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Everything posted by thrag.9740

  1. I am skeptical of this statement. My intuition is that it would break the game, as Anet seems terrified of releasing some primary stat condi damage gear with expertise as a secondary. Lets work through an example and see. Here is sc's condi weaver:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGhAw2lZwmYXMJmJOqOmvKA-zRJYmRDfZEXBUZCo5BREqDiCfL6eWB-e If you turn on the typical raid buffs, you have 3468 power, 2043 precision, 2782 condi damage, 748 expertise. Now, if you swap all the vipers gear to trail blazers, you will see the power drops to 2295 and the precision drops to 1492. This means we are gaining 1173 power and 551 precision from our vipers gear. Now, as we know, precision can help with condi damage. For example, the burning precision trait has an on crit effect. So, for sake of simplicity, lets just say in a hypothetical situation with stat freedom, we left that 551 precision, but moved that 1173 power over to condi damage. Our condi damage increases from 2782 to 3955. The damage formula for burning is: (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131 This puts our vipers build at 562 burning per stack, and our theoretical build at 744 burning per stack. This is a 32% increase in our flame ticks. The damage formulate for bleeding is: (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22 This puts our vipers build at 189, and our theoretical build at 259, a 37% increase. Now, our ferocity and precision stayed the same, so we can simply recognize that our new power is 66% of our old power. I took a dps log I found on sc's discord for a condi weaver. 56% of their damage is burning, 22% is bleeding, the remaining 22% is power damage. The benchmark is 38,400. So we have the following changes moving from vipers to our theoretical build:burning: 21504 -> 28,467bleeding: 8448 -> 11,576power: 8448 -> 5591 total dps: 38400 -> 45634 Is that enough of a boost to be considered breaking the game? I don't know. We have had times when ele was hitting those numbers in the staff tempest era. I'm surprised, its not clearly broken. Although we are already at the point where players can skip a LOT of mechanics. Even my static, which is not a hardcore group, has dps'd sammy quick enough to bug the break bar a few times. Too much power creep absolutely will break the game, not just in a balance sense, but in an actual bugs sense. The effect should be more severe on condi classes that have weaker direct damage skills. I have to imagine that fully customizable stats would seriously break dps condi chrono. You just overcapped condition damage. Or should have. If they let us do this stuff.What? Do you mean condi duration? Check my math, the condi duration stayed the same. If you mean condi damage, then I have no idea what your talking about, thats like saying power can overcap.
  2. I am skeptical of this statement. My intuition is that it would break the game, as Anet seems terrified of releasing some primary stat condi damage gear with expertise as a secondary. Lets work through an example and see. Here is sc's condi weaver:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGhAw2lZwmYXMJmJOqOmvKA-zRJYmRDfZEXBUZCo5BREqDiCfL6eWB-e If you turn on the typical raid buffs, you have 3468 power, 2043 precision, 2782 condi damage, 748 expertise. Now, if you swap all the vipers gear to trail blazers, you will see the power drops to 2295 and the precision drops to 1492. This means we are gaining 1173 power and 551 precision from our vipers gear. Now, as we know, precision can help with condi damage. For example, the burning precision trait has an on crit effect. So, for sake of simplicity, lets just say in a hypothetical situation with stat freedom, we left that 551 precision, but moved that 1173 power over to condi damage. Our condi damage increases from 2782 to 3955. The damage formula for burning is: (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131 This puts our vipers build at 562 burning per stack, and our theoretical build at 744 burning per stack. This is a 32% increase in our flame ticks. The damage formulate for bleeding is: (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22 This puts our vipers build at 189, and our theoretical build at 259, a 37% increase. Now, our ferocity and precision stayed the same, so we can simply recognize that our new power is 66% of our old power. I took a dps log I found on sc's discord for a condi weaver. 56% of their damage is burning, 22% is bleeding, the remaining 22% is power damage. The benchmark is 38,400. So we have the following changes moving from vipers to our theoretical build:burning: 21504 -> 28,467bleeding: 8448 -> 11,576power: 8448 -> 5591 total dps: 38400 -> 45634 Is that enough of a boost to be considered breaking the game? I don't know. We have had times when ele was hitting those numbers in the staff tempest era. I'm surprised, its not clearly broken. Although we are already at the point where players can skip a LOT of mechanics. Even my static, which is not a hardcore group, has dps'd sammy quick enough to bug the break bar a few times. Too much power creep absolutely will break the game, not just in a balance sense, but in an actual bugs sense. The effect should be more severe on condi classes that have weaker direct damage skills. I have to imagine that fully customizable stats would seriously break dps condi chrono.
  3. Dungeons were more about speed running (as in actually moving), with a 5-10 second burst of dps. Fractals are a lot more about speed killing. Both can be good, but they are quite different. If you never experienced dungeons pre-hot, I can understand why you would think the two are so similar. Most dungeon groups you have nowadays, none of the players are weapon swapping to move faster, or swapping utility skills, or pinging blast finishers/stealth fields to quickly coordinate with each other. But these things really did use to be common. It use to be challenging just to keep up with a group running through TA/CA/Arah. Comparing a group that does cm+t4s to an old speed run dungeon group, they were very different skill sets.
  4. I'm interested in it sure. Especially the idea of turning story instances into repeatable challenging content (that always seemed like low hanging fruit). But I am not very optimistic. I was also previously excited for bounties, the wintersday raid (or as anet put it, 10 man dungeon, I believe), and the instanced fights in dragons bash. All were serious let downs. Even fractals are a let down nowadays. But that's ok. The newest raid probably was a bit too easy (and too many kiters...), but I do at least enjoy it. And Anet told us they are developing new raids, so I'll have that.
  5. I am so tired of this false hood being perpetuated. In that time Anet has: -made trio-made escort-updated spirit woods to give LI-updated twisted castle to give LI-wing 4 has 3 bosses that are notably easier than other bosses in game, one boss is so easy it has been soloed by both thief and druid builds-wing 5, while much more challenging, still has a one of its four LI geared towards new players (rainbow road) It is true that Anet hasn't implemented an easy mode. But, any experienced raider can tell you there is a large fluctuation of difficulty between the various fights, and typically the final fight in a wing is the hardest one. I didn't start raiding until after wing 3 was released (at least not in a serious way). I started with weekly escort, and started to slowly build up my knowledge by working my way up (trio, then kc, then vg and gorse etc). Unfortunately a lot of new players are not aware of this large range of difficulty. The community talks of raids as a monolith. They say absurdly uninformed things like, 'raids are all one difficulty', which is very much so untrue. Dhuum is not the same difficulty as escort.
  6. I've been in a raid static for a few years now. Every week, me and my guild are frustrated by the same things. After today's announcement about strike missions, I wanted to make a list of the frustrating things, so maybe the strike missions team can learn from the raid team's mistakes. Maybe the raid team could even fix some of these (is there still a raid team?...). 1.) Unskippable role play in repeatable end game content is bad. Samarog door cutscene use to be unskippable, but thankfully the team heard us, and gave us a skip button (same for deimos cutscene). Unfortunately the team forgot what they learned and put several minutes of unskippable dialogue in wing 7. Its fine and even fun the first play through, by the 10th play through its time to alt-tab or do something on a second monitor. 2.) Pre-events are often boring and pointless. Sometimes they introduce mechanics, and you only have to do them once, such as the pre-clear for vale guardian. That one isn't too bad. But then you have the dhuum pre-phase. Which is 2 minutes of unskippable pre-event you have to do every time you fight dhuum, even after wiping. This made dhuum cm pretty grueling. Don't get me wrong, dhuum cm was great. But my guild progressed to a point where the pre-event was just a boring slog to get to the real fight, but still had a lot of progression left to get the kill. I think role play/game design it would make sense for dhuum to stand up when the first green circle is spawns. But then you have the absolute worst offender. The abomination that is the gate pre-event in wing 7. It doesn't even give rewards, and it’s a slow boring time waster. Honestly, I think you missed a huge opporunity by not making that event some sort of raid based mount race to catch the key or something. This brings us to point three: 3.) Good game play should give faster results, and there should always be the option to play well. Situations where you stand still and do nothing and just wait are not fun or engaging. So for example, a capture the point event is bad (wing 1 event after vg before spirit woods and wing 7 gate event). These events could be greatly improved by making the death of mobs speed up the events, or have the capture point be captured immediately when mobs die. Another example of this philosophy is the broken king in wing 5. Higher dps makes this fight harder. And if the dps is too high, it would literally be impossible. So I often end up telling my players to only auto attack (or chrono not to give boons) because our initial burst was too high. 4.) It should be possible to select raid bosses after you have killed them x times. I’ve killed every boss in this game so many times, I shouldn’t have to pay 10 gold every week to skip spirit woods and the the wing 7 gate event. I’m not sure what x should be. Maybe 10? Or 20? I should just be able to open directly to kc or cardina without going through that boring stuff every week. At the very least, I shouldn’t have to pay someone to open a boss I already killed this week, just so my team can practice the challenge mote version of it. 5.) Build templates. Yeah I know, you just told us your working on them. But you gave no specifics at all. So I am still going to mention it. Build templates need to be more than just a build swapping tool, which is what arcpds does now. Inventory management needs to be improved. My personal suggestion: all ascended items of the same type should be able to be combined into a single item of that type with stat selection of the items you combined in. So for example, you combine a berserker ring and a vipers ring and now you have a sort of, ‘mini-legendary’ ring that only has vipers and berserkers stats available on it. You could combine the ring again with a harriers ring to have 3 stats, etc. This would then easily integrate into their new item customization UI. Maybe this is already what they are planning, but again, they gave us no specifics. 6.) raid trophies should go in material storage. They are a crafting material, their only purpose is to be used by scribes. So they should be stored in material storage like all the other scribe crafting materials already in storage. We have 21 trophies now I believe. Many of my players have more than a stack of several of them. edit: Oh and of course, how could I forget number 7: 7.) Class balance. Necro is occasionally good. But frequently bad. Better balancing would be great.
  7. I hate this idea and oppose it every time I see it. It's ok as 3 day event in wvw, but not as a permanent thing. Its a bad way to create difficulty, because it is just turning off game systems rather than making things more difficult. Classes are designed and balanced with the assumption that downstate exists. There are many traits, and skills that would suddenly become totally obsolete. There was once a fractal instability called antielitism. If you used your elite skill, you died. That was all it did. All it did was turn off a part of the game. It was really stupid, however technically it was slightly more difficult than not having it. Similarly, I think your idea creates difficulty in a bad way. In particular, by creating difficulty in a manner which ignores how the game way balanced. For example, Anet balances necro dps to be low because of its large health pool (max hp + either shroud or barrier). However, in a world where downstate doesn't exist, I would actually argue condi scourge is insanely overpowered considering how much more risk there is in running a condi weaver. I don't see many people saying dhuum cm is too easy. Its a great encounter that didn't have to resort to cheap tricks like turning off downstate. Instead, it forces you to split your attention, with several punishing mechanics. If we want more difficulty in raids, I think this is a better way to do it. So, how might this look? Say we wanted to make a vale guardian challenge mote. Rather than removing downstate, I would say, crank up the bullet hell aspect of the encounter. The red orbs (seekers) and the white orbs are present in normal mode, but mostly in normal mode you ignore the white orbs. Something where you have to pay attention to the white orbs would allow for interesting challenge mode (they would of course need to be made more visible). Or, maybe just ramp up the red orb difficulty. Triple their numbers, make them immune to cc, make them move much faster, make them hit harder (I wouldn't say insta-down, it is a bullet hell after all) and rather than always move towards the players, make them move randomly through the arena bouncing off the walls. Also don't let them despawn, but also don't let them spawn. Just a constant number throughout the fight. The point would be to create a bullet hell situation on top of the regular encounter.
  8. That camera tool is amazing. Best view of raid's I've ever seen. Truly it would be helpful to have such a tool in game for players first learning a fight/seeing mechanics etc. I've been raiding in a weekly static for years, but some of the camera perspectives offered by that camera were really surprising and eye opening. I had never seen such a zoomed out view of the arena before, and seeing the whole fight in one image changes your comprehension of the arena a bit. In particular qadim 2.0's arena. Anyone trying to learn about raid encounters, the videos on teapot's channel are a great tool.
  9. I'm probably getting trolled here, but w/e I'm fine with that being the case. However, if your not trolling then I gotta say this. If your going to make an argument for easy mode in raids, the case you laid out is a very poor argument. The tournament you watched today has restricted rules to make it harder: -challenge mote only (this is the equivalent of hard mode). 99% of groups you join are not doing challenge motes-9 players only. Most groups you join use 10 players-no downstate: any player who gets downed has to /gg The videos you watched today are almost completely disconnected from what your raid experience would be.
  10. tldr: heal tempest is a niche build that is super powerful at some fights. But druid will probably remain the go to first healer for a long time. Some groups sometimes have two healers and in that situation heal tempest can shine. If you insist on gearing an ele for fractals and raids, go dps. I play heal tempest every week in my static at some fights. We aren't hardcore, but we aren't casual either. Heal tempest gives a nice safety net to make raiding fairly casual/relaxing. Is is highly unlikely ele will ever be a meta or even popular healer. However, ele is an incredibly strong healer. In terms of heals per second, I think staff water/earth tempest is probably the highest hps in the game. On the test golem, tempest can outheal the highest pulsing aura easily indefinitely without any boons from anyone. Additionally besides keeping protection up 100% on 10 man easily, tempest can also keep a lot of frost aura up (even further damage reduction). In terms of being able to out heal damage, to me, there is no equal. Tempest is king. I have even been experimenting with a minstrel tempest tank so that my two chronos can just go 0 toughness at some fights like xera (if your going to have two healers, you might as well have one of them tank). Minstrel tempest tank is faceroll easy. I was initially afraid to tank with literally no blocks on my toolbar. Even at xera, it was a non-issue. Your heals are your blocks, and it works great at a lot of stuff. But strong healing isn't what makes a meta healer. Because most raids don't have a heal requirement high enough to require max healing. If a group is only running a single healer, the obvious versatile choice is druid. There might be a few situations where you run a soul beast for spirits + some other healer. But if you have to ask a question like this thread, your not in a group like that. It comes down to the fact that druid can provide so many boons and buffs, that ele's higher heals just aren't worth it compared to druids buffs. A druid can give perma 25 might for 10 man, good fury uptime for 10 man, good vigor for 10 man (essential for mirages), good protection for 10 man. All of these boons are made permanent through chronos. Making druid one of the highest dps contributors in a group (indirectly of course, by raising everyone else's dps). In a comp with two healers, most run a druid + x. Some groups just run 2 druids, this is easy as most healers will gear a druid first. However, 2 druids really only makes sense in a 2 chrono comp, which is getting nerfed every patch. Many classes can fill that second healer role. Heal firebrand, healer scourge, heal renegade, heal herald, heal scrapper, heal tempest. In fact what is best, probably depends greatly on the encounter. However, as the meta adapts and evolves away from two chrono comps, running a heal firebrand or a heal renegade in the second healer slot (again, only for groups that even want a second healer), becomes the obvious choice. The firebrigade comp is a lot less flexible for the second healer role, and so heal tempest is even less likely as being viable as time goes on. As I said, I run a heal tempest for my raid static every week. But we don't run that everywhere. For example, at matthias and earth cardinal, a boon thief +heal druid + heal alacrigade is such a strong choice we run that. For the statues event in wing 5, druid has a trait that effects stun duration, and is strategy defining, so of course we have two druids there. And for fights that have really low healing requirements like gorseval (assuming you fast break), I have arcdps build templates to quickly swap from minstrel chrono tank (for vg) to a more dps oriented condi tempest (this allows me to keep up protection while our druid is running frost,sun and air spirits, so that our dps are free to play condi or power on the fights that don't heavily favor one or the other (again we are fairly relaxed, and don't mandate that players run only power at boss x, except the obvious exceptions like power at kc and mirage at largos).
  11. I would like all of them, but I don't think 2 is realistic. It is a lot of work for a small raid team that is already failing to produce content at their desired pace. 1 3 and 4 seem pretty easy to implement and should have been in since the start.
  12. From what I can see the fgs are just a small part of their opening burst. You can see later in the fight they burst through phase 2 just as fast, and the ele doesn't even summon an fgs again until phase 3. I really don't think its worth worry about. Its just that the aoe lasts long enough that using those fgs was better than sitting there doing nothing while you wait for the boss to become vulnerable. There are more pressing issues for the gw2 fractal/raid team, such as fixing bugs in wing 7 (better yet, removing the gate event entirely).
  13. I just posted this information on the reddit thread, but Ill post it here too. The snipe attack hurts, but isn't one shot. But the boss also doesn't regain health if you wipe. So worse comes to worse you can just keep wiping and running back to kill him.
  14. edit: oh and of course the gorilla boss in Arah
  15. I don't want synergy. I want modularity so that its easier to make comps while letting people have choice.
  16. Even if the casuals can work to overcome difficult content, this particular case is different. Here I cannot try 2-3...10 times the content and to learn how to improve my performance. Because here is a 10 man content and another 9 players are condemned to failure if I fail. This is not something happily accepted by a PUG group. On the other hand, a casual is not the player to change his RL schedule according to the timer of an event in a game. So, this was the way Anet choose to make the raids harder. They knew the structure of the GW2 playerbase and opted for the hardest hurdle :# - the social component. This is what makes the difference between a casual and an hardcore player. Making a static group of 10 casuals for a long period of time is virtually impossible in my opinion. And ANet knew this and the number of 10 players was not the result of hazard. Because this was the best way to keep the raid into the niche it was designed for. Allow me to rephrase my first point:-raids require teamwork-gw2 is anti-teamwork A large portion of the player base play this game as a solo game. Although 10 vs 5 players does produce a slight barrier, the much larger barrier is simply the fact that raids require a lot more teamwork/coordination. Double the health of everything in fractals and make them 10 man. The players who treat gw2 as a solo game will still do fractals. Why? Because you don't need much of a plan for anything in fractals. In raids, if you don't have a plan for sabetha cannons for example, your group will 100% not beat the boss Same for dhuum greens. This is the case for many bosses. But fractals? Even in cms, there isn't any coordination that compares to raids.
  17. I find it disappointing but not so much from a game play perspective, but for slightly different reasons. Rewards: I'm incredibly disappointed that Anet decided to release a portable gaeting exchange for qadim cm rather than unlock additional functionality in the portable magnetite exchange. In fact in the past, I made two threads trying to prevent this (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40712/add-gaeting-to-portable-vendor-and-mounts-in-w1-4#latest and https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/55838/portable-magnetite-shard-exchange-needs-to-be-updated/p1?new=1). Very disappointed Anet didn't listen to those. Also the fact that LD literally have no long term sink and we can only craft a single legendary ring after all that is very disappointing. Also the fact that they took years to implement these disappointing rewards. Bugs:Are the floating mines on the earth cardinal intentional? This seems like a bug that has persisted in game for months after release? Its very annoying to have to guess whether the mines are real or fake. Also, way too easy to accidentally get stuck beneath the floor if you fall. Yeah, I get it, don't fall. But if you do, either kills us instantly like in cm, or don't. Random buggy behavior is just annoying. Game play:More kiters for qadim. I don't consider playing a mini game separated from the group a great mechanic. At first, kiting in raids was alright, sabetha has interesting stuff you can do as kiter. But then it got really bad really fast with deimos. Qadim 1.0 isn't much better. At least the kiters in qadim 2.0 can attack the boss. But the members of my static who get assigned to kiting eventually find it boring in the long term. It seems to me that part of playing group content is actually being with the group. Also, I find it disappointing that a POF raid gives you a huge advantage for HOT masteries while not using POF materies. Gliding is crazy strong for both cardinal fights. And yet we still have literally no use of mounts in any pof raids, not even for something like the gate event to open wing 7. I would of way prefered something unique and creative involving mounts rather than the, 'stand in circle to capture it' event we got.
  18. your way overthinking it. Its simple: -gw2 is a casual game-raids are not casual
  19. You put so much work into this game kitty. Hopefully your disclaimer about meta builds being available at sc will cut out some of the hate you receive. It makes me sad to see the negative responses you get. I understand the builds you post aren't meta and hence constructive criticism is to be expected, but your also one of the few people who post on these forums with created content. I just wish some people were nicer to you. I hope your having fun. Anyways, your comment about the lingering light trait on druid in the boon thief thread was legitimately helpful, I had honestly forgotten that trait existed, and it helped make my static's run this week a little smoother.
  20. Well both classes can be the healer pretty effectively. The most important thing is to communicate with your group. When you join, coordinate, make sure you only have 1 healer etc. Additionally, renegade's soul cleave summit is still pretty potent without any healing gear. And with the firebrand pumping out frequent aegis, not every group needs a healer. It should be noted, this is largely reliant on the group having high enough dps to kill everything before healing becomes an issue.
  21. @Yasi.9065 The point of my post was summarized in the very first line:
  22. pre-hot fractals absolutely required a lot less consideration concerning team composition. Essentially 1 ps warrior + 4 dps was enough to be pretty smooth. Sure a guardian for reflect and maybe stability/aegis was nice. But back then, the most common dps picks were ele, guardian and thief. All 3 of them have access to a projectile protection of some type. And although only the guard had aegis, the theif and ele could always blind if it was just trash mobs, and if things really went south the ele could always hop to water to blast a heal (such as during old sab cannons). Then Anet made druid, a healer with so many offensive buffs they could literally do 0 dps and still be adding more dps to the group than another dps player (remember when gotl was a unique buff not just might?). Suddenly everyone was running druids. This went hand in hand with a slow change to Anet's design philosophy. Nearly all Incoming damage in fractals was originally intended to be handled by player dodging. But with healers in the game, Anet changed their design philosophy. Dodges where now purposed to avoid the largest attacks, while healers were meant to handle a steady stream of much less avoidable damage. I'm sure someone reading this will exclaim that on some fights you can pull off no healer. That's true (although soul cleave summit or condi/power druid isn't exactly 'no healer'). But I think social awkwardness (the old one that did damage), toxic trail, and all the trash mobs in sirens reef are pretty distinctly different from dodging arch diviners hammer autos. Additionally after hot, quickness was no longer a boon only obtained from either a guardian or a mesmer using their elite skill. It was now possible to upkeep 100% of the time. So of course, everyone brought a chrono. But then of course also, Anet had to balance around the higher dps. And then finally, adding boon removal to fractals. Not every class can do this (at least not without really hurting personal dps). While previously, groups only had to coordinate: might + fury + banners (all handled by 1 support). Now, they need to coordinate might/fury/quickness/alacrity/healing/boon strip, typically all passed out to 3 players.
  23. Here are the the main changes I think should be made to raid rewards. 1.) Legendary divinations have no sink. Seriously the long term sink is to convert them to LI? Is that a joke? Why did they bother to make LD, if long term the only use for them is to convert to LI? Why can we only make a single legendary ring? We should be able to make multiple rings, the same way LI can be used to make multiple sets of legendary armor. The handling of LD is frankly pathetic. Think about it, the day we could finally spend LD on something, they were already irrelevant for many raiders. Anet had multiple years to figure that out, and what we got was pathetic. I can not put in words how incredibly disappointed I am in Anet regarding the long term sinks for LD. 2.) Raid rewards can't be earned through raids. The new ring requires 250 desert incense. Which you can either earn through converting 5 crystalline ore daily, or doing heart quests daily, or doing the absolutely pathetically boring legendary bounties. Why can't I earn any of these conversions through raids? Let alone the fact that you can't even earn amalgamated gemstones through raids, instead you have to do boring open world pve to get them. 2B.) Faction provisioner tokens are stupid. This same problem is visible in legendary armor requiring provisioner tokens. Why can't I earn provisioner tokens through raiding? What does parking an alt at a merchant and buying a few tokens daily have to do with raids? And before someone says, 'oh its not that bad'. I have 4 sets of legendary armor. I'm fully aware of the system. But it is symbolic of how Anet views raid rewards as being centered around boring time gated sinks external to raids, rather than a reward for doing challenging content. Its a stupid system that has existed for many years now. 3.) legendary armor is lackluster. Legendary heavy armor essentially can't even be dyed. Your options are shiny white with a hint of blue, shiny white with a hint of red, etc. It seems like gem store skins never have this issue. But the skins anet spent 2 years developing magically can't be fixed. Even though they have commented on reddit a few times that they are investigating the issue. Do you think it will ever be fixed? I don't, because I think Anet wants you to buy gems to get a good skin. If Anet has a problem with me saying this, all they have to do is fix the skins to prove me wrong. I openly encourage them to prove me wrong, and I will happily eat crow if they ever do. 4.) Legendary ring aura can't be toggled off. Why can't I turn off the aura effect? I don't want the balls floating around my head and adding even more visual noise to my raids. Seriously all they need to do is have a legendary merchant that you can trade your legendary trinket to in exchange for a aura free legendary trinket. Its not that hard, yet this issue has existed with the other legendary trinket for years, and I imagine it will stay for a long time to come.
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