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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Which...is a good thing, no? For instance, the reason teleburst Untamed was nerfed is this exact reason, could queue up a Maul through a wall and burst. I'd much rather change that to a targeted ground rather than the animation nerf it currently has. This is true as well--classes were balanced at one point around certain mechanics that have been all but thrown out the window.
  2. Where are you fighting them though? Unless something has changed, 'true' mag only fights in or around SMC--if you are on borderland getting cloud farmed, that's most likely mag's link.
  3. What ranged builds though? What's difference between deadeye that also carries dagger and untamed that uses LB/GS? Why is one skill ground target and the other actual target when both classes have additional mitigation in form of mobility and stealth? Additionally, why does Willbender have both an actual target in JI and a ground target in Crashing Courage? On a spec with super mobility that is typically only melee--this goes against 'ranged builds need it, but melee does not', correct? Skill functionality for who? Because, as listed above it is nowhere near standardized. Since you are so hardline to skill functionality and flow, what if all classes had ground target shadowsteps/teleports? As practically every class now has a shadowstep type skill with exception of I think warrior?
  4. Since mobility is through the roof in the game now, trying to think of a good reason to keep ground-targeted shadowsteps / teleports around? Some professions like thief have ground target skill that has always been part of the mechanic with literal Shadowstep skill, but the disparity between classes and skills that need target and do not is pretty wide and random. Are there actual use cases for ground targets outside PvE skips / WvW exploits, running endlessly up vertical walls in WvW / SPvP, etc.?
  5. Basically this--you can solo a t1 fractal in about 20 min and make 1-2g if you get good encryption roll (or at least 1g just selling the boxes), but have to open 10x that amount with the WvW boxes lol Both are like super low effort, but just goes in line with PvE > WvW for rewards.
  6. This is pretty accurate. Actual roaming has been dead for years, and for a while it got replaced by ganking until cele/boon/EoD specs showed up, now it's just groups of people standing outside keeps/spawn all day waiting for someone to go to the sentry and then jumping them. Thieves are usually part of this equation, but now they aren't the main attraction but supplemental to hit you while you can't defend. It's a common combo, mobility + tank--yesterday ran into it but not thief, rather core necro + wb--massive amount of condis and what mobility the necro didn't have, the WB did--and it was necro so they'd just do the spectral grasp pull / bomb and if you live, the WB chase you down, etc. etc.
  7. If you want something fun, randomly whisper a thief and ask them why they play the class. Most defensive responses I've ever seen, and I've done it four to five times now at random in WvW 😂.
  8. Just more ways to be unkillable with 0 effort
  9. It's stealth + mobility that's stupid. For instance, like scepter DD--Rune of Fireworks from stealth / condi bomb, if you don't die from it, they run with the 3 dodges, ports, more stealth....
  10. Gold what and below, as G3 is Top 250 and has been for forever now. Even if we say duo is less of an issue in G1 and below, does it matter? Who is duo really affecting then? On the opposite, hate how the forums always talk about plat 2 as if it's 'the norm' when literally its top 20. 99.9% of the game exists outside of plat 2, so best to prove duo q is a problem in gold and below or they'll never touch it, because why should they for 20 people...8-10 of which are alts? I say this as someone who solo q's up to around ~1500 each season on a non-meta build--to me, balancing is far more of an issue than duo q because many times you will get one on each team as they are so prevalent now. Getting two per team is probably what I'd consider an issue but also somewhat of a unicorn for me, as I haven't encountered that very much (and the one time I did which has vid on here was actually a pretty good game lol).
  11. Mag doesn't fight boonballs--they sit in keeps all day and/or 'cloud' around structures. Now, we've seen SPACE and such post 5-man destruction balls before, just running over pugs of 20+--where are the opposite videos of an equal or smaller force winning by skill and not boons? This is way easier said than done if you aren't stealth stomping on a thief. Of course if you have massive disenage potential + stealth you can stomp---the rest of us have some issues with this even with stability if the enemy knows how to CC. Been in enough outnumbered to tell you how annoying a single ele mist forming away from a stomp is when another 2+ people are beating on you or trying to rez.
  12. Should be. But let's face it, there are crappy non-scaling rewards for killing too. Get that same heavy lootbag whether I'm actively 2v1'ing in the field or just blobbing around hitting 1. There is no skill in WvW.
  13. It has ICD/Interval of 1s, could this be what you are noticing? Guess to really test this, can try hunker down--should get rugged growth for each tick of protection as both are 1s. EDIT: Tried it in-game and I think its ok--was getting rugged growth tick for each prot tick (jumped into a bunch of mobs in Malchor's Leap for quick test). They probably just need to update the tooltip to 'when affected by protection' instead of 'while affected by protection.' But for the topic, if they want it to work like the wording, then need to remove the ICD on it.
  14. You've never seen Obsidian or Ruby/Emerald JP's in your Weekly? I've had them multiple times and have all three boxes checked--would imagine you'd see them a lot more often if just WvW checked?
  15. What do you think will happen when they introduce maces? To me melee Ranger is far healthier than "pew from 1500 zoom across the map with 5 movement skills and a bunch of movment clearing ones and throw in a block" that Sic' Em soulbeast was. It looks like anet feels no ranger spec is allowed as they nerfed both sic em and melee and I will bet further nerf melee once they realize all these 'fun' mace changes only work in PvE balance.
  16. Cause literally how are core guard (of any kind) and condi ranger specs taking you out? Immob on ranger I'm super confused about as they (literally) deleted Ancient Seeds and took the immob off Prelude Lash--so your best immobs are now on pets that can't hit anything. I guess there's Entangle but...how many ways can someone get out of that again? Anyway, I digress, because I still don't know how you die to core guard without being +1'd or literally standing there on top of them and on fire actively refusing to use cleanses. But I agree with specter, mes, and even necro (reaper is crazy right now and scourge is definition of 1 button condi bunker)--but the others? Zerker and mech seem kind of middle of the road as well, like if they are tipping the balance the comp on your team is probably already bad. Maybe it's just me being super embarassed to ever die to a mech because it has all the problems of ranger pet AI with not a ton of upsides.
  17. So...all specs besides ele? As you can build rev for condi too--so what, we just need to give ele a condi spec and then your fine because everyone has a condi build?
  18. This is confusing to me as I swear, we went back and forth about Maul (pig variant) being OP, and sword being OP, and smokescale opener being OP, and smokescale KD having no tell--and put them all together like Voltron you get the mass gutting of SLB we now have. As all that was the case for base 'Sic Em' soulbeast, aside from sword buffs--so when was that ever fun to fight? But that aside, I don't disagree--as has been evident from my posts months back on Soulbeast, think it was a L2P issue more than anything that anet went waaaay overboard on.
  19. You mentioned weaver...it's more powerful than Druid in sPvP and I do fine on Druid in g3 and beyond, so not sure what you are getting at. To put it simply for you, LB/GS Untamed was good, but relied too much on UT for gap closing, so lost a lot of momentum when they nerfed that. Burst soulbeast was obviously good until they went way overboard and destroyed sword/OWP/etc. damage, so now it can't hold up. Staff/Dagger untamed was always a meme, I've said that repeatedly on various forums here now lol. The question is, what build do ranger haters want to be good? As literally every one gets complained about, even bad ones like the aforementioned untamed build.
  20. I do pretty good as have the necessary reading comprehension to tell class from build 😉
  21. Man 9 years ago looks like this was made in 2001---I really hope whoever made that upgraded their rig since this was taken 😂
  22. It wasn't because that build was trash. It's the balancing and the 100% increase on CD in a hotfix window that was the egregiously stupid part.
  23. If it's not crying about ranger LB it's about single ranger hate bubble...when that's not even the strongest projectile denial we have. Can't win either way, just want ranger nerfed. Gotta love it.
  24. Stability could be moved from perilous gift to mutate conditions, which would match up with dolyak stance for stunbreak + condi remove + stability, and even somehow still manage to be slightly worse / even as Dolyak gives damage reduction vs mutate conditions full clear for vuln. I don't like stability on cantrip trait (with their other effects it probably could get out of line quick); nor would they let nature's binding boonshare--they barely let let loose share quickness in PvE. Also don't think they should touch forest fortif outside of maybe making it 75s and no hit requirement to reduce CD. The overall problem they have with untamed is competitive--for instance, the unleashed #3 is a hate bubble, so can't stick stab on that too. I think competitive is reason they wouldn't put boons on unleashed pet skills, they already have bonus effects, but you have to CC to get those to activate.
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