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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. This can be turned into profit--I may or may not know of a situation where someone mailed someone else and in response the mailed person was so tilted they kept sending chocolate bananas, and the mailer made like 3g that night. Basically, some want to watch the world burn and know how to both tilt and make a profit from it...
  2. Who needs emotes when you can jump and/or throw a variety of siege? There's also transformation tonics...
  3. I take Moa in general as 'I can't kill you normally so going to take the easy route'. Degen skill, and if I personally survive it and they don't, someone's getting sieged. Thief hate is fun though when engis can burst nades from stealth (and throw nades backwards) and mes in general can do all kinds of broken things from stealth let alone the ports, immunity, distortion, clones... Could say its one thing to die to thief on engi as after said nade burst you are a sitting duck unless have really good movement and are playing something like scrapper or holo--but dying to a thief on mesmer is so lol.
  4. It'd be hard proof that say in a duo one is 1200 and the other 1500 rather than conjecture based on names, timing, etc. It'd also get a vast majority of people to be less toxic as if you are a silver rank talking trash, just going to get laughed at and/or blocked. My point was sPvP needs more exposure and pulling back of the curtain, not less. They mask too much under 'can't do that as its toxic' and create a far more toxic environment by doing so.
  5. To cut out some of the mystery of sPvP, if you Q up for ranked it should always show what actual rank you are next to your name. That way we know who is getting carried, who is being toxic but bronze/silver ina gold+ game and can start seeing also who is gaming the system by looking at the disparity between duo partners. Toxicity isn't an excuse until they fix the sPvP lobby and match chat itself. Still going to get cussed out by some angry AFK, but at least if can see ranking can have hard data to blame the matchmaker with. Right now, all we have is to see if they are in Top 250 (got salted by a thief in the top 10 the other day lol) and block/add friend to see AP and known acct names. Also, it would be nice to know if someone is 'gold' if they are G1 or G3 as that's a large disparity. It's weird to begin with that you can display the badge everywhere but the actual game itself..don't think it shows there, and if it does people can still hide it anyway so no help. Need a non-optional method to tell whos who.
  6. They only spam the forums about this if it's thief or ranger. Also, good to see some things literally never changed when we have posters here complaining about not being able to outrun an AI pet. How are those pointless aisle fights going guys? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. Stunbreaks? LR, Protect Me!, and Glyph of Equality are all very good and are not overloaded. You can throw in Mutate Conditions too as being pretty good as long as you get the vuln stacks off, which are pretty easy to do by taking a cleansing weapon swap sigil at the least. Only the signet is dog water. I fail to see how spreading out Dolyak's effectiveness hurts anything. Having a utility only accessible to a certain spec be essentially irreplicable on any build isn't super healthy. Not that I think they should open up the utilities--Weaponmaster will leave for different discussion, but majorly dropping sPvP and WvW numbers I believe is enough to show that having everything (cele in WvW/all weapons) is not a good thing.
  8. Not uncommon...similar game in mid-G2 but stuck against a double duo: https://imgur.com/a/Oxy0q75 I get stuck against a LOT of those. Plat 1 shouldn't be top 100 though, that's most of the issue here--not enough players for matchmaker to work. So, go get more to play sPvP or live with it I guess....
  9. Thanks for the mes explanation--with generation those 3 clones per mesmer sure feel like 8 as they come back almost as fast as they shatter. The two mesmers in my picture in WvW were essentially immortal for all the reasons you list, and there is no catching them in WvW...so the only way to actually kill them was to outnumber and try to chain CC while fighting the targeting system. I mean the inevitable conclusion was leave them to flip camps and re-flip...but that's kind of the entire point here of why WvW mes is an issue, as you should be able to actually contest and win. From your breakdown of Lick Wounds I thought you played competitive as why would it ever be a problem in PvE; unless by: You mean sPvP then it makes more sense if you play WvW and are having trouble with Lick Wounds. If that's the case, Lick Wounds can yes be CC'd or you can simply outdamage it with almost any build that isn't support/bunker. For those, you just need to pop stability and use a stomp. But since you are a mesmer, stealth stomping is an option as plenty of that to go around.
  10. Ya, looks like Naru messing around against mostly G1, G2 at best players, with an alt. This wouldn't surprise me as I faced him on his main once before when I was at 1260. Naru was bodying that reaper with traps, the warr with what looks like true shot, and then just baiting the weaver into clear outnumber situations then using trap to burst it as ele is squishy. Looked like Untamed essentially was trying to carry blue but not much you can do with a literally no support comp. Surprised it was as close as it was...as could most likely just have bullied far to start and let them feed into their home / mid and just win like 500-200. Oh, and looks like Naru also in duo with the reaper who is #3 on the leaderboard lol. He exits too quickly to see the duo, but the white highlight on the leaderboard + the fact he's in party when he leaves games gives it away.
  11. Fun fact, it used to pulse stability: "Strength of the Pack!" - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) This skill was previously called Rampage as One, but was categorized to a shout, had its cooldown and effect duration halved and had pulsing boon application (instead of one time 20s boons on activation) added with the June 23, 2015 game update. They then neutered it and ramped it up to 75s for years until new dev I guess discovered it a couple months ago and reduced its CD to 60s. What they should probably do is make Dolyak an elite (sans stun break) so you can use it on any spec and make it 60s CD. So just the damage reduction, movement impairing condition removes, and instant stab. Turn it back into a shout as well as they aren't doing anything with commands, so should just revert all those to shouts. Then Dolyak can break stun and instead apply the fury and swiftness that SoTP now does. This would put it in line with all the other ranger stun breaks (lighting reflexes, protect me, glyph of equality, etc.) and also put SoTP in line with elite like Forest Fortification. Because right now, Dolyak is WAY too high value to be a utility skill and just nerfing it without compensation isn't an option. So, swapping it out for a more general-purpose defensive elite would fix it and also fit the balancing direction they are going in with 'bruiser'.
  12. You see clone spam lately? https://imgur.com/a/CdyXDhD Lick Wounds isn't A.E.D or Vengeance lmao. You don't just 'get back up' when you use it...you even mention the literal counter to it: Now, what's my counter to a bunker mesmer with 8 clones, Akeem, more condi than a radiation zone, and enough invuln / distort to outlast half a PvP match? As to topic question---bit of column A and B, not so much 'hate' as inability to balance. They balance ranger around random internal playstyles...first it was burst, now it's bunker. Problem is neither method works with the pet--the burst you merge, and the bunker you just use pet as CC and hope you aren't near stairs, gaps, or something it has to path to your enemy across.
  13. I'd rather they take out every map besides Capricorn, then have all players rush the bell like Hunger Games and whoever is left standing gets rewards. Otherwise, wtf is the point of rating?
  14. When Shortbow is 1200 again or CMC runs out of water...whichever comes first.
  15. Yeah, it's crazy, with how low the population is, Gold 3 might as well be the same division as Plat 1 now. Swings are real though--started season myself at 1480, lost legit 10 in a row, down to 1240, now back up to 1350 X_X. All within 100 games lol.
  16. Next balance update: Renamed Cheetah to Aqua Stalker to better convey intent
  17. I would wager balancing starts with sPvP and moves to the other modes. From 5-man sPvP to 5-man instanced content like fractals, up to squad based content like Raids and WvW. Easiest way to do it as you start developing the dynamic and then can formalize the PvE stuff as that's all fixed rotations. For reaper though, I said it earlier but for me it's just that chill is a lot like blind and super strong. All the top 10 + alts in NA don't run reaper, they run holo/scrapper atm. Had an entire team decimate mine 50-500 just running deadeye + two scrappers and coordinating bursts. In fact, that very playstyle destroys reaper--I can do it to a lot of reapers on burst SLB even after all the nerfs. Five hits max, two/three to take out shroud and usually 2 to kill them from full HP; takes some skill and a lot of patience to pull off though.
  18. I did grow up on Final Fantasy, if that answers your question. Would it be elite PvP without RP names though?
  19. Mild balance. That would be what Mesmer gets and I know you know quite a bit about that profession. If we just go with that comparison, Sharpening Stone is laughable even WITH the CD reduction when Mes pukes out confusion and thus can abuse Akeem for one. We won't go into all the invuln / stealth spam etc. that makes mes an unkillable roamer in WvW and a very tough fight in sPvP. So, let's stop the 'we' and the dancing around and call a spade a spade. There has been no good given reason for any of these random nerfs ranger receives.
  20. Guess not really a 'defense' as much as a spin of it being a 'small' change when 6s increase on both your condi burst and 2 condi cleanse if traited is quite a lot. That and it was the only such skill that did not receive a CD reduction with no explanation. Same thing is happening in this topic with Smokescale KD removal. It's not a 'small' change when even PvE players are noticing its effect loss on breakbars as not everyone runs Red Moa raid rotation. I think the frustration here is that they keep applying these 'small' nerfs without any explanation and more of us need to call them out on it instead of acting as if it's fine. As these 'small' changes are always coupled with large ones (recently, Ancient Seed removal and OWP nerf) that put it over the top into unacceptable territory as they are never replaced with anything meaningful. Literally this entire patch was bugfixes for pets and they still suffer from the 'mech queue bug' where they can no longer cancel one action with another and lots of times their auto-attack screws over commanding them to do anything else. They still can't path for kitten and devs also made sure to throw in other 'small' changes like KD removal, Jacranda HP nuking, Porcine Forage destruction, whatever Lacerating => Brash Slash is supposed to do, etc. to end up with net nerfs anyway...
  21. You an aisle fight enjoyer, I can tell--perhaps also one of those that likes to go in and get Yasmi's Favor?
  22. As a wiseman once said... "Lifes's a kitten then you're gonna die"
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