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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. You said this "i defend chronophantasma from a thematic/mechanic pov as its something that actively separates core from chrono (apart from 1 button, f4), everything else is frankly passive. technically it should be a minor trait." Which essentially is you arguing that Chronophantasma is and should be an integral part of the elite spec rather than just some not-well-designed trait that should be removed (my standpoint). My point is that it doesn't really change how you play much, which is why I don't agree with your "thematic/mechanic pov". Continuum split, however, is very interesting both mechanically and thematically, and changes how you play and does make Chrono very distinct from Mirage/Core, and also has the benefit of being fun and not clunky. Yes, you do indeed have to account for its clunkiness. Which is a bad thing; Illusion AI is already bad and clunky enough as it is. And it's not like this clunkiness has always been an integral and intended part of Chrono, it was only introduced in 2018. Mhm, my point is that core is more specialized in sustain and survivability than Chrono, so burst is not "more core mesmer territory". Alacrity + Rewinder + Illusionary Reversion is basically this clone spam concept you are talking about. Early in HoT, Illusionary Reversion only required shattering 2 clones, but this turned out to be excessive and was nerfed (a nerf which was justified). Old illusionary reversion, chronophantasma and pre-nerf alacrity together would lag people's game because of the illusion-spam it produced.
  2. It does, in one of the emails it says "this account has been closed and is ineligible to be reopened for any reason, under any circumstance". I know it is legal, I'm saying it shouldn't be. They didn't lock my account to protect me. And they won't give information - quote "we are unable to release any information about the investigation, our tools, or our methods". By the way, both of those quotes are standard-responses that they copy-paste. I've seen the exact same words in other posts on reddit. For example this one. Funnily enough, one guy in the comments replied "What specifically did it say you did wrong? Usually bans are not ambiguous." and "As I said before, "ambiguity" isn't really something they're allowed to do". Good laughs.
  3. Literally anybody who knows me ingame can confirm I have never hacked, botted, wintraded or anything of the sort. I haven't thought about this before, but withdrawing service like this without providing the reasoning should honestly be illegal, it's kinda like a boss firing somebody without giving a reason or a court sentencing somebody without saying the reason (obviously on a smaller, less important scale).
  4. Nope, because apparently I got perma banned without warning and without any reason provided. Meanwhile known match-manipulators, hackers, win-traders, account-sharers etc are doing just fine on their alts.
  5. It's not an oversimplification, that's precisely what it does - the same effect twice. You defended Chronophantasma on a mechanic/thematic level, that it is a substantial part of what makes Chrono unique, which draws comparisons to things like Reaper shroud, Tempest overloads, Holo forge, but the thing is unlike those, Chronophantasma doesn't change how you play except that you have to wait longer to press a shatter. 1. Chrono actually is more specialized in burst output than core, I mean that's what continuum split does, while core has more defense because it has distortion. The most common power core build (PU shatter) is way more defensive than the common Power Chrono build. 2. I would be fine with +30% crit chance, in the OP I gave the suggestion to raise the critical hit chance to +25%. Another option could be something like "Gain X seconds of fury when you inflict slow, Y seconds cooldown". This would be a big PvP buff but not matter in PvE (because you have perma fury in PvE anyway). 1. Trust me if cont split got 60 second cooldown in PvP I would not give a kitten about the slow trait, but this thread is about me not wanting PvP Power Chrono to be nerfed even further when it is already underperforming. 2. The shatter spam option is Illusionary Reversion.
  6. I have used a VPN while playing on my account (to get lower ping) but the last time was 2 years ago or so, so it wouldn't be that. However, I have used my account with Geforce Now in 2020, so I suppose that could be the cause for the ban? I have heard some others get falsely banned for that.
  7. Exactly, I am shocked that so many people think it will be confusion + bleed.
  8. boon removal stocks going up! Also, while resolution will be annoying for condi builds, remember that resistance no longer prevents condi damage. This means holo, rev and others can't abuse resistance/revenant runes in the same way anymore. and a light field finisher has more counterplay than an instant-activation rune on elite skill. For example, interrupting the finisher (like we do with thief heartseeker). Also unless boonrip priority changes, sigil of absorption prioritizes retal (i.e. resolution) pretty highly, so you can potentially steal it for yourself.
  9. I would personally be completely fine with replacing it, as it isn't a viral part of the PvP build anyway (unlike the superspeed and quickness traits), but in the meanwhile (they are obv not gonna replace it on may 11) it should at least not get nerfed in PvP/WvW, where Power Chrono is already underperforming!
  10. Oh I'm not that angry, actually surprisingly chill. I think if I were a PvEr instead of a PvPer with like a ton of legendaries and kitten, I would probably be way more upset.
  11. Yeah I did, I hope they reply. Pretty ridiculous that they PERMA ban my 6k+ hours playtime account that I've had since launch instantly without warning and without giving a reason, without me breaking ToS in any way I know of.
  12. 1. So because slow trait isn't good in WvW "outside of roaming" (which apparently is irrelevant to you), it is fine to nerf it further, making it even more useless? That makes no sense. This thread is about the non-need of nerfing slow trait in PvP/WvW, as compared to PvE. 2. (2nd paragraph) I'm not quite understanding what you are saying here.
  13. Not really, it's not a tournament it's a random unranked match.
  14. I don't have to scroll up, I know that you wrote that. Which i agree is one option. On the PvP stuff: 1. There is no problem with small burst windows. In fact, it suits very well for a roamer playstyle. 2. Power Chrono is already playable (watch Shorts' stream). It just lacks a bit of survivability, particularly condition removal, which is why it has been suggested by many to add condition removal to Ether Feast. 3. It isn't a bad thing that it can be "partially countered by condi clear". That's like saying might can be countered by boon strip. Counterplay is a good thing. 4. Core Power Mesmer isn't preferred over Chrono in PvP; sure in some matchups PU stealth core power Mes will be better, but in general core doesn't have the "oumph" to have impact in this tanky meta we are in (again, would suggest Shorts' stream). Also, Core PU will be severely nerfed after the may 11 patch due to the hard nerf of mantra of pain. So it would be a shame if Power Chrono is ALSO nerfed (which is what this slow trait change will do). 5. Chronophantasma just isn't used on power builds in PvP because the phantasms are so nerfed they barely do any damage, it is used on condition builds though because the burning on Mage and bleeding on Duelist aren't affected by the 50% damage reduction, and the torch phantasm actually still does something.
  15. Oh, now I see what you mean. Yes, of course it is true that the slow trait benefits from higher uptime i.e. more Chronomancers. If the goal is to still have a strong Chronomancer but not reward stacking, the only solutions are to 1. split the trait and make it terrible in PvE (but don't change the values in PvP/WvW) or 2. rework the trait entirely. Number 1 seems more realistic. Though, this said, I would still rework Chronophantasma but we can keep this to a separate discussion.
  16. 1. How is this relevant to what I said 2. You said yourself quote "Chronophantasma makes up about 20% of chronomancer damage , as phantasms make up ~40%". So going by your 42k -> 36k numbers, you are admitting yourself that Chronophantasma is a bigger part of the damage than the slow trait.
  17. The phantasm rework took away a fair amount of skill for PvP Mesmer. But this is really a separate discussion so let's not get bogged down. Let's stick to the issue at hand: that they are nerfing Power Chrono in PvP by nerfing the slow trait without splitting it, as they have said they are doing. ""it has a vastly different effect" No it isn't; it's the same effect, just twice.
  18. Of course I did, which is clear in my initial post. Hence why one of my suggestions was to unsplit Chronophantasma, reducing the PvE damage to 50% as in PvP/WvW. That way they wouldn't have to nerf the slow trait in a way that nerfs PvP Power Chrono unintentionally. Also, +50% is still hell of a lot compared to +15%. Especially since it also gives other benefits such as more prot/slow on shield phantasm, or burning on the torch phantasm.
  19. Watch RIPs stream VoDs, you will still see plenty of stealth oneshots (or near oneshots, depending on their armor & boons)
  20. I am currently logged in and commenting on my phone, but if I try to log in on my PC, I get the error above. I would love my account to be unlocked again. :) EDIT: ticket 8094969
  21. Indeed, it delays clone generation, which makes the class very clunky to play. This wasnt intended from the start, that issue was introduced in 2018 after the phantasm rework. Having a phantam resummon itself might sound cool, but it is fundamentally no different from simply attacking twice.So they basically removed phantasms ability to attack multiple times in 2018 and then made a GM trait to give you back one of these attacks. Terrible. However, I wouldn't be opposed to implementing the old phantasm behavior in the form of a trait if that is possible (though it would probably be a nerf). Also, it doesn't breally change how you play except making you wait for longer before shattering (unlike a proper espec mechanic like say reaper shroud). What makes Chrono unique apart from cont split is the speed and the slow (i.e. the time manipulation). Quickness, superspeed, passive movespeed, slow, alacrity. Sure it isn't as big as necro or ele (but better than warrior), but for me, even just considering power mesmer, I find great variety in core, chrono and mirage.
  22. The good part is that they finally killed the degen PU stealth mantra of pain oneshot playstyle.
  23. I find it crazy that every single time i mention nerfing/reworking Chronophantasma, some people always rush to its defense. What is it that makes the gw2 community so attached to this trait? Have you guys ever taken the time to compare it to empowered illusions? The latter gives +15% damage to phantasms while the former gives + ONE HUNDRED PERCENT damage to phantasms. Could it be that one of these is... slightly broken? (and that's not even speaking of the mechanical issues).
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