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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Lol...compared to what? rev staff ? You're comparing a 2 handed weapon to an off hand where warrior can slot : mobility or other block or more daze or pure dmg in the main hand..on top of that warrior has 3x more CC than a ranger so don't even try.. You mention mesmer...distortion- blur -evasive reflection and others....You mention guard...shield only, focus- mace - shelter as base, then there is shield of courage if going dragon hunter and anyway, I can play guardian everywhere and with every spec..compared to ranger and guard block all inc attacks and you only mention shield for projectile blocks lol The ranger hate is real, but it mostly comes from people playing classes with more roles/builds to play compared to ranger relegated to 1v1 some try hard in pvp or wvw and nothing else, when both its elite are hot garbage
  2. Did you watch the video ?In 2vs2 he has to play like a thief (hit and run) all the time and you say warrior is competitive in sustain ? Good joke... ....'cause he's playing with zerker amulet and burst spec...that's how you're supposed to play when using that amulet, if you want more sustain then invest in sustain like all other specs built for sustain! where they actually use a healing or tanky amulet...if instead you're looking for a spec that get sustain, can burst/duel and teamfight....that's called broken and will always be nerfed soon or later no matter how many times you jump professions.
  3. With all due respect, I don't think warrior is missing in defensive skills , I do have one warrior and used it for like 600 hrs both in pvp and wvw roaming/zerg burst so I am familiar with traits/skills and CD . The skill cap for each profession is different, some like warriors are easier to pick up and do well with but they're bound to reach a peak performance wall before other professions which are harder to start with and i think that's fair, if somebody invest more time and effort than you...the reward should be higher too. There is no magical build that will let you win against all classes at all times with any class atm and yet...warrior is strong , it has strong utilities and traitlines ( minus arms which is terrible but again all classes have some terrible traitline ) If you ask me , warrior has got the tools to counter most other specs in specific scenarios...but you won't be able to beat duel designed classes on a warrior in most cases but again warrior got the tools to avoid any unfavorable position, it's a balanced class more than others that are relegated to a single duel role and nothing else. ranger?...you can beat a warrior by abusing your pets and ranged dmg..but you're useless in teamfight, zerg fights and generally unfun to use outside 1v1 duelsthief?...same as rangerrevenant?...yeah that one got some busted builds but they will be nerfed soon The rest?...warriors got the tools to chase, stall or beat ( depending on build ) or simply running away from ( yeah good players swallow their pride and pick their fights ). In the end if you're looking for a duel class/sidenoder specialist....warrior not for you, if you're looking for a "good everywhere and can do something useful while being easy to play and hard to kill"...then yeah pick warrior P.SUse warrior to either stall or +1 the enemy, there are builds for each
  4. Warrior is exactly where is supposed to be, I shake my head reading the comments of people complaining about "overnerfed" HS...for a passive heal requiring no action or healing power investment it was way too strong ; the might generation was way too high...overall warrior was overperforming . Warrior is a sort of general class, if people want to just win duel with a heavy armor class...then try to learn rev, it's made for that. Warrior is class that brings support, AoE CC and role adaptability while being relatively hard to kill Duelling on warrior now is harder as it is on other professions too
  5. You need to understand the nature of each class my friend....leaving aside necro ( it has got nerfs incoming for their core version being just too tanky ) and ranger ( birds and tiger pet will have dmg shaves soon, while the ranger itself doesn't deal enough dmg to be an insta death unwinnable duel for warriors ).....there is little chance to win against top rev and thief because on the contrary of warrior, those two classes have been designed with duels in mind Like there are top support and top condi classes by design...so they are top duellist classes and warrior it's not one of them, it's a more "grun do it all" sort of class, can have decent duelling capabilities but not more than that. A thief cannot play banner in raids, neither can play shout SB during zerg fights and neither can CC a whole area, sorry to break your bubble but you can't be good at everything with a single class, accept your limitations or learn to multiclass if you can't let go of your ego
  6. Revenant "flies" constantly under the radar because it's considered arguably harder to play than all other classes in the list above, still......I am sure those 5k death strikes didn't go unnoticed, if anything top revs are virtually unscathed from the patch, they deal just as much dmg as before plus they have condi herald too to play with. Condi rev no doubts deserve nerfs on the other side power rev requires more skill to play and should be left alone, for the info I still get downed by top rev playing power. It's a tad easier to deal with them but the result it's still the same...can elude those death strikes just for so long and I don't mind really, you meet a top rev once every 20 or so
  7. It's a burst weapon with amazing burst on skill 2-3, it requires set up and it's not an "every day DPS" weapon like GS, yeah GS is DPS and hammer is pure burst and like every burst build..once used you retreat/swap and wait for CD. Your thread made me try the weapon and I was shocked by the dmg burst I could reach with a marauder/radiance in PvP and I am sure now to find a more tanky version for PvP/WvW thx for the head up
  8. No offense but..I see no problems here except a higher skill cap required. Before the patch warrior had extremely high sustain/dmg ratio for a mediocre skill cap requirement, now the dmg is still pretty high by current sustain standards and without doubt warrior is harder to play now but ...as @"Psycoprophet.8107" explained, once a "couple" condi tank sustain get addressed, warrior will be in a good spot. HS if rebuffed should come with a hefty healing power req to ofset its passive nature and this to me sounds pretty normal
  9. They will address all those builds, there is zero need to buff warrior anyhow
  10. 1) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot : D/P 444-111111-4444...if low swap to shortbow and 5555 or 5-2 ez2) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mantra_of_Pain : /pistol...stealth - charge mantra..pewpew..defense rotation galore..stealth..charge mantra...ez The reqs to play thief or mesmer will remain lower regardless of the discussion, the rage and the mockering. Again for the last time nerfing LR won't change anything because ele is already mediocre to start with...outside the meme niche role in pvp nobody uses LR, we don't need hundred threads asking to nerf a subpar trait used by a meme glass cannon build in a dead gamemode
  11. You run mid and start attacking...that's the whole problem....your tunnel vision gameplay
  12. Let them be...The devs will buff something else on ele anyway....
  13. Also this is unture. 1v1 tournies back in HoT banned Ranger from using BM together with wilderness survival, meaning you could only take one or the other. Can you please stop derailing and lying to push your agenda? This kitten is why the game is as bad as it is. As for Ele I think it's mostly fair on it's own, 1v1 it isn't an issue just in team fights I think it should have a higher skill floor to be effective. It brings to much CC way to easily and dominates the nature of the team fight in a way that isn't fun for conquest. I don't particularly think it needs to be nerfed, I think the game needs to evolve away from the game mode to something better... But if not then it is unhealthy. Accusing me of lying won't change anything.... I have no personal agenda, the devs won't nerf the game out of existence, all points have been made and decisions from the devs will follow...no class will be left out of playable level ever, I will adapt as I have done for the last 8 years in this game.
  14. It's annoying, but it's also risky. One of my favorite ways to counter nado is by giving myself stab, and then bursting hard into it. Ele is pretty squishy regardless of build when they're unable to evade or re-sustain,. If I don't have good access to stab, I've also had good success shutting them down with immob. Hold them still then burst. Failing that, you can break stun and use any mobility you might have to gain some distance. If you've got ranged pressure, you can counter it with that. Just watch out for skill 5. If your build somehow lacks access to all of these... Idk, have fun doing your best impression of a rag doll because you're going for a ride, lol. ` All these counter and stab corrupt are only possible vs average and below eles, good one pop tornado on top of you after waiting for your stunbreaks to be poped, this way you're cc chained from start to end of tornado and end up 100-0 hp with LR dmgBouncy "elecrified tornado" hit a lot too btw@"Arheundel.6451"Why you insist on being clueless and wrong all the time? 2 the best NA team ran LRod eles :joy:The only time they used word "degenerate" was about deleted trait, not about the class.P.S raging in game calling ranger broken and insult everyone who slaughtering you on it but on forum "ranger is fine, dont touch!1111", you are such a jokeI still have screenshots of your rants you whispered before being blocked..other than some resign when losing free arena hero ...I don't recognize you, I won't waste time replying anymore ...your vitriolic posts are now boring, you spend more time asking for nerfs than anything else. The winning team from last tournament had a mesmer, many teams in EU had mesmer....it's time for you (and your ilk) to get good, spend less time on the forum and more in game...my suggestion to you
  15. That is you assuming, don’t try to weasel out of it. Statements like that are nothing more than your opinion, trying to push it onto the masses as fact is just ignorant. Have you got evidence to prove otherwise?
  16. There is no ..meta LR ele...no LR ele used in AT or monthly AT..no roaming LR eles in wvw either...and not even in PvE..all we have is some soloq ragefest ...go as far as complaining about tornado, a clear indication of the skill level involved. By comparison we had carrion mirage for years, a roaming plague for years too. used in AT and other tournaments...went as far as being banned from official tournaments...nobody but mesmer in this game ever seen an entire traitline banned from tournaments. It's a disgrace even trying to compare mesmer to ele...truly a disgrace, LR ele is pretty hard to pull off, not always rewarding and simply not worth running outside soloq meme experiences. Never was ele gameplay considered "degenerate" by the devs themselves...only mesmer With all that said and done...yeah go on and delete LR and tornado, it won't affect the class that much anyway, still not broken overperforming like mesmer before...so nothing to lose here but...silver/bronze will remain in silver/bronze regardless of what get nerfed , let's all remember that
  17. No they don't....mesmers for the first time in 5 years have to work for their kills...for the past 5 years every average Joe could jump on mesmer and become a duellist god, many with time started to actually believe to be the hottest thing around. Dunno how many times in the past I would duel some clowns and win easy.....only for these living jokes to re-login on their condi mesmer and become 1v1 pro like that. Blur into distortion into stealth into distortion into dodge into stealth into blur again......a massive uncounterable defensive rotation that would make even the worst player out there look like a god; all those dodges also come with their perks because...why not?! and so we have clones cannon fodder ....reflection..yup... 80% of current mesmer population are just some FOTM rerollers who jumped on the class after Hot launch thx to chrono bunker BS, chrono condi burst then PoF mirage etc etc, they never learnt to actually play the class and all its nuances. You can easily tell the difference between core mesmers from launch and staff clone ambush campers ( vast majority of which just spend their time on the forum asking for buffs), the latter run quickly out of steam and start crying once their "invincible" strategy fails, no more able to let their clones do all the works ( funny the same people then complain about ranger saying how pet does all the dmg..amusing) while they just staff 2/stealth/hide like champs and climb like hell. No more cocky condi champs running and laughing at you in wvw it seems...good riddance I did not play mesmer because it's Fotm. It was my first class. Also mesmer hasn't been an optimal build metabattle for ages. Yeah, mesmers stomp trash players and I've acknowledged that, but outside that, they're not really that great and haven't been since the change in phantasm. At least seemingly so as I missed the time in between them removing phantasms and S4 end when I came back. The class like 6 months ago was maybe working for kills because there were still some plat mesmers. Now it's hot garbage that probably still confuses absolute noobs, but is useless against anything with a head between its shoulders. After taking the salt and the drama away..this is how your post read : " The class now still outperform against new players but will leave average results against more experienced ones "...yeah that's called balance, mesmer mains should get used to it, time would be better invested in learning a class post FOTM levels ( even if in theory that should have been done way before jumping on mesmer train ) To reiterate what I stated days ago : 80% of current mesmers are FOTM rerollers who started acting up in pvp and gain relevance after chrono release , they were not around when @"Helseth.5069" (long live the king ) was at his prime , these "mesmers" will now cry their eyes out on the forum asking for a level of buff that will understandably never come. The only way for threads to work would be for mesmer to reach the same levels of ele in 2013 when the class was so bad for real that the devs found themselves forced to cancel most of the recently applied nerfs. Right now mesmer is no more that insta duel win powerhouse , a reality that is here to stay and a reality all these mesmer "main" need to get used to You know what happens when you assume, right?I don't assume anything here...I know that many mesmer main are just bitter , now they get to kiss the ground when doing too many mistakes and it's a feeling you now must get used to..a feeling ele players have been knowing for the last 5 years.Many classes have been described as "duellist"...all of them suffered the same fate..all curb nerfed from stardom to the stalls , then built back somehow bit by bit in another light. The "I win as long as I don't feel asleep on the keyboard"..it's over, now sometimes you win...other you lose , welcome to real life
  18. It would be absolutely fine if they'd nerfed bird/tiger dmg by 50%...increase ranger dmg on axe/sword/longbow..the class deal almost zero dmg with zerker amulet and diviner runes when not using MM two holy traits Moment of clarity and Remorseless , it seems the whole class deal zero dmg when not equipping those 2 traits + maul It is assumed that this profession must work together with the pet, therefore its balance will always be particularly difficult due to the various characteristics that pets have. For example, I think a 20-30% reduction on Furious Pounce with an increase in tiger vitality could be a good compromise to reduce the strength of this Build without making it useless. I would not like to see the BM line weakened due to some coeffective who have not been adapted since the patch, even if I don't deny you that a reworking of MM is something I've always been curious to see.Since the beginning they could have simply given the same stats of ranger to the pet, all of them : you go tanky..so does your pet at the cost of dmg..you go bruiser..so does your pet and so on. Leave the F2 and family archetypes as they are now and simply give all pets the same base stats of ranger, I am sure it's technically possible to do that
  19. It would be absolutely fine if they'd nerfed bird/tiger dmg by 50%...increase ranger dmg on axe/sword/longbow..the class deal almost zero dmg with zerker amulet and diviner runes when not using MM two holy traits Moment of clarity and Remorseless , it seems the whole class deal zero dmg when not equipping those 2 traits + maul
  20. That is without marksmanship. Lowering the damage from a lv3 eviserate to lv2 isn't suddenly going to make it suck and be "unviable", just be less oppressive from what it is.Just don't be surprised when this happens. Oh I'm completely expecting Arenanet to once again nerf the wrong things on Ranger. But the difference this time around, is that Ranger won't survive it. Aside from everyone's current complaining, if Ranger pets lose even 20% of the damage output they have now and that damage is not reallocated somewhere onto Core Ranger, the Core Ranger will fall out of viability completely. Soulbeast will barely hang on to what very little viability it has left, only because it can merge and not have to rely on pet damage. Your statement is just simply nonsense. Look at the previous balances/nerfs on other classes. Core hammer guard nerfed but there are still many GS core guards around and some DH, and FB was out. (This is prior to this huge balance patch); Heal FB got nerfed to hell, but symbol band was invented; D/P Daredevil was nerfed to the ground, but afterwards people play core s/d; Berzerker war got nerfed to the ground, so people play core and later SB; Scourge got nerfed, then people play core terrormancer. Chrono becomes unplayable, but then it comes the chaos Mesmer, the most stupid class so far in the game (again prior to the balance patch). So many times when it comes to nerfing others classes, you guys argue against the defenders saying the nerfs are well deserved, now its ranger's turn, so just embrace it mate. So people just go around now asking for nerfs out of spite......before long there will be nothing more to nerf or play....people will move on while many will keep living off their bitterness
  21. No they don't....mesmers for the first time in 5 years have to work for their kills...for the past 5 years every average Joe could jump on mesmer and become a duellist god, many with time started to actually believe to be the hottest thing around. Dunno how many times in the past I would duel some clowns and win easy.....only for these living jokes to re-login on their condi mesmer and become 1v1 pro like that. Blur into distortion into stealth into distortion into dodge into stealth into blur again......a massive uncounterable defensive rotation that would make even the worst player out there look like a god; all those dodges also come with their perks because...why not?! and so we have clones cannon fodder ....reflection..yup... 80% of current mesmer population are just some FOTM rerollers who jumped on the class after Hot launch thx to chrono bunker BS, chrono condi burst then PoF mirage etc etc, they never learnt to actually play the class and all its nuances. You can easily tell the difference between core mesmers from launch and staff clone ambush campers ( vast majority of which just spend their time on the forum asking for buffs), the latter run quickly out of steam and start crying once their "invincible" strategy fails, no more able to let their clones do all the works ( funny the same people then complain about ranger saying how pet does all the dmg..amusing) while they just staff 2/stealth/hide like champs and climb like hell. No more cocky condi champs running and laughing at you in wvw it seems...good riddance I did not play mesmer because it's Fotm. It was my first class. Also mesmer hasn't been an optimal build metabattle for ages. Yeah, mesmers stomp trash players and I've acknowledged that, but outside that, they're not really that great and haven't been since the change in phantasm. At least seemingly so as I missed the time in between them removing phantasms and S4 end when I came back. The class like 6 months ago was maybe working for kills because there were still some plat mesmers. Now it's hot garbage that probably still confuses absolute noobs, but is useless against anything with a head between its shoulders. After taking the salt and the drama away..this is how your post read : " The class now still outperform against new players but will leave average results against more experienced ones "...yeah that's called balance, mesmer mains should get used to it, time would be better invested in learning a class post FOTM levels ( even if in theory that should have been done way before jumping on mesmer train ) To reiterate what I stated days ago : 80% of current mesmers are FOTM rerollers who started acting up in pvp and gain relevance after chrono release , they were not around when @"Helseth.5069" (long live the king ) was at his prime , these "mesmers" will now cry their eyes out on the forum asking for a level of buff that will understandably never come. The only way for threads to work would be for mesmer to reach the same levels of ele in 2013 when the class was so bad for real that the devs found themselves forced to cancel most of the recently applied nerfs. Right now mesmer is no more that insta duel win powerhouse , a reality that is here to stay and a reality all these mesmer "main" need to get used to
  22. No they don't....mesmers for the first time in 5 years have to work for their kills...for the past 5 years every average Joe could jump on mesmer and become a duellist god, many with time started to actually believe to be the hottest thing around. Dunno how many times in the past I would duel some clowns and win easy.....only for these living jokes to re-login on their condi mesmer and become 1v1 pro like that. Blur into distortion into stealth into distortion into dodge into stealth into blur again......a massive uncounterable defensive rotation that would make even the worst player out there look like a god; all those dodges also come with their perks because...why not?! and so we have clones cannon fodder ....reflection..yup... 80% of current mesmer population are just some FOTM rerollers who jumped on the class after Hot launch thx to chrono bunker BS, chrono condi burst then PoF mirage etc etc, they never learnt to actually play the class and all its nuances. You can easily tell the difference between core mesmers from launch and staff clone ambush campers ( vast majority of which just spend their time on the forum asking for buffs), the latter run quickly out of steam and start crying once their "invincible" strategy fails, no more able to let their clones do all the works ( funny the same people then complain about ranger saying how pet does all the dmg..amusing) while they just staff 2/stealth/hide like champs and climb like hell. No more cocky condi champs running and laughing at you in wvw it seems...good riddance
  23. Increase revenue by making it free? How does that work? The more free quality of life features that get added, the more people are willing to spend their money on fashion. Good will begets good will.Lol.....in real life they give you max a trial version of a product..not the fully working one, any company would go bankrupt acting the way you're suggesting
  24. The money you spend on a single character...is less than the money you spend going to the cinema : £17 to get two build/gear templates...a cinema trip can cost up £25...it's not that much
  25. Your wrong though, I'm a necro main and I defended ranger a lot, heck I've even defended mesmers. There are people out there who don't care what happens to other classes but some of us do care because we play multiple classes for fun. We aren't competitive like you guys, so our most important aspect is that a class is enjoyable, in fact, I will probably never be competitive ever. We are ready to be deleted from SPVP you mean yeah its going to happen, maybe even WVW, and back to necro mains complaining about being free kills and always over nerfed. I'm wrong? How am I wrong? I said top players and streamers like Sindrener and Boyce are also asking for ranger to be addressed and they do say how broken it is on their streams. Someone else made the presupposition that it was necromancers asking for nerfs, coincidentally the guy mentioned below, direct your comment at him. As for fun, it's fun for 1 person to never have to sweat in a fight, have all chances to win and not have to think too hard about what the enemy is doing, not so fun for the person on the other end who can't mess up once or they lose automatically. @Arheundel.6451 I literally named them and the rest of what you said had no relevance to what I stated, they're saying it's overtuned in both damage and survivability and it needs toning down. They and I also don't want to see it Chrono'd just a lot of little changes all over to bring it down. @Tazer.2157 Agreed about greatsword, don't agree about pet death CD, that would be very punishing especially against condi builds that murder pets super easy. Ranger needs small adjustments across the board, maybe 1 or 2 major hits on damage mods but it's going to be a slow process or it'll be chrono'd.Not claiming that some pets don't hit hard..I am just saying that ranger is not this immense powerhouse that people here are claiming, I know many will call me biased but...while using a core ele, all I need to do to put a ranger on his back foot is to focus the pets first of all, while avoiding the attempts of ranger to set up a maul combo, I survive by kiting and knowing ranger CD and main tactics : a ranger using bird/tiger loses access to smokescale which makes maul combos that much easier to land, in that instance dealing with a ranger using two glassy pets becomes that much easier. 1- Focusing on the ranger is always the wrong approach when dealing with a core/druid2- There are only couple of ways a ranger can set up a burst for each build3- LoS kills most of ranger spike The class is pretty dead in pvp/wvw with only core and some pewpew soulbeast variants left alive, the class may need nerfs in some areas but...other areas require changes/buffs
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