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Everything posted by thrag.9740

  1. well, if raids are going to have a daily system, the very first thing Anet will need to do is implement a system that allows you to open a raid instance even after you have already cleared it. Currently, after you kill a boss, the only way to fight that boss again is to have some other account open it for you. This has been a problem for years, and Anet has never even bothered to address it despite the fact that with the existence of achievements and challenge motes it is a desperately needed system. Get that implemented first and then maybe Anet could try to make a daily system happen. But I highly doubt you will ever get either. I mean, just look at cutscenes. After tons of complaining Anet finally made the story in wing 4 skippable, only to have completely reveresed that mentality by the time they made wing 7. It's clear Anet doesn't design raids with weekly clears in mind, let alone daily clears.
  2. I am skeptical of this statement. My intuition is that it would break the game, as Anet seems terrified of releasing some primary stat condi damage gear with expertise as a secondary. Lets work through an example and see. Here is sc's condi weaver:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGhAw2lZwmYXMJmJOqOmvKA-zRJYmRDfZEXBUZCo5BREqDiCfL6eWB-e If you turn on the typical raid buffs, you have 3468 power, 2043 precision, 2782 condi damage, 748 expertise. Now, if you swap all the vipers gear to trail blazers, you will see the power drops to 2295 and the precision drops to 1492. This means we are gaining 1173 power and 551 precision from our vipers gear. Now, as we know, precision can help with condi damage. For example, the burning precision trait has an on crit effect. So, for sake of simplicity, lets just say in a hypothetical situation with stat freedom, we left that 551 precision, but moved that 1173 power over to condi damage. Our condi damage increases from 2782 to 3955. The damage formula for burning is: (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131 This puts our vipers build at 562 burning per stack, and our theoretical build at 744 burning per stack. This is a 32% increase in our flame ticks. The damage formulate for bleeding is: (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22 This puts our vipers build at 189, and our theoretical build at 259, a 37% increase. Now, our ferocity and precision stayed the same, so we can simply recognize that our new power is 66% of our old power. I took a dps log I found on sc's discord for a condi weaver. 56% of their damage is burning, 22% is bleeding, the remaining 22% is power damage. The benchmark is 38,400. So we have the following changes moving from vipers to our theoretical build:burning: 21504 -> 28,467bleeding: 8448 -> 11,576power: 8448 -> 5591 total dps: 38400 -> 45634 Is that enough of a boost to be considered breaking the game? I don't know. We have had times when ele was hitting those numbers in the staff tempest era. I'm surprised, its not clearly broken. Although we are already at the point where players can skip a LOT of mechanics. Even my static, which is not a hardcore group, has dps'd sammy quick enough to bug the break bar a few times. Too much power creep absolutely will break the game, not just in a balance sense, but in an actual bugs sense. The effect should be more severe on condi classes that have weaker direct damage skills. I have to imagine that fully customizable stats would seriously break dps condi chrono. You just overcapped condition damage. Or should have. If they let us do this stuff.What? Do you mean condi duration? Check my math, the condi duration stayed the same. If you mean condi damage, then I have no idea what your talking about, thats like saying power can overcap.
  3. I am skeptical of this statement. My intuition is that it would break the game, as Anet seems terrified of releasing some primary stat condi damage gear with expertise as a secondary. Lets work through an example and see. Here is sc's condi weaver:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGhAw2lZwmYXMJmJOqOmvKA-zRJYmRDfZEXBUZCo5BREqDiCfL6eWB-e If you turn on the typical raid buffs, you have 3468 power, 2043 precision, 2782 condi damage, 748 expertise. Now, if you swap all the vipers gear to trail blazers, you will see the power drops to 2295 and the precision drops to 1492. This means we are gaining 1173 power and 551 precision from our vipers gear. Now, as we know, precision can help with condi damage. For example, the burning precision trait has an on crit effect. So, for sake of simplicity, lets just say in a hypothetical situation with stat freedom, we left that 551 precision, but moved that 1173 power over to condi damage. Our condi damage increases from 2782 to 3955. The damage formula for burning is: (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131 This puts our vipers build at 562 burning per stack, and our theoretical build at 744 burning per stack. This is a 32% increase in our flame ticks. The damage formulate for bleeding is: (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22 This puts our vipers build at 189, and our theoretical build at 259, a 37% increase. Now, our ferocity and precision stayed the same, so we can simply recognize that our new power is 66% of our old power. I took a dps log I found on sc's discord for a condi weaver. 56% of their damage is burning, 22% is bleeding, the remaining 22% is power damage. The benchmark is 38,400. So we have the following changes moving from vipers to our theoretical build:burning: 21504 -> 28,467bleeding: 8448 -> 11,576power: 8448 -> 5591 total dps: 38400 -> 45634 Is that enough of a boost to be considered breaking the game? I don't know. We have had times when ele was hitting those numbers in the staff tempest era. I'm surprised, its not clearly broken. Although we are already at the point where players can skip a LOT of mechanics. Even my static, which is not a hardcore group, has dps'd sammy quick enough to bug the break bar a few times. Too much power creep absolutely will break the game, not just in a balance sense, but in an actual bugs sense. The effect should be more severe on condi classes that have weaker direct damage skills. I have to imagine that fully customizable stats would seriously break dps condi chrono.
  4. Dungeons were more about speed running (as in actually moving), with a 5-10 second burst of dps. Fractals are a lot more about speed killing. Both can be good, but they are quite different. If you never experienced dungeons pre-hot, I can understand why you would think the two are so similar. Most dungeon groups you have nowadays, none of the players are weapon swapping to move faster, or swapping utility skills, or pinging blast finishers/stealth fields to quickly coordinate with each other. But these things really did use to be common. It use to be challenging just to keep up with a group running through TA/CA/Arah. Comparing a group that does cm+t4s to an old speed run dungeon group, they were very different skill sets.
  5. I'm interested in it sure. Especially the idea of turning story instances into repeatable challenging content (that always seemed like low hanging fruit). But I am not very optimistic. I was also previously excited for bounties, the wintersday raid (or as anet put it, 10 man dungeon, I believe), and the instanced fights in dragons bash. All were serious let downs. Even fractals are a let down nowadays. But that's ok. The newest raid probably was a bit too easy (and too many kiters...), but I do at least enjoy it. And Anet told us they are developing new raids, so I'll have that.
  6. I'm probably getting trolled here, but w/e I'm fine with that being the case. However, if your not trolling then I gotta say this. If your going to make an argument for easy mode in raids, the case you laid out is a very poor argument. The tournament you watched today has restricted rules to make it harder: -challenge mote only (this is the equivalent of hard mode). 99% of groups you join are not doing challenge motes-9 players only. Most groups you join use 10 players-no downstate: any player who gets downed has to /gg The videos you watched today are almost completely disconnected from what your raid experience would be.
  7. You put so much work into this game kitty. Hopefully your disclaimer about meta builds being available at sc will cut out some of the hate you receive. It makes me sad to see the negative responses you get. I understand the builds you post aren't meta and hence constructive criticism is to be expected, but your also one of the few people who post on these forums with created content. I just wish some people were nicer to you. I hope your having fun. Anyways, your comment about the lingering light trait on druid in the boon thief thread was legitimately helpful, I had honestly forgotten that trait existed, and it helped make my static's run this week a little smoother.
  8. I can confirm it is still bugged. Really unfortunate because they revamped the rewards.
  9. Rifle kills still not counting for my preemptive strike achievement. 3 months out, still not fixed =/
  10. And ? How is that relevant? Your original point was that fractals already have, 'leg value' trinkets. And my point was that, no they don't, because mist trinket stat resetting doesn't incorporate into arc build templates. @lare.5129 said: wtf is a necklage? In pve we have amulets:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amulet And in pvp, we only have access to amulets:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Build#Amulets Do you actually play this game?
  11. I mean, using that mentality bloodstone trinkets are 'leg value' too. But if your looking to use arc build templates to swap back in forth quickly, for example power bs to condi bs, that just isn't going to work. Also amulet would come from pvp not wvw, since amulets are the armor/trinket you wear in pvp.
  12. I freely admit that 30 hours to clear wings 1-4 weekly for 10 weeks is realistic for an experienced raider. My last 1k LI have been in comparable situations to this. But your statement that 30 hours is the maximum, is so inaccurate it hurts your entire credibility. It gives me the impression you have literally never joined a training run, you seem to literally have no comprehension of how bad new raiders are. And again, let me emphasize your overall point that wvw and pvp routes to legendary armor are much slower is true. Which makes the fact that your inaccurate about these numbers so much more frustrating, your hurting your cause and your argument by being uninformedl.
  13. I would like legendary armor available through fractals (I don't think they should give envoy skin though, other skins that are easier for the artists to make would be good). I already have all 3 sets from raids, and I want more, but recrafting the same skins feels like a waste, and I wouldn't mind another way to earn more legendary gear with different skins. Then again, I have 1k+ LI sitting around, so I guess the real limit for me is the gifts of magic/might etc. Honestly, I wish Anet would just make more legendary equipment on the whole. Its taking them multiple years just to add a single legendary ring. Still no legendary amulet or 2nd accessory, and you can only get 1 aurora as it is. I think it would be pretty fitting for fractals to have legendary rings too, considering how important rings are to fractals.
  14. You wana see pugs wipe? have both chronos tank sh at 1005 toughness. Minstrels has its place.
  15. Funny how Anet didn't feel the need to warn players about these coming changes while the game was on sale over the past couple months. They were happy to take your money.
  16. Which also speaks against the OP's argument. The point remains: envoy armor is a skin that was specifically designed as a reward for those committing to so-called challenging group content. For those without inherent interest, there are two choices: don't try it (giving up on the skins) or take a stab (after which one might decide it is fun or that it's worth pushing through or give up on it). They also have the option of buying raid kills. If you buy just enough to get the collections done, and then just grind to 150 LI from MO,escort, and trio weekly, it only doubles the cost and takes around 10 months. This is a pretty reasonable way for a non-raider to get the armor. Listen to yourself. The "reasonable" way for a non-raider to get legendary armor should be to craft it, same as the weapons. There is literally no reason the acquisition of the two should be different, unlike every other tier of gear.The method I described above is the crafting method....Do you not know that legendary armor is crafted?
  17. Which also speaks against the OP's argument. The point remains: envoy armor is a skin that was specifically designed as a reward for those committing to so-called challenging group content. For those without inherent interest, there are two choices: don't try it (giving up on the skins) or take a stab (after which one might decide it is fun or that it's worth pushing through or give up on it).They also have the option of buying raid kills. If you buy just enough to get the collections done, and then just grind to 150 LI from MO,escort, and trio weekly, it only doubles the cost and takes around 10 months. This is a pretty reasonable way for a non-raider to get the armor.
  18. At its core, I think raids are about hard fights and great loot. I think the mystic forge is a fine location for that. Story is fun, we have 5 raids with story related to core story, 1 side story isn't a problem
  19. after dumping a lot of exotics in to the forge, and getting 2 pre's (both UNDERWATER), I can't wait to kill Zomorros
  20. Dead old content? much wow I'm confused, arn't you trying to get your newbie friends geared up? The content isn't old for them....
  21. Yup bug is still there, pretty disappointing. I think its better to necro this thread than to start a new one, considering necroing shows how long this bug has been around.
  22. Fractals in the same tier are suppose to be the same difficulty....in modern times. That is all also only because of a rework.
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