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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 5 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

    Thats the point of making some Qol changes for ele , just look at the buff they made for weaver ... 3rd water/earth skill on sword give 4 stacks of bleed now ... just ... wtf , sword is melee , and obviously now scepter is more powerfull than  a sword , melee vs range , why even play melee ? and once again in pve , you do not attune to water/earth.

    As for mech , ppl take it cause they are sure they won' f uck up their rotation , as it is pratically impossible to fail it , so in those regards , more complex build should do way more tha  them , and actually it is kind of starting seing less and less mechs being played . 

    Not only talking about pug groups , but if you want to do the very hard endgame you cannot use "average" dps , as for you pvp matters at highest level , pve matters for some of us higer level too .

    Nobody was playing scepter dps ele in pve , i saw some but they were all underperforming (and it will not change with this patch , scepter being a condis weapon for pve , all changes were made for power) , i only saw healtemp with scepter , cause it allow a better healing (a ranged one !!!!) and have some combo field for might , doenst care about dagger aura blast , auars are useless if you dont take elemental bastion who you cannot take if you want alacrity , so what anet should have done is make those changes for pvp only , who cares your dragon tooth follow your target , thats obviously made for pvp , in a pve patch ... who cares about water trident healing only yourself , you never attune to water if you are a dps , especially a condi one ... in pve.

    make those changes for pvp and let us our already weak healer healtemp as it is .

    And stop talking like there is a huge scene of pvp or wvw in this game , anet barely make any update for those modes , remember the last wvw huge addon ? warclaw ? lol . They know there is not a huge % of player playing those modes , pve is the corner stone of the game , and this again make me say cmc is a pvp player , he shouldnt touch pve , balancing pvp/wvw/pve is a complete other story , you dont want to play a hybrid healer/dps/booner in pve , because he will be average in all those domain , and thats the whole ele problem since 5-6 years.

    This patch who was supposed to be a pve patch , turned out to be a pvp patch for ele only ...

    PvE cornerstone of the game and wvw/pvp non existent?


    Whatever you may think, the PvP/WvW scene is alive and well, they are here to stay. We can go back and forth with people assuming GW2=PvE the end, but I won't do that! Few people may have enjoyed  spamming water trident, yes...and? These changes to scepter will open new gameplay options for all ele players in all gamemodes, including those players who don't visit the forum, don't care about the rat race in raids and simply want to play an old school elemental mage because as far as old player remember, the main weapon for ele in GW1 was scepter ranged...not dagger/dagger, this set of changes was expected since launch....about bloody time they changed scepter to what it was always supposed to be : RANGED DAMAGE

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  2. 17 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

       Remember the August Mechanist nerf? Mechanist remains as the most popular spec for instanced content...

       Post patch FB will be a easier to play FB, which is the reason why Mech and FB are popular. For the average player how much dps a Bladesworn, Catalyst or Virtuoso can aouput is irrelevant if they require complex rotations or are clunky to use.

    Thank you! Jesus it doesn't matter how hard you shout at these people...they just don't get it....nobody gives a kitten about your golem rotation, if the class overall is kitten to play...nobody will play it regardless of how much you bench on that kitten golem!


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  3. For years elementalist has been balanced based on number crunching on a static NPC golem and the class was pure trash to play everywhere else outside creating snowcrow youtube videos

    It's not that I have a problem with PvE in a MMO or anything , I do however have a problem with people whose only interest is killing a golem and be DPS obssesed for that end...and these same people delude themselves into thinking a game should be balanced around this idea of...gameplay.

    Average player doesn't give a kitten about DPS on a golem, they will go for most comfortable and easy, relaxing class to play and that's how the game must be balanced for every class! It doesn't matter how much your rotation does on that golem, the average pug will still stack mechanists, shortbow renegades and builds at similar level.



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  4. 13 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    It doesnt really matter though. So the leadership changed, did we get something different out of it? Nope. Same thing that has been going on for years. Sure there was a "fan service" patch back in the august to get the negative vibe to calm down after july patch to help with steam release. Thats it. Now we are back to where we were. As i said in a different topic, its not CMC or Roy thats doing it, its the whole balance team, and they (well at least the majority of them) are the same people that has been there for quite some time. 

    But yeah, i feel you, after the balance patch preview ive put gw2 into "login reward" mode. I dont want to "pray and hope" for another 3 months to maybe see some improvements to sword weaver. 

    Are you actually serious?.....Are you guys for real now?. Comparing CMC balance team to the horde  we experienced before for years...it's like comparing copper to Gold. CMC has bias against ele?.....I mean guys, before CMC, all we could ever hope was some buff to shatterstone as meme laugh for reddit. This was ele life before CMC....

    This is the first time ever! That you see a DPS ele ranked meta in PvP after a decade since the time of old valkyrie d/d ele in 2012 , after Jon Peters left..the best you could hope on ele was to play some tempest support as fringe role....CMC biased against ele?!....wow

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  5. 2 hours ago, Exzen.2976 said:

    Oh good lord. This is juicy. Maybe a little too juicy. Ngl, I think these changes are going to make a lot of people very upset in pvp/wvw lol

    It will still be far less faceroll than pressing 3 on a shortbow with a renegade or running ahead with superspeed while throwing grenades behind you without looking. You won't be able to go celestial and still do absurd dmg while being tanky AF. And even if it will be possible....who cares? Eles had to deal with faceroll builds for years and we stilk have things like cele harbinger in wvw, I am hardly concerned about fairness at this point, bring back the FA killers and let the salty tears flow!

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  6. On 11/12/2022 at 5:14 PM, Bazsi.2734 said:

    I don't mind the frequent changes, after all for years we had like 2 or 3 patches if you do not count hotfixes... so changing stuff around in itself isn't necessearly bad... I just don't like the changes. Scepter on ele for example will just get a whole lot dumber. I thought we reached peak meme <REDACTEDNESS> with DE, but somehow they managed to make it even more simplistic. FB redesign could be interesting, but it's sobadly tuned that it's not even worth getting angry over... it's just funny.

    There are many asinine level designs in this game ...and yes, Deadeye is one of them. But at this point we should stop advocating for fairness and balance when it does not get applied equally among all 9 x professions . 

    If a monkey playing a revenant can do kitten loads of dmg by pressing 3 on a shortbow while having "perma stability", reflect and whatsnot.....

    if a donkey on an engi can do dmg throwing grenades  behind him all while racing ahead under superspeed....

    .if a hamster can laugh at you while chaining distortion, blocks and stealth.....

    if a chicken on a guardian  can instaport to you, while having all boons in existence and never dodging....

    .if anything in GW2 is allowed to reach S+ tiet....I say it's time to drop all pretensions and turn this game in the proper smashbro for all professions and now just the usual 3-4. When everything will be S+ tier...we may actually see some resemblance of balance 

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  7. -DISCLAIMER : being hard carried by other specs doesn't make for a solid and viable option and read title....this got nothing to do with RAIDS or fractal!

    Very low active defense...average condi clear and mobility, easily surpassed by other professions in similar role, the complete lack of active defense is the major drawback, add to this the pitiful pet mechanic and you have a C-tier supportish build at best that may see play in some try hard GvG team. Before Anet tries to give a support spec to a class...they need to add active defenses first and ranger got none outside the block on GS. To give an idea of what a support should look like :

    Druid - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Druid_-_Support_Druid


    Vindicator https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Vindicator_-_Support_Vindicator

    Support druid was bad before...and now it is even worst with the removal of the 13 condi clear trait:

    1) no blocks , no damage reduction, average mobility 

    2) Pet mechanic still sucks and we still use the same 2-3 pets like always

    3) Nobody cares how much you can heal...if you die the second you get focused for more than 10s...this is like playing a worst version of core guardian in PvP

    Overall support druid in WvW is overhyped, semi useless and highly situational, with all the ranged/melee CC being flowned around....massive mobility creep, permasupespeed, instant condi bomcs...etc ect etc...the idea of ranged healing in wvw is simply absurd:

    Firebrand -8

    Tempest/Catalyst - 7

    Scrapper - 6

    Vindicator -6

    Specter - 5

    Druid -2


  8. 1 hour ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    There hasn't been a whole lot of competitive PvP lately, just the few remaining players playing whatever they feel like. Also CmC has been in charge of PvP balance for a while, including those triple rev/specter etc times.

    You are exaggerating. The current (cele) abominations aren't any less broken or unfun to play against.

    Since the "engi/guardian" lover got removed from power and replaced by CMC, the game overall has seen some impressive QoL changes, and CMC was the one to unnerf SB no?! Since CMC took over, the ranger has seen nothing but positive changes and the most oppressive builds to fight as ranger...nerfed. I bet you'd rather have CMC in charge than go back to the age of the "guardian lover"

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  9. 22 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    That's all the more reason for it to deal more damage, no?  Short of completely giving up on melee builds like sword weaver or reworking them into ranged builds, what's your solution?  If the problem is that it can't remain in melee range, then obviously it needs to deal more damage in order to be competitive.

    How can more damage alone help in this situation?

    -Yes the power dmg on sword weaver is pitiful in all game modes and the condi variant is carried by primordial stance, take that away and there is no good condi weaver in my opinion: overall dmg on sword weaver is garbo

    -Ability to stick to the target for a melee build...it's atrocious, too easily kited

    -They need to reduce animation time and after cast of dual skills

    -Polaric Leap should work similarly to guardian sword teleport and CD reduced to at least 10s 

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  10. Nobody gives a sod about youtube benchmarks, hitting a static golem that doesn't hit back should not be a tool for balance:

    -Targets move around

    -Targets can hit back

    -Targets can be humans and not some AI mob

    First order of balance it's always efficiency and reliability in gameplay ...not how much you can bench for your youtube video: human players don't give a sod for how much you can hit the golem and even average pvers won't care about your snowcrow flashy show...as they will go for easier and more enjoyable options.

    Buffing sword weaver? Good....but nobody in practice cares about dmg coefficients or DPS...if you can't hit the kittening target, so that is the priority for balance

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  11. 30 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    I just see more powercreep and spam.

    Replacing broken specs by others doesn't make the game better.

    Is that so?

    1) In PvP I don't see a team made up say....3 x revenants  ending a game 500 to 20 or so, I see close games and players using different comps...heck a double mesmer team reaches the final..didn't see that since 2013 before CMC took control. Tthese MAT matches were like 4-5 revs every 10 players...then triple mechanist....etc etc etc

    2) In WvW you had almost full scrapper teams steamrolling through all the map taking close to 0 dmg uncontested. Celestial scrappers tanking up to 10 players, doing zerk dmg while running ahead under perma superspeed effect, there is nothing right now to that level of brokeness in WvW...that gyro change was God's gift to mankind. Thx god they obliterated that OP broken BS, WvW had become a cesspool of toxicity due to *urgh....we know being in charge and with him finally removed from existence and replaced with CMC...we are finally seeing the light in WvW

    I see build diversity and no more Rambo, Conan and Super sayan Goku all in one types of build anymore....and some people are sad and upset their turn in the sun is finally over after years of abuse 

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  12. - How can you possibly nerf anything in PvE? ...What seems to be problem? You need 1m more than before to kill a freaking AI mob? or maybe your fractal speed run group took 5m more than usual to claim a chest?

    They made scepter more enjoyable even for average pvers....who don't need to wait anymore for skills to hit the target like a bad meme: dragon's tooth. Now scepter will be usable for more than have people stack in a corner in some remote pve dungeon for the blast finisher....and you people cry that your fractal team "will miss" that 2k aoe heal ???....insanity

    - When a class represent like 50% of the classes out of 50 players in number...maybe ...just maybe..nerfs are warranted. I bet it was glorius for engi players....extremely miserable for everybody else. A spec being played as support- roamer -duellist -wvw zerg at the same time.....it's rather unabalanced in my opinion

    -The drawback was completely unfair and arbitrary, all in all, some professions ( like engis) were getting 0 factual drawbacks and all the positives...losing Orbital Strike for Holoforge is a laughable idea for drawback

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  13. 40 minutes ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

    Not sure if this is a troll post or not. 

    Scepter changes sure are nice, but practically irrelevant outside of sPvP and roaming (and in both modes it was barely used at all). Im pretty sure AA air scepter currently has the lowest dps ingame except for staff water. Why not fix that instead? Water Trident was the best heal skill of Tempest by a mile. ~500hps per ally and one of the only 2 reliable ranged heals from sc/w Tempest. 


    Basically scepter changes are a big nerf to all players except for the small minority of players that actually enjoys to sPvP/roam. Even in PvP the overall playrate of scepter is like 5% tops. Its a very hard build to pull off and very squishy. These changes are gonna make 0 difference for anyone but the few ele pvp Gods that can properly manage the build. 

    There are other modes other than PvE in GW2.......scepter not being used outside AI mob farming is exactly the reason why it's getting buffed...because human players are not at stupid as enemies in pve, they don't stand in a red circle drinking tea and hitting you for 20 dmg . Turning ele into something more than fractal/raid speed run bot class is exactly what vet GW1 players and MMO oriented players have always been asking for.

    About time we'd be able to hit something else outside dumb AI mob with that scepter....

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  14. Let me summarize all that CMC has achieved since taking the reins of balance in GW2 :

    1) He nerfed broken/Overpowered/Abused to hell....Scrapper, making WvW more enjoyable overall

    2) He removed the absurd drawback "design" choice which was affecting only a handful of professions 

    3) He is buffing scepter ele which has been left in the void between dimensions since launch in 2012


    Nothing else to add, this CMC is doing God's work in this Game, keep up the great work!

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  15. And while I was expecting joy and celebration on the ele subforum...what I find  people whining that their alac whatever heal tempest lose their water trident????!! Like potentially ...after 12 years waiting I may be finally able to play a viable ranged elementalist minus the impossible requirements to make it work, I may be finally able to play an elemantist in GW2 like it was in GW1......

    MMO are supposed to be Players VS Player experience.....no Players VS AI Mob

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  16. Good..good, it's refreshing to see other players coming to the same conclusion...to really sum it all about ranger 

    A mediocre class that excel  against lower players with mediocre effort. A good player will make ranger shine but again...he would accomplish a tad more on another profession , that's the reality of ranger

  17. Regardless of the rank, build played...the trend I noticed is always the same : "tower ranger gameplay", and the only other gameplay alternative  I noticed that could allow to spot a ranger away from the closest tower....it's a boring bleeding boonbeast knockoff that accomplishes nothing other than 1) makes you laugh , 2) roll your eyes  and 3)bore you to death....any of three or all of them.

    The class has loads to offer and so comes as surprise to see the vast majority of the ranger playerbase being this....boring to watch, play against...and be around overall. For a class advertised as one of the easiest...it's confusing to see the vast majority of ranger players even failing at being an actual threat when playing in group, while at the same time being the easiest targets to down ...unless they play a boring bunker that equally accomplishes nothing other than offering some immobilize hoping for a kill thx to team effort.

    In light of all this, I suggest that maybe being good at ranger is not as easy as the GW2 playerbase always loved to think ....in all truth, when I get usually heavily outnumbered and I see an ally coming to my rescue, in my heart I always hope it's not a ranger...because a good 8 times out of 10, he will end being downed from full health even before me when I am already half dead with no CD left...and I wonder how in the world they can accomplish that.....

    Let me leave you with a word of advice...ok...so you want to play pewpew from that tower so badly then...run something like this : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAENFDE4a/BYEpB-zxQYhoi7cHEWJY7AA-e ; this is what you run! Not that trash build with cavalier you come up with! Your role on this type of build is to obliterate the target and move to the next, sorry to break your bubble but longbow offers close to no threat outside n2 pewpew , my statement here would require another thread to explain you why, but those who have been playing GW2 for years and actively own several other classes, know exactly what I am talking about.

    Please...learn to be an actual threat and stop being a roleplayer with a longbow

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  18. On 10/27/2022 at 11:10 PM, Mell.4873 said:

    That's like the top 100 players so its more I get outplayed but even then I'm a walking tank so as long as someone can capitalise on the resources they use to kill me we can still win. This happens all the time when I verse Elementalists, waste all there cooldowns on not killing me and then someone else kills them.

    ...TOP 250 GW2 pvp ...everything seems unkillable if the enemy is clueless...this is not GW2 2012 PvP TOP 50 player skill level

  19. Summary of the whole thread: Anet needs to be very careful in considering "player's feedback", doing so in the past only resulted in overbuffed broken specs like : scrapper,firebrand, renegade and others....while by comparison different specs/classes got nerfed to oblivion....

    The wishlists posted here are mostly bonker level of insanity, in practice it is just asking to remove weaknesses and add only strengths, people ask for dmg buffs on weapons while "forgetting" all the other things the weapons does.... EX :" buff  damage on thief's shortbow"...yeah and what about the mobility with vertical teleports? ranged aoe daze?....no no...give it dmg too...bonker

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