard for other situations. It's hard to balance to that happy medium.
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