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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 7 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

    Soulbeast always had a double trade off by loosing the pet when merging and also loosing one of the pets :  it was due to remove some of the overcomplicated garbage nerfs they done to the class.
    In fact is don't think is enough, the pet swap while merged should be baseline, i don't understand why gating behind a trait. 

    This will make Eternal Bond best on slot period. Which is an issue as now Soulbeast will go back into very selfish builds locking them out from any squad. Also the healing on every merged skill has a lot of lottery tickets to become very problematic balance wise. 
    Increasing the range of the Leader of the Pack is not what it needs, otherwise that build would have a real slot in organized squads.

    Agreed, most of them change nothing, the only good ones by removing the chanelling from the elite (who would have thought) and the possibility to use the staff on allies. 

    Soulbeast will be nerfed later on....removing the "trade off," removed the only reason to play core ranger over soulbeast, now you will have a core ranger with dolyak stance..and ability to ress pets instantly for a fraction of the time, now soulbeast will take over Untamed too

  2. I mean...after 4 years of scrapper meta, 2 years of unkillable scrapper roamer grenade spammer cele god super sayan mode...you should have expect changes coming. Furthermore scrapper is not ruined at all...simply now people will have to use brain on where and when to use the gyro wards..rather than superspeed facetank their way to victory....at least for you there is no casting time on these wards

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  3. No theories....no untamed changes this patch, guess with November patch.

    Losing mass cleanse with Druidic clarity will hurt rangers a lot, the support part will make happy the "wannabe clerics" but roaming druids will hate the change....

    But Untamed needs something more, it's about to be replaced in pvp/wvw and maybe pve..sad day

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    If they are willing to remove that nerf, which is supposed to be the Druid "Tradeoff" then I wonder what other Tradeoffs(TM) nerfs they are going to be reconsidering.

    They are removing that nerf because they realized their "trade off" concept only really applied to some professions and no others..

    By all means, engineer, revenant, guardian have no trade offs...anywhere

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  5. On 9/3/2022 at 2:47 AM, Endilbiach.4132 said:

    That's if I want to literally not play the game.  That's also if your server has such a commander, and if such a commander is on during the hours you can pull this trick.  Know what's not a problem?  Buying raid wing completion.  Log on at roughly any o'clock, check LFG, pick a group of your choice.

    No, the Raid armor is much easier to get, much cheaper to make, gets you all kinds of other achievements and unique skins as you work to complete it, and is generally more rewarding.  WvW armor exists as the carrot on the other end of the stick that's used to beat people into the ground for not wanting to raid, and costs significantly more.

    WvW legendary armor is harder to get ...because it saves the sanity of people like me who could not stand to play hours while being subject to vile verbal abuse from toddlers....who couldn't finish their run in a timely  manner.....or quit after one wipe...or cry at every turn for whatever reason. A compromise I was willingly to make and maybe others can do the same....if you enjoy wvw, then the time spent playing it, should be no issue. 

    I write this as a player who hates pve and completed 3x sets of legendary armor between wvw and pvp within 1.5 years 

    If you can stand the company of the raid community...yeah the legendary armor is easier to get there...but the mental power cost makes it not really worth it...and those skins are ugly AF 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Exedore.6320 said:

    The matchmaker is good enough. It would function better with a higher population, but you'll always see anomalies at the edges and during slow times regardless of the algorithm chosen.


    The bigger problem is that skill doesn't mean enough until you get to the very top. Until then, people are carried by build choice. If you're slightly better at face-rolling and not standing in fires, then you move up. When there is such little difference in skill, no algorithm can rank people well according to skill. This is due to game design choices since HoT, which falls under balance.

    The higher you go, the more stacked "super" builds you see : insta cast/teleportation/all boons/super tanks and the more "zerg mode" is again what I see the most...You certainly don't see "one mistake=dead" gameplay. Although in one thing you are 100% correct : since HoT (since the GW1 devs left ) , the class design in this game has gone full nose dive into the abyss of madness....and at this point I wonder why people still try to talk about balance, when all we see are nerfs which reduce the already scarce options

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  7. When played semi decently an average ranger will have no troubles against average of everything else....except Thief with its stealth/teleport - Elementalist with projectile hate and condi output....on a side note, anything with teleport and CC will trouble average ranger, Willbender lacks that instant CC....while untamed...it's not super amazing but when played well can create troubles to certain specs, add the anti projectile set up of untamed and the CC utility.

    Take all this into consideration and you describe any "balance" thread started by a ranger

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  8. 4 hours ago, Sifu.9745 said:

    Just reduce the burst dmg for about 300% and you will see way more new players. No one wants to get from 100% health to downed state in one second. Let them live at least for 5 seconds, let them cast at least one 3/4 sec long ability before they get downed. That's a good recipe for adding more players to this super fast sPvP.


    I used to play World of Worcraft PvP: way more relaxing, casual, slower, fights last way longer, there is a room for mistakes, even if you go afk you will stay alive for at least 7 seconds (depends on class). If you are not good you will probably lose, but at lest you won't get killed within one second burst period.

    Also, you want more players? Add 10 vs 10, 15 vs 15 or at least 7 vs 7 maps. Casual players like it, if there is more people in their party: less stressful, more relaxing. But unfortunately Anet is obsessed with 5 vs 5 only sPvP.

    They already reduced the damage by 3/4 , exactly 2 years ago! If new MMO players in 2022 would bother to play a kitten game for a while before starting crying "bloody mary" after only 1 x week....maybe you'd be able to see people in wvw literally tanking 10 others, a single full minstrel dodo...tanking damage from 10 others .


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  9. On 8/23/2022 at 8:16 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:


    Realistic is a good outlook.

    Prevents the devastation that comes along with being an overly optimistic rose tinted glasses wearing daydreamer after realizing you are wrong.


    All the devs that essentially created the game, the franchise, the concepts.....are gone.

    Most of the vet devs are gone.

    Competitive game modes are largely ignored and the devs are aware, we know by the "joke":' that one pvp player in the back of the room'.

    2019 until EOD was pretty rough for the company, for the employees and the Financials.

    I still haven't seen a quarter that matched an expansion release for a 3a mmo.

    Where are the millions of players claimed to have been added during that period?

    It m7st be obvious for NA players that the pvp population is small with gold 2 finishing on the top 250.

    Balance favors the whale bait classes, but we can also thank Mark for confirming the discord and shenanigans for the mass non believers.

    All the crossover streamers seem to finish the story then move on.

    Raids, fractals, and strikes seems to be the toxic fiesta for pve.

    The games success revolves around on pressing 1, speed runs, and getting shineys from the gemstore. 

    All of the small details and challenges are essentially removed with mounts, and no one wants to be without a mount, because all the cool kids have them.

    But, then you fly through the game and miss the adventure and it's like console codes in elder scrolls games, it seems cool to have it easy until it doesn't entertain.


    The cake belongs to the toddler, I'd just laugh.



    I don't know why somebody would try to laugh off this post...this may be the only time @Crab Fear.1624 is correct on everything. It's one thing to be "doom and gloom" and another being realist. Everything stated by Crab..can be fact checked with web sources and hard numbers.

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  10. Some people like Untamed ..and some don't, but fact is that Untamed is not nearly as bad as some people make it sound, actually most of what they say it's factually untrue, grossly exageration that hold no traction in real discussion and something devs will certainly don't pay attention to. Untamed is not perfect and neither what was wished for EoD but it's still good to use and competitive in the right hands


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  11. 4 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:


    Core pets are virtually better than EoD pets...except the turtle, one of the few things a ranger can look for whe buying EoD, the other pets from this expansion are just pure design trash not even good as placeholders, players should focus their efforts in bringing up those trash bags rather than trying to change the only decent one out of the bunch

  12. On 8/1/2022 at 2:16 PM, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

    My point is bears are better as a defensive pet than the siege turtle pet. The siege turtle does basically nothing and sits far away, at least bears actually use their defensive stats like they're supposed to.

    If you like bears that much...good for you but for me....Hunker Down  is the best ranger pet skill after Smokescreen and we will keep it that way, that projectile denial is the first and only skill of its kind on ranger...

  13. 2 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

    Many did like Chrono, Mirage , Malyx Rev, Ventari Vindicator, Minionmancer, Valk Ranger, Boon Ranger, Prot Holo, Scrapper, Mechanist but like the dinosaurs they kinda got extinct and they do share some similarities with Bladesworn. 
    I'm not saying don't play it, I'm saying enjoy it while you can. 

    Yes you can see the similarities....one nerfed..and people jumpn on the next best thing with enough sustain to kitten you off, a never ending cycle of people crying to nerf the next thing that doesn't instantly die 

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  14. 36 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    But SpB is just an F2. It maintains the core warrior ability like Zerker. 

    BsW on the other hand.. 

    In any case, there is no thief in SpB. Mesmer yes. Thief? No. 

    SpB should get buffed to punish mindless spam and be a proper counter option, Core should have all it's T2 and T3 effects buffed for a proper roamer that can deal huge damage and not suffer in sustain and Zerker needs to become the melee terror. 

    A gated Arc Divider is not much terror.. 

    SpB already counter mindless spam...given how FC is on a 10s CD and adrenaline can be collected by simply swapping weapons.....it literally blows my mind that people actively think warrior is weak or UP:

    By no means I am saying that warrior is some braindead gameplay aka mechanist or harbinger but the class is not remotely close to be the UP/weak sack of kitten as some on this forum would want you to believe

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  15. On 8/2/2022 at 9:24 AM, lgwald.4038 said:

    Why don't more people play spellbreaker? It's probably the most fun spec in the game. kitten slaps. I understand it's not viable at the highest levels of play, but to be fair that's like 50 people. It's perfectly viable up into plat 1 yet I never see anyone play it. So many people picking up the snoozefest that is BS because it's flavor of the month should give Spellbreaker a chance. 

    You are doing good...just use your own judgement to decide, just watch actual good players on the class ...


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  16. Warrior complaints are mostly unnecessary. Balanced gameplay....balanced build diversity and decent traitlines .....they have few very bad MU, being a pure melee class, you are bound to have very bad MU against heavy condi spam or thief gameplay, and even then only specific builds which when played well, will give huge troubles to any other class too regardless...so....

    Yeah the complaints are mostly from RPGers who feel "warrior doesn't fit their fantasy role" so they can be ignored, the class has mostly balance number problems and not design issues like it is on ele case, there is no braindead gameplay like cele harbinger or mechanist but for the rest, the class offers decent gameplay experience at all skill levels in all game modes, you don't need to be some twich base god with fast reflexes to enjoy the class in a moderate way.

    Let me repeat, most of the warrior complaints come from RPGers who feel "warrior doesn't fix their fantasy role", as such they can be safely and throughout ignored.

    On war you will suffer when facing good thieves, necros or some BS runaway superspeed engi builds, everything else is fair game....hardly a class deserving huge amount of whining as it is now

    PS. Yes I am sure they are "great" players on the classes I did not mention that would easily beat my "mediocre" war but that does not detract anything from my post, everything stands....I seen good warriors go toe to toe against pretty much everything and come always on TOP...and I can't say the same for other class, where you will lose some fights regardless of your skill level

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  17. On 8/5/2022 at 6:31 PM, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    are you talking about cele ele? talk about rose tinted glasses.

    He's talking about a time, you could play a staff or scepter ele with a modicum of skill and do decent on it...a time where your most relevant build was not a "no dmg" tank trolling nabs in PvP or some full minstrel crap in wvw...a time basically when it made sense to play the class

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  18. On 7/5/2022 at 9:51 PM, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

    Siege turtles effectively don't do anything. If the boss moves (more than 75% of fights), it'll be missing.

    It's supposed to be a defensive pet, which ranger has short amount to start with....

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  19. This is the reality of GW2...a gamemode marketed as RvR mode which has been dominated by the same 3x professions since launch in terms of representation : guardian - engineer - necromancer , the situation is so absurd  that the same profession can cover a DPS or support spot by simply switching spec, and this has been the reality of GW2 WvW since 2012. By fault logic this is considered normal, in a game with 9 professions...there are no major complaints and you won't find any bookmarked 100+ posts thread about the issue, by contrast what you will find on the GW2 forum is some 30+ posts thread started by some zergling killed by a lone roamer while he was running back to his zerg. 

    A gamemode which is supposed to include all professions equally in some manner, has been dominated by the same handful of builds for almost a decade , nobody seems to care as they either play these classes or simply lost hope, on the other hand...the moment players in GW2 get killed by some lone roamer class,...and people lose their kitten and start a nerf crusade for the ages.

    Any new player in chat is actively asked, coerced and insulted into playing one of the holy trinity or abandon the gamemode , this attitude and mentality are considered normal by the GW2 playerbase and the same community will cry blood if in a single instance, they get killed by a lone roamer class ...the same professions they don't want you to play in "their" gamemode. The absurdity, entitlement, the delusion of the whole situation is just...mindblowing but the worst part still is the game studio actively promoting this toxic mentality , they do that by constantly nerfing/removing anything that can actively challenge the status quo:

    -Nerf spellbreaker if too good at stopping boon trains

    -Nerf staff ele if too good and damaging boon trains

    And yeah....players here will keep asking for balance...but not the kind of balance any normal person would think about...nope....they want a "balance" aimed at nerfing/removing the few roaming professions as that it's the only thing they can't do "masterfully" yet outside their zerg mode. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

    Ele is strong, the only people who have no cred are the ones continuously and falsely saying they are weak, or that they deserve to be OP

    No.....you and the lot here, got massively outplayed by better players using a class devoid of easy win gimmicks like : a class again you and the lot can't play half as good as those who owned you. There is a very good reason why none of you here mains an ele....

    Have you ever seen a stream of an ele main playing another class? Do you honestly think that players like @Grimjack.8130, @Boyce.4069 or @Solemn.6401 and similar others...are being carried for playing ele?..

    I gave up on ele some time ago and I did ask to these guys how they could still enjoy something like ele, when the game now is full of hamster brain levels of gameplay like F1+1111 harbinger or some gatling gun Mechanist....even more they can actually still win making it look so easy. 

    Unless you lot can play ele close to that level...you are nothing more than a walking free kill right now and the fact you lot can't realize this...says a lot 

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  21. 8 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    Its the projectile denial uptime. It invalidates most ranged options.

    That being said, the minute you force it out of earth its not hard to focus down. The best way to force it out of earth is removing its stab and giving it condis. Harb is actually good at it and a smart one would drop pistol for scepter if the enemy has a tempest.

    Spectre is also good at forcing it out of earth by just spamming cc and putting a few condis on it.

    May I ask what build you typically run in this meta?

    The OP can only run a pewpew druid, done so for years...this is his 1xxxx ele nerf thread...I'd imagine people would know the OP by now, 2/3 of the ele nerf threads are started by him

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