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Fat Disgrace.4275

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Everything posted by Fat Disgrace.4275

  1. It is also blockable so even a necro can stop this with poison cloud , if said nec really wanted to that is lol. Anyway, things like assassins signet needs a good nuke, because stealth attacks can already hit hard, there is no need for this signet.
  2. Thief Profession Immunity To Nerfings continues..... Heartseeker(notice the date>>>>Sep 7, 2012<<<<) Backstab(notice the date>>>>Nov 14, 2012<<<<) -this really never gets old- 8 years later.........WHERE ARE THE 'NERFS!!!!!''???? The nerfs have what made theif today. There is nothing left apart from condi theif or 1 shot perma stealth, most "normal" theif builds got nerfed too much to bother putting effort to play them, not when you can just mark/assassins signet burst.
  3. How more telegraphed do you want dj to be? good question, maybe something like an laser tag - would fit the sniper theme as well :D give it 1 sec reaction time and i would not complain about itIt is already 3/4 second big red lazer pointing at you with a very distinctive sound. Not defending the 11k hits here but you shouldn't be complaining that there is no counter to this stealth attack
  4. Ok fair point about 11k hits but do you play with your eyes closed, and or no sound? Because deaths judgement have both very clear audio and visual tells, the audio even over rides all other sounds just like voice overs in combat
  5. Power, Condition and Bunker is how Guild Wars 2 balance itself. Just like everyone else,Thief Profession adjusts itself with the meta of choice. The Toxic road in all of this is and why this isn't a good look is...... for the past 8 years......there is nothing new to this -No Lessons Were Learned-Thief Profession can still +1 shotThief Profession condition is still ToxicThief Profession can still perma-stealthThief Profession can still stack stealthThief Profession Mechanics and Skills remain ToxicThief Profession Teleport continue to be exploitable Thief Profession is still Bad Design The only remedy to this is for a complete redesign or to completely remove this profession altogether until than......Guild Wars will never coexist with Toxicity War/ranger/mes/fresh air ele/guardian can all pretty much nuke people too from stealth, before patch I got hit for 16k executioner scythe...why are they not toxic? It dosnt take much for an ally theif to stealth them up.
  6. Noticed way more "skill" lag since patch, I assume its because in zerg fights there are far more condi stacks then before.
  7. i guess people are not use to seeing necs perform well out side guard baby sit.
  8. Plenty of condi revs on EU, as well as a few condi rangers, seena few condi core mes and berserkers
  9. my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying. And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them. You proved many times before that you have no idea what you're talking about and this time is not different. says a Thief Profession player Nah, I play multiple classes and if you actually ever read what I write, I never(?) try to push stupid buffs on any proffession, also actually advocated for some nerfs or adjustment to anything I play as well. So whatever point you're trying to make here -you probably need to re-evaluate your knowledge/opinion, because it's false. And if you ever read what i continually advocated for, is to expose Toxicity for what it is and to have it either to be redesign with healthy competitive elements or to be completely eradicated. Also to defend Professions who are blamed for it and to expose those who are abusing ToxicityNobody really reads what you say because its utter nonsense. De is toxic, well shadow arts is so let's blame every single theif build.
  10. "but now... comes out". Wait what? The legendary wvw armor is not really new. O_o Well ok, but it's been out since what, before pof? Point is people had plenty of time to farm wvw exp before hand.
  11. Well, it is a pretty large beast so realistically it should use more energy being the size it is to dodge.
  12. Running full zerker pack runes defence spell discipline. Sheild master armored attack and RR Bulls charge shake it off balance stance. Bulls charge is still pretty much a must have in wvw roaming, never cared for the dmg anyway but IT was a nice bonus. Still immune to crit hits and 3 stun breaks kinda make rr worth taking over ci, not touched tactics or strength yet and using mending heal just to see how it works out. I like defence because reflects on sheild are too good, especially vs deaths judgment lol
  13. You might only be ironical here but a lot of ppl were saying that in a serious way, so i will say it once again. This is completely wrong. I am too tired to restart wall of explaining but in semi short: Even for a class/ spec that is not build around doing more with dodges than only evading attack, this is a stupid change, dumbs down dodge management skillwise by a lot. With other words, on not a single class in the game, not even on a class/spec/ build that can passively facetank way more than a Mirage and only needs to dodge pure defensive, this change would make any sense and will always lower skill ceiling and tactical deepness in dodge management. And the more you compensate the overnerf on the dodge bar with more endurance reggen/ vigor uptime the more braindead on cd, non reactive spammy the dodge behavior will get. Doesn't even need to be mentioned that Mirage gets double dumbed down (in particular on the not op and high skill ceiling active builds like Powermirage) by making every pure offensive dodge to actively and reactive and well timed hit an ambush rewards on the target 100% impossible. But that pure offensive dodging to hit dodge rewards to actively outplay opponents is all the skill ceiling, tactical deepness and harder decision making Mirgae is based on. So gg you made Mirage dodge behavior even more passive and even more braindead spammy and that even doubled compared to other classes would get dumbed down by that nonsense change already. Did that solve the problem of the passive condi clone dmg at all? No, at least not when Mirage will be playable. Deleting problems by deleting specs is no good balance. Nerfing op stuff at its roots and higher (not lower) skill ceiling and do not overnerf not op and skillful builds as a spin-off are changes i want to see. Actually I was being sarcastic, ofc it was silly to knock 50 endurance off :-/ Anyway, dumbing down? Seem to misunderstood you but I thought by removing that 50 endurance its raised the skill level up because now it's a lot harder to fight with out the double dodge, I thought dumbing down things is like, for example giving theif instant reflexes and dagger storm. Playing a high evading class shouldn't rely on passive evade trait- that's what I thought dumbing down meant
  14. So game has been out for years, people had plenty of time to play wvw on and off but now a shiny armour comes out, pve people demand easier way to get it. Ok sucks for complete new players but that's how it is.
  15. Just means mirage cant double dodge at the start of the fight, no big deal right? But no. It's ok for trade offs but there was nothing to compensate at all, a faster regen on vigor would be nice or restore some of the vigor nerfs previously. Just removing 50 endurance was like a suker punch, even if mirage cloak it self was busted above all other dodge mechanics
  16. Wvw players should be rich since upgrades become free in keeps/towers
  17. In zerg fight I could land 15k vaults, on squishy targets that have vulnerability stacks and I had might, with assassins signet popped. That is a lot of dmg for sure but at least they are melee and quite often you're blinded/cc anyway.But you get revs using 6k hammer bolts or 8k+ from that other skill (not cor) from 1200 range and inside a zerg, not to mention 1 hammer attack evades and clears Mark's 7k on 3500 armour you say? Seems about right tbh
  18. All jokes aside, Warrior does feel quite bad right now. Headbutt is laughable, Berserker's Stance is needed more than ever but it's stuck at a cumbersome 40 seconds, Hammer is unusable, Sustain feels gutted etc. Good. No more faceroll on keyboard is always welcomed.All classes were face roll before patch too
  19. Just buy it now? It could take a year and could of easily worked an extra half a day in the mean time which is kinda pointless.
  20. Haha, he banned again. Well folks, today is the day for all wet noodles to break loose
  21. Dunno what's closer in relation. A rat, goblin, a gremlin or a gnome??? Says the character with the name "Fat Disgrace" B) Are you fat shaming? I am reporting that for hate crime
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