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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 37 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

    They all have a preferable form of mobility:

    • Druid has Super Speed when leaving Celestial Avatar and Staff 3
    • Soulbeast has Merge skills
    • Untamed has Super Speed Utilities

    I still find Untamed the fastest since it required the least investment (just 2-3 skills)

    Untamed is by far the slowest on par with core ranger...well untamed is after all just a core ranger with extra fluff

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  2. I believe everything that could have gone wrong has been fully covered now with Untamed, for better or for worst, people got what they wanted : a pet "focused" elite with hammer reminiscing of the Bunny Thumper from GW1, now for possibly the last elite for the class, the company should answer in tune and give the ranger community what they have been asking for like..forever?! -  a ranged AoE non projectile based for WvW or brawler sort of spec, at least that's what I felt so far and personally I am hoping for a mechanic that finally allow the ranger to join group fights efficiently without pet worries, while giving close to the same freedom as Soulbeast offers, to date the best elite ranger has in all game modes, in terms of flexibility and results.

    So let's see what the poll says...

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  3. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Renegade PvP balance aside, someone saying that it is fine because Cele Renagod is fine in WvW is missing a very big difference between the two game modes.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Celestial doesn't exist in PvP anymore


    You are missing the whole point by contrast...

    A build that can duel. team fight, support......typically it would be called bad design by common players....but ofc GW2 players would think otherwise....unless is not their profession. There is literally zero difference in CD and mechanics between the pvp version and wvw version for the skills I have linked..and yeah FW didn't cele to win did they? But hey...shame on me for even trying to make sense on the pvp forum, please you lot can keep up with the ranting and delusional talk.

    "buff renegade..."...please folks...add as many sad faces to this post as you can..

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  4. 5 minutes ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

    Not even Trevor Boyer agrees with you, considering he said "Vindicator is tanky and does have a lot of defenses, but it has no actual invulnerability and when it defenses all of its defenses are animations, which means it cannot offense while defensing". You are quite simply either deliberately obtuse or just dumb. Everyone understands what I said.

    If it wasn't clear by now......you're talking to biased individuals who are simply reading off the wiki.....

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

     Wvw/PvP has completly diffrent balance....     we are talking about PowerRenegade in pvp....   

    You step in and brag about how op CeleRenegade is in WvW and that it doesnt need any buffs.. 



    There is a mere 5 energy addtion on the skill that doesn't even apply to the OP between PvP and WvW....listen to your own suggestion and you could do that if not for the bias....

    Talking in other threads about what right and what wrong with balance...then "promoting" gameplay options allowing the user to simply sit there, press couple of buttons and accomplish greatness. If you want to talk about skilled gameplay...there is very little left in this game, and at the very least...wise individuals recognize that ...they recognize of being as much of the problem as what they try to whine about.

    Acting like a balance guru in one thread than coming here claiming than monkey gameplay renegade  needs buffs? I would be ready to buff power herald...rather than adding anything to monkey renegade builds....unless ofc you gut that OP/broken shortbow 33333  first

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  6. 14 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    needs damage mitigation and lower cd heals. can't sustain and energy costs too high




    Easiest thing to play in the game...swap to shortbow and press 1111....3 when energy is up and I see players on it not even bothering to dodge, especially in WvW with cele/trailblazer stats.

    Easiest revenant build in the game.....does not deserve any sort of buff...not before it gets scaled up in terms of difficulty

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  7. 2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    You heard them Anet! Its that time again.

    Lets get your shovel and start digging! We need Warrior back in the grave by tomorrow!



    I remember being laughed at in the past suggesting to use longbow to trigger CI and how strong was war with lb....lol...

    • Haha 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Agreed. Playing and playing against it is just very.... slow.... 

    I actually would like the approach, where we get more Unblockable CC skills like Gale for example.

    Gale is fantastic to pull a Virtuoso out of his Block-Block-Block madness. Spamming blocks should have more risk and counterplay.

    Blocks looses alot of value if every class had 1 unblockable CC for example.   And i think alot of invulns should be a "Fullcleanse and block" instead of being literally untargetable. would have the same defense capability, but could be countereplayed by the unblockable CC.

    Right now Invulns are just very uninteractive making the whole design kind of boring.

    Professions like ele don't get stealth, 1500 range fast attacks and border hopping mobility to avoid damage, 3/4 of the time you are stuck there getting damage on an elementalist, you don't get to stealth-run and pewpew on an ele...like you can do on a ranger or a thief and neither get access to core block and full counter mechanics. Without projectile denial, even a donkey can sti there at 1500 range and pewpew...then you tell people to dodge...but if you are not a complete tool, for as long as you comfortably sit at 1500 range...I don't really care if you dodge or not...my 1500 range burst is up in half the time it takes for your dodge to recharge and if things go south...I can druid stealth, run and start again..simple isn't it?

    You are either given the ability to avoid damage for half the time ( thief-ranger-warrior-revenant....) or you sit there and grind your way through aoe and stealth ambush from 1200/1500 range...you decrease one...you decrease the other too, and one is as BS as much the other.

    Is blocking/dashing away and teleport from 1200 range under stealth any more "skilled" then pressing a button and become invulnerable for 3-4s every 40s+?

    This @Trevor Boyer.6524, just a ranger specialized in pewpew from safe distance, he gets mad that its simplistic tactic or sitting and powpow with the longbow from distance...doesn't work in all scenarios and he wants that to change, no mention of when other find annoying and frustrating to be forced in dealing with the ranged beep beep. 

    P.S played ranger for 7k hours now...I know what the class can do, where the complaints in this thread come from and what type of player may back this up....stealth remains one of the worst MMO implementations and builds like SIC em will not be allowed to exist if anything happens to projectile denial

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  9. On 12/2/2022 at 7:45 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

    bro... i was standing in a full dps Reaper that did a pve rotation and i just tanked it like its nobodys business.... I know this guy, i roam and play with him everyday. He knows what hes doing, and a powerreaper is literally the worst nightmare of a support tempest... also i was rocking the fireVersion which is weak to power.... and there was no way for him to even make a dent into my sustainwall....    Do you think its fine that there is no possible way to kill a supporter unless you 1v2 or even 1v3 him?     I was literally standing in 4 people spamming /laugh and they couldnt do anything beside running away in shame.   I was literally standing in the camp and they couldnt get me out. They had to leave the camp without capping it.   Now keep in mind that "healing to others" will be even more compared to the selfsustain.....

    4 People unable to kill someone that is just standing there.... menacingly...while eating a sandwich..... That kind of stuff is dumb and shouldnt exist.  No build should be able to facetank multiple other people. period.

    4x people unable to kill you.....ofc whatever you say....The point remains, if other classes are allowed to do...then ele must be allowed too .

    Not even the best example....he's not sporting



    Then we have...

    "No build should be able to facetank multiple other people. period."....ha ofc this is not the build but the player....and yeah it's not even minstrel

    Who needs to dodge?,,,,


    OP is a mesmer main by the way

    • Confused 3
  10. 19 minutes ago, Substance E.4852 said:

    Aside from veil pushes, it wouldn't change much

    Druid more or less completely ignores the pet and that's a good thing

    Nudging Anet to give us more team support in exchange for less personal sustain and pet pressure means the Druid gets better at what it;s meant to do without risking nerfs from OP solo builds like we've dealt with for the last several years since PoF

    Without good personal sustain...you can't hope to be a good support, nobody cares for how much you can heal if you die the moment you get focused, cutting druid self-sustain even more now..would catapult the whole elite into the trash bin.


  11. That's the problem with mesmers..and its community for the entirety. They tend to cry a lot...really really a lot and if you're new to the game and read the GW2 forum, you'd think that mesmer is the weakest class in the game. But if you sit down and actually force a mesmer player to speak about these "magical hardcounters" that apparently stop mesmer from being the strongest class there is....all they can mention is...Thief lol, and these days only if played perfectly a thief would stand a chance.

    Luckily these devs are well aware of mesmer defenses on the contrary of most of the forum , the defense rotation of mesmers is borderline broken, too much uptime on distortion (between chronobunker and virtuoso now) access to block, stealth, teleports/stunbreak on relatively short CD....then reflect on healing....really stupid...but yeah...it's one of those classes that go "unnoticed" by the playerbase and only experienced players know the full truth

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  12. 2 hours ago, Zunki.3916 said:

    Okay I do not get the outbreak. Doesn't it do the exact same maximum potential damage as before, just a bit more potential aoe while less guaranteed single target?! Also the aoe is better avoideable as it seems to be more visible. How on earth is this considered a buff?! 

    Just the "usual skill level" of players throwing a tantrum when they get killed by something new...they already stopped dieing as you can see..so they stopped crying, even if scepter was buffed I can now confirm that it was buffed 10 years too late,...if you die to a scepter ele in 2022...you are simply.....yeah, that's all I can say on these forums lol

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  13. 5 minutes ago, EyzKold.8247 said:

    Enjoy your scepter for now..it will get nerfed.  That being said, I'm getting my weaver out again to try it in wvw.   Rifle mech/scrapper  is dead..too many crybabies.  It will happen to any class that someone cries, "it's op!" 

    It's still playable.....bad players will still die regardless, as it has always been...they buff and they nerf...people cry...rinse and repeat. The most importan thing is to learn how to play a class...so regardless of nerfs you still farm the baddies. Yes they will nerf scepter dmg..and? They did not remove the updates on rifle did they? Engies did not go back to pre-buff animations and mechanics for rifle....NO, they just nerfed some numbers, let's stop the tears. Being playable is the most important thing and if they nerf the dmg because Timmy is mad he died.....as long as you know how to play the class and the weapon is actually viable, you can still ramp up enough dmg to kill Timmy over and over again

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  14. What nonsense...."I made a full minstrel water ele and randoms couldn't kill me in wvw"...like and?...right now you can run a minstrel virtuoso and tank a whole bloody zerg....or a minstrel vindicator healing through even direct nuke bombardment...or etc etc...

    Go and make a MARAUDER tempest and come back to us....yeah a minstrel healer gloating how tanky he is...kitten...is this 2015?

    I see full minstrel/cele trolls all the time in wvw...always sitting next to the closest tower, ready to run when they face an actual roamer on a ...roaming or oneshot build...great accomplishment 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Newholiday.8103 said:

    Scepter in general is gonna get nerfed.  Played it in spvp,  it's ridiculously strong right now. 

    No it won't...sorry to break your bubble...they will change numbers as they do with everything but new scepter is here now to stay like every other weapon that enjoyed a redesign so far....so people better learn how to dodge scepter ele..or just get farmed lol.

    2022....10 years from launch and finally I see people cry about scepter ele....been waiting for these tears for too long...it's my time to finally kite, fire and forget....no more chasing monkeys with d/d... while they laugh and press 11111 33333 from 900-1200 range

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  16. 2 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:


    Oh NO, heaven forbid Ele have any use in WvW.

    Sorry....when you made an ele, you renounced to any chance to actually enjoy the game....as an ele you have to suffer and cry in agony, dodging for dear life while...a monkey press 1 or 3 from 900-1200 range or condi bomb you to death while he laughs at your pathetic attempts to get close ...with that hammer or set of kitchen knives...

    All the while you are either perma chilled, crippled etc etc...that's your life as ele....

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  17. Revenant of course....it's not even a comparison, it's like giving people a choice between a Lamborghini and a toy car....Revenant got literally everything you can cover in this game: mobility, teleport, roaming, duelling,support, pvp, pve, wow...the only thing missing from Revenant: stealth and I can see it coming with next elite

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  18. On 11/11/2022 at 9:33 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    The changes to Drake and Druid are so random it's hilarious.  Balancing around memes here.

    Untamed hammer changes are fine, but it's still way too slow to use anywhere but possibly a zerg scenario (maybe that was the intent but wasn't stated).  Problem with zerg scenarios is anet always neglects that the pet is the liability here, so smart people will just run melee soulbeast anyway.  

    In addition, we MAY see Untamed now as a node camper in sPvP but not because of hammer--that Perilous Gift change is more than slightly out of line for a heal skill that's on a 30s CD.  Still trying to understand why on Untamed of all things to change this, when it worked as intended, much like a more forgiving A.E.D.  

    The change to perilous gift is in line with other broken builds in the game like distortion virtuoso, healing vindicator and others....I am all for levelling the playing field, fairness should be talked about when it is applied to everybody equally

  19. 43 minutes ago, Leo G.4501 said:

    They did want to get rid of those "trade-offs", right? Because it'd be more fun that way...


    Personally, I feel, if you do have trade-offs in the elite specs, it opens more room for the thing the source trades for to be more exaggerated and powerful. You take away the trade-offs and you have to time everything down so the shiny parts don't break balance too bad. The main problem is not making those trade-offs meaningful sacrifices or the new mechanic not justify the trade-off. 

    Distortion literally acts as a Mistform, and an ele gets it for 3s every 48s if treated, meanwhile a virtuoso now gets distortion for 5s every 42s Bladesong Distortion , then for another 3s every 40s Blade Renewal , which renew for another 5s Distortion now....... then the mesmer will Blink, thx to Psychotic Riposte  the mesmer will replenish blades in 2/4 of the time alone. Now let's add the rest with 2x blocks, stealth, 2x teleports......when can the enemy attack?

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  20. I need just few words to describe current virtuoso : It's busted , I was quite happy with the design of virtuoso at launch, at least we'd get a mesmer elite where people don't wish for it to be destroyed by nerfs and that it doesn't get abused to hell...that's what I thought. This mesmer class is either not busted...or it is...nothing in the middle. I don't know the devs but having something with 2/4 of the time distortion up...another 1/4 stealthed and the remaining 1/4 with weapon blocks....how that makes any sense and how does that work with your balance philosophy?

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