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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. The issue was never about the mobility given to necro....it was always about the core design of the spec A slow moving juggernaut dealing massive dmg once he reaches enough life force....this is far from what we have today with added goodies necro received since HoT launch.....in an effort to increase its desirability in PvE....during the whole ordeal the devs forgot to consider that Human players haven't got the same HP bar of a mini boss Slow moving is a key part of the discussion here to justify the current levels of dmg
  2. Those are the changes which should have happened months ago....and everybody here knows it, including the devs!All my nerf threads are about irregularities, I complained about : Holosmith - Warrior -Condi Mirage - Boonbeast/Druid - D/D ele, Tempest - Necromancer; specifically they were.... -Holo shockwave/pre-explosive line build with OP sustain/dmg ratio-"Might makes me right" sustain and Rampage Infinite HorizonMoa stance/Celestial Shadow and Ancient seedsFire line burning application- general sustain powercreep of Tempestand a "long" list on necroMade also a thread about condi heralds and firebrands....always complained about stackable specs with no penalties, in the words used by the devs years ago : "when a team wins with multiple versions of the same class..then we have a problem"...their words not mine I don't come here on forum to "whine" every time I get killed by a random spec, got killed by every single class but you won't find a thread of me asking to nerf this or that other spec, all the specs I complained about got nerfed in the end.....how exactly am I the "whiny" kid here? If all my nerf threads were based on groundless accusations...those builds/skills would still be here....they don't seem so groundless to me won't you agree? About ele..me and many others didn't sign up to "play" as a healbot and it's about high time the devs and this community understand it
  3. Lol we're in the same boat, teaching myself : Blender-Inkscape-GIMP2.10.22...at least we know this is time better spent so no loss here
  4. and whats your suggestion for making it conditional then? my suggestion is so good i dare not utter it aloud lest the chances it gets implemented decreases greatly. You don’t have any realistic suggestions. Other classes have way more mobility, movement boosts, speed boosts... and such. Some of you just have a tough time fighting better players. And there are already conditions... it's called Life Force and needing to be in Reaper Shroud. But never mind all the other professions, with more access to quickness, that don't need those types of conditions to be met. Again ....this is rich coming from necros...when you consider every ranger being called a a noob class user by necros at a large seemingly because they lose to ranged dmg...I do play ranger so...... I have to assume that I am a bad player while using ele because I lose to necros....and I am a noob player on ranger because I beat necros....in all this I played ele x2 the amount spent on ranger both in PvP and WvW....ok got it! Done with this thread, said what I had to say, can only pray for future patches....
  5. If Holo was truly nearly as OP as you say...it'd get spammed behind every corner and top teams would run double/triple Holo like they do with rev and....WvW would be infested by roaming Holo but.... The truth is ranked/unranked is spammed by Core necros/reapers......WvW is infested by core necros, reapers and scourge...an ever increasing extremely contagious disease...from roaming to zerging...Necros are everywhere Unless I am fighting freaking Zan or the likes I can hold a holo with a pathetic core ele to say the least...... Holo more OP than Necro?????? Is any of guy ever been to WvW in the last few months? I believe we need a damage comparison video between Holos and reapers...in that way people can't say anything anymore...on the forum because CMC and other devs are well aware of the dmg discrepancy on some professions, CMC planning to nerf the sustain of some professions while admitting that dmg is still too high in some instances....Reaper won't be left untouched you'll see
  6. Think you need to get more experience fighting Necros. Out of all profession communities...necro is without doubt one complaining the most, the one asking constantly for nerfs and vehemently play the victim card at every turn...... "get more experience" is what the entire necro community should try to do...before trying to preach others..... "get more experience" ..., this comes from the same people crying about ranger 24/7..."ranger pewpew me from distance pls nerf" are the keywords of every necro, then you come here and tell others to "get more experience"..
  7. 1k barrier, 8k barrier.....soon you'll say that ele has 20k barrier each dodge....anyway the link for the skills that grant barrier is here in the thread.....people can see what is what...watching streams, tournaments and at the top.....I really don't need to entertain you with this "20k barrier and 10k heal" fantasy of yours Make your own thread and complain about this super 20k barrier and 10k heal unkillable ele build of yours....I am sure people will take you right on board, next AT most EU teams will surely run triple weaver and win everything
  8. ...That's rich coming from necros...truly rich...I remember few years back .... Practice what you preach is what necros should do, at the time you'd rather play the victim card instead than learn to handle the counter match up better I truly miss this guy being in charge of balance.......things would be very different if he was still at Anethttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jon_Peters
  9. Because I meet a scary holo once in a blue moon and even then can hold for a while even with a core ele.........holo doesn't spamm chill/weakness, neither has an additional health bar or 1shot elite....dodge grenades ambush and that's half battle in your favor ....renegade is just oppressive and annoying they need to extended shortbow dmg nerf to wvw and that's all really. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_ClawsThe skill above can deal stupid amount of dmg at 900 range, this coupled with 1/2s cast time 1200 mark spamming makes Reaper an extremely oppressive build to fight
  10. That doesn't make you objective, that makes you a pretend self-righteous Karen, with manager replaced by forum complaints. Chill with witch hunts a little bit and maybe play it yourself to see how it actually performs. Might even drop those problematic traits to see how it goes without them, maybe then your hot take would hold any amount of water in it. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't actually know what's best for the game, and your critiques garner this sort of reaction because they're, like, not good, not because everyone else just happens to be wrong and fails to see The Truth? Had a casual stroll through your post history as you so invited, nerfing reaps in PvE too because of almost decent bench number? Lmao. Also, nice objectivity when all of your complaints were literally only about guards and necros for like almost a year. Just for a funny little bit, remember this one thread you yourself has made?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99793/nobody-wins-with-nerf-wars-many-of-you-dont-get-itYea-a-a-a-a. I believe the OP in the thread clearly states how nerfs always go full circle isn't that right? People should think twice before asking for nerfs on other professions because when you gut other professions and your stays intact guess what happen? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100911/we-should-probably-look-at-lightning-rod/p4 This is not directed at PvP but should be enough to illustrate how other people feels on other professions after being dumped on by nerfs for months Remember the days where everybody was crying to see ele nerfed?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93939/fire-weaver These are just few examples of what other professions experienced up to this moment and the reason why necromancer feels so unbalanced to fight , the keyword here is unbalanced , I am not asking for the class to be fun to play against AKA I am not asking for the class to be completely neutered to ele levels....I haven't reach that level of saltiness on this forum where people want to see everything but their class being reduced to a free loot bag for laughs. There are unbalanced factors on the class atm, being made even more unbearable due to the vast amount of nerfs other professions received up to this moment.....this is not the player's fault as I said in my own thread : if you ask for nerfs..soon or later those nerfs will come to stab you in the back people complained against fire weaver since it beat every single sidenoder by default. and was very hard to +1 due to massive sustain, the only downside was how slow it was. making not only OP as it never lost sides but boring as kitten to both play as and against as it just sat on a node, and moving ment getting losing a node. Fire Weaver certainly deserved its initial nerfs but.....Anet went on a rampage to remove everything that made this elite actually work , you have an argument of a class with a healing amulet doing too much dmg then sure nerf the dmg but the sustain? That's what the healing amulet is for ...then they removed the stability uptime which effectively killed what little was playable on the elite spec. But then again based on what designing logic should a class with effective 40k HP doing more damage than a class with 1/4 of the health? The devs really should explain this to me fire weaver was no different, its not uncommon for them to have 50% of their HP as a barrier, just duel random weaver in arena while waiting for a game. within 30s they will get somewhere between 10-20k barrier easy peasy.dodge = barrierstance = barrierdual wield = barrierperma vigor on to have loads of dodgeslava skin ~ 2k barrierlesser stone resonance is like what, ~6,5k barrier ?all of those really add up, and it has nothing with landing anything, spam random kitten and barrier will be given to youBarrier you say?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/BarrierCheck the numbers on ele skills that grant barrier......for a spec supposed to survive off barrier...there's sure nothing to chew on unless you play a healing amulet and hit like a wet noodle at which point I can play mender SA thief and call it competitive How else would you expect to play a light armor class forced at melee range and with the lowest base HP, no stealth or clones and less boon uptime on average compared to most other professions?
  11. I'd also like to remind people that WvW classes being boosted is a different beast entirely. Classes being boosted in WvW should not be used to push changes in sPvP. You are wrong! Because current meta classes get to the play with the same version of most traits both in PvP and WvW , even more so those traits should be adjusted for PvP where everybody else got hardnerfed! Why did necro and revenant get a free pass in Feb? And I'd like to remind people what @CMC said before the patch :" the upcoming changes will most likely break the game....but the follow up patches will fix the issues with time"........where are these follow up patches? It has been 8 months since the patch but the same classes which ended up being busted after the patch are still here....and people try to keep the status quo like their class was meant to be this strong...instead than being an oversight
  12. That doesn't make you objective, that makes you a pretend self-righteous Karen, with manager replaced by forum complaints. Chill with witch hunts a little bit and maybe play it yourself to see how it actually performs. Might even drop those problematic traits to see how it goes without them, maybe then your hot take would hold any amount of water in it. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't actually know what's best for the game, and your critiques garner this sort of reaction because they're, like, not good, not because everyone else just happens to be wrong and fails to see The Truth? Had a casual stroll through your post history as you so invited, nerfing reaps in PvE too because of almost decent bench number? Lmao. Also, nice objectivity when all of your complaints were literally only about guards and necros for like almost a year. Just for a funny little bit, remember this one thread you yourself has made?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99793/nobody-wins-with-nerf-wars-many-of-you-dont-get-itYea-a-a-a-a. I believe the OP in the thread clearly states how nerfs always go full circle isn't that right? People should think twice before asking for nerfs on other professions because when you gut other professions and your stays intact guess what happen? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100911/we-should-probably-look-at-lightning-rod/p4 This is not directed at PvP but should be enough to illustrate how other people feels on other professions after being dumped on by nerfs for months Remember the days where everybody was crying to see ele nerfed?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93939/fire-weaver These are just few examples of what other professions experienced up to this moment and the reason why necromancer feels so unbalanced to fight , the keyword here is unbalanced , I am not asking for the class to be fun to play against AKA I am not asking for the class to be completely neutered to ele levels....I haven't reach that level of saltiness on this forum where people want to see everything but their class being reduced to a free loot bag for laughs. There are unbalanced factors on the class atm, being made even more unbearable due to the vast amount of nerfs other professions received up to this moment.....this is not the player's fault as I said in my own thread : if you ask for nerfs..soon or later those nerfs will come to stab you in the back people complained against fire weaver since it beat every single sidenoder by default. and was very hard to +1 due to massive sustain, the only downside was how slow it was. making not only OP as it never lost sides but boring as kitten to both play as and against as it just sat on a node, and moving ment getting losing a node.Fire Weaver certainly deserved its initial nerfs but.....Anet went on a rampage to remove everything that made this elite actually work , you have an argument of a class with a healing amulet doing too much dmg then sure nerf the dmg but the sustain? That's what the healing amulet is for ...then they removed the stability uptime which effectively killed what little was playable on the elite spec. But then again based on what designing logic should a class with effective 40k HP doing more damage than a class with 1/4 of the health? The devs really should explain this to me
  13. Yeah don't you love it? How many people do you think who never played ele for a single hour, proposed huge nerfs to the class in the past? But please..do not group me with you lot! I am only asking to change 1-2 traits and shave some dmg from an elite....not like you people on the forum asking to gut everything on a class that still proves to be a challenge for your class! I see rev players asking for nerfs when their professions is broken/busted to hell way more than holo.......you don't see teams winning with double/triple holo still people cry about the latter forgetting rev I look at the top...not the bottom , I experienced first hand what top 100 players on necro or rev can do....if you go in WvW you see roaming packs of renegade/condi revs + firebrand with WvW rank 3k+ and TOP 100 titles....all of this get shuffled under the rag for the convenience of a small few...while the rest whine about being killed by a condi guardian or a ranger at silver/gold level Watch the video I've posted, do you know who @Hollts is?
  14. That doesn't make you objective, that makes you a pretend self-righteous Karen, with manager replaced by forum complaints. Chill with witch hunts a little bit and maybe play it yourself to see how it actually performs. Might even drop those problematic traits to see how it goes without them, maybe then your hot take would hold any amount of water in it. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't actually know what's best for the game, and your critiques garner this sort of reaction because they're, like, not good, not because everyone else just happens to be wrong and fails to see The Truth? Had a casual stroll through your post history as you so invited, nerfing reaps in PvE too because of almost decent bench number? Lmao. Also, nice objectivity when all of your complaints were literally only about guards and necros for like almost a year. Just for a funny little bit, remember this one thread you yourself has made?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99793/nobody-wins-with-nerf-wars-many-of-you-dont-get-itYea-a-a-a-a. I believe the OP in the thread clearly states how nerfs always go full circle isn't that right? People should think twice before asking for nerfs on other professions because when you gut other professions and your stays intact guess what happen? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100911/we-should-probably-look-at-lightning-rod/p4 This is not directed at PvP but should be enough to illustrate how other people feels on other professions after being dumped on by nerfs for months Remember the days where everybody was crying to see ele nerfed?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93939/fire-weaver These are just few examples of what other professions experienced up to this moment and the reason why necromancer feels so unbalanced to fight , the keyword here is unbalanced , I am not asking for the class to be fun to play against AKA I am not asking for the class to be completely neutered to ele levels....I haven't reach that level of saltiness on this forum where people want to see everything but their class being reduced to a free loot bag for laughs. There are unbalanced factors on the class atm, being made even more unbearable due to the vast amount of nerfs other professions received up to this moment.....this is not the player's fault as I said in my own thread : if you ask for nerfs..soon or later those nerfs will come to stab you in the back
  15. Oh wait..somebody took me seriously and he's trying condi scepter....-_-...oh boy
  16. "To compensate we have reduced base healing of Signet of Restoration from 170 to 70"-Main point of balancing ele is to give an inch and take away an arm-
  17. Yes good thing tempest got replaced by shout wars in PvP and scrapper/firebrand in WvW - Burn guardians don't get past low gold if skilled enough on guardians and post nerf the only scary holos are the ones on the top so few in between..... Meanwhile it takes not nearly as much effort to press F1-Lichform-11111111 or similar "gameplay" , people really believe they will keep that Lichform BS or permaquickness...let's talk again in few patches time
  18. What? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Confusing_Imageshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chaos_Armorhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Bullet
  19. It's not bias my friend and trust me..last thing I want is for necro to be made unplayable , on the contrary of what other people may think I see no benefit in removing professions from the game neither I am looking for god mode with any particular class, if you check my post history you'll realize that I am always the first to denounce the class I play when it gets out of hand...regardless if the entire community of that class will hate me afterwards; complained on the forum when ranger was OP...when ele, war, guardian was so no...I am not biased at all Look at it from different perspective, you're asking for a specific trait to remove what was supposed to be the weakness of reaper, given the levels of damage of reaper, a slow attacking speed was warranted, if you remove that weakness you're left with a fast moving hard hitting enemy...does that sound balanced to you? What's more problematic is how the overall sustain gone down the drain for most professions and how at the same time Anet added a ridiculous amount of dmg modifiers on the class while nerfing dmg on professions like ele while playing same amulet.... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_OnslaughtThis trait is too busted for all it does : perma quickness while in shroud +300 ferocity, it's not even that +300 ferocity the issue......that quickness uptime is simply stupid
  20. Starting with Reaper : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper-Slow and hard-hitting-Then you added things like : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Onslaught ; the devs specifically added a trait that remove the main weakness of the elite, the one that was supposed to give actual counterplay , then we seen the introduction of even more problems : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Speed , basically the whole slow and hard hitting concept flown out of the window...why? All the issues above are only exacerbated by the presence of this other problem : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lich_Form , it has a become truly an Iwin elite to turn around losing fights or pressure enemies in using precious CD. The idea of having "turning game" elites is great and all but........why should only necros have access to such powerful elite? Core Necro The build has increasingly become and issue , not properly addressed for the last 1.5 years introduced during Dec 2018, around 70% of what has been introduced in that patch.....has been nerfed to the ground, the main problem here is that everything since that patch has been steadily declining while necro has been mostly left untouched since then. The class has not seen any "groundbreaking nerf" for almost 2 years, mostly "slaps on the wrist" for scourge but other than that necros get to play with all 2 elites plus core class, most professions can't count themselves as lucky..and I wonder why...... Personal BIAS or greater purpose? P.S Dear devs you have proven to be more than capable of removing PvP gear to affect specific professions : Rune of Durability, toughness amulets, concentration amulets etc etc...it should be no issue at this point to remove Runes of Speed to affect Necro ever increasing mobility. Is elementalist the only class you bother to keep faithful to the original design of glass cannon mage? (worth mentioning that the cannon part has been completely removed at this point)
  21. In GW1 mesmers had no dmg burst outside Wastrel's Demise build whose dmg could easily be negated with regeneration or as you 've said Hex removal, also GW1 mesmers had no stealth, teleport...or long chain of defensive Iframes like in GW2.....
  22. "It's strong but definitely not broken where it's unbeatable" Where was it all this integrity when Anet was asked by this same community to nerf far weaker builds than mirage? There are people in this thread who were crying about freaking Tornado....that Tornado elite , people were crying about FA ele which had 1/5 of the sustain of mirage and still got removed from the game as people were crying on the forum. -"LR ele are generally good if you have no stability because the ele will easily CC you, fighting a LR ele without stability is almost an auto loss"...I should use "was good" though-"Fire weaver is generally good if you have no condi clear because the burning will easily overwhelm you, without condi clear is almost an auto loss"..again I should use "was"-"Beastmaster rangers are generally good if you have no where to LoS because the pets will easily reach you, not dodging pets is almost an auto loss"..again "was good" Hey..I can make an argument for every single spec nerfed up to this point and how you could have won if you'd knew how to LoS I am loving this new LoS strategy proposal after everything but your own profession got nerfed It's not the devs fault if everyone decides to play things that exceed at long ranges while anyone else that complains actually be playing stuff that exceeds at close range. Being on open terrain is just as relative and part of the gameplay like using terrain to obstruct skills. If I can beat all sorts of mesmers/mirages/chrono being Core Warrior, Core Revenant and Core Elementalist. I beg to differ that they are too OP when one of the best counters to say the conditions they use is to sit still and mitigate the most in the least skills as possible, which is definitely possible given Torment and Confusion efficiency can be nullified by afking. I don't play Mesmer by the way. My mesmer is a second bank for my shards of glory/tomes of knowledge. Mind you Core Rev took a big nerf when they changed all the resistance traits into a null 1 second each instead of fixing the Fiendtish Tenacity problem. Core Warrior has always been an extremely potent yet ignored asset because Full Counter makes it extremely easy to sustain with all the faceroll. Core Elementalist is definitely just hard to play but the big brain plays are extremely satisfying. Considering the skills, range denial and single target pressure one can have, a condi mirage will /definitely/ lose to a good one."one of the best counters to say the conditions they use is to sit still and mitigate the most in the least skills as possible, which is definitely possible given Torment and Confusion efficiency can be nullified by afking" Are you actually serious ?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tormenthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Confusion I think you are confused....this is not GW1 confusion...it ticks per second on top of extra dmg for casting, now calculate the formula while using 1200 condition dmg from sage amulet: Torment (scepter ) = [(0.045 1200) + 15.9] average of 8 stacks easily achievable with scepter with AA and n2 = 560 torment dmg per secondConfusion (scepter+staff) = [(0.09751200) +49.5] average of 7 stacks = 1165.5 confusion dmg per second So far the amount of dmg you suffer while afking is in total :1725.5 dmg per second...without even counting the burning dmg coming from staff bounce and clones all of this while following your "strategy" of standing still I don't know what kind of mirages you've fought....but they were definitely not above bronze if they've lost to a core ele and again here nobody is asking for further nerfs the OP asked an opinion and I gave it, about the overall design of the elite spec which is bad and unhealthy BUT that doesn't mean it should be deleted from the game because people paid for the expansion and to play mirage. My point is that it's the dev's job to make sure the game is balanced and enjoyable for all and players have no right to decide what should be playable and what not, nobody here is playing the game to make sure that @Shao.7236 (or anybody else) is having fun! Nobody! What this means is as long as Mirage is counterable it shouldn't matter if it's fun to fight against or not and that goes for all professions I am not contesting mesmer players , who have all the rights to demand a working class , the thing is Mesmer players should realize that players on other professions have the same rights........just how many times though these same mesmer mains have asked to delete other professions main points of strength? Everything goes full circles......
  23. "It's strong but definitely not broken where it's unbeatable" Where was it all this integrity when Anet was asked by this same community to nerf far weaker builds than mirage? There are people in this thread who were crying about freaking Tornado....that Tornado elite , people were crying about FA ele which had 1/5 of the sustain of mirage and still got removed from the game as people were crying on the forum. -"LR ele are generally good if you have no stability because the ele will easily CC you, fighting a LR ele without stability is almost an auto loss"...I should use "was good" though-"Fire weaver is generally good if you have no condi clear because the burning will easily overwhelm you, without condi clear is almost an auto loss"..again I should use "was"-"Beastmaster rangers are generally good if you have no where to LoS because the pets will easily reach you, not dodging pets is almost an auto loss"..again "was good" Hey..I can make an argument for every single spec nerfed up to this point and how you could have won if you'd knew how to LoS I am loving this new LoS strategy proposal after everything but your own profession got nerfed
  24. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Horizon This has been the main and only source of problems with Mirage, Anet and the community are well aware of it; condi mirage became impossible to deal with because of this trait and the hidden power variant you meet is based around the same problematic trait. Luckily the build still seems to require a certain degree of skill to succeed with, so no many cannot pull it off...yet. I am expecting Mirage to make a full comeback once prominent specs like renegade and holo get toned down, this coupled with incoming nerf to plasma steal will bring back Mirage in full force but.... You are well experienced to know that this is GW2/Anet modus operandi : "replace one oppressive build with another"....nobody should be surprised at this point Where has it been stated at consume plasma is getting nerfed?During the latest PvP podcast from Cryon where CMC was a guest , a nerf to plasma is on the table, recognized as a major problem keeping mesmers away from PvP and knowing CMC at this point that nerf will come pretty soon....I am surprised that thieves got a hold of plasma since launch
  25. So much truth in this statement....if this game would have been designed like GW1 where we had stuff like: weapon swap while being CC and double tap or fake cast or other shenanigans required to play in PvP...oh boy, people would have gone ape-shit on the forum. Asking this playerbase to negate an invoke lightning spike....when they can't even negate a 2s cast time rooting animation....or what about Obsidian flesh spike? Spike ranger?...sad..very sad This game has devolved into a rabbit run to the circle/aoe spamming circle jerking..... People got hooked on false promises, if I knew what GW2 would have been at this point..I would have never started in the first place
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