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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Cripple alone is useless in competitive when we have chill and, in some cases, slow. Anything else is copium. For cripple to work, it has to work like: Crippling Shot - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) which has an immob component when flanking. There's zero reason to remove the hard CC in PvE though outside of as someone said they can't put an effect in one enviro and not another. If that's the case then cripple is just the default choice as the CC removal is huge detriment for setting up bursts in any competitive enviro that isn't in the middle of a zerg blob. So, they had to add something to it outside damage as they basically obliterated the skill without any real explanation. Anyway, just switch to Gazelle, it probably actually outclasses smokescale now as it still has two CC's, does good damage, and the smoke field really isn't necessary anymore after all the 'burst from stealth' nerfs ranger has endured over the last year.
  2. That one was glitched so you could just stand there until the timer ran out and everyone tie and still got credit lol
  3. +1 if I read it right and the confusion stacks are backward for PvE / competitive---looks like 2 for PvE and 5 for WvW/PvP?!
  4. A lot of AFK is also tied to rage-quitters--giving them the power to votekick would be bad if they are also in duo with a friend/alt. You'd go to votekick them and end up getting kicked yourself or waste enough time on the whole process that you lose the game anyway. My latest experience with AFK happened at end of game too, the aforementioned rage quit. Had a BS that wanted to hero far all game, kept dying, cost us the game as they could have been literally anywhere else contributing--gets mad, afk's and blocks rest of team. Not sure how vote kick solves that type of issue.
  5. IMO, it's overabundance of chill + fast regen shroud/double HP bar--outside of that seems balanced. Hard to burst them down too when second bar is down because running glassier stats typically gets you +1 or die trying as they can pelt with pistol too now in order to stall. Too many of them is a bad thing though--had a Q with 3 reapers on my team, we lost badly 😂.
  6. This is a fair point, not one that happened here but one I've been encountering a lot this season. Will right click / add friend / report / etc. a player to see acct name and lot of them 1-2k AP alts. Lose those matches ~80% a time no matter what you do, as at end they will inevitably throw even if you are winning so they can stay low ELO. Not sure how they'd punish that or discourage it. Maybe bump it up to rank 30 before you can do ranked (forget if it's at 10 or 20 right now)? Or even higher--I know can still grind that out on an alt but if you have to be 30-40+ to do ranked that's got to drop a few of the less dedicated ones out?
  7. That Druid makes me cry. Like they went out of their way to not use any class mechanic at all 😂.
  8. Thanks. Started the season off at 1480ish, but matchmaking has been really weird this season even morso than usual for me, so that game was legit sitting at 1260. I kind of wonder if it has a 'memory' or something built into it where it factors in your highest achieved ranking for that season or something. Kind of doubting it, probably just grabbed whoever was on at the time but it actually was a pretty fun challenge. One thing I do know is that it knew the match was weird when I only lost -9 instead of -15 ~ -20 on normal losses lol.
  9. One day I'll make a roaming video with them where I actually try. You can PM your server and I'll try to get you in it if you want.
  10. That's a fair point--if it was an equippable item like thief's steal then I think Siamoth may straight up outclass smokescale due to still having a CC. Though having constant feathers now probably isn't as bad as I initially thought, as the upside is it is no longer random.
  11. Nerfed--pig Maul was nerfed a few months back on the merged version and siamoth doesn't drop plasma anymore, so all Forages are worthless now.
  12. Agreed. What FFA enjoyers do not realize is if 2v2 or 3v3 was permanent then sPvP would have actually, legit been dead a long time ago. So 1v1 is so far off the radar that it has no bearing on really anything other than maybe doing some quick tests--but it more like a cult over there 😂.
  13. This is true, if enemy comp has scourge/core guard then only answer is to play sides as no way you are getting mid. This works if you can kill them quickly, otherwise you are leaving 2 node uncontested--will lose by points majority of time if you do this. As all enemy has to do is come join you then if you lose, will get spawn camped.
  14. To summarize (so far): Pets are the star of the show here as this topic started on sPvP forums--welcome all you normies! Bear bow may be back because of one Daze, if you step into sPvP watch out for that polar bear with hugely telegraphed roar Ranger roaming is dead despite smokescale getting damage now and still having the smoke field as ranger has no other setup CC's Turtle/Gazelle combo is just now seeing light of day when it has been good for...almost 2 years now, because turtle has an extra CC that sometimes hits people who are sleeping Some are still having Vietnam flashbacks about meme soulbeast--good thing dodge keys did not need to be located as anet took a tactical nuke to the build for them Finally, despite all balancing in past year pointing to bunker, ranger somehow is going to be balanced to be fast and have lot of stealth like thief to be roamer as dev's use number of characters typed in feedback threads to balance by
  15. Just the merged variant needs nerfing. You'll be lucky if they don't obliterate Sic Em' completely though because of these types of videos. regardless, they need to stop balancing pets around meme 1-shot montages when the pet itself can't actually do this.
  16. You're misunderstanding the point--I really don't care how they performed, as I wasn't giving much effort because it's literally BG, only so much you can do with a server based on running if not vastly outnumbered. If you want to highlight a point, make a fail montage of you using maces or something? Not sure what to tell you here and sick of going in circles about your perception of my video lol. If they fix force of nature generation then maces have potential, full stop.
  17. It wouldn't surprise me if there is an internal cap on it--it's an older trait and boon duration spamming wasn't a thing then--pulsing boons were. As said before, it may make more sense to reword and/or rework it to only when you get protection it triggers Rugged Growth for a set period of time. Could be good in certain situations--such as dodge roll back to back, or could be bad for longer duration protection, but probably better for the game health this way.
  18. The term Pay to Win really only applies to games that have random loot drops which also carry stats. Then they will have store fronts where you can use real money to increase the chances to obtain them. Was a KMMO called Vindictus (made by Nexon) around 2010 that is the definition of Pay to Win--you only had so many free tokens a day to take boat rides to the various map instances and could pay more money for additional rides. The map instances are where any of the gameplay takes place, so at some point you were forced to stop playing unless someone else paid for you or you bought more tokens. On top of that you had weapons that you could forge up in level (+1 - +15 IIRC) but after +10 they had a chance to permanently break unless you bought an item with real money to safeguard them. That's my baseline for 'Pay to Win'. In addition, played another Nexon game called MapleStory where you actually had to buy an item to pick up loot off the ground or in higher level maps you either died instantly trying to pick it up (and dying reduced your EXP to the next level) or you lost like 60% of the loot as it also disappears pretty quick. Nothing in GW2 is Pay to Win to me. You have convenience items like infinite gathering tools--but that's about it. The level 80 boosts are negligible as new players might like the actual leveling experiences and if they don't they give the boosts away like candy anyway. Hero Points are a non-factor since you can skip those with WvW for long time now. That's all free and takes really no time at all to do--putting them in gemstore I guess just helps the people that don't want to be griefed. I guess if they put actual mastery points in the gemstore that would be closer to Pay to Win as those have direct game impacts--but still nothing near what KMMOs were and are doing (like BDO, Genshin, etc.).
  19. You forgot open world meta events--most players are here. Just done a whole bunch of HoT metas for Nevermore and can say each one of them 100+ people, especially Dragon's Stand. Now multiply that by however many metas are in the game---way more than 700-800 people on at a time lol. Realistically I'd put it more toward probably 8-10k people online at a time across all modes. If it were only 700-800 NCSoft would have shuttered this game years ago... This would include WvW as well which is still segregated by server, and it seems most of them still have a queue sometime during the day, especially peak hours. Did get a lol out of '10 people', you may have never seen VIP blobs but it's a hell of a lot more than 10 people 😂. They usually k-train for 2-3 hours a night it seems. The sPVP population is low though, as it only caters to a very specific population. Compared with WvW where you have a lot of ways to play it, in sPvP you have only conquest, 2v2, and 3v3--with maybe the LoL light mode if you for some reason want to subject yourself to unranked. Regardless, the 11 million is marketing.
  20. It's a 2 min vid on a beta char, how hard do you think I was trying when getting zero rewards? Since you are holding on to 'viable', the reason I said it is viable is because you definitely can theorycraft a zerg build around these. Just screwing around and testing it with CA/Entangle was able to put it to pretty good effect--the whole point of the video was to show support/group build not one-shot montages you seem used to. One shot montages by and large are useless--they are all meme builds that catch bad players unaware; I don't like them and don't make them. Anyway, if I was on my actual character, with actual gear, and actually trying--it would be a different video, and maybe down the line I'll do a roaming or group one with them. But for now, the whole point was to show you can stay in the thick of things. Saying 'maces are useless' is facetious at best--the offhand alone has some really good utility. The problem with maces is building up force of nature--even in that video you can see it was tough and didn't quite get there even when basically just running forward into enemies. It's also BG, and BG never has been a fighting server, so any defense is basically chasing them down if they don't overwhelm. The point being can't build force of nature on something running from you. In sPvP I see them probably being most used to bunker sidenode, much to chargrin of some on here. The barrier and stab puts them leagues above Hammer in this regard. Anyway, I've said my peace, showed the basic vid--no use going in circles really.
  21. If it a skill issue, you probably can't--that's more the matchmaker being ridiculous than anything. If want to fight them directly, then going to need to learn kiting/positioning to keep the node at neutral or better yet, keep it capped at your color and stall them. If they have it and you can't decap it, then best to ignore the node.
  22. At least I can always count on you two coming at me to inflate a post count---thanks for the feedback, it was a fun read 😂.
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