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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. What do you mean by clonespam and in what way does the current mesmer meta rely on it?
  2. magic bullet has 1/2s cast time, very noticable sound queue and travel time My mistake there, it is 1/2 seconds. Still, i'm 90% sure the sound queue is unreactable considering it happens at the end of the animation, and the travel time, for all intents and purposes, may as well be instant, especially at close range. It's one of the fastest projectiles in the game. You also can't distinguish the sound from duelist. Even if it is possible to react to the sound, factoring in ping (mine is 64 for context), you'll end up wasting a dodges on duelist if you go by sound alone. I wouldn't nerf the stun duration though or anything like that, but I would move the sound queue back a bit and change the pitch. You could even reduce the cast time(hand waving) to 1/4 seconds, but give the bullet a 1/4 second delay before it fires (you could put a unique animation here). You'd actually end up buffing the ability in some cases since it'll be harder to interrupt, while making it a tad less frustrating. Magic bullet isn't the only ability I'd give this sort of treatment to btw, I wouldn't mind there being a sweeping pass on the game to improve clarity across the board.Spinal Shivers, for example would have a chilly mist swirl around the target before it hits. Battering ram would be an actual mechanical ram that does a headbutt animation on the target, ect. Your suggestion of the bullet "lingering" in the air for a bit is an interesting one. Though to be honest the main problem is that duelist animation is too similar.
  3. This is a difficult and hard to answer question, the reason being it's hard to answer, is because there are so many issues that Guild Wars 2 has in it's inherent game design, that it's hard to really say where to start and where to end. In addition, diversity isn't an analysis of just 1 skill or element, it's really an analysis of all skills and elements in aggregate. So removing celestial amulet as an example, alters the diversity of the entire system of the game, where locally diversity might increase somewhere's, and locally somewhere else it decreases. But overall, because the possibility space decreases, the complexity decreases and therefor diversity will be less then what it was before across the whole system. When looking at the analysis of the aggregate of the system's behavior, one needs to focus not on it's individual components, but how many of these components are actually interacting with each other. In accordance with complexity, there's a number of commonalities that a system should exhibit if it wishes to have complex behavior. By looking at these commonalities, one can make changes to the game in accordance with them.Scale Invariance Feedback Loops and Scale Invariant Trade-offs Possibility Space Conclusion Now you can tell how by looking at these commonalities, you can see how and why a game like Guild Wars 1 had a lot more build diversity and complexity then Guild Wars 2. Target caps didn't exist, skill selection was not linear (it was freeform) and many of the cooldowns in that game were less than 20 seconds, with durations that usually exceeded the cooldown time. The freeform nature of the game allowed the possibility space to be rather large, and so we were able to see very complex gameplay, with emergent and diverse qualities. As a result, the balance was never really that much of an issue for that game (with a few exceptions that were worth studying and identifying how those problems carried over, and were even built upon into Guild Wars 2.) Aside from everything said so far, there are a lot more, less structurally dependent things, that come down to how individual skills work and how some mechanics are not complex enough. the lack of complexity in these mechanics lead to optimality calculations that on the scale of skills takes too short a period of time , and determining what optimal skill your class has available is also a problem that drives us faster to a homogenous game state. This is akin to looking at the Reaper class, and automatically bringing the Onslaught trait over any other choice...because the complexity of these traits aren't nearly complex enough where a simple evaluation make it too easy to tell which skill is going to give you the best results. wrongcomment
  4. nah, magic bullet is very dodgeable, but i do agree that pistol 4 should get a new animation to differentiate it.
  5. Turns out you are cherry picking here. Fear is a disabling effect. If CC is considered to prevent your dodge with this change, then the trait that makes dodges remove conditions simply shouldn't work against fear. I also can't cleanse fear with Elixir C, since it isn't a stunbreak. And I can't claim that I should be able to just by saying "you know, it's important for me to be able to cleanse fear with it because there are many necros!".If CC prevents you to dodge, then your dodge can't cleanse.You can't cleanse fear with elixir c because it cleanses at the end of the cast time. EM cleanses at the start, like daredevil dash cleanses immob at the start. Either you are willing to let CC stop you dodging or you are not. You can't be like "I am fine with not being able to dodge, but of course just if you let me choose during which CCs I can't, giving me some special exclusions from the rule because I want it!".It's about being consequent. If you say you are fine with CCs disabling your dodge, then this should include effects like fear and taunt as well. It's called consistent. I'm going to guess you are swedish or something, where "konsekvent" means what you think consequent does.
  6. Exactly. this was pointed out like 3 years ago. Do not let clones apply condi damage. It is bad design even in pve. Problem solved. But no, Anet has to keep kitten with every other aspect of the class, except the actual issue. I mean you are wrong, it's fine for clones to do some condi dmg on ambushes. just not on regular autos. Like power (see: gs).
  7. Give 2nd dodge back but remove F4? its like telling thief that they can get reduced ini for sb5 back but in return remove shadowstep from the game, 1 step forward, 2 steps back The suggestion before, tho: Give second dodge back, but remove ability to dodge while CCed.You claim that the ability to dodge while being CCed isn't powerful to begin with, so this should be a desirable trade for you, shouldn't it? while cced, yes.but if you cant dodge while immobed/feard to remove those with EM that could be a nerf.removing dodge during stun/knockback/launch would be fine Immob should be fine, since the only reason you can't dodge during immob is that you can't move and dodge is movement. This doesn't apply to mirage cloak, since the movement component of it is removed.But fear is considered a disable for all intents and purposes, so dodging while feared shouldn't be allowed. Depends on if the cleanse from the trait would trigger before or after the evade. It triggers before the evade, so dodging while feared should indeed cleanse fear. The wording is "dodging removes conditions", so from this wording, the order should be that you have to dodge first, then the cleanse happens. Quite amusing that you guys consider this "not to be a strong mechanic", yet you are fighting over letting it remove fear, which is CC. turns out having one of the only decend cleanses be able to remove fear is important, you know. with 2-3 necros per team in ranked lol Imagine trying to use utility skill for condi cleanse or stunbreak like every single other class in the game, old fashioned af I think. are you implying that other classes dont use traits for cleansing? omegalul Hmm, looks like I've overestimated you a bit too much, my bad.Are you implying, that mesmer doesn't have other tools to deal with condi, than broken Mirage Cloak?I'll give you a hint why it's broken mechanic:Is Water Evasive Arcana capable of removing "FEAR"? (without stab ofc)is elusive mind capable of doing 2 burn on dodge and blast finisher on dodge and heal on dodge and blind on dodge? clown.
  8. Im fine with this, they should focus on 1. bug fixes!!!!!!!!! 2. quality of life, like making phantasms more consistent 3. trait reworks (for example, chaotic interruption).Balance-wise mes is in a pretty decent state.
  9. Give 2nd dodge back but remove F4? its like telling thief that they can get reduced ini for sb5 back but in return remove shadowstep from the game, 1 step forward, 2 steps back The suggestion before, tho: Give second dodge back, but remove ability to dodge while CCed.You claim that the ability to dodge while being CCed isn't powerful to begin with, so this should be a desirable trade for you, shouldn't it? while cced, yes.but if you cant dodge while immobed/feard to remove those with EM that could be a nerf.removing dodge during stun/knockback/launch would be fine Immob should be fine, since the only reason you can't dodge during immob is that you can't move and dodge is movement. This doesn't apply to mirage cloak, since the movement component of it is removed.But fear is considered a disable for all intents and purposes, so dodging while feared shouldn't be allowed.Depends on if the cleanse from the trait would trigger before or after the evade. It triggers before the evade, so dodging while feared should indeed cleanse fear.
  10. As usually happens when you dont remove toxic-but-underused mechanics, they eventually pop back up when the time is right. Chaotic interruption was an example of this.
  11. the main thing i dislike about necro are animations. specifically: staff marks (4/5 are technically different but still too hard to discern).spinal shivers animation. for such a big impact ranged skill without projecile, it needs a bigger animation imo.
  12. Give 2nd dodge back but remove F4? its like telling thief that they can get reduced ini for sb5 back but in return remove shadowstep from the game, 1 step forward, 2 steps back The suggestion before, tho: Give second dodge back, but remove ability to dodge while CCed.You claim that the ability to dodge while being CCed isn't powerful to begin with, so this should be a desirable trade for you, shouldn't it?That would be a buff
  13. It's fine as it is, the only scenario they need to give back 2 dodges is IF they remove energy sigil (something I've advocated for). Aside from that, focus on core mes, chrono, and trait reworks in general. In fact, Mirage has fewer "dead traits" than chrono and core mes, I would say. Dune cloak does need to be looked at though. Up it to 2 boonstrips or something. And fix so it can trigger in the air (otherwise sword leap cancels it which is stupid).
  14. Give 2nd dodge back but remove F4? That would be a big nerf
  15. It isn't just about dodge rolls, there's Jaunt, Blink, Stealth, target breaking, visual clutter, rng dazes, F4. which rng dazes?
  16. we should wait a bit, the meta may very well shift and settle. i do think that res skills should require holding your mouse on the target at the end of thr cast, so that you cant teleport away and LOS etc
  17. main reason chrono is good in pve is alacrity not cs Really? You think the fact that chronomancer can double summon phantasms (which are some of their highest damage skills) with chronophantasma and that they can then double all their dps skills again with chronoshift isn't one of the major reasons why this class is top performer in dps? Oh, and btw, benchmarks are usually recorded under the condition of permanent alacrity anyway. So alacrity obviously can't be the reason why power chronomancer has the highest benchmark of all.oh sorry, i said "main reason chrono is good in pve". when it comes to dps, chronophantasma is the main culprit (a trait that should be removed, which i've said literally for years). what is conventional or not is irrelevant and stupid thing to say. is perfect stealth with no drawback a conventional mechanic? how about necro having more than double the effective hp of other classes? how about thief being able to use their skills multiple times with zero cooldown? how about rev thief guard being able to teleport burst you through walls. who knows - and who cares.
  18. main reason chrono is good in pve is alacrity not cs
  19. it's funny to compare to ranger tiger leap, which will actually go 90 degrees around corners and hit anyway, which has made my jaw drop multiple times.
  20. Yes, you can come up with all kinds of excuses but at the end of the day anet should increase the hitbox of the leap attack or do some other tweak to make it more reliable. I don't have that enabled."Snap ground target" option doesn't work for blink or jaunt anyway.I do think it is a possibilty that the blink bug might have been introduced when they added the snap ground target option for spaghetti code reasons.
  21. It always used to teleport you on the spot, but back in <2015 I don't believe I ever got the "port onto your target" blink bug. I don't know when that got introduced.
  22. I am aware! It's funny because some ranger pet leaps are morr reliable than player leaps. Although, does bull's charge really miss on stationary targets who are stomping? Blink does NOT work fine and you are delusional if you think so. It should not port you onto your target. Stop making excuses.
  23. video for anet: FIX THIS ALREADY I BEG YOU PLEASE JESUS CHRIST IN HEAVEN p.s. title is clickbait
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