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Everything posted by Dagger.2035

  1. It’s fine in PvP. It just needs a coefficient bump in PvE.
  2. Basically I’m bringing this back up after all of these years due to the Shadow Arts changes. I used to run S/D with Shadow Arts pre-HoT and I need that build to pop in and out of stealth to proc the defensive traits. It’s no longer possible with the cooldown. I can continue to run a normal S/D build to avoid this issue and use stealth attacks situationally. It seems like the existing implementation only benefits main hand dagger builds. It slows down other builds which need to play more aggressively. I would just like access to my auto attack chain instead of waiting for a second stealth attack. Reveal on a missed stealth attack seems like the best option and it would provide more counter play to stealth.
  3. I know, I commented against the change back in the day. I’m not even playing main hand dagger. I just feel it is a half arsed implementation when there are better alternatives.
  4. Is it just me or does the current cooldown on stealth attacks feel like it ruins the fluid playstyle of thieves? I never liked this implementation since I would prefer just to auto-attack to exit stealth. Instead, I have to wait for the cooldown or burn initiative and use a different skill. I have a couple alternatives to the cooldown and wanted to see what you guys think: After a missed stealth attack, skill #1 reverts back to auto attack during the stealth attack cooldown. This lets you choose to wait or auto-attack. After a missed stealth attack, you are revealed. I wouldn't mind this approach and it would reward opponents for avoiding a stealth attack.
  5. The discord leak confirmed the messed-up balance philosophy. It always seemed like Guardian and Engineer were favored by the developers. Guardian excels in every game mode and has many build options. Engineer always gets well designed weapon skills and tends to dominate in PvP when it gets a new elite spec. Meanwhile thief gets random balance changes which have no effect. Elementalist gets continually nerfed and can't compete when played at a high skill level. Then the discord leak confirmed everything. The developer doesn't believe higher skill gameplay should produce better results. He believes all classes should perform equally regardless of APM or long skill rotations. He doesn't know how to balance classes that he doesn't play: Warrior, Ranger, Thief. And to top it off he plays Guardian and Engineer. This approach to balancing is completely wrong. Builds which require more skill should produce better results. Builds which only bring DPS and nothing else should perform better than builds which offer group support. The latest elite specs should not outperform everything.
  6. It certainly seems like this is the case. Berserker’s Scorched Earth is going to be removed next. Must be a bunch of cry babies that can’t move out of AOEs. The Elementalist’s Fiery Greatsword was the perfect way to provide 10 target skills. High cooldown and high risk to get in melee range. We should have had more 10 target elite skills like this for the other professions.
  7. The changes to Shadow’s Rejuvenation and Hidden Thief make them very similar to these original core traits: Infusion of Shadow - Gain 2 initiative when using a skill that stealths you Cloaked in Shadow - Going steath blinds nearby foes Back in the day you could use SA with S/D and just spam Cloak and Dagger and Tactical Strike continuously to spam blinds and daze. The +2 initiative made this possible. I’m not saying this will be effective in today’s meta. I just find it interesting that the traits came full circle.
  8. I don’t care how they do it. The auto-play traits for all professions just need to be the worst option to pick once you no longer need training wheels. Prior to the cooldown nerfs the game was awful since HoT released. Stun someone and a trait kicks in. Burst someone and a trait kicks in. Since some of these traits also applied their own control effects we had traits just reflecting CC back and forth on their own. You had to stop using CC as a staff elementalist in WvW since you would turn into a human ping pong ball for several seconds.
  9. There has to be a few other S/D players running core.
  10. Shh. I don’t want them to mess with Acrobatics. In my opinion the 300 second cooldowns were a good thing. Traits which play the game for you should be training wheels which you eventually want to move away from.
  11. There’s too many PPT players that make a fuss over guild claims. I’ve seen a person defending camps complain that the guild who claimed the camp should be defending it and not them. No one asked you to defend it. The outer EB towers flip constantly so they don’t get claimed most of the night. I claim it to provide the aura but want to wait until the tower upgrades before slotting anything, but you will get complaints as soon as a slot is available.
  12. I’m usually only in voice coms with one other person, but we see the same issue. We both have the same queue position and it stays in sync, but only one of us will get the travel prompt. It only happens when we queue on reset nights.
  13. It would be nice to have a basic personal DPS meter in GW2. I’m not willing to risk installing 3rd party tools.
  14. I agree. They’ve had 27 chances to address issues in WvW, but PVE is always the top priority in profession design.
  15. I think it would be better for the game mode if the warclaw was more easily accessible. It seems like a big disadvantage to play without it.
  16. I think I missed a joke about a hill and a revenants COR...
  17. Approaches the mic... Why are revenants bad at multi-tasking? Every time they swap build templates, they forget their skill order. Why do revenants have to stand back to hammer in a nail? If they stand too close their COR misses. Why are revenants afraid of turtles? Even a turtle can outrun their COR. Why do revenants avoid the beach? The crabs are always sidestepping out of their COR.
  18. This is awful. It is difficult enough to produce downs and secure kills when pugs try to defend objectives from attacking boon blobs. Most downs will be mass resurrected immediately. Damage and mobility are the main advantages a pug cloud has over a boon blob. You just need skilled players which can anticipate the blob's movements, free cast damage, and kite when necessary. Nerfing the damage further gives the advantage to the side with numbers. I haven't heard any damage complaints recently on the forums, discord, or in the game. Where did these nerfs come from?
  19. But if fewer players cloud the zerg, then the cloud can concentrate their damage while the zerg goes after individual targets.
  20. Question 1 - 0.5 points Question 2 - 1.5 points Question 3 - 1.75 points Question 4 - 0 points Question 5 - 1.75 points Total: 5.5 I’m not a scrub!
  21. It’s very self serving to call people lazy for wanting to zerg. People play this game for a variety of reasons. For example, I mainly play every reset for kills. I like to play high risk glass zerg builds and measure my success by comparing my kill total to other players on the same server via gw2mists.com. Others may have different reasons or goals for playing the game. I also gave up on PPT years ago after HoT. Game changes made the scouting/roaming role less important and there is less appreciation for upgrading objectives now since it happens automatically. Roaming also feels like a waste of time to me since you can find better fights in PvP. I don’t feel like I’m achieving anything by killing inexperienced players and players running zerg builds.
  22. I’m not saying Daredevil can’t have good dps. Reaper and Berserker can have high damage too. My problem with those builds is that they are very situational and require melee fights. Which is why I rarely use them any more. You either need numbers where anything works, or a coordinated pug group which is doing frequent melee pushes. It is much safer to run the builds I listed and switch to melee if the situation allows it.
  23. It’s about using the right tool for the right job. In large scale fights scourges are way more effective than thieves. If you try playing a Herald, Dragonhunter, Scourge, or Weaver you’ll notice a huge increase in damage and kills. I doubt you will want to play Daredevil any more once fights have 30+ people.
  24. Using your definitions I would make the following changes: Dragonhunter - S Tempest - B Berserker - C Virtuoso - D
  25. Unions have their own set of problems. You could have two firebrands with the same seniority and vastly different skill levels but they will earn the same amount of bags. A new firebrand will see the bag pay scale in the union handbook and will protest by auto attacking so his effort matches his pay. Then you will have a firebrand show up late for raids or be a no call no show and you won’t be able to fire him.
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