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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. They must like it as they are seemingly basing ranger's mace around the 'growing' mechanic now 😶
  2. Not sure it's the easiest route as you can just avoid it--which I personally do every time it comes up despite being proficient in the art of grief. That's kind of my point, the JP is just annoying as hell even if you take combat out of it and is way out of line with all other WvW weeklies (excluding ruby/emerald/pokemon JP on alpine). So kinda in conclusion for me here, I don't think putting a griefing mechanism in with a casual reward system leads to good player retention. A new player is going to go into a JP thinking it's like a PvE JP, get griefed, leave--and WvW never grows. At the very least we should be confining griefers against the casual to EOTM, which to me at least is fine, as it's more like a training ground for WvW than anything else. As its off to side anyway so casuals (in my experience) don't usually choose to go there over a borderland or the sanctum; so, if they do go there and die it's easier to explain what the intent is. And, it's EOTM so not even griefers want to go there! EDIT: For the 'combat' for everyone point--we have S camp that's been unofficial duel zone for like 11 years now (can't count the number of times I had to tell new ppl not to stomp there) and soon guild halls--the latter tells me they want 'unofficial' combat out of WvW so I wouldn't be suprised if the JP is next to get it turned off.
  3. Definite 'no' from me here dawg. Soulbeast is ranger's LI spec by far, which is why they took the hatchet to OWP, Sword, Pig, etc. all in like hotfixes. They've thus far only beat the crap out of dagger/staff untamed because it was bunker. You get focus fired on Untamed, you die--even with power, you don't have the mobility bird/gazelle/smokescale merges give you nor the 'get out of jail reeee' card that is Dolyak Stance. You have some super speed on skills like your heal and elite but that's kinda stupid way to get speed over soulbeast which gets it free via merge. Soulbeast also gets free movement speed buff this way, etc. etc. Lastly, not combo'ing your unleashes and spamming those off CD is...not great. Thinking the reason 'noobs' are picking up Untamed is the Staff/Dagger build was a good way to be effective while spamming like you mention, but they quickly changed that. I know for me, if I see anyone on Untamed it's the first 'call target' to be made in nearly any setting. For the topic though, think they need to watch mesmer as it is going to get out of hand again like it always does on this sine wave pattern of OP/useless, and meme nade engi needs some tuning with the buffs engi will get with patch. We gotta leave thieves alone though, I haven't felt threatened by one in a really long time--power that is. The condi decap ones get annoying with the stealth access but so does my Druid (I'm guessing). In that vein, bunkers like scourge and specter aren't super fun to play against either, but I don't see that being out of line as both were pretty useless prior to demon queen (which ranger can use to good ef--*cough* nvm!).
  4. Think we're splitting hairs here--you can get PvE achieves in WvW--all the 'dodge roll', 'loot enemy', 'combo field' ones are green for PvE and I've gotten plenty of those in WvW. These don't involve actual players, they trigger on NPCs. With that in mind, just need to make the JP non-combat--highlighting the wizard vault objective yellow or green is really a non-factor. I mean, also, we're literally talking about Wizard Vault here which has nothing to do with the 'real' WvW weekly (the one that yields 8 gold for 6 acheives). There is no JP in the actual WvW weekly achievement section, so no reason to be hardcore about the Vault which is clearly casual minded. Because honestly, if we're going to split hairs about this then WvW is the easiest way to get vault objectives even WITH risk of combat. PvE has way harder JPs, meta events, fractals, etc. in it and PvP has literal touranment as one of the objectives. So, it's totally fine just to disable combat in the JP and keep it in rotation as WvW is hybrid PvE anyway--so JPs fit in that regard.
  5. The GW2 boomers among us do not have to imagine--we lived it. To be fair, we always had gliding--or if somehow you found yourself there while utterly ignoring the mastery system soon learned what gliding was. I never understood how we have gone this long without new maps, as the ones that exist are buggy as hell so not like they can't just slap something together with the assets they have. The potential there is the depressing part--would have liked to see like a city type thing with EoD with ziplines and such and the buildings being the keep (GW2 meets counter-strike lol).
  6. It's literally the WvW forums, the only place more cynical is the PvP forums 😂 Anyway: I'm not sure how defend events equate to the time loss of a JP, unless they bug out--and I think we can all agree that isn't normal nor should happen. People also seem to equally hate defend events for that exact reason, but still, most defend events do not take at least 15 min of concentrated solo effort to possibly have an kitten destroy you at the very end and start throwing 'bless' emotes up. Sure, if you are bottom of t4 there may be no one--but I've seen quite a few people in the JP against the higher placed more trolly servers which I won't name but we know who they are. They didn't attack me personally, but I have no idea if it's because they know me, know that I roam a lot myself, have 'X of arena' title or whatever, they weren't looking to grief (at that exact moment). The ones that come after me are mostly thieves in pairs and usually hover around alpine S camp area only--but I digress, personal experience isn't really a case to rest a broad argument on. Even if I WAS to base the broad argument on that, I wouldn't want to meet a troll duo theif pair at the end of Obisdian--even though I consider myself decent at outnumbered I don't want to fight that kitten after 15 minutes of jumping. I think to sum my entire point up is what others have said--JPs of any kind do not belong in a PvP zone. If we argue they do, then we need to argue that vault objectives need different weighting--like dodge roll 5 times should not be the same number of acclaim that literal obsidian sanctum is.
  7. lolwat Swear with this amount of spin I'm in the PvP forum right now and not WvW haha EDIT: To be clear, to me the above implies you need to take risks to get WvW rewards (i.e. high risk ones like JPs).
  8. I think you may have missed my point... Take the 5 camps, you go from spawn to home, cap, go back to spawn, wait. Almost 90% of the time there will be from 5-10 other people waiting at that same camp, so chances of dying are low--even if you DO die, it's a 30 second walk back. You may not even have to walk back if you killed a guard, you get credit! The JP? 15-20 minutes if you are a good jumper, on a map with a pitch black section and several other tricky jumps (spiral staircase is just annoying IMO), only to die at the end. No chance these are equal. Let's go step further into ACTUAL sPVP--capture a node, kill a few people, rank up (lol), etc. All in the course of a match you have to finish to get credit, so no time loss. These JPs are the ONLY competitive tasks that you can legit lose time on, and that shouldn't be a thing. That's the point. The rest of my post was just a response to what I perceived as elitist 'it's competitive bro, you're gonna die, and if you don't like it go back to your baby open world PvE!' attitude.
  9. Ya, stuck in wall = no punishment as that is on anet. Underground though? I'd just apply a 24 hr ban for review, even if somehow you 'accidently' end up there you only get 1 day ban. Then add like account strike for 6 months, you go down there again and just get perma'd.
  10. Haha yeah; this was similar--the chill from harb kept me slow and I had swapped out my speed relic to try out Demon Queen--so I was REALLY slow. Thief just freecasts while I try to kite, inevitably die from condis as can't outrun the thief, and by outrunning them I'm using up my condi clears and can't fight the both of em straight up as harb hard counters this particular build anyway. Some duos are super wicked 🤮. Also, kinda wanted to add more to the topic since its been going on a while--before going further, I don't want to seem like I'm singling out guard here either, I think Elixer of Ambition also needs a MASSIVE nerf in WvW. Like kitten they're turning ranger plasma into 'throw stick' but this kitten is untouched? Anyway, since topic is still going for like 3 months, my solution remains the same--just nerf JI. They did it for Ranger Dagger in sPvP, they can do it for Guard in WvW. I know it's core functionality, but that's how CMC balances. Just give it a tell so you can interrupt it, and/or remove the burn entirely from it and increase the CD to like 40-45 seconds (only in WvW). Not even advocating for double CD like they did to us Rangers, because that's just stupid haha. Of course, they could just abolish cele and hit a bunch of builds at once but seems like they aren't doing that....ever.
  11. It is when you put it in a duo with something super mobile like a thief... Not that I ran into that recently or anything.
  12. This is like super kool-aid delusional, ngl. 'Other' weekly WvW involves low risk behavior like camp capturing, sentry points, literal EoM, maybe a few player kills. Not 15-20 minute JP only to be griefed at the end. The 'no WvW reward without the risk (bro)' makes it seem like you're a competent roamer that routinely does outnumbered fights--because that's the only actual risk in WvW...mind showing us your vids? 🙃
  13. OP... Magnetic Aura - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Your welcome
  14. My thoughts... They should leave it alone in PvE and WvW as it is non-factor there, because PvE is well PvE and WvW smallscale has much, much larger issues than one KD. That leaves sPvP which somehow still directs balance despite having 15 people who play it. Anyway, there the soulbeast merge is the problem due to the might stacking and modifiers you get from merging--produce's too much of a burst (because hell we're not nade engis 🙃). I have thoughts on why removing it from merged soulbeast and replacing with a damage skill doesn't fix anything and have posted those, so won't repeat it here. Removing from the pet though is asinine, as plenty of pets have CC skills that aren't on F2 and only Untamed can control the pet. Removing from pet defeats the purpose of combo'ing with Untamed as well because all of the pet unleashed skills have CC components attached. So, removing a KD there is removing skillful play or just striaght up nerfing Untamed for no reason (again). But yeah, we can throw this one in the bin with the 100% increase to Dagger #4 cause 'reasons'.
  15. EDIT: Nevermind; had the bubble not deploy on me, however not sure if it was one off or not
  16. Why would I post infrequently? Can have a thousand 'nerf ranger' topics, literal classism with only ranger nerfs in the actual patch, etc. and I should post infrequently based on a 30 second clip; I do have a YouTube if you want to see manicured videos, not meme ones about how 'special needs' the pets are. I mean you are literally chastising me in a topic named 'any1 complaining that ranger isn't strong enough, or will be bad next patch is COPING' lol--it sounds like it was written at a third grade reading level....so since we're down there, might as well shitpost when I can. I mean, oh sorry for the serious reply..."I need you to post again to get 1000 total and then stop posting forever". 🤣
  17. Nothing that still can't be done--which is why I was confused. Can take same build but soulbeast, get access to 1/3 condi + direct damage every 40s with no hit requirement to reduce CD. Then can take stout pets, etc. etc. The only difference here is Perilous Gift which has way higher CD than something like Troll Unguent for a measly 3s immunity and on top has a health threshold as to not to waste it. Basically, if CMC was after nerfing bunker ranger then the dagger nerf is super left field--maybe I could see it if it had its original movement which was nerf a looong time a go with offhand training removal. Ambush nerfs make somewhat more sense but the blinds on solar brilliance are way more important than the prot that was removed, etc. tldr; I never saw this build as viable, and neither did meta battle (it's a great read)--and don't see how these nerfs do anything but hurt ranger overall when the intent was to nerf untamed bunker. Thankfully it's all for sPvP though and as many have said, no one cares.
  18. Literally what...did you read what you typed? Staff + D/D Untamed has...one evade lol. Where is this ~50% evade uptime coming from again...we aren't mesmers...
  19. Hasn't been relevant in 8 months. Even Boyce switched to power soulbeast prior to OWP nerf because Untamed is so bad, and I know you aren't Boyce level.
  20. Weapon master training + Let Loose change; because nerfing core functionality to combat e-spec power creep is very on brand
  21. Might want to tell CMC about this 1v1 ladder, as clearly, he doesn't agree with any of this 🤣. Or maybe he was participating in it, and someone killed him...unsure?
  22. Apparently, it warranted a hot fix and not even making a balance patch. I'm not sure what's in CMC's water but clearly, he needs less WFH time with these changes as is sitting on the secret reddit / discord too much...
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