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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. GW2 was promoted as a multi gamemode triple A MMO , but right now PvE balance takes absolute precedence above everything else , this is more a general assumption then condemnation but watching how the balance has been shaping up lately...one can only wonder where the priorities lies here. Maybe somebody may want to correct me on this but buffing a class repeatedly so that it may occupy a better spot in PvE end content, while having a complete disregard for the competitive aspect of the game...doesn't look like a great plan to me. The addition of traits like this :https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Onslaughthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unholy_Martyr May look like a good idea for PvE but.....far less so for PvP/WvW; Necromancer is currently overperforming in PvP/WvW, I am sure the Devs must have taken notice of the sheer amount of necro players in the competitive environment atm, the community certainly has : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111480/75-of-2v2-players-are-necros#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111490/please-consider-toning-down-reaper#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110668/why-is-lich-still-aaing-for-6k#latest In WvW the situation with necros is far worse than PvP , the slaps on the wrists for scourge barely touched the surface ...the class is utterly Broken and no other class compares atm in terms of sustain/damage ratio. The combination of : perma quickness - perma superspeed in combat and spammable ranged chill makes Necro far too oppressive to fight even for "rangers" which supposedly were to counter necros The class simply has been buffed above any reasonable threshold and this is now even more apparent after the Feb 2020 Patch, now I pray the future balance patches will bring this overabused and overstacked monster finally under control.
  2. I just don't see how ranger could win against thief. No class can "win" against shortbow 5 ...except another thief maybe, other than that...the good player always wins regardless of the class...but thief players just run away and come back with different build maybe after quickly 1200 range away
  3. Yeah, that's kind of the issue with this game right now. All the strongest builds are UTTERLY brainless except the pure dps power ones like d/p thief and reaper. And I'd argue that the amount of stealth uptime, dodges, and stun breaks makes d/p thief pretty low skill and hard to punish.I actually would love someone to name a single condi build that's high skill and can be punished easily. Onslaught reaper hard to play? .......unreal.....Well yes, it is easy to do damage with it but most of the time spend is trying to survive and gain life force since there is a reticle on your head. It is one the rare specks that are on a timer, you get to use shroud maximum 3 times if you kite and play well and every time your hp gets lower between shroud use , any fight longer then that is a sign that you are losing. There is also that raggdolling.Don't get me wrong it is strong cause big deeps, but it is one of these things that are easily countered, since everyone knows drop conditions and cc when the reaper is in shroud cause it can't stop them while in it. It is not mechanically intensive, it is simple and effective and that its strength and weakness, it can't do some big surprise play. Not to rain on your parade but...given the amount of thieves/necros in PvP/WvW I'd say that...you're not 100% on the mark with your assumption, necro has been identified by everybody : streamers, TOP players as one of the easiest professions in the game while thief has bordeline broken mobility which allows unparalleled disengage ..making it a safe pick once you "master" the art of running away Thief is all about learning to save enough ini for shortbow 5...the rest is just common sense with all the long ranged shadow steps and returnNecro is all about camping that staff from range to store LF...then F1 and go crazy
  4. Yeah, that's kind of the issue with this game right now. All the strongest builds are UTTERLY brainless except the pure dps power ones like d/p thief and reaper. And I'd argue that the amount of stealth uptime, dodges, and stun breaks makes d/p thief pretty low skill and hard to punish.I actually would love someone to name a single condi build that's high skill and can be punished easily. Onslaught reaper hard to play? .......unreal.....
  5. Then both elementalist/weaver and scrapper have a "shroud" because they can spam barrier (and they do that alongside invulns and blocks, scrapper even have access to barrier). Every player with sanctuary rune and sufficient self healing output can also have a "shroud". Yet you don't see that much elementalists focusing on barrier and scrappers don't seem to break balance despite their access to barrier, block, invuln and stealth. In "numbers", the scourge don't output more barrier than the other 2, it can grant himself more in a single instance but less often than both elementalist/weaver and scrapper. Why the comparison with professions far harder to play like ele, rarely seen these days after the too many to count nerfs? Fundamentally speaking , necro is the easiest class in the game and any buff to the class results always in a massive flood of players abusing necro. Regardless of what get added..you get nerfed soon after because too efficient for how easy is to play so unless they add a very complicated elite with micromanagement.....I don't see how necro can hope to one day have access to block or stealth You think it's hard to maintain earth shield while use stances and dodging?Played ele for 9k hours..what about you?
  6. Then both elementalist/weaver and scrapper have a "shroud" because they can spam barrier (and they do that alongside invulns and blocks, scrapper even have access to barrier). Every player with sanctuary rune and sufficient self healing output can also have a "shroud". Yet you don't see that much elementalists focusing on barrier and scrappers don't seem to break balance despite their access to barrier, block, invuln and stealth. In "numbers", the scourge don't output more barrier than the other 2, it can grant himself more in a single instance but less often than both elementalist/weaver and scrapper. Why the comparison with professions far harder to play like ele, rarely seen these days after the too many to count nerfs? Fundamentally speaking , necro is the easiest class in the game and any buff to the class results always in a massive flood of players abusing necro. Regardless of what get added..you get nerfed soon after because too efficient for how easy is to play so unless they add a very complicated elite with micromanagement.....I don't see how necro can hope to one day have access to block or stealth
  7. Not more raids being developed , a casual playerbase surely doesn't need the toxicity of raid players , that toxicity did cost you dearly now...hope you lot "pro players" are happy now The only toxicity in regards to raids that I see are from those that call raiders toxic. “Toxic casual” is a real thing. Players that want to play with others with the same mentality as them are not toxic. Those wanting to force other players to play with them are toxic. Those joining groups that they do not meet the requirements for, get kicked as a result, and then complain/demonize those players for it are toxic. As has been the case since the beginning of the game when we saw similar complaints about LFG, you’re always free to create your own LFG and play with those that have the same mindset as you (e.g. casual, no meta, whatever).If you have standards...then put the requirements in the LFG! Right now there are "Tags" who display : LFG for more and you join with makeshift DPS build, no raid material but not even a so called leecher, you may not reach 35k snowcrow benchmark table..but you do enough to earn Gold reward and yet.....people then complain saying you're leeching? If you're dying to use ArcDPS...put the LI req and spare people your toxicity I see....you don't find players fast enough with your LI reqs? No I don't try to join your l33t team with LI reqs....you ask for normal players while secretly using ArcDPS then throwing a tantrum if the DPS not up with your speed run standards
  8. I've been interpreted as doing that before, so I can't blame you for wondering, but no I sincerely want to either: 1) bring light to the incredible utility of having a staff DPS weaver in your WvW group comps and encourage more elementalists to try itor2) have someone attempt to change my mind about it DEFINITELY being part of the WvW meta, even though it is not often recognized as such edit: but I don't see how my entire post is ego-stroking. I think posts like these can comes off as ego-stroking because some builds genuinely require a lot of practice to be efficient with and even talking about it tends to trigger people for some reason. No ego here my dude. Genuinely trying to help people realize that this build is verrrry effective. I wish I saw more folks playing it. I apologize if my post rubbed you the wrong way, I seriously just want to see more staff weavers in WvW. I am simply tired of putting effort into a game where people are free to play professions/builds that require little to none brain activity; furthermore the "retaliation spam" was hardly the issue.....it's the absurd barrier spam that led me to fully realize the pointlessness of playing ele in this game. Some people have fun by putting huge effort for same or lower reward...I don't anymore, my shortest answer
  9. Not more raids being developed , a casual playerbase surely doesn't need the toxicity of raid players , that toxicity did cost you dearly now...hope you lot "pro players" are happy now
  10. In the real world...barrier spam counts as shroud, additional health..whatever semantic diatribe you wanna use. Professions getting stealth/block don't have access to additional health bar or condi uptime/boon rip etc etc etc Except its not though its no where near close enough to the raw defense that shroud generally offers on any given build and if that were the case we would see possibly other profession who dont use barrier as much. Because then i have to ask why those professions have barrier along side evades, blocks, etc while the necromancer still is not allowed to have such things. Other professions that have stealth certainly do have condi uptime and boon rip to say they dont is falseBoth the Mesmer and Theif have stealth access and both have access to boon rips and condi up time thats more than good enough to be viable and thats only two examples ill put to keep things short. So yes when you remove the second health bar (if you can really call it that because its also a resource) and try to count barrier counts as shroud we then have to ask why other professions have access to barrier while keeping their other defensive tools. Barrier is by far not equal to shrouds. The barrier is not equal to shroud and the cost of giving up shroud is still generally not worth what you get in exchange the only time its decently worth it is in wvw where more aoe is king and in pve where scourge still has decent condi damage output (which is still heavily overshadowed by other options in many situations) Lets also not forget how minor boon rip is in open world as the majority of open world content still has no major need for a ton of boon rip. 95% of the content = boonless foes.Strange..because the professions with access with evades, barrier or stealth are not as numerous as necro in the competitive environment ...where does signet core necro exactly sit in all this? The last thing necros needs is something even more tanky than that
  11. . how it is now, however, condition builds can burst people down as fast, if not faster, than direct damage builds, which is just wrong. That's all that need to be said! You either fix this problem or you remove the tanky stats. You either bring back the ramp up...or you start treating condi build as direct burst builds from the moment they act like one
  12. So everyone telling you that nobody uses the amulet and every other choice is pretty much better , for you, confirms that it's a problem? Your posts reads " I don't like these classes and I am losing to them. I have no confirmed reason as to why I am losing, it's clearly not me, but I think it's this. Please nerf it, the class or remove the item / make the classes unplayable. Thank you" Such non-sense, if everything else better...I see no reason for you lot to cry so hard about an amulet that "you don't use" anyway, so defensive about an amulet you lot consider worthless...isn't that right?
  13. Look at the amount of condi rev/necro popping out of the woodss...the more of you pop out the more apparent become how problematic that amulet is..but yeah ideally I would nerf the hell out of necros/revs but...reality is unfair
  14. In the real world...barrier spam counts as shroud, additional health..whatever semantic diatribe you wanna use. Professions getting stealth/block don't have access to additional health bar or condi uptime/boon rip etc etc etc
  15. You forgot Carrion and Sinister, they both have 1200 condition damage as well. So it's fine to remove other amulets when it's convenient to you.....such integrity
  16. Did you cry/care when they removed other amulets used by other professions?...Were you crying before about other professions?...Hell Yeah! Think about all the times you came to the forum to "cry" thinking to be god's gift to mankind and only broken build could defeat your l33t combo!
  17. Actually all classes including warrior should be nerfed to core ele levels as it has been established as the weakest spec in the game, on top of which under performing elites have been placed
  18. Stealth or blocks only if there is zero access to shroud otherwise the community will surely riot
  19. We removed : Knight, Cavalier...why is Rabid still inside the mode when it should have been removed alongside those other tanky amulets? Today I have decided to give PvP a try after months.....oh boy I regret that decision now, within 2 matches , out of 18 players..9 were necromancers, I don't want even start a discussion , simply remove Rabid Amulet please.
  20. So god forbid you die during a teamfight where lack of awareness is even more apparent ...and the devs should nerf what killed you...like MMO these days...jesus
  21. Condis work wonder against thieves minus the skilled ones with SA traitline and other means to clear condis consistently , but yeah a good condi burst will most times take cares of thieves before they can flee
  22. What other professions? Ele? You go around with 2400 power , 210 crit dmg and 54% crit chance + full attunement bonus..and your meteor storm, your hardest hitting skill that roots you ....get absorbed by some 10k worth of barrier spamm coming from monkey class....but hey it's fun to be super glass for nothing when you can be oneshotted by anything that sneeze in your direction...... Warrior? Slog through a sea of red circles to deliver the BUBBLE hoping not to die in the process...only for the boons to be reapplied soon after Saturated with rangers?..Outside the occasional PvE guild that strolls around 3am with that odd couple of bearbow....I see no saturation of rangers. Out there 4/5 times I will be facing either a burn guardian or a condi rev or a variant of necro, then I face gank guilds made up of..guess what...burn guardians, condi revs and necros...there are necros literally behind every boulder in wvw
  23. Good talk, friend. Edit: Actually, let's real-talk and not just jaw here. If you were not so belligerent you would instead have spotted that people in this thread have already given you pretty good suggestions on how to make at least the Ranger more appealing to groups with suggestions that have involved better uptime on the Soulbeast's stances and better accessability to Celestial form for the Druid. These are good and topical suggestions to what you have asked for. People are not reacting to the notion that group-play improvements to Rangers would be unreasonable, they react to your argumentative behaviour or reasoning. I've even made threads like yours in the past (on the Ranger forums) talking about how it is a shame that Rangers lost their original group/support role from HoT when the devs changed Grace of the Land from % to might and removed the % glyph but kept the % spirit for PvE raids. Then part of that role was given to Warriors recently, who were not strapped for another role. Both Druid and Soulbeast could actually have pretty interesting roles over dmg-support + stances and dmg-support + stealth/heal support respectively. Again, those are simple and topical suggestions without the need to go into hyperbole or flail around at every other class. The people you are referring to really , started the discussion by reminiscing all the time they got singled out by a ranger and for that they would not require improvements to group play presence. And I am not the "villain" here, I've made a case of how other professions excelling in small scale currently and do so without taking that many risks like the ones you propose. A necro player can go "whatever scourge" for zerg fight and then opt for a "never die core necro" later when the zerg activity ends. I am asking for equality of effort , I refuse to take any risk or put effort for as long as things like core necro -scourge and reaper - burn guardian exist in this game Exactly 5 days ago gave my guardian a spin by using core burn guardian with swords of justice and "purging flames" with a staff...I was netting 30-40 bags per hour while rotating between 2-3 on staff, SoJ spammed off CD and some scepter symbol spamm But here you are..suggesting that rangers or thieves should run some glass melee bomb with dubious team utility running the risk of being one shotted by condi/power burst the second they run out of escapes and the support cuts short. Where is the fairness here? Ahhhh ....yes .....guardians "can't roam"...really? What about burn DH ? A simple Spear of Justice+JI followed by symbol of blades and zealot's flame is enough to insta down 80% of your average ranger/thief roaming population. I can do a similar case with all other professions minus ele/warrior which I stopped using because I was too irritated of facing monkey classes like necro I will agree to play something that requires effort in this game..when they will remove : F1-5-4 spin to win and the 1-5 1200/900 range spam to win faceroll, also the signets ameba build
  24. They ARE the optimal choice. See second post. Just because your commander is lazy or you don't see why they are doesn't mean they aren't. I don't know why people have to be broken records and repeat this over and over. The META as defined by metabattle is incredibly narrow in its vision because it's providing a simple structure for newer players/comms to perform fights easily. What's VIABLE is filling your zerg with scourges and firebrands, and what might be the issue is that doing so with soulbeasts and druids isn't and that makes people sad. But putting rangers in your zerg is 100% certainly the optimal way to play it. Do you know what this does?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resistance Even better...have you ever faced a bunch of condi revs which are quite common in zergs these days? Can you please stop proposing a noob stomper gimmick as OPTIMAL build? Do you know what this is and what the boon priority is? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Absorption Even better, what groups are you fighting that stack condi revs instead of hammer revs? What experience do you actually have in zerg fighting, because from your responses on here it seems like you only engage in smallscale and "roaming", which is really just you hiding on top of a tower pewpewing from 2k range. If you were actually competent at using your 'main' class, you'd know all of this because you'd have tried it and succeeded. What it sounds like is you want things handed to you on a silver platter so you can autowin fights without having to improve your skill at all.Low skill is everything you ever played here pal..from necro to burn guard....so I pewpew from the tower with a brown bear maybe...whatever makes you feel better
  25. GS/axe+axe has been "off-meta" for the last 4 years...off meta stuff is unpractical to use , the conditions to make it work are not always ready available, you need like a dedicated guild to keep you alive while you kamikaze on a pseudo berseker warrior build. Things become meta for a reason and that reason is why I made this thread to remind the devs for next elite development...rangers or thieves don't need another 1v1 build, never been interested in running any off meta stuff for the sake of using ranger during a zerg fight. In this thread I mention stuff which is missing and there is nothing open to interpretation
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