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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Can we put a limit to the number of threads a single poster can make?
  2. Until that day when 50% of the damage was removed from the game. It was removed due to insta gib meme builds, I doubt the devs will just flat out reduce sustain/toughness and allow these builds to resurface
  3. Archer in bdo? Ninja far closer to the thiefs archetype design, hows it designed? Oh top single target burst and bad support and team fighting, invisibility etc, sound familiar except top single target burst of course :) U said glassy but yeah ninja is probably closer to thief design. Best 1v1 class in bdo from what I’ve heard It is, I've got a awakened ninja. Best 1v1 with top single target bursts. Garbage at pve farming cuz poor aoe's in comparison to other classes and only good at +1ing, ganking stragglers etc in big team fights during node wars etc..Its op in 1v1 tho cuz a lot of iframe and has a grab which really strong in 1v1's.They burst hard, have crazy mobility and can stay long in a fight cuz I frames. Their ability to stay in fight needs shaved.To be fair to everyone that's complaining about thief here ninja and every other rogue like class gets these same complaints, go to any mmo forum and check out the complaints of rogue class and compare to amount regarding other classes lol.Thing is this team is the only one that ive ever seen that has stripped the rogue like class of its burst potential or at least has it on the lv of tanks or in some cases lower, it's crazy. If thief needed shaves that's fine but after all is said and done a rogue like classes burst shouldn't be one of its weakness, that's craziness. Anets team needs to learn how to balance ITS rogue like in a way that keeps it feeling like the archetype that thiefs mains chose it for. High burst/mobility low hp/armor.Ninja got recently nerfed for being OP, now you can't oneshot high armor targets https://www.blackdesertonline.com/news/view/3712#Class ...No matter the game, no community will allow oppressive gameplay to prosper, high burst..moblity..evasion this combo cannot exist in the same build and it will be always target for nerfs
  4. As I have said..God Complex, they can't really play a burst spec like a rev, they lack the actual skill level to play a burst spec that doesn't rely on stealth to cover all the mistakes. Revenant hasn't got : shadow/infiltrator return to return you safely back at 1200 range if you screw up..there is no 5-2-2-2 to run away...no shortbow 5 to teleport upward where nobody can catch you. No they just have heavier armor, blocks, Facet of Light AND Enchanted Daggers (if we're only talking power rev), Warding Rift, Surge of the Mists and Unrelenting Assault. All of the last 3 function as blocks/impermeability. So truly, you have no point. We have stealth while they have all of that. Next. There is no next ...you want a burst/duellist hybrid..play rev...assuming you can handle it...and it doesn't appear so....
  5. name a viable non-cheese build for thief.Well i can't cause the class is kinda cheese by default. Maybe they will make the next elite non cheese. Okay, now name a viable build for thief that uses cheese. I'll make it easier for you.Here you go https://metabattle.com/wiki/Thief, https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/thief. It is really funny cause there are allot of builds for thief on metabatlle and then looked at warrior having 2 which are kinda the same, lol. I think only engi had more builds listed then thief. I looked at those for 30 seconds and I can tell you right now that none of those builds are doing anything but showcasing my point further. They're simple +1 and decapping builds. None of them are winning a single 1v1.Well i ain't seeing warriors winning teamfights or reapers winning 1v1 welcome to the pigeonholed club your class is bad at something by design. The more you talk with thieves or mesmers..the more you realize how much they are affected by a god complex, it's like they're out of touch with reality..they're asking for a build that snip-snap around the map at will, engage/disengage equally at will and ofc be able to 1v1 and win against anybody.....really no. i'm asking to do damage. With every comment i'm bringing yall legit points. You guys are bringing opinions. I want a build that doesn't feel like tickles to a clown. Instead I do 500 damage an autoattack or 5k a Backstab. All while being the easiest profession to kill. I'm not asking for more than other professions. I'm asking for the bare minimum. You want to do dmg or duel? Nobody has ever asked for thief to be limited to a +1 decapper...this is something you guys forced upon yourself by placing wrong expectations on the game. You cannot have and I repeat Cannot have a build capable of burst dmg, duelling and mobility all at the same time.....it's absurd. If you want to burst , deal like 50% of the enemy HP to start with...fine by me..but that build must have close to zero sustain as payment for that level of dmgIf you want to duel, have the ability to sustain through duels, using whichever mechanic..fine by me but that build won't have godly burst as a token for the sustain I don't care how many ninja movies you guys watched...this is a MMO, not a RPG with multiplayer, everybody entitled to have fun so things..."thief is supposed to be best 1v1" like hell....it's the player who makes the best 1vs1 not the name of the class Basically or you burst or you duel! If no.....sorry can I duel also with a bunker tempest ? I am an elementalist and I am supposed to burn you to a crisp from 1500 range.......see how silly is it?
  6. name a viable non-cheese build for thief.Well i can't cause the class is kinda cheese by default. Maybe they will make the next elite non cheese. Okay, now name a viable build for thief that uses cheese. I'll make it easier for you.Here you go https://metabattle.com/wiki/Thief, https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/thief. It is really funny cause there are allot of builds for thief on metabatlle and then looked at warrior having 2 which are kinda the same, lol. I think only engi had more builds listed then thief. I looked at those for 30 seconds and I can tell you right now that none of those builds are doing anything but showcasing my point further. They're simple +1 and decapping builds. None of them are winning a single 1v1.Well i ain't seeing warriors winning teamfights or reapers winning 1v1 welcome to the pigeonholed club your class is bad at something by design.The more you talk with thieves or mesmers..the more you realize how much they are affected by a god complex, it's like they're out of touch with reality..they're asking for a build that snip-snap around the map at will, engage/disengage equally at will and ofc be able to 1v1 and win against anybody.....really
  7. People act in videogames as they'd act in real life if no social security would be present, a bully in real life will most likely be a bully in a videogame...
  8. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol Why do you think most thieves have already swapped to Rev? Thought rev was supposed to be the better thief...more armor, more health, more sustain and better at dealing dmg , can deal dmg more easily also...thought the "thrill of burst" was all that thieves players needed.....or it may be that without stealth, the vast majority of "converted" revs don't amount to much in practice Rev is the thief duelist of old, as a seperate class. It is a better thief in that sense. As I said, thats exactly why people swapped to Rev. And why theyre just playing Rev now. The same thing happened before, in HoT. And no, theyre having great success on Rev. Sorry to say, but what you hope to be true isnt true. I have been downed by a rev ...once in the last few weeks and I believe just another time 2 months ago...but so far all the "revs" who tried ganking griefing like the thief of old...failed miserably trying do so and they all ended up going back to respawn point so.....I am not hoping anything..I know it's true what I am saying...it explains all the "buff teeffff" threads popping out recently Maybe at your level theyre just bad. Then again, if you get downed by thief but not by Rev, Im going to have to seriously question if youre telling the truth. And by that I mean quietly knowing that you are not. You are hoping. You know that what youre saying isnt true (even if youre in denial about it). People are calling for thief buffs because thief is severely underperforming, and while other classes are fun, theyre not thief. Noone wants to abandon a class theyve played for so long just because its bad. I was sad when I had to abandon Grenade Engineer. My level? Who are you supposed to be again?... And who are you supposed to be? Besides, dont listen to me, listen to R55 Dragons, the best players in the world. Just posted a video of my friend who used to play...are you better than him? half as good?..if not I will walk all over you now even more than before Ah yes. The "my uncle works at nintendo method". Let me ask you the reverse. Is your "friend" as good as Sindrener? Even a quarter? No? Then maybe we should take his word over your "friends". Who isnt even playing the game. Ok I call quit even on this discussion then....you're just like @Psycoprophet.8107 , @"Leonidrex.5649" ...thought you were a reasonable guy so far, if you call me biased..I am not less than you but pls....don't go around talking about "your level" when you have nothing to show..... Let me rephrase it. At the top level, Shiro Rev bursts people to death and easily crushes them. Even against the worlds best players. Think of yourself whatever you want, but you are not one of the worlds best players. So if you only got downed once, that heavily implies that your rev opponents are really, really bad. Which implies a low level.At ESL level...not at the level of thief converte who can manage jack squat without stealth....a "low level" as you say...I rest my case
  9. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol Why do you think most thieves have already swapped to Rev? Thought rev was supposed to be the better thief...more armor, more health, more sustain and better at dealing dmg , can deal dmg more easily also...thought the "thrill of burst" was all that thieves players needed.....or it may be that without stealth, the vast majority of "converted" revs don't amount to much in practice Rev is the thief duelist of old, as a seperate class. It is a better thief in that sense. As I said, thats exactly why people swapped to Rev. And why theyre just playing Rev now. The same thing happened before, in HoT. And no, theyre having great success on Rev. Sorry to say, but what you hope to be true isnt true. I have been downed by a rev ...once in the last few weeks and I believe just another time 2 months ago...but so far all the "revs" who tried ganking griefing like the thief of old...failed miserably trying do so and they all ended up going back to respawn point so.....I am not hoping anything..I know it's true what I am saying...it explains all the "buff teeffff" threads popping out recently Maybe at your level theyre just bad. Then again, if you get downed by thief but not by Rev, Im going to have to seriously question if youre telling the truth. And by that I mean quietly knowing that you are not. You are hoping. You know that what youre saying isnt true (even if youre in denial about it). People are calling for thief buffs because thief is severely underperforming, and while other classes are fun, theyre not thief. Noone wants to abandon a class theyve played for so long just because its bad. I was sad when I had to abandon Grenade Engineer. My level? Who are you supposed to be again?... And who are you supposed to be? Besides, dont listen to me, listen to R55 Dragons, the best players in the world. Just posted a video of my friend who used to play...are you better than him? half as good?..if not I will walk all over you now even more than before Ah yes. The "my uncle works at nintendo method". Let me ask you the reverse. Is your "friend" as good as Sindrener? Even a quarter? No? Then maybe we should take his word over your "friends". Who isnt even playing the game.Ok I call quit even on this discussion then....you're just like @Psycoprophet.8107 , @"Leonidrex.5649" ...thought you were a reasonable guy so far, if you call me biased..I am not less than you but pls....don't go around talking about "your level" when you have nothing to show.....
  10. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol what class do you play? I play 4 different classes with the same level of duelling experience vs all classes, only different builds and strategies applied, I PvP/WvW , roam and zerg with all 4 of them , I play : ele - ranger - guardian and warrior and I can kill revs or thief with all 4 of them , I fought dozen of thieves and revs during the last 8 years ( 5 years vs rev ofc ) I have been duelling non stop against one of the best thieves ever appearing in this game who has been also my best friend in this game @"Cameron.6450" or Kuroi..at least when he used to play, I have been fighting , losing and winning against thieves and revs far better than the bunch coming in these types of threads...that's where my knowledge of thieves comes from First of all, who? I cant recall a Kuroi ever being a known player in sPvP. Second, saying "that's where my knowledge of thieves comes from" only works if you have knowledge of thief. The only thing you have demonstrated is a complete lack thereof. If your "knowledge of thief" comes from anyone, its from Burnfall. My friend Kuroi and the one I was duelling against... Let me ask again..WHORU? A ... WvW player? Why are you talking about WvW in the sPvP forum? Especially given how drastically different thief was in the 2 modes for a very long time. Then again, I suppose its also a coencidence that he doesnt play the game anymore and cant verify it....He reached legendary twice with the first and second season where I only managed once before calling it a day...already said too much while you didn't show anything to prove who the hell you are, you're the one who started say : "at your level" and I have asked whoru? ESl winner? famous streamer? ....if you have nothing to say I can leave it at "nobody" and get back to this resemblance of discussion
  11. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol Why do you think most thieves have already swapped to Rev? Thought rev was supposed to be the better thief...more armor, more health, more sustain and better at dealing dmg , can deal dmg more easily also...thought the "thrill of burst" was all that thieves players needed.....or it may be that without stealth, the vast majority of "converted" revs don't amount to much in practice Rev is the thief duelist of old, as a seperate class. It is a better thief in that sense. As I said, thats exactly why people swapped to Rev. And why theyre just playing Rev now. The same thing happened before, in HoT. And no, theyre having great success on Rev. Sorry to say, but what you hope to be true isnt true. I have been downed by a rev ...once in the last few weeks and I believe just another time 2 months ago...but so far all the "revs" who tried ganking griefing like the thief of old...failed miserably trying do so and they all ended up going back to respawn point so.....I am not hoping anything..I know it's true what I am saying...it explains all the "buff teeffff" threads popping out recently Maybe at your level theyre just bad. Then again, if you get downed by thief but not by Rev, Im going to have to seriously question if youre telling the truth. And by that I mean quietly knowing that you are not. You are hoping. You know that what youre saying isnt true (even if youre in denial about it). People are calling for thief buffs because thief is severely underperforming, and while other classes are fun, theyre not thief. Noone wants to abandon a class theyve played for so long just because its bad. I was sad when I had to abandon Grenade Engineer. My level? Who are you supposed to be again?... And who are you supposed to be? Besides, dont listen to me, listen to R55 Dragons, the best players in the world.Just posted a video of my friend who used to play...are you better than him? half as good?..if not I will walk all over you now even more than before
  12. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol Why do you think most thieves have already swapped to Rev? Thought rev was supposed to be the better thief...more armor, more health, more sustain and better at dealing dmg , can deal dmg more easily also...thought the "thrill of burst" was all that thieves players needed.....or it may be that without stealth, the vast majority of "converted" revs don't amount to much in practice Rev is the thief duelist of old, as a seperate class. It is a better thief in that sense. As I said, thats exactly why people swapped to Rev. And why theyre just playing Rev now. The same thing happened before, in HoT. And no, theyre having great success on Rev. Sorry to say, but what you hope to be true isnt true. I have been downed by a rev ...once in the last few weeks and I believe just another time 2 months ago...but so far all the "revs" who tried ganking griefing like the thief of old...failed miserably trying do so and they all ended up going back to respawn point so.....I am not hoping anything..I know it's true what I am saying...it explains all the "buff teeffff" threads popping out recently Maybe at your level theyre just bad. Then again, if you get downed by thief but not by Rev, Im going to have to seriously question if youre telling the truth. And by that I mean quietly knowing that you are not. You are hoping. You know that what youre saying isnt true (even if youre in denial about it). People are calling for thief buffs because thief is severely underperforming, and while other classes are fun, theyre not thief. Noone wants to abandon a class theyve played for so long just because its bad. I was sad when I had to abandon Grenade Engineer. My level? Who are you supposed to be again?...
  13. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol what class do you play? I play 4 different classes with the same level of duelling experience vs all classes, only different builds and strategies applied, I PvP/WvW , roam and zerg with all 4 of them , I play : ele - ranger - guardian and warrior and I can kill revs or thief with all 4 of them , I fought dozen of thieves and revs during the last 8 years ( 5 years vs rev ofc ) I have been duelling non stop against one of the best thieves ever appearing in this game who has been also my best friend in this game @Cameron.6450 or Kuroi..at least when he used to play, I have been fighting , losing and winning against thieves and revs far better than the bunch coming in these types of threads...that's where my knowledge of thieves comes from
  14. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol Why do you think most thieves have already swapped to Rev? Thought rev was supposed to be the better thief...more armor, more health, more sustain and better at dealing dmg , can deal dmg more easily also...thought the "thrill of burst" was all that thieves players needed.....or it may be that without stealth, the vast majority of "converted" revs don't amount to much in practice Rev is the thief duelist of old, as a seperate class. It is a better thief in that sense. As I said, thats exactly why people swapped to Rev. And why theyre just playing Rev now. The same thing happened before, in HoT. And no, theyre having great success on Rev. Sorry to say, but what you hope to be true isnt true.I have been downed by a rev ...once in the last few weeks and I believe just another time 2 months ago...but so far all the "revs" who tried ganking griefing like the thief of old...failed miserably trying do so and they all ended up going back to respawn point so.....I am not hoping anything..I know it's true what I am saying...it explains all the "buff teeffff" threads popping out recently
  15. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol Why do you think most thieves have already swapped to Rev?Thought rev was supposed to be the better thief...more armor, more health, more sustain and better at dealing dmg , can deal dmg more easily also...thought the "thrill of burst" was all that thieves players needed.....or it may be that without stealth, the vast majority of "converted" revs don't amount to much in practice
  16. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking kitten sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care Rev also has more armor, toughness and healing. Your point? Play a rev then if you can manage to do so..who is stopping you? can't convert your "skills" to rev gameplay?..lol
  17. Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's. I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both. Nope! Not even close. I want a burst that does more than tickle most of the high sustain classes, autos that do more than 300-500 which is like a mosquito buzzing around most classes. I do not want one hit ko backstabs at all but I want a class to at least be at 30% hp if I set up a backstab, land it,land few autos and a heart seeker which is pretty balanced sounding to me from a squishy burst class. As it stands right now in ur so called fine state of thief the thief cant even +1 a enemy and down it quick even if its burst and follow ups land lol yeah balanced if u are biased and dislike the class maybe. I never stated I want one shots on any class but as it is now not only do tanks out burst thief thee burst class but some ranger pets as well lmao..... balanced. So you want a spec dealing 70% of any target health with the ability to try again if you fail?....how exactly am I considered biased and you not? The fact that they'd have to try again means breathing room for the opponent as well, now knowing thiefs there allows for the many counterplay available. Why do u think it's ok for thief to be squishy and take little damage before being downed if misplayed is ok but thief should be required to land far more hits to down his opponent. A thief can be downed in 3 or four and sometimes less decent hits. Why shouldn't it have the damage to quickly deal damage comparable to high hp/armor classes? U sound like a player who crys and gets mad everytime ur out played lol like it's the classes design fault every time. U want thief to be free kill? If a thief can be downed quickly cuz low hp/armor why should it take a long time to down its opponent? You're not outplaying anybody here buddy...you're just teleporting from 1200 range while being completely invisible and expect to deal 70% of a target health regardless of their armor rating.....wth are you even outplaying here? You're not a warrior baiting dodges or somebody landing a nice combo after avoiding the enemy burst......you're just a stealth gimmick kitten oneshot...you're not outplaying anybody..you never did this guy was definitely a free kill for thieves before this last balance patchYou are always bound to lose to better players regardless of the class they play but..in the past the skill discrepancy between a thief and another player could have been so apparent and still the results would be different from expectations , all due to wrongly balanced mechanics, a fact that has been rightfully rectified with various balance patches . Now a bad player on a thief will go back always to where he belongs....respawn point
  18. Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's. I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both. Nope! Not even close. I want a burst that does more than tickle most of the high sustain classes, autos that do more than 300-500 which is like a mosquito buzzing around most classes. I do not want one hit ko backstabs at all but I want a class to at least be at 30% hp if I set up a backstab, land it,land few autos and a heart seeker which is pretty balanced sounding to me from a squishy burst class. As it stands right now in ur so called fine state of thief the thief cant even +1 a enemy and down it quick even if its burst and follow ups land lol yeah balanced if u are biased and dislike the class maybe. I never stated I want one shots on any class but as it is now not only do tanks out burst thief thee burst class but some ranger pets as well lmao..... balanced. So you want a spec dealing 70% of any target health with the ability to try again if you fail?....how exactly am I considered biased and you not? The fact that they'd have to try again means breathing room for the opponent as well, now knowing thiefs there allows for the many counterplay available. Why do u think it's ok for thief to be squishy and take little damage before being downed if misplayed is ok but thief should be required to land far more hits to down his opponent. A thief can be downed in 3 or four and sometimes less decent hits. Why shouldn't it have the damage to quickly deal damage comparable to high hp/armor classes? U sound like a player who crys and gets mad everytime ur out played lol like it's the classes design fault every time. U want thief to be free kill? If a thief can be downed quickly cuz low hp/armor why should it take a long time to down its opponent?You're not outplaying anybody here buddy...you're just teleporting from 1200 range while being completely invisible and expect to deal 70% of a target health regardless of their armor rating.....wth are you even outplaying here? You're not a warrior baiting dodges or somebody landing a nice combo after avoiding the enemy burst......you're just a stealth gimmick crap oneshot...you're not outplaying anybody..you never did
  19. Sure, you want this...balanced gameplay indeed More balanced gameplay I am sure the community will love this I am just glad the devs won't listen...
  20. Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's. I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both. Nope! Not even close. I want a burst that does more than tickle most of the high sustain classes, autos that do more than 300-500 which is like a mosquito buzzing around most classes. I do not want one hit ko backstabs at all but I want a class to at least be at 30% hp if I set up a backstab, land it,land few autos and a heart seeker which is pretty balanced sounding to me from a squishy burst class. As it stands right now in ur so called fine state of thief the thief cant even +1 a enemy and down it quick even if its burst and follow ups land lol yeah balanced if u are biased and dislike the class maybe. I never stated I want one shots on any class but as it is now not only do tanks out burst thief thee burst class but some ranger pets as well lmao..... balanced. So you want a spec dealing 70% of any target health with the ability to try again if you fail?....how exactly am I considered biased and you not?
  21. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for Yeah with Elixir S. You dont really use throw Elixir S much on the build. Usually just toss it at teammates that are stomping if throw elixir B is on cooldown. Your point being?And Shiro is manageable, sure, but he kills you, unlike thief. And sure, but the idea is to do more damage than right now without being glassy. Thats what returning damage means. Whoever said I want a ganking experience? Thats boring. I just wanna be able to duel and kill you. And you offered that without even having to give up shortbow 5. Course Id take it, all I lose is a mechanic that doesnt even matter. The thing with revs is...there is no shadow/infiltrator return once you teleport in....you stay for the dance or try to run away if you manage do to that, but people can catch up to you, shoot at you..it's called "punishment". Removing stealth will remove much (if not all ) griefing experience from GW2, no more ganking crap sitting in perma stealth, no more pewpew from 1200 without counterplay...yeah take all the dmg and sustain that you can fit in a build, I literally wouldn't care
  22. Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's. I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both.
  23. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes? Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen You mean ... like the ones Im playing right now? Im not sure if youre just not aware, but Im not playing thief right now. Because of its sorry state. Im playing Core Nade Engineer. Probably gonna pick up Shiro Rev soon. And no, we will be able to go around in full zerker gear safely. You didnt say anything about removing shortbow 5, and remember, we would get the same defenses Rangers Warriors and Eles have. Core nade with elixir S ofc ...and power shiro can be dealt with so no problem there...about warriors and eles, the more dmg you want the more glassy you need to be ..oh are you planning to play "meta" LR weaver in zerger gear with no condi removal..lol...you think too high of that build trust me.. Whatever you play...it will never offer that "ganking" experience of current thief so be careful what you ask for
  24. Got a better idea...we give you back your dmg (like it was completely removed to start with but anyway....) and we remove stealth from GW2 entirely. You don't want to play burst.....you want to play an invisible ganker which is different from the general idea of burst role, you could play other burst specs...but not, if it hasn't got stealth is not "real" burst class am I right? Its hilarious that you keep fixating on stealth when, for most of GW2s history, stealth was not really used that much by thief. Hell, for most of PoF, the best build didnt use stealth at all . But sure, remove stealth, and change all associated skills and traits into something else, give back thieves pre-HoT damage, and add survivability. Surely you agree with that, yes?Yes...I can promise that you won't like play burst specs that much once we remove stealth...all the sustain in the world won't save you if caught out of CDs and luck, you can take as much dmg and defenses as you want.....after all you won't be able to go around full zerker gear so safely anymore and most of you will backtrack and start using some tanky stats to get around...."welcome to real life" I will say when that happen
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