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Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

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Everything posted by Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

  1. 2 new pinks. Check the bottom row of your dye library.
  2. I now have a Charr in full Magical Male gear. His name is Snuggles Goldclaw. He writes fan fic based on his brother Snargles’s romance novels. He is fabulous, and I love him.
  3. What other 2 trait lines do you have set up? Regardless of my elite spec, I always run Soul reaping and carry a staff as an alternate weapon. I have had no issues maintaining life force regen on harbinger at all. I’m currently running my harbinger as a minion bomber and it’s a blast. Between the speed of killing things with a miniature army of anywhere from 5-20+, all the carapace stacks that go with that, and nearly infinite life force regen, I feel like a bloodthirsty goddess. My friend and I are playing on our most hated maps and feasting on sweet, sweet, revenge, bwahahaha! Go for a base vitality that will give you about 33k HP, and make sure you take advantage of specs that renew your life force.
  4. I have seen this in action. I duo with my friend every day and any time we need help with an event she pops up the mentor tag (apple) and people start showing up immediately. For legendary bosses just show up at the BB and ask in map if anyone wants to do it, or use LFG. If enough people are there, you don't even need to join a group. Just make sure you tag the mob at least once and you're good to go.
  5. Reports aren't automated, that's why it can take a while for anything to happen. They're checked by real people and only actioned if they actually break the rules. If you report a guild which isn't breaking the rules on naming then nothing will happen to them. If you report a guild that is breaking the rules then try to use the name yourself either it will have already been added to the banned list and you won't be able to get it, or you'll get it force-changed as well when they notice it's in use again. I guess I would ask which posters above are mocking the OP? Mocking maybe isn't the right word, but a lot of players have queried either why the OP cares or if a guild name can be inappropriate and would need reporting, implying there cannot actually be a problem and the OP is being overly sensitive. That's in spite of the fact that (as various people have pointed out) Anet has already defined rules for inappropriate names and it's largely irrelevant whether any individual players think they're right or wrong, if they break the rules then they're not allowed.I saw those more as being curious as to what the OP considered inappropriate because they hadn't seen anything offensive, themselves, or concern over such a report function being abused. ...NM, I missed the part where the posts in question have been moderated and removed already.
  6. Is there a particular time of day when it gets that bad?I am absolute crap at PvP/WvW stuff so I don't go in often, but when I have done it, I can't ever remember it being unbearable or toxic. I think the couple of times that map chat annoyed me I just muted it and went about my business.Now I'm curious. If it really is getting bad then that's really sad because GW 2 tends to pride itself on being a fairly decent community of folks, and that has been my personal experience.Ohhhh, ok. I reread that and realized you are talking about teams. My main is Necro. We tend to not play well with others to begin with. I mostly solo, or roll with people I know. Try finding a like minded guild to roll with. It's way more fun that way.
  7. I am quite biased toward my Plaguedoctor/Mercy support Scourge. I really love the hybrid playstyle. I tend to be rather squishy as an ele so I don't enjoy the class as much.I really think it's just a matter of preferences, as opposed to which is better. Why not make one of each and see which you like best? Ascended armor and weapons are account bound, so you can use the same armor, jewelry, and some of the same weapons between characters. Stats can be changed for the armor and weapons, as well, via the Mystic Forge.
  8. I have made several simple tables so that can make something else and none of them are there. My friend made fancy chair so she can make the pew, but those are not there either.is this a bug or do we need to wait for them to be processed?
  9. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm just missing something.Every time I complete a mission, and the chest appears, I also see this notice for Bronze (something) 0/3.We completed the event with a least a bronze, usually silver, so why does it say that we have zero of three?
  10. Can we please have a "We acknowledge that this is a real issue and we are working on it" response from Anet? These issues are over 24 hours old and.....[crickets]
  11. I got one in a BLC. His name is Spike, and he was rescued from the Lab of an Inquest Progeny.
  12. I got one in a BLC. His name is Spike, and he was rescued from the Lab of an Inquest Progeny.
  13. I'd be happy if I could get the graphics updates pre loaded in with game updates, or whatever it is that makes loading into updated or new zones take forever to port into on your first time in after an update. It's really frustrating to be looking at a loading screen for a full 2-5 minutes.
  14. How would I get the Raven Bond mastery if I can't get trough the instance that leads to the area where I can get the mastery?
  15. I've searched the building, investigated all the things, got the scepter and the notes, heard the spooky voice, checked all the doors an tried to talk to the Raven totem but it just keeps telling me to search the building. Brahm has nothing to say about any of it.
  16. Thanks, not knowing what that was was driving me kinda nuts, lol
  17. My ranger friend is running around with this glowing, flapping bird stuck in her midsection. She can't see it, just me. It's not a pet. What the kitten is this thing?
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