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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. (Edit: just to be clear I am not the author of this video - I just found it on YT.) Video of the bug:
  2. A character with Fire Blossom Tattoo Chest (as confirmed by mousing over the chest piece in Equipment) is now showing the Serpentine Tattoo Chest graphics on the character, both in Character Preview and in-game. The same character has Fire Blossom Tattoo Legs and those show with incorrect dye colors in both Character Preview and in-game. Character: Human Female
  3. My current iteration of this concept, which I continue to enjoy: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiQAYlJwUYesNWJe6XdNVA-zRRYVRBXgZQ+lR6JQHFg3LTPCA-e With the cele gear, Sigil of Concentration, and food such as the Birthday Cake or Oyster Soup, this provides 1.5 sec of Quick & Alac per shatter, with the Quick being shared to 5 people. Mirror heal with 12s CD is more reliable than the Ether signet. Mirror Images definitely feels better than Domination signet. Perhaps in long fights Domination is better, I don't know. I have scepter/sword for the second weapons, but almost never see a reason or opportunity to use them.
  4. This. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of DPS check - kill mobs before your filters run out?? But all that would do is discourage smaller groups from running the meta. The filters add nothing of value. Remove the filters.
  5. After some more play, I tried swapping in Mirror Images in place of Domination signet. I like it: in group events it just felt better to be able to almost instantly pop 3 clones (Mirror + Staff2) and shatter them, to ramp up and share boons sooner.
  6. Looks like you are right - I tested it near an NPC and they still got quickness, so it must be only a tooltip error. Surprised there was no mention of it on the wiki.
  7. I was just trying this build out in the Dragon Stand meta and had a lot of fun with it. Seems to be pretty effective and straightforward to play. I had cele armor & viper trinkets, so not an exact replica of the OP's build but still worked well. Hardest thing with staff was to not constantly try to use dodge, since for my muscle memory: staff + mesmer = Mirage.
  8. I want to make sure I understand this interaction: Chrono with Seize the Moment grandmaster shares out quickness on shatters. But if in Illusions I choose the Shatter Storm trait, then F1 changes from Split Second to Bladesong Harmony, and the tooltip no longer shows F1 as granting quickness or alacrity. So, is this a tooltip error, or does using Shatter Storm actually prevent sharing of quick/alac on F1 use?
  9. Trying out Specter in OW and am appalled at the unreliability of wells due to 'No valid path to target'. This occurs in multiple maps, in areas where terrain varies by a few inches in height. These are not JP or other restricted areas; just typical outdoor map terrain. It's entirely unpredictable when a well is going to work or not. Really ruins a lot of potential for Specter.
  10. Just as food for thought, this is what I have for staff Catalyst healing build w/Magi&Minstrel: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAYlFwsYYMF2Lm0XXxfA-zRRYQRBeMszIRJQ1KA7OAA-e More typically, I'd use an all-around Cele Water&Arcane build, which ofc has much weaker healing but I still pick up a lot of players off the ground during metas, bounties, etc.: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAYJlFwuYUMF2Lm6XXxfA-zxIY1ogvM6NBCpAkfAA-e
  11. I like the overall philosophy, except for two things: Absence of a commitment to Profession identity - maybe it is implicit, but there was no mention of maintaining or enhancing profession identity, whilst skill identity (i.e., purity of purpose) and role identity (e.g., damage, support, etc.) were explicitly noted. Chrono is probably the most well-noted case of profession identity erosion. Absence of skill splits for 'PVE' - conflating open world PVE and instanced PVE into a single category of skill split has been a source of balance problems, which usually impacts open world worse (and hence, newer players as well) when a change is made to nerf overperforming RAID/fractal builds in certain compositions. I understand this was somewhat addressed in the philosophy ("When bringing down a build that only overperforms at a particular level..."), but I think establishing a split between open world PVE and instanced PVE skill balance would provide opportunities for balance that could result in 'the best for each mode', instead of balance choices which end up being 'the least worst for both modes'.
  12. Making the hammer3 weapon mechanic into a Cata spec mechanic has three problems: The projectiles are inherently close-range (130), and would add little to no damage synergy to ranged (staff or scepter) Cata builds. (Yes, I agree they would at least get the buff benefits.) To generate them, pressing F5 every time one swaps attunement is boring and tedious. To upkeep the projectiles would push Cata builds to constantly swap attunements just as a maintenance requirement, not for actual gameplay. This is unfun and especially problematic for staff, with its many slow cast times. What if....just throwing this out....the projectiles were generated automatically simply by swapping attunements (in-combat only)? Madness, eh? Rate of projectile generation is still gated by attunement swap CDs. Removes the unfun tedious 'press a button after swapping' just to summon and maintain the projectiles. Upkeep of projectiles still requires attune-swapping. Replace the master trait Evasive Empowerment with one that enables the damage portion of projectile generation on attune-swap (i.e., w/o this trait projectiles are generated but only give the player the buffs associated w/that projectile), or perhaps w/o this trait the DPS and buffs from projectiles are 50% of their current value, so selecting the trait doubles buffs/dmg from projectiles. This gives a good tradeoff option between this new projectiles trait, Spectacular Sphere (remove the 10% DPS penalty ofc), and Empowering Auras. Otherwise, I don't see making the hammer3 weapon mechanic into a Cata spec mechanic.
  13. I largely agree. Catalyst was mostly a hammer spec, not an ele spec. Also, the dedication of the entire top row of Cata traits to auras was ill-conceived, since Cata itself does not bring auras to the table as part of the class mechanic & utilities - unlike Tempest - and so 1/3 of the Cata traits are useless for most ele weps. That said, I do main a staff Catalyst, and it works well for me, although staff is still underpowered. Energy is an annoyance but I can live with it; I rarely try to build energy, mostly its just a background occurrence. The 10% DPS penalty for choosing Spectacular Sphere is just bad. Bad. Ideally, choosing SpecSphere should inherently be a tradeoff from choosing either of the other 2 trait choices. The route they took just shows that those other two choices are not as strong or impactful as they should be.
  14. ITEM: Jade Tech Skirt ISSUE: Clipping of body thru the skirt on the right hip of a female human body CONDITIONS: Any female human Physique with wider/larger hips (e.g., top row 2nd from left, or bottom row 1st on left).
  15. This is flawed logic - there is no requirement to make Weaver attune CDs even lower just because baseline is lowered. There is nothing 'forced' here; instead, lowering CD frees up the ability to attune-swap more, but that does not make it 'forced'. By this argument, Weaver destroys the identity of the ele class.
  16. I agree that attune CD needs to come down - this CD creates a limiter on access to both support and DPS abilities that makes ele feel unnecessarily clunky, even more so for core. It's a remnant of old design. Reducing attune CD would loosen up this limiter, and make ele feel more fluid. Whether the exact value should 5 or 6 or 7 sec, it still needs to be less than the current base of 10 sec. The counter-argument that you should have to take Arcane trait line and/or ONLY go Weaver just points to 1) how ill-designed the current CD value is, when attune-swapping is a core mechanic of ele; and 2) the ele community has not been complaining that Weaver trait (attune CD of 4 sec) is too low, so it seems inane to try to make that argument that a lower CD for core ele or other elites would be a problem. Skill CD is still going to gatekeep DPS, but lowering attune CD will greatly improve feel and flexibility. Again, whether its a reduction to 5 or 6 or 7 sec - anything is better than the status quo.
  17. I'd like to see Focus mainhand, as a ranged weapon. Focus is a magic-casting weapon, so thematically it seems the perfect option for an Ele. (There's nothing hardwired about Focus requiring it to be offhand-only, its just been the convention. E.g., dagger can be offhand-only on Rangers, but can be mainhand on Soulbeasts.)
  18. It is perhaps imperfect, but it does substantiate the subjective experiences of group play where mechs appear to be an excessively large percentage of the group.
  19. Anet: When will Mech Wars 2 return to being Guild Wars 2? Or should we just start referring to it as Imba Wars 2? https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity Sure, I could create a Mechanist, but that's neither a balance solution nor does it reduce the imbalance in the player landscape. The Aug 23 patch certainly did far too little to address this. Besides, this green fungus infesting the visual landscape needs some serious mold control. ====== EDIT: I posted this in the General Discussion forum and now it has been moved to Professions/Engineer forum??? kitten? This is an issue that affects balance between all professions, and the health of the game overall. ======
  20. What armor/trinkets/sigils/runes are you using?
  21. I endorse this post. I use staff Catalyst but its essentially the same issues, as almost all of these these affect staff ele generally, and so these issues will also be affecting all leveling eles.
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